HomeMy WebLinkAboutresisto NOA new 2025MIAMIN DEPARTMEN BOARD AND � NOTICE MIAMImDADE iCOI[JNTY PIkODUCT CONTROL :iECTION OF REGULATORY AND Ecorqomc RESOURCES (RER) )DE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION F ACCEPTANCE (qOA SOPRF,MA, Ine, (Canada) 1688 Jean-B. Drummond SCOPE: This NOA is 5 documentatu be used iOn M This NOA sb (In Miami Ddl product or m manner, the i suspend the if it is deten requirement chmans=M1*chaud le, Quebec. J2C OC2 Canada einiz issued under the applicable rules and regulations g verning the use of ubmitted has. been revs wed and accepted biv MiamimD4de County FitK i Dade County and otr areas where allowed by tt 11 not be valid after the expira e County) andlor the. A J I tested for quality as urance purposes. If this produ t or material fails �amifacturer will incur th expense of such testing- and theAHJ may immediately revoke, moatr�,Foar 180 5 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 (78`6)315 2590 F 31525-P99 www.miamidade.eov/eaonomv construction materials. The Product Control Section to uthon6ty Having J *sdiction (AHJ). tion date stated below. The Miami -Dade Cowity Product Control 'Section areas otler than Miami. D4de County) resew the right -to'have this perform 1"n the accepted e of such product or matt na.[ within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the ri ht to revoke this acceptance, .& 0 ned by Miami -Dade Couoty Product Control Section. tha this product or m tenai fails to meet the of the applicable bui*ldi'n This producti sapproved as described including thHigh Velocity Hurricane code. erein, and ILias been de Sq 1 one of tbe,,Finn"da Building Cede. fined tad comply with the orida Building Code DESCRIPTION',* Soprema Lastobod,, EnviroShield and Resi'sto �Jnderlayment Products LABELIN :Each unit shall bear a p rmanent label with the manufa turer I s name or loio, city, state and following statement: " iami-Dade County Prod ct C;ontrol Approved", unless o herwise noted her in. ---- RENEW of this NOA shall be con idered after a renewal applicat on has been filed4nd there has been no change in the applic ble building code negati*v ly affecting the perfo iance o this product. TERMINA ION of this NOA will o cur,after the expiration date or 'f there has been arevi*si"on or change in ffie materials, u ,and/or manufacture oft e product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an e0dorsement of any prodluct, for sales, ad ertising or any other pure ses shall automaticallyrmitewith nthis NOA. Fail to comply any section of this NOA hall be cause for temu*naii"on and removal of NOA. AD►VERTI NTS' The NOA n ber preceded by the words MiaCounty,lm'ionda,and fllooweci by0 the expiration d e may be di'splayed in ad ertising literature. If aiiy porti n of the NOA is isplayed, then itt shall be done 1 in its entire 10 INSPECTI N'60 A copy of this entire' OA shall be provided to the u er by the manuf-i shall be ava' able for inspection at the ob site at the request of the Bu Iding Official. This NOA r The su rmtt ises NOA No. 20-0303.�5 and consists of pages 1 thro documentation was rev ewed by Freemino izh 7. r or its distributers and NOA No.:: 20m0701.03 Expiration Date: 09/29/25 Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 1 of 7 RUCiFING OM.PONENT APPRO'krAl-, Catocrarvf Roofing SubmCatego Underlayment Materials: SBS SCOPE: This accep e is for Soprema Lastobond, EnviroShl"eld and Resist Underlayment roducts as manufartured by SOPREMA c.9 as described in this Nofi*ce of Acceptance, for use wit approved prepay d roof assemblies as, described in is Notice of Acceptance; designed to comply with the Flonda Building Co e, including the High Velocity Hu 'cane Zone of the Florida Building Code. T E NAMES OF PRqD1JCTS MANUFACTURE OR LABELED'By AP111LICANT lop Test Product P duct Dime1 sions SO ecification escri fion Lastobond S field 36" x 5' rolls ASTM D 1c.)70 BS self-adhereing asphalt sheet material for use Manufacture Location #1or s an un er ayment for Ice 1'.101am Protection. in 45" x15' rolls loped roof assemb ies. **Available as Lastobond hl'*eld 36 and Last bond Shield 45 for the 36"' vide