HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PlanIs 0 2 OPEN r------- OI `lT Y T(OI1—.I r V Al I I( ,I!I 00 Q — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — N — — — — — — —. — — — — —_ — — — — — — — N N ..— - — — — — — — — — — — — —. — — — — — — — — N O I S RIG��T ELEV,470N ADEX OF SHEETS SHEET NO, DESCRIPTION 1. FRONT AND REAR ELEVATIONS 2. FIRST FLOOR PLAN 3. SECOND FLOOR PLAN — STAIR SECTION 4. FOUNDATION PLAN — SANITARY RISER S. FL FRAMING AND ROOF PLAN 6. D-1 WALL SECTIONS i. E-1 ELECTRICAL PLANS, RISER, AND PANEL SCHEDULE oc O E r W W W 0 .r U now m �t ow�L., U con .^ n vI (ji [L OC W o O W p �z w OD0� O — Q OD OD c Q Z OD OD # C O U nn�'' v r rcr V U Q 73 W a c+l U ~ W ; -1 ((� N Q � N W 10 DATE DRAWN 2-25-I4 DRAWN BY: D.R.B. CHECKED BY: O D.R.B. w SHEET z I. W OF 1. QJOB NUMBER: rl py RECEIV70 APR 18 2014 24'-s33�' FERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM100) ,2 and a Zozat o" �ao, Florida Building -Code Residential: 2010 Edition and ASCE Z-IO for Wind Loading 2 F,ea ed a „� METE' Stair Info: Building Design is: Enclosed Risk Category '11 Wind Speed: 110. mph ,ultimate Stair Info: t a9"` 2 A' 2 -I risers at 6 high Mean Roof Height: 23'�'-�-1" Roof Pltch: 3:12'. I� risers at 7 1/8 high �'" ad os tivo Internal `Pressure Co;fficient: to -la IrTO 15 Treads at II deep qcr`y "";°m"�o, 3"$ 6 Treads at II des- Subjectabilitg to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Very Heavy "e is n„n" p Width of RooF End Zone: 3'-0" Wind Exposure Classification: D Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and I O Load Combination per -ASCE 7-10 -Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+0.6:WL; 0.6DL+0.6WL Exp Height AdJ Factor: 1.41 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 0.81 applied below HIP ROOF 2:12 _ Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET), Roof Zone: I. +24,5/-39.0 psi L:12 PITCH Roof Zone: 2. +24.5/-68.0 sF Roof Zone: 3. +2.5/-100.O psf co Roof Zone O Walls Zone 4 Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 3' -0" 8" x 12" concrete column Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4. +42.5/-44.0 psf C ° with (4) 45 bars Vert _ ®_ Roof Zone 2 and 4a ties at 12" o.c. w o Wall: Zone; 5. +42.5/-5'i.0 psi Walls Zone 5 ° Components t Cladding .Wind Pressure' (NET) on Garage Door: N/A psi END ZONE Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes a87.90 Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes ' ®_ Corner zones. o GREAT ROOM Are Components an Cladding Details Provided? Yes Roof Zona 3 Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2,500 psi, Presumptive: X By Test: psi 3 ° Bearing wall O This Building Shall Have the Following- il. 9'-0" A.F.F. APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT. GLA55: X 'BOTH: NEITHER: r Flat Ceiling A 3„ A" O _ m CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY Ul `� ALL DIMENSIONS WITH SURVEY ID PRIOR TO ORDERING TRUSSES m w, JA 9'-O" -Aluminum- Rail -- details by manufacturer Flat Ceiling KITCHEN I E I _ °' Strap beam to post (2) 2"' x 8" wood beam' m o -_ using LSTA I8 on outside 0 I C) or post m n P wder J O - - - Bolt beam to posts using (2) 3/8" dia. thrubolts. Ro m I / O with I" washer each side for removable stairs Porch begond J 2" x 12" PT stringers' (2) 2" x 8" wood beam 9 c Deck treads and landing with owner 6 24 2 specified 1pe wood � Oo _ � _ 4" x 4" PT wood post A ttach strin�4ger to beam using 2 SimpU list 8nger4' x I I/2" w Simpson LUS 26 hanger woodson screws at each �U'Indo�u Schedule Mark Size Window bescrl tion I. 31" x 50" SINGLE HUNG 2. 37" x 43" . SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS 3. 26" x 50" SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS 4. 26" x 50" SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS - ALL Windows to be `PGT `white ESP alumn windows w/ no tint and mullions per elevations - ALL windows to withstand Pressures stated in Permit Information Box on these plans. - ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered - ALL windows within 18" of finished .floor to be tempered - verify all rough opening sizes prior. to construction Door Schedule Mark Size .' Door Description A 3'-O'+ X 6'-8" MASONITE - 20 MIN RATED B Omit Omit C Omit Omit 0 3'-0" x 6'-8" FRENCH 1- 2'-8" X C-8" MASONITE - POCKET F 2'-6" X 6'-8" MA50NITE - POCKET G 2'-8" X C-8" MASONITE H 5'-0" X 6'-8" MASONITE - BI-FOLD J. 6'-0" X C-8" MASONITE - BI-FOLD K T-8" X 6'-8" MASONIT,E - BI-FOLD L (2) T-O" x 6'-8" MASONITE - BI-FOLD M 2'-8" x 4'-0" CUT DOWN MASONITE - BI-FOLD N - ALL exterior doors to withstand pressures stated in permit information box on these plans.. - 'Provide one exit door (swing type) that is 3'-O" wide minimum and one emergency, escape dOOr' (not shuttered). If escape door has glazing then it must be impact resistant and shall NOT be t.hru garage. This may. be the same door IF it meets both criteria listed above. - verify all rough opening sizes prior . to construction ° sCP 105.011 C 6 at each ,foist a-- Screw: rail to top of 'tread per A: manufacturers specifications AREA 2" x 4" PT wood Haller 2" x 4" PT wood bracingg nailed to post using (4) fOd nails A Simpson ABU 44 Postbase r r at each oat to FTG connectio 3' Stair info: 0-O" Install above stand A/C Compressor II II'' o - Hpeold stand ning on metal R� r coldStairs 6 risers at 6/8" high A A" in so , a W not to encroach in setback 5 Treads at 10.5" deep SCALE: HTs FIRST FLOOR FLAK TYPICAL NOTES: SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" I. Contractor to verify ALL notes and dimensions prior to proceeding with work. 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. - 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc..., to have a minimum 1,400 P.S.I. fiber stress. - 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. 5. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be min. 3000 PSI concrete, and ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, continuous. tie beams etc.. to shall be min. 3,000 P.S.I, concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix 6. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord 11. Wall and Ceiling shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater than 200 of trusses with screws. 18. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than 450 -1. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. 19. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable .members installed 8. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. within floor -ceiling assemblies, roof -ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and .attics q. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. - shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompanging smoke 10, Contractor to Provide Pan t Drain at water heater in accordance developed index not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84, with the Florida Plumbing Code current edition. Insulation shall comply with F.B.C. R316, IL Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one bathroom for handicap accessibility requirements. 12. Lowest finished floor to be set by Governing Building Department surveyor to set in field. 13. Separation between residence and Area shall be per FBC R309.1 and R309,2 14. The Area shall be separated from residence and the attic area by 5/8" type "X" drywall applied to area wall. 15, Area beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by no less than 5/8" type "X" drywall First Floor Square Footage li�. ALL Floor to ceiling assemblies shall be protected by 5/8" type "X" drywall First Floor A/C = 529 sq. ,ft. Water heater in pan with drain and thermal expansion tank. Tank Area t Entry 159 sq. ft. to be installed in compliance with FBC R2903.1 First Floor Total = 688 sq. ft. WALL SYMBOL LEGEND O = CBS walls - Fill cells solid with concrete and (U #S bar vert. at 40" O.C. for walls up to 10'-0"* high. = 2" x 4" non -bearing stud walls - see sections. 1,1sul8te with R-II baits at bathrooms t between A/C ar d Non -A/C spaces = 2" x 4" bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate with R-II baits at bathrooms t between A/C and I Non -A/C spaces I 72ZZ2= = 2" x 4" non -bearing stud walls at plumbing locations \, see Floor plans for locations Second Floor Square Footage jecond Floor A/C = 655 Sq. ft. A/C Space Breakdown First Floor A/C = 529 sq, ft. Second Floor A/C = 655 sq. ft. Total I A/C space = 1184 sq. ft. Product Approval Submittal Affidavit Opening Schedule Swing Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Windows & Skylights' Opening Type NOA/FL NUMBER Product Model # Manufacturer class Attachment. method Exslration Date DesiignlPressure of Approved Tests (. FLU 239.4 Single Hun 9 .., SH-�00 Impact PGT 5/l`" 1/4" dia. tapcons w/ min: 1 3/8" penetration po be spaced per product approval. Contractor shAll adhere to min. edge distances specified in Product approval + 80.0_PSF _ - 2, FLU 5891.2 Fiberglass door .Smooth star Opaque Therma-Tru I/4" dia. x 3" tapcons w/ min. 1 1/2"ppenetration at spaced per product approval on sheet 5 of 1. P p p pp + b1.0 PSF 3, 4. Product NOA/FL NUMBER Model # Manufacturer Attachment -Method EESliation Date DeslgniPressure of Approved Tests Mullions PL# 13402.1 Extruded Aluminum Vert. Clipped Mull M Windows - and Doors Installation shall stnctig adhere to product approval - FLu 13402.1 into 2"x pt wood buck ..' + O.O. PSF _ Roof FLtt. 11560.1 - 5v Crimp Metal - P - - Metal Sales Manuf: Inc 5v Crimp Roofing installed with min. fastener spacing as follows: Zones I - Max spacing = 24" o.c. Zone 42 - Max spacing ; 12" o.c. - Zontr 3 r Max spacing h L" o.c. over peel and stick undetion met Contractor to stnctig adhere:: to product approval for installation methods Zone 41=-45.0 sf pp Zone tt2=-80.Opsf Zone 1t3=-161.5psf Siding STUCCO ON BLOCK 5/8" Thick light textured stucco on typical Concrete block construction Soffit STUCCO ON LATH 1/2" thick light textured: trowel on stucco finish applied to.1/2' dense glass screwed to sorrit framing using #10 x 2" SS screws at 4" o.c. field and edges ALL Product Testing by: Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance ,Office / Product Control Division Hurricane Panels I .have reviewed' the above and approved it by my seal below. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) wr F O E "C O M 00 oo °° o W "V N r, N .. au 4 orrr ,w E"" 0 r- N�r. �m UttSM� M OMNANA N so F" w 5Crj O d� t0�� C� n fV LL I/ LU o O w� UO < z> LnOD �� O Q ri CA ,, U oo ao I u Q 11- r- If Q 00 Z N CV # N O a U �~Orr�° 07 tU 0 U m -C7 uI 3 U F- � 1L1 U ui F- LL N it rn V V1 � DATE DRAWN 2-25-14 f DRAWN BY: C.C.U. t D.R.B. CHECKED BY: O D_R.B. w SHEET v 2. Z OF i. QJOB NUMBER: C11 % Attach window to .block wall with 1/4" dia. x 3" tap -cons with min. Attach door to block wall with : 1 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max 1/4" dla." x ,3" tap -eons with min. and 6" -o.c. max from each corner--thru I" x 4" PT Buck Exterior face of wall __ __, __ ._ .._-__.... _ _ Exterior face of wall 1 I/2" and 6" I° x $" penetration at 12,' o.c. max o.c. max from each corner thru PT Buck. 1"1 Floor up 24" higher than second floor in storage closet j D VENT DRYER \� \ THRU ROOF MR.wo-m- 8" x 12" concrete column with (4) 45 bars vert A and 43 ties at 12" o.c. 9_ \� , o 0- K MASTER 2� BEDROOM 8'-0" A.F.F. Flat Ceding _A" S; STO ¢� .;Ir°\\ w' stul aII I 701 2 �MASTER BATH j�. BATH #2 SECOND FLOOD' FLAN a r, TUB 0 A° GUE T BEDR OM Supply duct down to ISt Varies Varies I"x4" P.T. Buck I"x8" P.T'l Buck :. D e"tall at W I n d OLII S" 2 sides t header 2 sides t header. Detail at Exterior Doors NTS NTS Contractor shall remove Extend filled cell wall as needed for new _lintel up into beam f 4L EPING ROOMS PROVIDE AN EGRESS Provide Ca5t-Crete8U8-IB/IT precast IAFI OF DOW .WITH "A NET CLEAR OPENING lintel set m mortar SQ. FT. FOR GROUND FLOORS,'Min. 4" Bearing 5.7 5 Q. FT.UPPER FLOORS. OPENINGS- SH .FOR LL NOT BE LESS THAN 24'H OR 20'W 4V ABOVE FLOOR. I� ' {� New Lintel shall SIL NOT MORE THAN {4 have min. 4". bearing CBS WALL •- i on each side: of new Shower He d {• : {. opening Provide New PT {, ' VERT. u5 bar { ' Bucks attached per jamb details into { Filled Cell Masonry Column With One Filled Cell Masonry Column With One y w { existing filled c u. {. 