HomeMy WebLinkAboutInstallation & Monitoring Sentricon Colony` A AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR EiATHIS omeTeam RETREM M ENT OF A STRUCTURE P a>t T o e r e mr a e• AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES • SAW LUCIE COUNTY USE ONLY CAUSED BY WOOD DESMVDNG ORGAmsm wrmw THE LIMITS STATED IN THIS AGREEMMNi AaaadNn:- � AGREEMENT FOR THE WFALLATION AND MONITORING OF'THESENTRICONO COLONY ELMM71ONSVSMM FORNEW CONSTRUCTION &Dana L GENERAL INFORMATION. Nacre&ftK 40y M-e&dauwaed UA. serviceAddressquIq y N)k1u-)Q0& Ly,) City: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code: 3 yes r Loeaim d itatmaat &idw Peael U=V fea up„r tt210 SeedonM SERVICECOMNATMENT. Billing Address; City: .{+ i:•e Stele• �L Zip Coda, YJ .Hoare Phone: — Wo* Phone; —7-7Z 14,E — /3-/ 1 Tcmmwa Tw O cmratm O pravadva lammd and dosavi *ma m (12)—A, wawwhntesalmdamsudamforamca mwt Seetlaa HL CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTMCON SYSTM Cana=oemdaamOda A. Tin Sumb amt 4aw tevalrct btarihtlm and manitalmts, oohmy alhuimftm smith Rmxmii famha bah, and ambscgtmmf atoahariag for oamthssao p=aksdm Ilea msawtamhoaAtmlmo B tatmrabofUomaGwwoalowmmothmtoyems�Oldbaam�oanlbdumt: L toadlmnimmort�Samlaoomaaiammsdtatamkorairifptomdlow�Eoa(oeorAcaaitwadtoOs�Cm:d s. AM;adAw*tm:mkobmdL C. feodteg"heaseom impend* hmrolv6tg addhhmad ma and dmmbq may oxen. Addhlaad sarbm mmdt mw rya rppihmatomw of oamreatimnl tartah[ddes are avauc to ceegba famtthe D.WetoaS�od,d<ortambadaifdodmd,batt<oaetaa�droroada9laateaotraamtetenott000imgattm!nation fantod!oetEathosastmoe8tnteatheaiaua6mw>bhtot(Reaofgt5mpmrm�pwa#etemdtahamamlttag (tKatdas4aidaltooatagr It Ietmmt fbat homoeRaaai< DowAga3akaocsLLC, domaatofRtaeit,ahttavtdarideuaofvery tartatr6ofmmmmsilmtmidty omdy d p e�m>t ptaNded �iea the amnia of mubtmoaem mmtW {A+pp. Naaotamn rpA ad mays OP (Pamawa4 Ztsb ADeeaiau don oat ptamrido for fho ttereamt of mp afhm Fore. pltat, mmmrd or atsmmhte odor then amdt tamit¢a 76a CotRpaCi bn oat or amw om 0• Im npn mtmt nt�gvdirtethoa t ormofineradatostma(IomtaAimw��p� Seeaom LV. DOW AGROSCLENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRLCON SYSTEM COMPONOM Cottoasaettotmdemzmadafam A nwfimtiscmm Syttow mad as otda aaagoamb of do scwbm syum Pceampmmn7bava brae d0p Wby Dow Arddmca LLC. Tho Campma ammdwmt'0emwiedopmapmagafDmvAgoSdatmwc themmm:earaotFglmwddmrapeatosopaftbeGompaam;atEexdimtLotidktptle}taroo h tmw by do f, I m on the auaccr paeadae each fhb Awcamum D. On a9hm[m or tamfmdm of db Agmttad, do Company sod Dow Agddemar Lr.0 a tb* rmpaatve are emhotitad by ea mmms to eaetavo t3nm QtltoateK pram&m de swear and atbtr Campos for appmpdtm &Vwutm, to adal m, ifr� fhradwlavtr reason eamm to pnmasfm or tamhtdit dH A&vtwAft d Rdtomd to tbo Caaoma mt tmaartt egad fo dta odd for ittviai tat jet mdvad ACtutomct eduw CO disomfiam the talatlmt*. ar rf fha Caaptmyeaanmommaa'eptvoskandvefhtmoff emitepm -axatd O FAWam arsUawDwAsmSdamLLC atbsnyra tauenweam=gothepmesimfarthortetavofd*Ac*nqaamxaod a%0- OW dv