and 45" wide oils. Lastobond o HT-N 36" x 5' rolls ASTM D1970 BS self -adhering sphalt shieet'.,maten"al for use as Manufacture Location #1 4n underlayment fo: Ice Dam Protection in, sloped roof assemblies,, Resi"sto SA ooth Ply 40 40" x 5' rolls ASTM D1970 BS self -adhering sphalt sheet material for use as Manufacture Location #1 an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection i*n sloped roof assemblies. Lastobond field HT 36 x 5' rolls ASTM D1970 B S self -adhering sphalt sheet material for use as ManUfacture Location #1 n underlayment f r Ice Darn Protect*on in sloped oof assemblies. Lastobond o TmS 36 x 5' rolls ASTM D1970 BS self -adhering sphalt sheet material for use as Manufacture Location#/ n underlayment i r Ice Darn Protection in sloped oof assemblies. Envi"roShi'e 36 x 5' rolls ASTM D1970 BS self -adhering sphalt sheet material fir use as Manufacture g Location #1 n underlayment f r Ice Dam Protection in sloped o oassemlblies. Lastobond 5 36" x15' rolls ASTM D1970 elf -adhering glas fleece reinforced, �IBS Manufacture g Location #2-3 modified bitumen oofing underlayment. Res"is to LB 36 36" x 65rolls ASTM'D1970 Self -adhering glas fleece reinforced,reinforced,SBS'l Manufacture Location #1-3 odi*fied bitumen oofing underlayment. Res*is to LB 44 44" x 75' rolls ASTM D 1970 Self -adhering glas fleece reinforced, SBS�' Manufacture g Location #1-3 modified bitumen oofing underlayment,. NOA No.: 20m0701.03 MLALMI,PDALD COU Expiration Date: 09/29/25 ------- Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 2 of 7 TAADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED Prdduct Lastobond E Sheet es Protee Dime Sions tion 36" x 7 'rolls Manufacturing Location #2w-3 Lastobond S ooth Seal HT Manufacturing Location #2-3 Lastobond T Manufacturin TopShl*eld I DEFENDE] Manufacture MANUFA 1. Dru 2. Way 3. Gul EVIDENCE 36" x 65' rolls Test Specification ASTM D 1970 ASTM D1970 HT 39 3 /8" x 65 3/5' TAS 103 and Location 93 rolls ASTM D 1970 It WATER 3611) x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 Location #1-3 CURING LOCATION: unondv1*11e, Quebec (Canada,i ;worth, OH orb, MS UBMITTEDO Tst A--..2encx Test Identifier Underwriterslaboratories, Inc. R21824 Trinity � ERD S37210ollell S37210912,1 I S40540*02.13-1 S43 5309,02. 14- 1 -R 1 S44870ffi04914-4 S44870.90401.4-1 S44870004-m 14-3 S40540o 104 14 SOPC-SC8520.04.15 NEMO ETC, LC SOPC-SC8970.08.15-Rl 4S-SOPC- 18 -002 o 09 -o 18 4S-SOPCq.- 1 8-002*05-519.bA 4j-S0PG19-SSUDL-02-.A M"IvC"l COUNTY S lf-adhenng glass modi"fied bitumen r Y APPLICANT: Product lesc '6 fi*On leece reinforced, SEAS offing un-iierlayinent. Self -adhering glass Oeece reinforced, elcistomenc bitumen roofing underlayment. elf -adhering glass iodifiied bitumen r elf -adhering glass codified bitumen r Test Na leece reinforced, S13S ofilng underlayment.. leece reinforced, S13S offing underlaymeniv. e/Revort U 790 AST D1970 AST D 1970 AS D 1970 TA S 103 AST D 1970 ASTM D 1970, AST D1970 ASTM D 1970 TAS 103 ASTM D 1 70 / TA.'13 110 T S 103 ASTM D 1970 / ASTN/1 D4798 TAS 103 Date 09/11/15 111/09/1,1 12/01/11 02/19/13 05/14/14 04/10/14 04/10/14 04./02/14 10/31/14 04/27/15 1)4/25/18 09/21/18 iD5/31/19 107/11/19 NOA No.: 20m0701.03 Expiration Date: 09/29/25 Approval Date,: 08/27/20 Page 3 of 7 APPROVE] Deck Type 1 Deck Descr System E(I ASSEMBLIES: )Itione Base Sheet40 : Membrane: Surfacing: MiAMIS COUNTY I Wood, Non -insulated 19/32+' or greater plywood or wood plank Base sheet mechanically fastened, membranadhered. One or more plies of ASTM D226 Type II or 0 a 6'1'3 end lap mechanically fastened to deck laps and two staggered rows 12" o.c. the lie cl ot the roll. do ASTM D2626 wth a minimum 4" side lap and th approved nail One ply of Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N, Resisto S and tincaps 6" o.c. at the Smooth Ply 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Tastobond Pro NTm,.RFnvirnl,;h1*61d2 Lastobond TU HT,, Lastobond195, Lastobond Raves Protection Sheet, 1.2stobotid Smooth Seal H , Resisto LB1236, FZesisto VnIPR with mini um 3-inch side lags and bmw LB 1244 or Top Sh ield ICE & WATE'IR DEF inch end laps. Starting at