HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT GTm )� tie _ (Company Naune/Indiv'du• I Name) have agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO Homes LLC (Type of'rrade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at clnq 1&ft kk,�(Dok uN (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Bgding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Ch*ge of Sub -contractor notice. SA-Nb: CJff_)nI l Ll5 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofaWuC., The foregoing instrument was signed before me th�is./�,� day of �n�.211Z1,byUA1Af( _�tf�+ Ie.! who is personally known has produced It as Identification. A. ' _ STAMP Signature of Notary fabric t'rin nme of NutnryPublic _{~��' SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINTN, Dlsi M b? 13Z 73z3 COUIN•I.1' CF.RTIFICATION.NIINIBER Stale or Florida, Counly of eel a 17d? Thr fnrrl:oiaa; imI'll mrnl na%sil;nrd before me this 2.2dn� of who is personally known ur has produced a as fi r rtifirdinn. STAMP NQ hure or Notary Public yhAflc MQV1Cj Print Name of Notary Public Rt N AWm C. KeNey CHRISTINEMONGOLI Comm. GG9249f4 1�: j Notary Pub11c - State of Florida *c'Cv�,�,,� t�/ Commisslon A HH 7990 Ep�*Nw,: u' or M1 ,� My Comm, Expires Jun 13, 2024 Revised 11/16/2016 '�i� �i�__ _ flandod through National Notary Assn. it p� tr11Y Apull t��jy PF.RM. IT :• ISSUE DATE -� PLANNING & DF�'l'.I,OI'�11'.NT Sb.I�VI('1:5 `= Buildina & code Compliance Division __1.di�h�.t�� _'sr1�.'i r]trt •>* r;)z_ �,tl� _-- have a�,reCd 10 hC Ii unq,dln�•\:nr.�-fndi'.ula.11 \.u;lc� the V 'EC, (Ir!-) Z, 1 LL ul(f�.. .—_-. Sub -contractor liu• •�, !-}L�(.��t'_ .�. (__ .. I'I'�•lu• wt"1'ladrl �tPrn;lary C'unu,;l:•utrl For the 1)ro ect located at (Prtiicct Slrc.l Addroa or Pvoperl) lax II) 1:1 It is undersuu)(i 111:11, il'tlwfC is any chull-c ul'slinus rc"al•tiinl; Our 11,11-I cil)aliorl with the :Ihu\•e nu•nliolled project. the Buildihf" and Code Regulatiun Division of St. 1_1.16; ('uunl\ \\'ili he all\ i,cd h(n',u(Int to the liline Ofa C'hangt wl'SuU-cunuactur notice. ('U\'l a:\(' f(.)am.nj1tL--. tcJifn•rl 14�-11.11 G-- wmc\I f1 fI"tHVI('.\�{JiO \0111:I4 male of I"Inrida. (.nun{) -ifS' -WiLI 1'11c rnt•cylnlnl( in.trnnlh•ttt a:n sipnul bctin'c ate lti. (J' _ da) of �lhn i. pc,vuu:dl) Lnneu .-nr ba. prn4necd a .. -�_ ._ a. idrntilil^Winn. ,Iquaurr nl' \nlnr) Publi - �---�� 1'rntt V:unc of �'�IL•n•, 1'uhllc comm. iddoi o Exp1m: October 22, 2023 I+t•il\Cll :I It1 Fttl•1 � Af��i'.. I„YY ,IIS•('tl\'I'I(\l ltll(til(1�\flKl.li( II:Ililir•rt �� .� r � <'lll'\ri lalfl'IFI('.11'l11\�\I�III1:1( -' Behr of flnrida. ('uunl) nl .SI aC:;;a..�.,i(i•"`� I be Inrt•;toiu;; iuw•ttmenl mIN Ii,ned bt f 1 a au' 11tis a Aj, IN? ur �tlw i� per+unall) 6uue n f.m an. prudurcd n �__.._ .�- tiil;nnlur•c of Ynt:u•} I'uhlic .. Ih•int \:nlc of Nnlary Public VICTORIA L CLOS MY COMMISSION a 0G070545 +iq EXPIRES Fobnury Or. 2021 PERMIT N ISSUE DATE --J COUNTY i F L O R I D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division 131.1ILDING PERN1rl' SUI3-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing have agreed to be (Company Numellndividual tiamc) the Plumbing Sub -contractor 1'or Gho Homes (Type or'rrade) (Primary Contractor) For ilic project located at Q U ZQ l%n V-\A Iki_ ' (Project Street Address or Properly Tax ID 0) It is understood that. if there is•any change of Status regarding our participation with the above nientioned project, the I3uilVing and Code Regulation Division ol'St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling ofa Charm of Sub -contractor notice, ttt�t S�4t'' C C)S1 I y5 COCNTI' CERTIFIC,19'ION \U1111FR Stale of Florldn, GmuqofvT• �G'Pi T`h/e�ftorreµohtµ instrument Nos signed before me thin imay fir d who is personally knono ✓ or has produced a as identification. STAMP S µnilture of Notary• 1'uhlic Print \ante or\otary Public —I— �I Is I y ��* Aleese C Km y =� ExC,l,o�m,,m #136 2 Revnsed'1 I/1612010 °, r Q�tA. 2223 00 MY{plr (QuArner) Greggry,K PRINT NANIF. 