HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE.ONLY:_ DATE FILED: PERMIT#REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# co2 o U QWL& PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING.&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION MAR 10 2022 St.Lucie County LOCATION/SITE Permitting ADDRESS: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: l'*-i )0% ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: 1 A I l q ^ a v- QUALIFIERS NAME: I�A y 1/1 L t"4 nl y V A= ADDRESS: Rq 0 'r 0 r Ightd- CITY: �/�- 1 p�,rcL STATE: r- = ZIP: C2-- PHONE(DAYTIME): 7 7 2 -9VQ 665 �( FAX: ra ,j OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ) P e- G ADDRESS: 72, CITY: n&j!17 S,�=L,t STATE: F ZIP: :3 yg:2:3 PHONE (DAYTIME: FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX:. SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 IS � 4 l 3/8/22,6:59 PM 's I I ;''i ! Florida Building Code Online �.IIII�I •�- .d,��1 �` • 9q,Y. �" a 6 I � , ` � I ''r��qi�1< 1 .� 4Aiisr. g i P }r 1 °+�T"�{t j e r '''• � a%tli.4ri1 tk�iktlsls"S,6 > �P xlitdZ71C- 1111 I rl1��, }vvyy till BCIS:Home a i�Og Igl1,� U6.r Registratign I Hot.Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Fa�s•i• Publication!;.I Contact Us I BCIS,Site Map I Links Y.I Search rI Flom°j 1''ll Prq, 4qI,App rovaIl 11 1 Rdb'Ic Us EVI EW D 'CIn I ri rI91111 ANCE Product Appro�al M PI enu'•>Pr dud or A Yication Search>ApplicatiorrList>Application Detatl OD E1 ;,���sr'1 �, Q�11 FL,# 1 1. FL164727R6' i+0r 1 �': I , .. ' . Al 1.�1 I Applicatlon Tj�pe� l Revislori wB°s s{� /� 1 { I I Code Vers(,�n r i(i I 2020 ''. '. _ � ' Oo 11//�, / f APPlicatio Status I ApprovedJkl t I IN ( o b BPR.:Approyals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by I the A the Commission if necessary. I .III{II 1111 I,{ I ��( •' I .� � �� '� �I ,I Commen 1 11; 1Arclhived II ki tll " Ali I ,1 •,® i I 1 Product ManaUrer Masonite International l li I Address/4.pne%EJ�iail II 1955 Powis Roadi y v I, 11i {yy��11 l u,l , Itl West Chicago,IL 60185 _ •I a ui � 1 t (800)663-3667 (' Vy 1 b'er@masonite.com Ir sschrei l 11 I I I• I. ' I " till+1 tt II• , r} �� �Ar I I I ..I �I I�.1 I I , 11 �.I ,II ` • 1��� 1hf� rAuthorized 5ign turd. Steve Schreiber sschreiber@masonite COm. •,, 1' II , n .'` r ,+ ',Ill I i�f�l{� ,TBChnICdl Rep�esenta Ive I Address/Phop,�/�r�nail J�I 1, �1'}{ rlit R II Quality As¢luranCe Rel resentative tr it �+Y+�IIJiI Address/P on Email S " I I. s+ Categoryr Exterioc Door eg Subcato Swinging II� o o�Exterio L Compliante;t�et od Certification Marltlor,Listing `'"I`I tl S11s 11IiSI�i11I l {i+l"'r� ;l r l'I ' l 1�!9��'�" I I �I�� )I'll I i I I j � :� '• 1 1•F� 1j�. ,I��:I},.I � iG +�li I Certificatio bgency 44 National Accreditation&Management Institute i' I^ �}+"'li,, Validatedi y;, National Accreditation&Management Institute 1111j1 tj��{fi')I' ` III. 1 III. I I i II 1 +I 1 , Referenced Stan�iiard,:and Year, of Standard I " �f I�i It'�l41 1 ) Standard I Year ' II'trr i,l,� {j it 1 �1{ II TAS 201 1994 L... ' I TAS 202 TAS 203 i 1994 I, - I.