the first course,, p,, by completely unrolling and setting it exact] rewind one half of the length. Gently score ensuring not to cut through the membrane's peeling back the release paper while simult4ir Repeat process for remaining one half of the allel to the eave. 11'= the membrane carefully 10 AL V v where it will be nstalled. the release paper Once aligned, n the high side of th hickness. Unroll this first Lneously and slowl pushing out the membrane. length. Once 'ins ailed, the membrane; must be pressure rolled with a nietal or rubber roller. surface, paying particular attention to all si e and end lap Pressure sha is roll, half by evenly 11 be applied over the en 9 tire Approved for Mechanically Fastened MetaRoofing, Wood Shake & Shingles, Asphalt Shingles, Slate, Simulated Slate NOA No.: 20-0701.03 Expiration Date,: 09/29/25 Approval Date:, 08/27/20 Page 4 of 7 Deck Type 1 Deck Desc riton* System E(2)00 Base Sheet19 : Membrane: Surfacing40 : ...V -Irl .k[Tl Ni COUNTY Wood, Non -insulated '9/32" or greater plywood or wood platik Base sheet mechanically fastened, membranadhered. One ory -tpc of AqTM n926 Type II oi ASTM D2626 wi a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck V ith approved nails laps and two staggered rows 19, 19 o c. the field of the roll.. One ply of Tastobond TIT HT with minimum 3-inch side laps � th a minimum 4" side lap and and tin caps 6" ox. at the nd 6-inch end laps. Starting Is at the first course, parallel to the eave, align the membrane car fully by completely unrolling and setting it exactly where it will hp. install d. Once aligned, ewind one half of the length. Gently score the release paper on the high SI#de of this roll, ens membrane's thickness. Unroll this first half'by evenly peeling simultaneousl y and slowly pushing out the roembrane. Repea half of the length. Once installed, the memorane must t e pre,. rubber roller.. Pressure shall be applied ove the entire surface all side and end laps. The T n v-+nIo%nnfI 'TU HT shall be back. nailed Ito deck with appro' 12" ox. at the side laps and 61' ox. and tin caps at a maximum caps shall be ex -posed. Approved for Mechanically Fastened Ce c used with any approved roof tile systems ad] foam adhesi*ve ]fisted and having a current a nt or Clay, Roof gyring not to cut through the back the release paper while process for remaining one ure rolled with a metal or paying 114iarticular attention to ved annular ring shank nails at the end laps. No nails or tm* til s. Lastol)ond TU H'T% maybe ered as specified i their current NOA using any [hesi*ve NOA apprqvai. NOA No.,: 20w0701.03 Expiration Datee. 09/29/25 Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 5 of 7 IMITATI NS: 14, 2. 3. 4. Fire clarification is not part of this acceptance Shl"eld This ace�ptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum �ek requirements s�all bein compliancE� withthe ,_ :..,.,�„ r.,t,.,,,�i a�t�hnnr� Pro HT- Resisto SA SMO th Ply 4(1, Lastobond Shield applicage buildg cou�. Las�.,.,.,..u ,L�....,.,..___- bond Pro HT-wpS, Envi*roSh*e1d, Lastobond TU HT, L,astobondlye, LtionResisto L.B1236, Resisto LB1244 orI'opShield ICE &�JVATER DEI�'END astoonu�,avc�,P�v«�195astobdnd Eaves'. rotec EFENDERs hall 0, Lastobond Shi Resisto �B 1236, and dry Urface, a 0 e substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris Pn r to application., hen a smooth, clean and/or ce cannot be obtained, the substrate shall be primed wl*t Elastocol Stick p or to aplill'cat' on.. 1 f1GG11 V1�+�uicsa i�ivo.��v .....,..�.. ».-� -----d- �.pane Resisto LB1244 or TopShield ICE & WA�l�x ee from irregularities. Re -fasten any loose ec�ing ls, and chck for protruding na d Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N. Resisto SA Smooth Ply40, Lastobond Shild HT, I_,astobond Pro HT-S,fieldLastobond TU HT, Lastobond 195, Lastobnd Eays Protection Sheet_ Lastobond Smooth Seal HT, B1236, Resisto LB1244 or'FOPShi*e1d ICE & WATER HT, Las Lastobo�d Smooth Seal HT, be insta ed I*n strict compliance with the app Lastob.....Enviroield, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond 195, Lastobond lEav"s Protection She licable building code d Shield, Lastobond Pro HTN, Resisto SA Smooth Ply Sheet, Rs hall Id HT, 1L.astobond Pro HTMOS, . astobond Smooth. Seal HT, e applied to a smooth, clean il heads. EFENDER shallpot be applied overtrtn existing roof m brane as a recover system but may be applied over a roofiing Base/AAnnchor sheet underlayment,, 5. Lastob d TU HT1 is acceptable for use in foam adhesive set and mechanically fast ed roof the system, as specifi in the surfacing option of th,e approved assemblies. 