HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE P W 7 -, ; - v]wi 1pj IV, E7,- O] N LyrkA %i—L PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 11J rA (Company Natile/Indiv'du I Name) the Roofing 'Sub -contractor for (Type of •Trade) OCT 2 7 2021 St Lucie County Permitting have agreed to be GRBK GHO Homes LLC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at'\O f QAA—W () alt (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID I) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the filing of r ing and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of Sub -contractor notice. S /: OK-.,nl I LAS COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County of&L W(Alp / The foregoing instrument was signed before me thise— day of 20 1, hytd W(-413Q�H l e-V who is personally knownor has produced a as Identification. STAMP Signature of Nolnry PuMlc— IA-��e-e. St 1Ge I I-t� Print Name of Notary Public AWMse C. Kelley �Comm. #GG924900 Revised 11/162016 - �i ' �� Mow- 22.20 ,, /„ 1 1 „` Banded Th Am itry SUIT -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Quallrtcr) 1 PRINTN, \IE M bi i 3z 73- Z,3 f'0UNTY CERTIFICATION NLINIIIE.lt Stale of Florida, Counly of eilhw CSC vef Tht" fureaoing In%frumrnl wa+siiumil before me this_) Z dnv afff t 'r �/ .2UZV by &e-Jg1e11 WaiV who Is personally known or has produced a os ieje difieatinn. / ?� rI STAMP tii lat'c of Nntnry Public h V Aft e. �00 Lei _ Print Name of Notary Public J 1p'yJ CHRIMNEMONGOLI Notery II; St'1 Public - State of Florida 1 � Commisslon 0 HH 7990 'no, will My Comm, Expires Jun 13. 2024 Bondod through Netlonil Notary Assn. PLANNING L` I�I''`/�t. ,011NII'.NT SP IIVICES I311ll(I111;; tl CU(IC CUllll)II:IIICC I)l1'151U11 RECEIVED, � O G,�„.,,; tea''• (tt:Il.n1N(; I'r.lrall'I OCT 27 2021 • - til;I;-('UN'I'R:\C"I'(llt;\(�lil•:I•:�11•:\'I St. Lucie County Permittir " have , vel0d In he li`gntllilm• \:u1;t:.lndicltlu.11 \aiada (;Il!,f�3- ) the r'1'e11� ui 'I'rulr I (Pril:iary C'ontrar(ur! For the project It)cuted-at _ Qqj���I,JOZ��_._�(�' (I'rgjcta Sucrl ;\tl(Iress ar 1'rt+llrrl) I:tr• II) r:l It is understood III at, il'11ILY: is Ill eh1111(IC ul',Iiltll, rens; Our Iiul-ticilrltioll with the ahm'c mcnliolled Iwo .—I. the ffilildi(ig and C odt: Itemulatiun DiVision Of St. LL16: C oUllt\ Will be ;lily i.cd I11,11•auant lu the liline ol'a ChiuiL�e�ul'Sub-cunuactar notice. Fo I RAi• I'UII tit(' ;I ' ualirrrr•I 51 IS-('ONTIt %( 11llt til(.� \ rl lil. r ualSlicrl I'bv 6rr•vu,iing lamri mu a a. di(ucu bciiiry Inc tlti. V'._ 1:1) fir COIA I') C•I•:It'1'IFICA 1•I0\ .\I \Illlat ,talc fir finri l.i. Cimm) ill _:� %•'•t._�li� ?% 'I by Inrv:ioiu� imu uuu•nl t+at �it;ned bt•furc nu• this rr'Gii_. d:n ul' aln, k pci'sunull) 6114ert.-I ba• Ill -mill l a— — a. idcutilirati"u' a, idcniilivalinu. 1ipu:Uury til' \nlar) Pu110 - ,iy ualuru of \'niar) Public 1'rtnt V:uuv of Vn(;II) Public I•r'int \aimv ill Nniarc Publiv CQw C. K924�9 y0 ;p•:"•''!�;; VICTORIA L CLOS m.#GG OCMK 22°M3 :, a MY COMMISSION 0 0G070545 I(cu,a! 11 1tBORM A..,.... /" EXPIRES Fob.,. 07. 2021 y'IA\II' PERMIT N ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PEJUNIl'I' RE6EIVEB SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRl E11EN1' OCT 2 7 2021 St, Lucie County Permitting Ridgeway Plumbing have agreed to be (Company \ame/Individual Nalnc) the Plumbing Sub-cuntractur For Gho Homes (Type of Trade) (primary Contractor) For the project located at Q`ly2 rin'e.C1ak-AA2100. CV (project Street Address or Property Tax ID 9 ) It is understood that. il'there is any change ul'statuS regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Builling and Code Regulation Division af'St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan& of Sub -contractor notice. M.ai .: (1(-OSI