} '1- _�'�•, I � '. 'fi;,l+ t l� ,I: � I, I� •I I I I{I,' , Equivalent Hof P.Spdu It Standards Certified B 1 A�Irih 1vv}I�IIt'II4 p�... I I III ,� �I , ,: •1 I + � � :I,. 4,� II , I}111 �III S jl I 1 1 1 ' I I j i I. t '.ICI. 1 '1• ', ., ) 1111 it lll�•II � 1, � I• i � � I � I �I � � ' ,1 (Product AilrPva'lilMet od Method 1 Option A II, I .1 I I I Date Sub rtted YI ••I 11/10/2020 "I Date Validted ', 11/10/2020 Date Pendi g1FB�Ap roval I, 11 1 •{ � I � I� � " I I I https://wwwll�Inc� �lUllding.org/pr/pP�app1'dtC'spx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvXaHHDwAAyb2iTpgZICDt8fV5bpKS%LfQ9/%2foAOt%2fjyECHA%3d%3+ �I 1/2 III 3/8/22,6:59 " II r Florida Building Code Online llli l j 'Date APPC. ed2 j, Summa f Produ s ;J j!I' Fl # ,I:?' Model,Number or Name Description I l' I?' 1{ 16472 1' ( Metal-edge Steel Door in Adjustable 6'-8"QP / r�0], in; IRDoor Untt NE, . 'I' Steel Frame a Ag dfi . Limits of Use ',', Certification gency rtlflca e , Approve ifor iusej n HVHZ:IYes L16 72 R6 C CAC 606039"R pif . k", ';• l,j l' �� ;� Approve . ,4se utside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance : act'Ex"piration Date y.l I I L Impa ;. esis nt;Yes 02/2 %2025 Deslgnl ressy�e:'; 65,0/'-65.0 Installation Instructions `! I Other:5 aluated f r use in locations adhering to the Florida 'FL16472:R6 II,FL 0178.pdf I I" •,'i`' Building ,de includ n the'Hi h Velocity Hurricane Zone and Verified B National Accreditation&Management Institute I, II 9 9' 9 tY Y 9 where plc sure;requ rements,as determined by ASCE 7 do not Created by Independent,Third Party: l exceed th ;desigpn p essures listed. 3'-0"x 6'-8"max nominal Evaluation Reports' size See he siH'gle oor details on drawing FL0178 for FL'I6472.R6 AE 46 df o 'aildltlonal iiifor Iatili . See FL'Y6472.3 for double doors. Created by Inde en d'C, ip :! II 9 i ';�I 16472 21 �' I ;'S Metal-edge Steel Door in Adjustable 8-0"Opaque I/S or O/S Single Door Unit l? ii it I` I Steel Frame' F +l�l�! ,I Limits a�fl se'�1�;; ,I� ) Certification Agency Certificate {{ llj Approve for;use n HVHZ^Yes FL16472'R6 C CAC'NI006039 R8.pdf I Approv ;for;?use; utside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date' II '1 Impact�.lesistant Yes' 02/28/2025 Design:F�ressure: 65:0/-65.0 Installation Instructions', Other: aluatpd f r use in locations adhering to the Florida FL16472 R6 II FL 0179.pdf l Building; de includ ng the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pr. sure'requ remen'ts as determined by ASCE 7 do not Created by Independent Third,Party.: I! l l exceed tti 'design p essures listed. 3'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal. 'Evaluation Reports size.See, cawing FL 179 for details. FL16472 R6 AE 512746C.pdf l Created by Independent Third:Party;'Yes .. il ' 16472 3I ' (1 Metal edge Steel Door in Adjustable. 