45 From Footing To Beam: Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI #5" From Footing To Beam Each: g {' {. ' CBS WALL See Floor Plan For Location Conc. Fill To Be:3000 PSI {• See Ian for size rr l See Floor Plan For Location Pour sill blocks` solid for window { {• Provide new filled cell side of O attachment { on each opening , . •`i ...'::',, { ; Singl� Filled Cell: Column Double Filled Cell Column (� _ See foundation plan L NTS - _ J _._ NTS DETAIL AT UJINDOW OPENINGS ° Scale: I/2" = 1.'-O" 2" x 81. joists at 2�' Oc. rk 8-0A.F.F. _Flat -Ceiling Osee Cut down door schedule O � 1. g,,�,. Storage Haul -0, AA MIASTER STAIRS m 36" high hannddrai ry SCALE 1/4" = I'_O„ m A/C � p i O Chase „ x 12" stringers Trowel stucco. rn on dense 01ass' O see typical r O W D E soffit: notes Ln O O� il Section "A" at Storage Area le: 1/2" = 1'-0" �O� �,c o `p `O U rd °� 00 rq W . U 71 M cr, now � U�M N U-0Wa �D C� N CV CLAW s() 0 'z W OD�� O w Q 4 ODci OD 00 Q Q r-r 4 z 0)ry # O r s U ~Orr-�07 ° W U ~ LLI ��� LL L U N U_ `' Q .0 i N -bk+ coW � ^/ (L w �_l_J DATE DRAWN 2-25-14 DRAWN BY: D.R.B. CHECKED BY: Q D.R.B. w SHEET W OF 1. QJOB NUMBER: 25'-IIy32, 24'-8 /3z Provide Smart Vent Model 41540-510 engineered flood vent - installed per manufacturers recommendations. 2 01 vent = 200 sq. ft. of coverage 3.0' Storage = 95 sq. ft, - I vents required For square footage Two shall be installed for flow through p requirement F-12 8" x 12" concrete column \ �. with (4) tt5 bars Vert 31, V- and 43 ties at 12" o.c. see section on shet t 5 A For beam over ope mg l dbl filled cells I I 4" concrete slab with flbermesh OR 2 1 1 for window opening I' I �''x 10/10 WWM on (e mill Visqueen over Flood Vent _, i �_�� above -_-.- .-_-,-_jnn I I Sanit ser Legend Samtarg line v- Bath Tub "P" trap - — — Vent Line Shower "P" trap w� I-Y'` Lavatarg Trap Washing Machine Drain r• Sink Trap r' Urinal Water Closet Water Fountain Drain Floor Drain - -try Grinder Pump T' Clean Out 2" Vent thru Roof '• .V"'}- 2" Vent thru wall 2" 1 Pipe Diameter Designation (2" dial NOTES: - ALL sanitarg pipe to be schedule 40 PVC - Slope hall be no less than 1/8" per foot and no more than 1/4" per foot J 45 bar Vert. w/ 3" 30" overlap - 12, BATH at each filled cell .... Provide double filied. - i ° ` �' - ` A -A- cell ,a\ under post i �,- ° { I 1 I ( 42 ° I SANITARY RISER--�'-141, q- L WC -IEEE— LAV-I bars at 8' o.c. 3; 2" A.A.V. way In -s I I 2 JIL Thicken slab to 6" and provide ii5 bars at 8,; I / \ 2" o.c. each way KITCHEN 1 r-' Strap post to slab ° ,\O . using Simpson ABU 4 o ° ( POWDER 2" LAY II with 5/8' dia. x 10" xp. m 1 1 connect to ensting I'll „. --.I- ! . � �rr�AAR�CLV7a�`Jfan7rrn nnnana f f'�l �., _� ", sewer lime nts Grade C)_1 SEE TYPICAL 4" concrete slab with ribermesh OR -m A/C Compressor Bracket .PlanyleW SECTIONS 6"xC U10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over SCALE 172" = I'-O" clean compacted termite treated fill �E_ TYPICAL CTIONS_ _ 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"xC 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill 16" F-16 FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" tt5 bar Vert. w/ 30" overlap — at each filled cell Grade = Thicken edge to 8"x8" Q O` onet96 barcontinuous st III-11 = A" u9 diamond' plate _ 6 p SEE TYPICAL L- 3. WALL SECTIONS 12,-11%2" 3' q ,8 III I 25 11 %2" GRADE S GR —_ 45 bar Vert. at each filled _._ IIII IIII t cell (2`-0" o.c. typical) with 1 N IIII III III IIII- 30 overlap at each filled cell E 3" x 3" x 1/4 aluminum angles —IIII- _ III IIII— I6"w x W'd concrete stem wall (4) .I/2" stainless _ - footingwith (2) tt5 bars cont. steel bolts: \ I=IIII II__ - and 45 transverse bars at 32" o.c. e 3. Soil conditions assumed to be 2500 ps . bhould any o er cor(:1tions_tDe_ encountered, the architect shall be notified jn writing for revision A/C Compressor Bracket .Detail 4. Verify all recess thickness at Showers, tile, Etc.... SCALE 1/2" S. Contractor to provide. filled Cell with. concrete and 1 :45 bar vert. at, 48" Termite Protection for New. O.c. max. Provide (1) filled cell on each side of openings u to 5'—ll" wide. Construction as per F.B.C. 1816.1 Provide (2) filled cells on each Side of openings from 6 -� to CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. and Provide (3) filled cells On each side of ;openings- from 10 -O and Up BUILDING 181LI ;FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS Contractor to see plans for any other condition used. FoundatlOn, walls 2'4 unless otherwise. noted (seG section) `Soil treatment use&for subterranean termite prevention be done :after shall have filled cells .at O.C, Inside the foundation perimeter shall all �. Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey — Form Board Survey excavation, backfllling and compaction is complete. to be provided to Truss Company prior t0 truss construction If soil area Is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, -I. Contractor to provide C for soil test prior to 'construction -`and provide area shall be re -treated with a chemical soil treatment Including spaces boxed or framed. a copy of Soil test to architect for review, prior to construction 8. ALL Reinforcing steel Shall be grade 60, meeting ASTM` ,4-1b and Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established .by the Florida .Department of Agriculture and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-30-1 steel. consumer services. q. Provide a minimum of 3 Concrete protection at footings and fi'roective sleeves. around piping penetrating concrete 1-1/2" concrete protection at bums for ALL reinforcing bars, slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose -containing 10. Contractor to provide the Archilteet With truss shop ,drawin�gS Including materials and shall have a min: wall thickness of O.OlO" and shall be sealed within the slab using a noncorrosive ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START OF FOUI�IDATIOI�I UJORK f-or stra and footin size verification: g clamping device to eliminate the annular space between pipe and sleeve. NO T)*RMICIDES sha11 be applied Inside the sleeve er FBC Plumbing 305I2 SEE TYPICAL •SECTIONS 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x4" 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill F-24 FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = I'-O" 