I u5 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER titale of FloriJn, Gmnh• of {i Thr.foregalug instrumenl %as signed hefurr um llti% ny of ,ao.t�-,hyUl)Itl(GrVI a. Ie.l' who is personally knee n Zar has produced a as identification. NTAN11' b g..'Ure of lulary l'uhlic ae'lnc t V;;ztQ I I era Prim Name of \glary Public Aleese C4_� Comm#GG2A0��c� ReviseVkW: Ofter22 19-15354 COUNTY CF 11TIFICATION NI•dIDER Stme of Florida, County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument N•us signed before nu lhis 24th dn% ur December Ztt_ In Gregory Kozan who is personally luum n yzor ha.% produced a asAN Wenlificalion. 1 1 a(_y t.Pl�"'_— STAMP A ulure of NoInty Puhlle Linda Paz 00 w Notary Public Slafa of Flonda Print Nume or Nwary Public LinMy Cemmssion HH 037752 y+� Expires =1812024 an PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING' & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEmr-,,NT OCT 2 7 2021 St. ie uounty Permitting have agreed to be Company Namellnd)vidual Name) /J the 1 rV%.. Sub -contractor for ���i'1��•C� _ (Type ofTm. do) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at q q - G ia�yo 6 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID W) It is understood that, if (here is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the But ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chat w of Sub -contractor notice. . -CORA '7') 'I'll (Quall6cr) Still, i, C"U111. (Qnnliier ) All Is PRINT NAN1F. COUNTV CtsR'r1FICNI'ION NUNIDE+R Dp state orFlorida, County or�_�1 _lit , The foregoing instruntenI war iigncd bcfnrc ntc IItial—, tin,�y of 1 , ,/ Q�, .2024. by 11J�jcl a, �V-irld�d who Is personally known r Itns produced a COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Shtte of I+loddn. Counly of ow5e _ The roregoing inhtrunteni waN sigfaed�,b-ef_mro me 11611 S' ,lay or 24, by Ll�� who Is personally known-&ur has produced it os Identificatlon. ns idelilificniion. Siguulurc orNotary Public e-� ro of-NaInr uhllc _ �or� It eel Print Name omoia y Ihtblic Prim Nome of Notary Pubilc Aleese Ci, Ke ley o�;�� ° JORD ION # G ! y t *MYCQMMISSION�GG09t0.°D COMMAG9249f0 FXPO'tES:ApJ25,2021 Iicvixd II/IGROIG ',, �p*q:�wiu{ w22 FOrr%°Q DondedTiweuv�oltkarySorvftcs "f PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT PECFtt(ED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT O:i '/J�72021 81. Lucie County Permitting AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Name/IndividualName) GHO Homes the Electrical Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9LA�2 r1�C C�Id�t,Jocx1. (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID II) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buil ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan a of Sub -contractor notice. SiCi-ki-', ffOS I I 's COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU1MB1E/R� State of Florida, County 0& • w 1 I& The foregoing instrument was signed before me this a Vll�ay of 202, by Ol t-I� who Is personally known _or has produced a SUB -CONY OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CrRTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countyof a%n - 1, rJ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this liday of }� r PMb>� ,2o?V by ( fs- i��lUs- who is personally known Xor has produced a as ideolification. as identilicatiou. STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Publiq Signature or NotaryP i �-P P S�fl 1L� 1 t?ul 5c,-�,AL Lt Print Name of Notary Public I Print Nome of Notary Public aat� 14te8e Cis J7Nxtlanal EAEZ y "sY eon^ Notary Putale of Florida a COmm,GC9149f0 ,� Commi2024 GG9865�t $: Odder 22 2023 ?r� My Ctxnm.s y t 1� Assn. Revised 11/162016 '�,� ¢ �. ' a' Bonded througNotitry ',;;;,;,,, Bonded Thlu Aaron Notary