Ca� mend Dow Agwakaan LLC or thahr [mpoedvo rr i.a mammbts aeass to the ptemima for the tteievtt of de b. t$thtcapoowhbdoCaaspmyootb0=donmdtmmtiwfomtofttM**Q &dofWMW odlaAsmmmL PAVMWM8ftM 0eaah QCha* Oereaeud Ifpayhtgbp tsoddeadoe noeatdagdeMt&�yambaetramoammLPhmoeo>�tma@oottathrdAodmhmttmlbrRMttoaQod paymaast MhAfpavmtmlemtalmoremtotbnitmtanr,madG[mtsadatdmianamdaCamp:gysobRpmtims fihoaroddoanttmAprtutmbs&mdpday m mmiduWee tht do Compmy Pafoemtag do teevleea epadasd Abm mend mambf ar CO the coma and eaWft of fhB Agamm; Caaamer spa to m d a rho tmEattudbfim ca d abo o ctKvaC29m lea damUaa>pmy of a dmmd MY of db Agcm mL Ub Awatmas is ant bWlsd as da Amy men s3paod by as CUSTOMS t HOMETF.AM PESTDMME, INC. slsaottmm NbatdNemaor it-& a2mlej VOIDIFOR PRESLABAPPROVAL ONLY jkm.e.f- eaM eilraw,D,.NONEFFECTIVE 81i YOR THECDSIOdlER ifApCMLSI lJlL4lRA11HtClJdNATANY!lAl6PQlOB71D MIhN1rdtrerfmr n�mn nucruaee TAB AEMOVAL OF 1288M OR DATUM GMEN btAV RIMULT ONA LACKOF TERMUS PAOTECrtON ethtamTwm�me189whe iaoj `wd c(wwApnSdoeanLLC (riraarmsi7 3ee40 V. CUUUMt' t COMMRM INir AS TO CONDMONS CONDUCIVE TO Q( WATIONL MW QntaM Mass to be solery tospmsabte Att tbartenodPamtlgfDeolltmttroytrosettoatstaob:dwtotamlm('CoadgimaCoo�rdna'toobotowform�5msdoo).7boC,momwWw b fao tespamfblo far hltedQitte tad tattesriag Coad done Coubsi . 1UNwaaAft eats es"v* with Ma Casmma, ems wh *a MOO cif Cho C�qt to ohm Ontama to may of ow abovo c orAWOM dwo as alarCowmnY rapeasUft umda this Bedbo. In wMidaq the uoaaoca of ay- Comdadvo- that aao am tasrmatad, ladad Ray Cartditlaa Caadodvo adstiaS ism am rldbTo m Ibo dam of tbo amamloa of thh Arc, vttl the Cwmt .Y m Ep solo to taro am! Asugaustt or to nquim Cocousr to timdmso xw odd and etootatw tcvA d m o coma of as Cae�dwo. � Rate tO kdllr 000passo on tbac4cow denies f!m coca of tbh Agra sad oerw w am b den oats) 6attd keo &am sacb COmdi'eCot�tsdvaOthnrpomlGortam:taq bmao04thalttdh,roo aaotadbotwvin'Ad&dm+d Wmasrw'(SodiaaXv} COND)f10NSCONDUCIVBtCatdidmtsCoadairoiadado, rboltttlatptop"v fatdbrpl®btttg,mdwatatm)uahtmuiocb at emend tbo ettaets"t bboeot atppXitRl patbI= S. hot nol lhake 1 M we'd to gtowd tamosl, eet�aty bilatab mad wtkmda eJOo famdadoa fow ga awieb atba hogAund xi�aaalaa+o Iwatbaaoed.amte' V ��w�w�irwift6�ar gecdw VL ADDfMN%ALTEPATION&AND OMCR CHANO8S.7hb Ag uzmat tort" den Strodmds) hlw&Ud laSaalaq 1 osofalto dwotdw kW hw6tdlan. Catania vJil taotw@dafY QadAI den CaaV air to wing 0) tubr to den Satawe(t) 6dag steof t moBRed. oaaed ar ottravira ehtagaq, 01 taia to tmwhiddo EoiggCT4mcdartsp�ptte�d oa at aloso to 16Oloatfw ofmry Smdoa A) If tog 4 semoved araddad aramd du foaadmioa of dw 8aunwdd or(q tmY ttaVa>btg of addldaq Ilan. dwraafiaveattaatYboFhHuram�� pbyy mca*dto to �Qasmmerias,g, �re%&omQrcW am Had above May vdd Msq et cum f s mqAid by any tbnbaVILDAMAOER91ATED7t0SBRYICFS.ZbaCempmgwitlattadmGmtaowUopah agtarbabemandntoaaempttoaroldd aaY of Cammda ycopay. pleat m Under m tdraa>mtimta w{p den Ctatpmy be fat dmiuge namd by den WatyeaY n dw than alto pafartao4 tbom