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR SEE TYPICAL Cx6" 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over SECTIONS clean compacted termite treated fill —_v T-8 IIII_ II-IILI- IIII=III II-IIII- tt5 bar vert. at each filled III ( - cell (2'-0" o.c. typical) with III—IIII= IIII— 30" overlap at each filled cell I I I� I I I••. •III P-245 3 24" 3 F-24S FOOTING DETAIL SCAI_.E 1/2" = I'—O" oot�nSic: g h&dui& M a rk Size and Descrl t1 on T-8 Thicken slab edge to 8" x 8" with (1) :45 bar Cont. F-12 12" x 12r' -x 12" concrete footing With (2) 95 bars each way F-16 1611w x W'd concrete .monolithic footing with (2) 45 rebar continuous and 5 transverse bans at 32 o.c. (bottom) F-2-4 ' 24% x lCd concrete monolithic footing with (3) U5 rebar continuous - and 1*5 transverse bars at 32" o.c. (bottom) F-24S 2411w x 1�"d concrete stem wall footing with (3) 45 rebar, continuous and U5 transverse bars at 32" o.c. (bottom) F-36 36"w x 3CI x 12"d concrete pad footing with 3*5 rebar at 8" o.c. each bottom steel. 4, 0 �00 � O 00 ew Z u A N F Lt. �r N sees �Q bee oc UC cC � C%D crl W LLI u � O �z W OD�u o 4 Q o0D OOD s O I I u Q 00 00 Q 1 Z (`! h # ou U0-- v -) W c(1 ~w �to� fL L U N �1L — N V Q3 I N coW� DATE DRAWN 2-25-14 DRAWN BY: D.R.B. CHECKED BY: O D.R.B. w SHEET Z I. W OF 1. QNUMBER Kruk PRE-ENGINEERED Wf DEEP TOP CHORD BEARING TRUSSES AT 24" O.C. TYPICAL (shop drawings bg manufacturer) Simpson HUB 212-2 with (4) 3/16" x 2" tapcons Strap girder to post using Into wall and (10) Ibd nails Simpson LSTA 18 flat strap Into Girder filing all nail holes with IOd nails (2) 2" x 10" PT Ledger w/ (2) 1/2" AB at 24" o.c., staggered FA q 2" x 8" ledger screwed to wall \ using (2) 3/8" x 3.5" lag screws into studs See stair section on second floor plan sheet for height 2" x 8" Joists at 24" oc. (2) 2" x 8" PT Ledger w/ / (2) 1/2' AB at 24" o.c. staggered Hang Joist on ledger using simpson HUC 26 hanger at each end (2) 2" x 10" wood beam with slmpson HUC 28 _ hanger at each end BIL22 (2) 2" x 10" PT Ledger w/ (2) 1/2" AB at 24" o.c. staggered Strap girder to Post using Simpson LSTA IB flat strap filling all nail holes with IOd nails Typical flooring over 15/32" COX plywood screwed and glued to trusses or Joists thru 23/32" COX plywood sub -floor. Install 15/32" plywood with #8 x 2.5" wood screws at 4" o.c, max. spacing. install 23/32" COX plywood screwed and glued to trusses or Joists with 48 x 2" screws at 12" o.c. SECOND FLOOR I=fi�Al1'f I1�C.� 0 L90 BI METER L3 I L3 #—I 3 BI L22 (2) 2" x 10" PT Ledger w/ (2) 1/2" AB at 24" o.c. staggered TYPICAL NOTES: Scale: 1/4" = l'-0" - ALL Plywood sub -flooring to be saturated w/ Thompson's Water seal Immediately after Installation for leak protection. - Truss shop draWings to be provided by manufacturer - Any changes to this plan shall be Submitted to the architect for approval in writing prior to Starting construction. - ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER - Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior to construction for layout and uplift verlf Ication - Provide fire stop blocking at all floor trusses dividing the floor area Into 500 Sq. ft. (Max.) spaces Typical Flooring on See Wall Section Floor Joists for Details ( see framing plan ) �, ---,j ----- n---,-------------------- ---, 5/8" drywall 1/2" COX plywood nailed to Joists with 6d nails at 6" o.c, edges t 12" o.c. intermediate DRAFTSTOPPING DETAIL scale 3/4" = 1'-0" STRAPPING SCHEDULE HTS 2 Simpson HTS 20 hurricane anchor at each truss (24" o.c. supporting Max. 1450 lbs. uplift w/ (20) IOd nails HTS 20 TRUSS BRACING NOTES Contractor to brace all top and bottom chords in floor and roof trusses in the following manner: - install first row of truss bracing 34" from exterior walls and spaces 12" o.c. thereafter top and bottom chords - install bracing on ang top or bottom chord which is longer than 12' in clear span. All truss bracing to be 2" x 4" wood and shall be attached to top of bottom chord and on bottom or top chord of trusses. saes spaced per truss ufactures plans ucal splice tech bracing to truss chord ig (2) IOd nails m all atlons x 4" wood bracing Additional Precast Lintel #5 bars Lintel Bar Clear " u A u u B Length Length Span Bars Bars -: .: ti �':''.«: ti '•;:... CLEAR 2'-10" 2'-8" -6" 2,#3 none '' i �____i i____01 Is-____ CLEAR 3'-6" 3'-4" 2'-2" 2#3 none BPS-OBAT 8P8-IB/IT 8P8-IS/2T Additional 3'-10" " T-8 2 #3 none #5 bare ILEA e'.} 4'-6" 4'-4" 3'-2" 2,43 none 5'-4" 5'-2" 4'-0" 2,u3 none Block Above S'-10" 5'-e" 4'-6" 2#4 none •:fir. ;'r%' Precast Lintel 2#4 none Additional ' 6'-2" 2.tt5 none CLEAR --! #5 bars i---- BFIL-IBAT BFIL-IB/2T 7-10" T-O" 2,tt5 none Mores: ALL reinforcing steel is grade 60. I. min. coverage of steel=1.5" , min. bearing required a ea, end=8" 3, standard for reinr. steel=ASTM A4I5 TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) LINTEL, SCHEDULE Window Rowe or Max Max Max or D 'H' Bloch Gravity Uplift Lateral Mark Unit Lintel Cast -Crate Above Bottom S12e Top S1Le Load Load Load Width size specification Steel Steel (PLF) (PLF) (PLF) L22 T-2' V-L" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 3049 1549 1024 L31 T-L' 4'-0' BPS-OBAT -- 1 #5 251.1 130 163 T-8• 3'-1' L45 4'-5' 5' 10" BFB-OBAT - 1 #5 1105 1109 339 L50 5'-0' 1 L'-L" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 1238 835 121 LLO L'-e' T-0 BF8-OBAT 1 #5 1011 121 534 LBO a'-O' 9'-4' BFB-I13/21r - 1 #5 2 #5 152 PH 512 L90 9'-0' 10'-v BFB-I15/2T 1 #5 2 #5 443 530 401 L90B 9'-0' 10'-6' BFIL-I8/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 1533 1183 401 LI00 10'-0' 11'-4' 8P8-IB/2T -- 1 #5 2 #5 582 494 452 LIOOS 10'-0' ll'-4' BFI4-I121/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 1364 1028 452 L120 12'-0' 13'-4' 8P8-8/2T 1 #5 2 #5 411 428 324 L12013 12'-0' 13'-4' BFIL-I15/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 1075 110 1 324 LI40 14'-0' 15-4' BFIL-I13/2T ONE 1 #5 2 u5 1250 L09 259 LILO IL'-O' IT-4' 8F8-I15/2T 1 #5 2 #5 300 192 194 LILOB IL'-O' 17'-4" BPIL-I13/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 950 Soo 194 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 14'-0" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LINTEL SIZES BASED ON FINAL MASONRY OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTELS ROOF: SHEETING ATTACHMIENT DETAIL I. Minimum Nail Size = 8d ring shank (min. 2" long) 2. Minimum Screw Size = 48 x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" CDX Plywood 4. Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans for zone 3 Ke Area Edge Field Fastener PrMessure Zone I 6" 6" 8d ring shank 45 psf Zone 2 4i' 6'i 8d ring shank % psf Zone 3 4i' 4" 8d ring shank 84 psf r/A** Zone 3a 6" 6" 148 wood screw 1112.5 psf ** Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans for zone 3 Metal Sales Manufaturing Inc 5v Metal Roofing Installed per FL 911560.1 over POIgglass Self Adhered roofing system installed per FLU 5259.1 In //1/111 111 I i ___ _ i ' _ _ 3:12 MINIMUM ROOF SLOPE SHALL BE PROVIDED L 3 N oc too �00 �O O oc 00 Ti O _ N N y s vv 3 M N U �Ma N~M U.0 Poo '�. N D [L fn Q' W 0 w� O ' Z w OD 0) O > 00 O NNv Q OD ao r (- Hrr Q Q ZN c *k CA 0 U r r -o w U(f) F- IJ_ a Q f � V1 � -70 ROOF FLAN TYPICAL ROOF NOTES: Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" Pfn Overhangs Shall be li " unless otherwise noted and along zero lot lines DATE DRAWN - Roof pitch shall be 3:12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet °� 2-25-14 - Truss shop drawings to be provided by manufacturer DRAWN BY: - Any changes to this plan shall be submitted to the C.C.U. it architect for approval in writing prior to Starting construction. D.R.B. - ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY p� CHECKED BY: TRUSS 1'1ANUFACTURER O D.R.B. - Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior W SHEET to construction for layout and uplift verification U - Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey and to provide Z Form Board Survey to Truss Company prior to truss construction W OF 1. - Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings Including JOB NUMBER: ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START 13-166 OF FOUNDATION UJORK for strap and footing size verification. p METER LUP GFCI / / i i / / _ CREAT ROOM ,Be�ring wall \ T \� FCC 1 , i I � I o� I / \ I � \� KITCHEN i Room' S GF / * / / 0/ FCI PROVIDED ELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTORS WITH BATTERY BACK • UP IN ALL SLEEPING AREAS AND STAIR LANDING WIRED SO THAT THE ACTIVATION OF ANY DETECTOR WILL ACTIVATE ALL. A CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RA.C, RULE 913-3.0472 WITHIN TEN FEET OF EACH ROOM USED FOR SLEEPING PURPOSES. Photocell � / / Aea I � I\ AC G SG wP GFci \ \ FALL ELECTRICAL SHALL BE STALLED ABOVE THE BASE LOOD ELEVATION FIRST FLOOD ELECTRICAL PLAN ELECTRIC NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = I'-0" I. Use copper wire only, no aluminum. 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors. 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider 4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. S. Recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. 6. ALL Branch Circuits that supply 125v single phase 15 amp or 20 amp outlets shall be protected by Combination -Type AFCI Circuit Breakers. i. Tamper resistant AFCI receptacles to be installed in ALL rooms Kitchen, Bathrooms, and area S. ALL bath and kitchen and area receptacles to be GFCI protected. 9. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. 10. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ F.B.C. Mechanical 2010 ed. and current version of any supplements to the 2010 ed. 11, A/C Refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 12, ALL A/C Equipment shall be 13 SEER 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appllancgs (water heater, A/C units, and ALL other equipment as required by 0. -:-C•) 14, A/C Ducts in Area shall be metal or I" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class 0 or Class I duct or other approved material and shall have no openings into the Area_ 15. Smoke Alarms shall be Installed in the following locations: a) In each sleeping room. in the immediate vicinity b) Outside each separate sleeping are€ y of the bedrooms. c) On each additional story of the dwtelling ** ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired ** A/C disc. 125 (3) #1 copper Feed AMP I '''A Conduit PANEL M TE 2" PVC ( FPL)- " . #2 Copper to FPL ug servic ground to rebar in slab E1-IEZECTRCAL. RISER NTS FI&ctrical 5 mbol Legend S Single Pole Switch ® Recessed Can Light S3 Double Pole Switch ® Egeball Recessed Can Light w Dimmer Switch fS Exhaust Fan Pa Push Button Switch ¢ Ceiling Mounted Light Duplex Outlet - Wall Mounted Light Special Receptacle x Light with 'Pull Chain (attic) CFI Waterproof, ground fault interruptet Q Computer "Connection Jack ® Floor Duplex Outlet Flood Light, ® Junction Box m Electrical Panel TD Thermostat g Electrical Meter c© Central Vac , SC A/C Disconnect Q Smoke Detector Ceding.. Fan Television Jack hJ Telephone Jack ® 2 x 4 Florescent Light ® 1 x 4 Florescent Light 0 Intercom saxrt Speaker Hook -Up Q Ceiling Mounted Light Dome Stgle # Pendant Light ® Motion Detector ( closet light ) © Carbon Monoxide Detector PANEL „Ali Poles BR Load Wire Description circa arc# Description Wire Load BR Poles 2 40 1.0 kw tt8 A/C. camp 1 2 Range #6 12 kw LO 2 3 4 2 30 '3.5 kw nl0 AHU 5 6 Or er 48 5.0 kw 30 2 2 30 4.5 kw nib 40 gal, water HTR 9 IO Dishwasher 412 1.2 kw 20 1 11 12 Refrigerator 1;12 1.2 kw 20 I 1 20 1.5 kw X12 Microwave 13 14 Area Recept GFCI 412 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 15 16 Smoke. Detectors 912 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 11 18 Exterior Recept #12 .20 1 I 20 1.2 kw #12 Clothes Washer 19. 20 1st Floor Gen Light 414 - IS I 1 20 412 Great Room Recept 21 22 2nd Floor Gen Li ht #14 Is 1 I 20 tt12 Master Bad Recept 23 24 Area Gen. Light 914 IS I 1 20 412 Bed #2 Recept 25 2t Exterior Lighting #14 IS 1 1 20 412 Bathroom GFCI 21 28 s are spare 29 30 spare s are 31 32 spare spare 33 34 spare s are 35 36 S are spare 31 38 1 spare spare 39 40 spare spare 41 42 spare PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET Load Description Ot . Watts Total(Watts) General Lighting (3 watts sq. ft.) Small Appliance, Circuit(s) Range Microwave Refrigerator Dish , Washer Clothes. Washer .. Clothes Dryer . . . ..... . . Water Heater 1184 3 3.552 2 1,500 3.000 1 12,000 12.000 1 1,100 1.100 1 1200 1,200 1,200 1 1200 1 1,200 1,200 1 5,000 5,000 1 4,500 4.500 Total Watts 32,152 First 10000 Watts 9100% 1 10,000 10,000 Remainder 22.152 840% 1 0 9,101 Electric .eat or A/C 10,000 565% 1 10,000 10,000 Calculate Load Watts 29,101 Voltage 240 Calculated Wattage Divided bg Voltage = Total Amps 121.25 Panel Size to be Installed = 150 Amps Shower Head i I to switch below SECOND FLOOR ELECTRICAL FLAN ELECTRIC NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" I. Use copper wire only, no aluminum. 