19-15354 ('01:NTV CERTIFICATION Nt131DEIt Stole or Florida, C000ty of palm Boach The foregoing insirument was signed before ntr this -24th da% of December 2(1_ (,\, Gregory Kozan Mio is personally luwm if }Nor has produced a as Identification. q.-w tvU k. STAMP A-0alure of Noln y i,uhlie Linda Paz #A' Notary Public Stile of Florida Print Name of \nbtry Public Unwrilaz A My Commission HH 033752 a _lr Expires 0811812024 PERMIT N ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRI;CM ENT )s ICit�•nj have agreed to be Company Name/Individual Nnme) the �a:1lrY\ Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Priam y Contractor) For the project located at qu n kLhU ` (Pruiect Strec(Address or Property Tux ID /l) It is understood that, if there is any change: of status regarding our participation with the above inentioned project; the Bui ing and Coda Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chai to of Sub -contractor notice. RACPO AI'll uallrier SUIt-CON�AC tSl�llRli tmtincri� )lQ PRINT INUM . COUNTYSi:llru•f— 1,c',\•li• ��`tS1.1.4.5 ER Slnle of Floridn, Conmy ei S The foregoing Instrumenl was signed before me (hisT tin�y1 /of who, Ispersatwlly known kf.'r fins produced n _ COUNTY (:ERT..HrIC:ATION NUMIli?lt Slate orflmidu. County or OrMse ��7 ff ,�- The foregoing Instrument tray signed herarc tile Ihls N ),ilay of • - zntil, bye—Br�t✓-L_. wlio Is pecsonnily knuwn _1)�\ ur has produred it ns,denitacallon• as iticnli6calion. L1I.Aulary9Ihtbtic STAb1.P ipuuktrc of Nnlu�ulfll, Mee � : lG e.11 y _ ��rd Attu? Prhtl Name orNntnry Public Prim Nome or Notary Publle t►A� ��g JORDAN ALLEN C. KeHe 's .��/,� Aleese C y , �cci�IaSsION 9cc ae�aQn ��,,C�,om. m. � GG 9i49 f 0 ,Q�° to ,,,o� zs. zoz, Itcvta<vl II/IGRU16 FQ*m:OC 22 � 'c�°1N°tarySotvSces '++n nts` PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division AC Quality Electric Name) the Electrical - (Type of.Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB.CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sub -contractor for GHO Homes (Primary Contractor) have agreed to be For the project located at LA Q 1-1 U1 UI1W 11_Xa (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status -regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, -the Buil ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chanle of -Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County o& The foregoing instrument was signed before me this gay of 20 , by ii jinym {jCtm i Lr who is personally known —or has produced a SU&CONY OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) t .i 11 a V A_t_ .S PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of a%n rJ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2.L day of rp,r,b�► ,20Z .by�Rx IJA Who is persaoally known Xor has produced a as identification. - as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary PubU4 Signature of Not P I Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public sa'Pl Meese C. KeNeyy [." JOHN PEaEZ Comm, GG9Y49f0 �w..yPublic-State of Florida �.�,�,,�+) Commisslon Y GG 98't,2024 W, QF W My Comm. Expires IAay Revised 11/162016 q+ , "goaded through Netlonal Notary Assn 8ott* ThM Aarat Notary