daeeaass eesaideg eom glassAND mVB�mo of tea Campsat Oeaomm b amstbiq m auma,dy tolo mVeaea, fwtatlm41�6sg Cmwmal, rtwo Real laasbcoya)sttabmlhaloa oftbo SinFaas W� ooe+as t gLI t dCw9cadodmB lEhNsIs o Wm ort Agtouaaq mWmamdh Ca rteas lo s hd od w w n du p to td9de; sweet to dw Scams tact& sad OVAU m are, Agramad. den CMUM will repsr n Is wn, now tamge damge to tbo trettcd stmamt(t1. Zbe Comp #o laid l dOV sill not wooed In esq aao eland& yam go ON Otto t1fOQ0t1O of (A) the fah WOW votoo of den tainted aueaaapL oar mooed III ,OtlOpbOb ow andwtaeodam nufdwAgs ,6> eaoaetmoetL I. MM.mswdw aay ddm for aooanada Oampmsdotl, Of taaotiaetdal dmugas otte tg to do efts o of Muffsaem taluba In StAtmw= tam(mda�garfortaammdoat;laoarmsbm tthitetsOpttagdtmbmtanofv"wcw'ottgdotdamEodwwRhopannmoars*ffr owtwmhcsa soltases®tam(m dmt�o The Crammer adaawladgcs tlw �o may b paAamhy Asawfaccadccacpt &u taadto cepdta sin fetch adore and anY daasga to tbo sbucatre cash try the y is den Pm kramm Or its tonics; cmzw w vAd M fa pn¢pngr old IV= tam aadw no tktpQamparyboholdtteMalbrapaamaatgitaatamthoaomampmtdbrdaCoaoamatafwdwtaadto oetobapetrbrmed 2.Dwtoeatbtarosatotoredobtbttbktmttestdrlgogsvatkwtobsprtsmtfoesfrttttanforepsrlad dmolbiWKtashanmmtThsCYmpmylsaot Rasp&adbWfortvpslaofsabtaetaemteemttedamsgtthatoawsbstaretWnpsbpa4aaaftha OtWmastded+e >.ThotoaeptSttoaahadamegerall6000aaaEadro Watdmaa!(aof(oOootoq orslalomtadaoornbaathoSmdw AddtwordoAsn«tmtvamyaft5oaeaftatStpiam Colatbrotupbodoemedtoosamvdawt Atlfsabptootsmt:Qatrvettaatboeftwnho � ae Raaait'omit& bdt b aan or Roam tmotm tray swum loaded m tbt: $avko Addtem dm Cis e haft to b o m, fora paled of tame waoaeirormvketddtstodm8avbeAdd"n, Uvetatttttmain ofdatermtmbeapmlamlotetedmdmSavtaoAddtop rfmsardamaE;0.aavtdauadbydm FORM000fgvatattpaat♦aeamtvdtitotboCat ob9aedoatott rteataiwdonmgobbltxoe.repowbgaaittmttadlleatlmftamCasmmerandmtotpoalatpy the CaatpsgY. tbo Comloaq tgtoa to tatasbtma Cmwmm rbr toe oaesotmbie tort of den eapab6 !xe awry to ttmown tan the tad scascowe eonhmh aRoyal" Is laotam>O00.t10Ofaantam cslandnYea. d. SaSjas to too a ptovFdmt of this Sodbo VUL4, (bdoms vviG !b eatidod to sole" tea cadredm vvbo will put"tho loaded Repo" to dw tread aaasmdFl Pdorroauaimgimo a oattaotwil6 eooasraaar;�nagroatoprotidotEoCoO<oaeY ec�ro"ftaoyropasodaantm orwaitxa b+d. Udm Qeteno!¢ettaobidtoboesoottdvarCtosomaapaatog"mstmntotaotreetsdsammne(o)toeaoonraardetbanmbydwCow*Mfordwymy=&fo e ra sacaodiddlartbowoik iemtovtbeaobolotenasddplobidslbrttVstrwotkCwtanwsAoowkdgatanamCMgMresu*ACam totatt ftwairowto ih. Ce�mpa�oy b am raspaadMo for den etpoo otaitica Mdbla dmaego (aoxd ea tke anadad Im an tyQw or biddta dsamgo mdtthe a ofdm dam oftbis Apaommccott 160 (?oa*pany boa as guraam tan tho damage disda d ea den washed fiqudm awA rep a m, aA artbo otbdng dome W as ordie dde artalt Zoo . wM Oat omp>wi v tar p) zq damep easrnd hf tamltn to (be treated etranmssW ortbe aeakab tbertaf noblai prior to ar tba etrm o A�semeae or R) oaf toot w espeaset [mew I M Ca ssaaattiof say smeb