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors. 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider 4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. 5. Recessed cans to be instaiieu per PvFPA reHuiremerlts. 4. ALL Branch Circuits that supply 125v single phase 15 amp or 20 amp outlets shall be protected by Combination -Type AFCI Circuit Breakers. 1. Tamper resistant AFCI receptacles to be installed in ALL rooms Kitchen, Bathrooms, and area 8. ALL bath and kitchen and area receptacles to be GFCI protected. 9. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. 10. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ F.B.C. Mechanical 2010 ed. and current version of any supplements to the 2010 ed. 11. A/C Refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 12. ALL A/C Equipment Shall be 13 SEER 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and ALL other equipment as required by N.E.C.) 14. A/C Ducts in Area shall be metal or I" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class O or Class1 duct or other approved material and shall have no openings into the Area. 15. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locatioi a) In each sleeping room. ns: b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. c) On each additional story of the dwelling * ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected ang hardwired ** p 0000 �L I'D O � 00 C.J.' `�00 O •- rr Cq rq raw J .r a ell� 00 S+J kt N ty M O`er � U VD (V IY LU O O w1:3 U o ' z W OD Cq Q OD OD s Q I z NN # U ~ O r tr a�- N Q� U U .r ~ 111 to � U- U to F- rL N � fn a W � � L DATE DRAWN 2-25-14 2; DRAWN BY: D.R.B. CHECKED BY: O D.R.B. W SHEET v_� L7.a OF 1. pJOB NUMBER: rVl 12-I/ e=LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be Lead given special attention by all persons installing trusses. _SPACING NOTE ALL TRUSSES ARE TO BE 5ET AT 2.-0= ON CENTER EXCEPT A5 NOTED ASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERIN BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE A IF MULTIPLE PLY. A DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. CONSULT BCSI 30' Span or less A 30' to 60' Span o degrees Sprea er Bar or less 1 2 T g Line span approx. REFER TO BCSI Truce must be set this way If crane used. True• N an •vample. yoar tn.. may not ,notca. laslet crane operator sets trues this wov. tfsq 4_ APprox 2/3 to _� Line 1/2 of Span REFER TO BCSI use must be set this way If none used. This is an example, truss may not match. Insist crane operator sets train this way All load bearing walls, headers, beams & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses A are installed. A AIF2 HAN�L._�FZ NOTE UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT, THESE TRUSSES ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR ANY OTHER A/C REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. For Truss to Truss Carrying Circler Connections see hanger/connector ails mast be as e tabs a schedule in engineering shown.ngle nails. g g Dome angle nails. package. Carried Truss S!"'\T PLATES BY CHAMBERS U REPRESENTS A HANGER NOTES: * ALL CEILINGS ARE FLAT" Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers METAL ROOFS SHOW IMPERFECTIONS. SPECIAL INSTALLATION CARE MUST BE TAKEN FLOOR O TRU SS PERF ORMAN cE CHART FLOOR TRUSS NOTES TRUSS ID FGA rt h be LENGTH 18-6-2 I SPAN 14-0-0 I DEPTH 1-4-0 MAX 18 /D LESS BOUNCE. MOII 0.5 4.7 FLA 19-9.10 19-6-2 1-4-0 18 FLB 20. 8.0 20- 2- 8 1-4-0 18 5.2 FLC 19-1-3 18-8-7 1-4-0 18 4.1 FLO 18-4-13 18-0-1 1-4-0 18 3.5 FILE 17-8-6 17-3-10 1-4-0 18 13.0 FLF 18-11-15 16-7-4 1-4-0 18 2.5 FLG 16- 3- 9 15-10-13 1-4-0 18 2.0 FLH 15-7.2 15-2-7 1-4-0 18 1.4 FLI 14-10.12 14-6-0 1-4-0 18 0.9. - FU 17-10.13 17- 6- 2 7--4: 0 18 32 FLK 17-2-7 16-9-11 1-4-0 18 2.6 FILL 16-6-0 16-1-5 1-4-0 18 12.1 FLM 15- 9-10 15- 414 1-4-0 18 11.6 FUN 15-1- 3 14- 8- 7 1-4-0 18 11.1 FLO 144-13 14.0-1 1-4.0 18 0.5 FLP 13-8-6 13 3-10 -4.0 16 0.0 - FLO 3-40 7 3-0.8 1-6-0 18 2.1 FUR 3.4-0 3.0-8 1-4-0 18 2.3 FLS Thl h 3-4-0 ' 3.0-8 1 1-4.0 16 12.3 1. Do not load floor trusses with construction loads such as concrete blocks. 2. Do riot install floor trusses upside down, refer to engineering sheets. 3. Install strongbacks per drawing to improve floor truss performance. 4. Apply rigid drywall ceiling directly to bottom chords of floor trusses, or brace with 2x4 lateral & diagonal bracing spaced per engineering. 5. Chases are shown with dotted lines and may also be placed in other trusses. Chases must be centered between bearing points, & are not in girder trusses. 6. Review this document to insure mechanicals can pass through floor trusses. s c a as en mcluded SS a tool to help evaluate floor perfomlanre. Floor truss perronnance is not a safety issue. Bounce and deflection that is acceptable in one building may not be in another. S/D= SPAN to DEPTH RATIO, shown as a number & graph line. MAX=Maximum S/D recommended.. - The higher the SID and the longer the graph the bouncier the floor will be. The way to improve performs ice Is for the building designer to reduce the truss span and/or increase truss depth. Refer to FLOOR PERFORMANCE / REDUCING VIBRATION, attached.. - - upset=1/4" heel=3 7/8" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT-18'-4"--- END DETAIL: A I I I ----1-------------------- - - -- * BEARING POST REQUIRED AS SHOWN ON THIS LAYOUT. * FLOOR DEPTH INCREASE:D FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES. LW N Recommended TR N BA I for d C Floor Fusses Refer to information on truss engineering drawings'. 