6. Lastob nd 195, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,, Resisto LB 1 36, Resisto LB 1244or TopShield ICE & WAT DEFENDER shall not be left exposed as a temporary r9of for longer than 0 days. 7. Lastob nd Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-S. EnviroShield, Lasto and Shield, Lasto and Pro HT,�N, Lasotobond Seal HT and Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40 shall not be left exposed as a temp rary ro0- Smoot for longer than 90 days o application. 8. Lastob nd T'U HT shall not be'left exposed as a temporary roof1"Or longer than 180 days of application. 9. Lastob nd Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N, Resisto SA Smooth Ply40, Lastobond Sh e d HT, Lastobond ]Pro HT-S, Enviro hield, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond 195, Iastobond Ea es Protection She t, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT, Resist LB1236, Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICB &'%'ATER DEFENDER may e used with any approved roof coven g listing Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N, ResistoSA Smooth Ply 4 , Lasto" r)ond Shield HT, Lasto nd Pro HT-S, EnviroShi"eld,, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobo d 195, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sf.ieet, Lasto nd Smooth Seal HT, Resisto LB 1236, Resisto L11 1244 r TopShield ICE WATER DEFENE,ER within the Pr uct Approval. If Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT- , Resisto SA Sm oth Ply 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lstobond Pro HT-�S. nviroShi*eld, Lastobond TU ]IT, La tobond 195, Lasto and Eaves Protection Sheet, Lasto nd Smooth Seal HT, Resisto LB1236, Resisto L131244or TopShi*eld ICE WATER DEFENE►ER is not Isted, request may be made to the Authority Having Jun*sdi*cti n (AHD or the M ami-Dade County Product Contr Department for approval based on the necessary docum ntation to detail CO mpatibility of the products, wind lift resistance and fire resistance results. 10do When pplying the membrane in the valley, start at the low ��oi t and work to the igh point, rolling thu membrane from e center outward in both dffections. For ridge applicafto s, center the mem rare and roll from the center outw ds in both directions. 116 Mem ane shall be applied to protnisions, slope changes, valle)p,curb, and other r of top penetration details before any o er sections of the roof. 12.5 All p ducts listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with t e Florida Building :ode and Rule 1 G20-3 of the Flori*da Administrative Code. Sweep I dry surf Lastob( EnviroLl. Resisto MIAMI.PDACIE COUNTY NOA No.: 20-0701.03 Expiration Date: 09/29/25 Approval Date,: 08/27/20 Page6of7 1, A 0 oil] 10 U01 �1��\IfiliQi 9 De staged onto Lastobond TU HT not to exceed I O-h ig , to the stanc rah nf 6• I tales shall b e stayed us in Pa double -tile sta king method I i)untvlProd APPR(VED Out-Ita :1 •:,, - :,L'.'. - - - - ,LPL'.. .'/.' 'r, f __ J'' \'' \'.\� � �'.'_ '' • - � 4 }tiff ,1 .'i •' -:_� -S4 Y_.�_�'.'. .. _..... .. ' • ' • _ - - l '�11:'1•••M. WL VIA ''f. �iLL��,'L�,,r 4•••• r ' ' �•'r1}�' .. --- :�k'. •�ti1•, "`.,'.'.-.5555., - -� �'•� k..1-.��11�i1Y J' ---f` -L _ `Y- :L I jay • .. � _ _•, '�• ~: {l .• '1 V.,:ing Method F1 -Tile Stac' gwe I Double Us pace b11C 41111116 a :i it i:IK:II is M C I g limitations all tiles shall be loaded onto a n mmai i x � no the imprint or i"dentifiable marking of them nufacturer I s name "Miami -Dade County Pro uct Control Appr ved" or the Mia�r below. MIAMI-FDADIE COUN I)F THIS ACCE TANCE 1 Ep1ratiul kniarnv� I 101W 016 d Date Date I Palo !ao7o 09/1 08/1 I �Avp I I