dtwvge. Cates mat-, ar �damaaYe tbs propnb aryeopb cast mar satmtt thread ortadlnedy Dom wvka paay, wttb the ob an Ross Roof Cam aasUorl4smployeo, lbxltanlX.PA 7lm to aadndtbAgamwat4emtd{tteasdtrpaa oh talbllddloptiwsdfonbb8odianU sbaraC a� Amn if ww � ore vmti�dstodduanta��7ea & its cm** cul aI daa��k ndmdaaeetrboteMsltavieotoomatowdtoobdmatadpgabSoopoaeaodpeatmvoaptmwtattanmamipddwi@htt�yPO)dmrsottboioro Woutum taaootasearAoedstmgmtdbobuoattarmeagmdtodmlmwatt9;tpettaamh(ItitbpecYp� ardwmahrttminmallotvodbY a.todmovaadol"dadoeis tttocsnrytoeotleAmgratmowdantboCompmy,tlm wit)Ooadbitdtorotnva6omCwatmollwtborocoadiotitadaftReanamedwn wdrocs, let a�doa to ell oat eamaaes dao too Cemipoy. tkttlan X.7EAM. Usiha athaado opaalRtairy yratided ktrdo, dwijpmmdoa�cam tan den IOW toga of this Agteanca vC be sir eadvo 12) momla and will be �paYaawm� rawfeo bBedionl ItD ofddsA&tartmm(o4iantO� opmvldwitet )om5uetka �takn paro toasdsbydenasObylboCampmyor by Cltaaaut, n eqy limo AtUavriagtim 6tHfd carat. wtEttm mottos eo tea esberpay n low t�qr (3� days tuioteo cult tataFaaea At den eOd often tiro (f3 Dato4die savioomgYbotatortodwAmllyuthtbommmafmnsewdbmbtua4;sad ohdatte► emapargrenv twuh�dmsavkawMWittmumkom man tb(nY l3� daYa pebr to dw sad of Iae then aatvat UM 7ho ersesva den right* tataaaso dco pttrO cf $wA=Us Apomaw mq bo uminced by wo ar cMF (At ao aeot` 190 yaddda/odmldddcs or thdt adore or (8) havo ether hmah eoadhtam do Roy bo dtcctc by panki ai dxir odme, Comm e 0 SM w hero sa 11AW a o torten pttRtraed m ins: p"adw waif you bowoottsaStad vrhhYmsr timsgy At Yoar n�sLCampOywOlvmriaalaratarntaashamdaeaaetrxbtohetrtcdlaamdaSmeptmsken D1Peoeia[egtboat+amrnt.Qaaaawascracodtoddiandweives b t2ampmprlotocanctica"ASub switaft M YaarRetptm.daCMmpwwtDtdo to Vodka MiL O—EM i Y. 7hb Agcnazaa is oan4"Ma to a awr away afdw prapeny baud m tea sacks Adds" provided Ma too cow o as ame p UPWIVpr t�-his hba and madta tg wiemma oft die Comm. no Ca qw mum too rl� m dow a ttaasfu fc% edlon no wen! twawn Aad"n,tbbAgrtattumcftttmtaam ObligatianstmdatabAOMMIatpananYSU&O sfac.Upon0adodagafAoostoafdoyiapnylawwdmabosavgee Soho& Xrv. I MMZ AORBt MW AND SCVERAMLI Zhb Agswmd tad @O odoebed gtepb emditata Rho wdro Wccmcm aatame an PwhL Qa be we+matd tha,bosseebgtbbAgteeotent,Cmtamerbaottol�dogooanYptatattRogtoacammnaemmt.wadoatOdarilium den b ems aid A* w fbgh to tttb Agrarmem. if ew pan of0b A�oe�m b tald to bo braftd wunguro ctft rcr mY twau, dog etantabp taau oad ooadidom late rv31 mamb b (b}l Atrm oral aifaa Zbe tram otdu Agrcemoet &toad heroin maY am he amwdad or aae:td mteno a wdrtm to epprored mad ' 6y a Ntyaate 011loa atQ>aatm�. No otoa ea�loyea w fiats of Cbaspmy omo em5origr w amatd a Rita racy pad or0b AgtomoA Paavtd4 hmwava. dos o to Rise pmeg"ph as ARMTRATIOK R rho Co—taa patd9ft tiro mbkmw clan an ab�n pmet4r.2 as dent dtt lFamN Age o M*W � �m's � tobe b nU a wwhmeft 15m tbo to rcy of du AMMILA7A7N p ogn h d all bo Qamsod to be Sdgm MADI)MONALCOMM6lRR. -- eta PeDsAmW620le nolt"QmnAsaftlaarApoSdmmLL! IMUSM3112