2 16d nails a top & bottom of 2x4 O. . P v<Mical block. . r p FABRICATION AGREEMENT TRUSSES CANNOT BE STARTED UNnL THIS AGREEMENT IS 81GNED a RETURNED The legal deecAption of the property where the trusses will be In Is: The undersigned acknowiedgee and agrees: 1. Trusses will be made In strict accordance with this buss placement diagram layout, which is the tole authority for detertnming succeeafuI fabrication of the t ...es, 2. AS dimensions me alone In male u h t eve Yo been verifl ed b me and 3. Unless written notice 7s provided by certified mall to Chambers Trues within an (10,, days of deliery the undesgned egmea met no beckchto will lea allowed, to the avant such written notice 4 fumished Chambers Trues shell have three 13) buqq((nneta days In which to begin repalra required, or to Substitute other trusses, at Chambers oplldh. S. De4. 0 very Is to Job igned 8at��Ne Wyyse'sa roeponab by to m84Make theotb stepsuk�e for delivery. Chambers Truss he' the sole auUroAty to detemtna the aunablAly of the job site or a portion of the Job ails for delivery. Chambers Truss will be responsible ror dump tlellery only. The buyer Is reSponelbla for additional degvery expenses If Chambers Tnlae has delivery redeliveryoly. because lob site Is not prepared for desvary or buyer Is not Prepared for delivery of trusses. Bu6. yer l� saps nlobwn In Paragraph 7 be�;pw1 bl�'o cchangge Uannyo site nchanges are made In this IayouL A $60 per hour fee for revisions may be charged by Chambers Truss. I. This Is a PURCHASE ORDER to Chambers Truss of the sum agreed to, or u no agreement a reasonable price. Invoice win be made on delNery and paid within terms of net on delivery, Invoice may be made at scheduled date of delivery If buyer cannot accept delNery, of fabricated trusses. The undersigned agrees to pay Chambers Truss reasonable attorneys fee for collections In event of payment not timely made. 1-1/2 % per month service Charge will be added for all sums not paid within lens. S. Signature or Initials anywhere on this sheet consulates agreement to all terms herein. g. In consideration of Chambers Truss extending credit for INS material the undersigned uncondidonally guarantees payment when due of any and all Indebtedness owed to Chambers Truss by any entity recelving material and the undersigned agrees to Pay such Indebtedness Inciud!ng anomeys fees, if default In payment for material be made by the nedplem. 10. In the event of any litigation concerning this agreement, the Hems furnished hereunder Of payments referred to herein, the parties agree that the sole venue for any such action will be Saint Lucie County, Florida. 11. Design responsibilities are per "National Standard And Recommended Guidelines On Responsibilities For Construction Using Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses ANSI/TPIANTCA 4 - 2002" DATED V. Aspread•r tlrrnay lea d per'9CSI1-03" b prawM �aY & ttarrtage. Multiple ply trusses must be fastened together per engineering before they are met, failure to do so can result In roof collapse. Temporary and permanent bracing are required and can save life and property and Is the responsibility of the truss erector. Study the contents of the Information packet Included on delivery SQUARE -CUT END 1 before setting trusses, \\ 2x4TooChord" 1 T smtartbesdafldbracedperdeslgntoPeventfrltay8dantafim \ 24•_g^ 1� 3/8" WALL HEIGHT 18'-4" Trusses must be set plumb and square ,, ' \ / �s�s' - / Do not act bunks or stack of plywood, roofing material or any TYPICAL, END DETAIL // other concentrated loads on busses, this can cause collapse. DO NOT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYOUT USE LAYOUT DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES ---+--------'-----------_---- -I --- CHAMBERS TRUSS INC rA.41;�a I. ASP i 3105 Oleander Avenue l I I Fort Pierce, Florida 34982.8423 w o� 800-551-5932 Fort Pierce 772.485-2012 Fax 772d06.8711 Vero Beach T72-559-2012 Stuart 772-286.3302 Web Site: CHAMBER3TRUSS.COM INDICATES LOAD BEARING Email: MAIL@CHAMBERSTRUSS.COM I i REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 9'-0" kd� I ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR 1 , I y5e INDICATES LOAD BEARING / REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER I w e AT A HEIGHT OF 16I4" 04 P I ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR cc 1 P� C' INDICATES LOAD BEARING 92.0/93.2 MITEK 4.2 1 REQUIRED BY TRUSSES DESIGN CRITERIA I SUPPLIED BY BUILDER County - SAINT LUCIE P2 AT A HEIGHT OF 18'-4" y 1 ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR Building Department ST LUCIE COUNTY Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 l I Wind Design Method Main Wind Force Resisting C? "I w I Roofing Material Metal Roof Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. Floor Top Chord Live 20 40 Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 10 Bottom Chord Live 10 Non -Concurrent 0 Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 5 l . P6 TOTAL Load 37 7.2 55 I h P1 �5o i buration. Factor 1.25 1 Wind Speed 170mph o I Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Bottom.Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Highest Mean Height 24'-0" SAO Building Type . ENCLOSED i oh' Building Category II:Non Restrictive ��� - Exposure Category D o �/ V' `\` Barrier Island Yes Z;j% Conforms to FBC 2010 / w/ % / \ / 1 J 3.00 r' 1 1 Jf / 1 / r / 1 47 1 I "' upset=1hV heel=3 7/8" 1 1 1 y 12'-1 7/8^ 13'-91/2- t/2w �/ Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: 71711 ./ Scale: 1/4 = 1' 1 upset 1iz� neei=30 a 69 total trusses, 61 different trusses. SQUARE CUT END o MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By:__ _ 11 4 x 2 Top chord i Date: 02/25/14 Revised: 021-8/14 CLOU�t ` •� \\� LEDGER ,HEIGHT W-1" I FOR .' ED i SPECIAL AREAS ARE oV CONCERN & MUST BE 1 END DETAIL: FLOOR �' �� HOMECRETE HOMES INC. CHECKED CAREFULLY & :MAY i `~---'� �/ DESCRIPTION: �Dpco�IreC �or Ltiyrl/} t. INDICATE DEVIATION FROM `,,-, I'CESSEL PLANS. ! ��,--'/ - ,.' PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE ! w Aj 61 TRUSSDRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT 71711 -3- (4- f &.."er yk 6gkJ„ w+k��3,y W1 sae+ A=LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read given special attention by all persons installing trusses. SPACING NOTE ALL TRUSSES ARE TO BE SET AT 2"-0: ON