6'-8"Opaque I/S or O/S.Double Door Unit '.l� i l „� I, . Steel Frame I Limits q Use i'. I Certification Agency Certificate' Approve � r',use, n HVHZ:IYes FL16472• R6 C CAC NI006039-R8.pdf Approve foripse' utside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Datel; " Im act e"sisiantl Yes 02/28/2025 Design;; ress re:, 50.5/=50.5 Installation Instructions, Other: alua ed f r use.in locations adhering to the Florida . AF 6472 R6 II FL 0178.pdf '� l'Ili• 'Building Cde.includ ng the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute'.. I �I Hill. 1 ,,. 'I, where pr slJrelrequ rementsas determined by ASCE 7 do not':. Created by Independent Third Party:, exceed th dgsi n p,essures Fisted.6'-0"x 6'-8" max nominal, Eyaluation Reports size See,. he dd ble door details on drawing FLO178 for FL16472 R6 AE 512746C.pdf I, 11 addli onal informati ) Created tiy•Independent,Third Party,I,Yes l 1i I II` I 4 Back Next rl I l� l' 'III, •��;1' I r(l . . Illrr �I'.!I�II' 1.. .II� i, =17 I, l I I1• I�i 'I�, a Co 1 ftnSt° ,'Ta has FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The tote. ;( .ri' Is an AAl employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State'of Florida.::I Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement .Refund Stateme 11 1l�1i,lh it Under Fla�ica law email;ddresses ate public records.If you do not want your'e-mall address released in response to'a public-records,request,do not send electronic f 14 cl ! mall to this; my'4nstead;contact the bfrice by phone or by traditional mall.If you have,anyiquestions,please contact 850.487 i395 *Pursuant to Section 495.275(1), ., 1U',•li Il,l1 Florid Statu'es effective, ctober 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails ' prmided;m' ,be used fortPffcial,communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the, 'ep'artrtient with an email address which can be made available to the public.To'determine if you area licensee under chapter 455,'ES.,please click here. ttt I I. Product Approval Acceptso I,'I, JII f ( D].eChecl b 'I 'l 'I III'il��l�l'� LI:�'` •II it I � , Credit Card. I Safe ., � l �i ll�l,. I �.• I; ill' '� '�� I , I` i F . ` . l l l ,I i f��`l��l� I• ,l .. I �' i ll ll I I fl II l - tz` llil','�� I � II I I. I '� I w, jl• nl I , I ll Il�fhl kl , 1 I•. I + I III } �� i , ,: I ' _ . https://wwwfl � �ulldmg org/pr/p, , app�dtl. spx?pa =wGEVXQwtDgvXaHHDwAyb2iTpgZKpt8fV5bpKS%2fQ9r%2foAOt2F 2/2 % 'I'L•GI'h, II't, I i i $ c) SIDE-HINGED METAL-EDGE STEEL DOOR UNIT 6'-6"SINGLE OPAQUE DOOR IN HOLLOW METAL FRAME 0 �Z� �O .GENERAL NA'TE_S _U CL 1. EVALUATED FOR USE.IN LOCATIONS ADHERING TO - - - IO-M4L - �0' _ -- _ _ THE FLORIDA BUILDING-CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE OVERAl1 fRWE -- OVFNAII FRAME _ REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY.ASCE-7,-MINIMUMDESI - _- -- ----- ---- - -- - --- �- U DOES�NOT EXS FOR CEED THE DESIGN PRESSURESGS AND OTHER LISTED. PANEL 4WIDDTI --- --PANEL4WIDDTH CI)1- 2. HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM (SHUTTERS) IS NOT REQUIRED. Pg� W 3. IN THE HVHZ• FACTORY PRIMED DOORS MUST BE PAINTED IN C ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2220 OF THE FBC. _ MI� > w r--i � * a En } N tn V m a InW pWY D_QU SINGLE O TSWIN• SINGLE UNIT SINGLE INSWIN• SINGLE NIT p O V) 18 GA. HOLLOW METAL FRAME a z _O =U Li _ AddmdmwNAl� caaron o Dafe N N ID N D u N _ __ E WATER IN ILTRA N RFO I —-- - — BT _.._ _ WHER - __ F TIO - RMANC --- - m- Z- _ -- -DESIGN PRESSURE RATING REQUIRED TO BE 15R OF'DESIGN PRESSURE' CONFIG _MAX WIDTH INSWING OUTSWING INSWING OUTSWING TABLE OF CONTENTS `-X 40 +80.0 -80.0 +80.0 -80.0 +19.0 -19.0 +55.0 -55.0 /� wTE.6110106, saae N.T.S. - SHEET # DESCRIPTION _ •BYc SWS 1 TYPICAL ELEVATIONS k GENERAL NOTES - - -- 2 IANCHORING LOCATIONS k DETAILS : - - -- - _ - - _-- - - - .. -- _ _---_ _ -.._- _._-.--- --- _ = Gtl(.BY: - - KURT RALTHAZOR DMWIMo NO.: FLORIDA P.E. DWG-MA-Flo150-66 _- - - - - --- 156533 -- - -- sm ET 1 or 2. i a: � WOOD OR STEEL 2X STUDS WIRE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE CONCRETE OR MASONRY USING Q O USING COMPRESSION ANCHORS OR MASONRY CONCRETE SCREW ANCHORS (O Kc FACTORY APPLIED 12'MAX 12' AX J COMPRESSION ANCHOR O '- CI)@ EACH JAMB/HEAD 1� CORNER(2 TOTAL) 36'MAX 3/8'DIA.CONCRETEE 36' MAX Q Q 0,187' WIRE SCREW ANCHO) - CC 3 U ANCHOR TYP. QL ------ -------_. __ - -- 36•MAX -- ------- -- - - 36'MAX - Ln #8 x 2' WOOD SCREW Z L0 (O Total A A A A A A Q C) M8 x 2' WOOD SCREW Q ^LLI (2)@ BUT.of EACH JAMB BACK FILL FRAME ,((,(I, BUTTERFLY CLIP MASCINRY OR CONCRETE (1)@ DCTERIOR OF FACE YWALL 6 ADJACENT CJL NUT REQUIRED (1)@ EXTERIOR of FACE CELLS WITH GRUUT (TYP., OOD OR STEEL STUDS (TYPJ �/16' TAMETER WIRE 3/8' DIA.CONCRETE DOOR FRAMD: DUUR FRAME v,: • •• SCREW ANCHIX2 1 4•?• .�. �y DOOR FRAME •y. •. Hp SECTION A-A TERDIR SHEATHING 1 1/4' Ei SECTION A-A MINIMUM EMBEDMENT IN WOOD OR S�22XX STT1➢S ll 6 0 U 1z•MAX #10-x 112" 0 - - #8 x 5/8" - STRAP ANCHOR(TYPJ 36' MAX - — -_- #10 x 1/2" -- -- -- -_ --- (n rn Mn to (6>SCREWS IN EACH #8 x 518 !l9 x 112" N N!21! #10 x 112 11 J 36'MAX ❑ #9 X 1/2" F A A #10 x 112' allo HINGE DETAIL a-so � AB WOOD SCREW CTYPJ _ _STRIKE DETAIL MACHINE SCREWS _ pa Z WO stuns __—STRAP_ANCH .— MACHINE SCREWS - _.. - STEEL.SIUDS _ ----- ---- - -,._.~--'--- ------ ----- V Uwe N - -- - _ --- D OR STEEL STUDS - --'- _- - - -- - �"------- DUOR FRAME o. - 4 Q ss21 I.250• U,o 0 1 3/8'MIN. SECTION A-A EMBEDMENT T UD Adkvdn to NAW TW DON ~ N N CBlt�ie ftND. INSWING THRESHOLD OUTSWING THRESHOLD ATTACHMENT DETAIL -- - - Do R `1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR--LOADING CONDITIONS.-PREPARED; - - - -- U COQZ SIGNED AND SEALED BY JOSEPH A. REED, PE HARDWARE SCHEDULE- - (FLORIDA #58920) FOR EACH INSTALLATION METHOD. - 1. KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND 2. CONCRETE ANCHOR EDGE. DISTANCE MIN Y.- - SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED sGa1: N.T.S. WOOD SCREW EDGE DISTANCE MIN 1/2". AT 5-1/2" CENTERLINE. DWG.BY' sws r SHEET METAL SCREW EDGE .DISTANCE MIN 1/2". 2: 4." X 4" FULL MORTISE BUTT HINGES. Lam(' DRAWING N0: DWG-A(A-FLOISO-06