CENTER EXCEPT AS NOTED MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE ASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE 0 IF MULTIPLE PLY. 0 11 DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. CONSULT BCSI 30' Span or less A 30' to 60' Span 0 degrees Sprea er Bar or less ♦-1/21, Fc(g Line span approx. REFER TO BCSI Truss must be set this way if crane used. Trues le an exornpl., your Cruse may not match. ysist crane operator sets truss this way. irag �_Approx 2/3 tom Line 1/2 of Span REFER TO BCSI rss must be set this way if crane used. This is an example, truss may not match. Insist crane operator sets truss this way. All load bearing walls, headers, beams & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses 0 are installed. AL HAN�LIIIF-? NOTIlE= UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT, THESE TRUSSES ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR ANY OTHER A/C REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. Carrying Girder For Truss to Truss Connections see hanger/connector ails must be as shown. Guide tabs o schedule in engineering Dome angle nails. package. Carried Truss SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS U REPRESENTS A HANGER Haneer Schedule IJse HUS26 for 2X4- SUH46 for 4X2 extent as shown Carried truss Carrying truss Hanger ID Fasteners for Carried truss Fasteners for Carrying truss *Please refer to Standard Engineering package for gener : instructions on installing hangers. 10d=101.148"x 3" 16d=0.162" x 3 1/2" Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers METAL ROOFS SHOW IMPERFECTIONS. SPECIAL INSTALLATION CARE MUST BE TAKEN FLOOR TRUSS PERFORMANCE CHART TRUSS ID LENGTH SPAN DEPTH MAX /D LESS BOUNCE MORE> FGA 18-6-2 14-0-0 1-4-0 18 0.5 FLA 19- 9-10 19- 6- 2 1-4-0 18 4.7 FLB 20- 6- 0 20- 2- 8 1-4-0 18 15.2 FLC 19- 1- 3 18-8-7 1-4-0 18 4.1 FLD 18-4-13 18-0-1 1-4-0 18 3.5 FLE 17- 8- 6 17- 3-10 1-4-0 18 13.0 FLF 16-11-15 16-7-4 1-4-0 18 2.5 FLG 16- 3- 9 15-10-13 1-4-0 18 2.0 FLH 15- 7- 2 15- 2- 7 1-4-0 18 FLI 14-10-12 14- 6- 0 1-4-0 18 10.9 FLJ 17-10-13 17- 6- 2 1-4-0 18 3.2 FLK 17- 2- 7 16- 9-11 1-4-0 18 12.6 FILL 16-6-0 16-1-5 1-4-0 18 12.1 FLM 15-9-10 15-4-14 1-4-0 18 11.6 FLN 15-1-3 14-8-7 1-4-0 18 11.1 FLO 14- 4-13 14- 0- 1 1-4-0 18 10.5 FLP 13-8-6 13-3.10 1-4-0 18 10.0 FLQ 3-4-0 3- 0- 8 1-6-0 18 2.1 r7 FLR 3- 4- 0 3- 0- 8 1-4-0 18 2.3 FLS 3-4-0 3- 0- 8 1-4-0 1 18 2.3 This Chart has been included as a 1001 to help evaluate Tloor performance. door truss performance is not a safety issue. Bounce and deflection that is acceptable in one building may not be in another. S/D= SPAN to DEPTH RATIO, shown as a number & graph line. MAX=Maximum S/D recommended. The higher the S/D and the longer the graph the bouncier the floor will be. The way to improve performs ice is for the building designer to reduce the truss span and/or increase truss depth. Refer to FLOOR PERFORMANCE / REDUCING VIBRATION, attached. F_O I I \ �P I I I ' I - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --acres / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - �4-5' 1 - I I I \ I 12'-1 7/8" IT-9 1/2" NOTES: • ALL CEILINGS ARE FLAT. * BEARING POST REQUIRED AS SHOWN ON THIS LAYOUT. * FLOOR DEPTH INCREASED FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES. FLOOR TRUSS NOTES 1. Do not load floor trusses with construction loads such as concrete blocks. 2. Do not install floor trusses upside down, refer to engineering sheets. 3. Install strongbacks per drawing to improve floor truss performance. 4. Apply rigid drywall ceiling directly to bottom chords of floor trusses, or brace with 2x4 lateral & diagonal bracing spaced per engineering. 5. Chases are shown with dotted lines and may also be placed in other trusses. Chases must be centered between bearing points, &are not in girder trusses. 6. Review this document to insure mechanicals can pass through floor trusses. 19 upset=1/4" heel=37/8" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT IVA" END DETAIL: A Recommended STRONGBACK for Floor Trusses refer to information on truss engineering drawings. (2) 16d nails @ top & bottom of 2x4 v-.rtical block. 2x6 (MIN) STRONGBACK restrained at each end. Secure wl(3)16d nails @ each vertical. Locate STRGNGBACK as close to bottom cord as possible. STRONGBACKS are recommends MINIMIZE VIBRATION d to MIZ FABRICATION AGREEMENT TRUSSES CANNOT BE STARTED UNTIL THIS AGREEMENT Ia SIGNED & RETURNED The legal description of the Property where the trunn will be Installed is: The undersigned acknowledges and agrees: 1. Trusses VAR be made In strict accordance with this am placement diagram layout, w11kh is the ado authority for determining successful fabrication of the trusses. 2. AR dknenslons In this layout have been verified by the undersigned. 3. Unless written notice Is provided by teNlMd mail to Chambors Trust within ten (10) days of dellwry the undersignW agrees that rro backchorges will be allowed. In the event eudy writ rwtbs Is krmlaMd Chambers Trues shall hears three (3) WWl1i days In which to begin rapsin requlred, Or to wbstitule othec trusses, at Chambers oplIA. 4. The undersigned acknowledges recelpl of "Bcsl 1-03" summary sheet by TPI & WTCA. a. Delivery is to Job she. it Is the buyer'sresponsibility to make the job ahe suitable for porlbPor0ory. Chambers Trues has ths sale authority to delermine the auflebllhy of the Job ahe only. n d the job she for delNary. Chamber Truss will be responsible for dump delivery only.. 1 1- buyer In aresponsi for add all ss delivery expanses If Chembere Trum hto recta Nor because job ite to not prapered for delivery or buyer Is not prepared for delNary of Nome. Buyer la r"Panslble to Chambers Truss for towing casts due to sits conditions. S. Prim as shown In paragraph 7 below Is subject Its duenge If any changes are. made in this layout A $50 per hour fee for reNslons may be charged by Chambers Truse, 7. This Is a PURCHASE ORDER to Chambers, Truss of ths sum agreed to, or if no agreement a reasonable price. Invoice will be made on delivery and paid within terns of net / I ♦ r i - + - ` on delivery. Invoice may be made at scheduled date of delivery If buyer cannot accept ♦ ` delivery of fabricated trusws. The undersigned agrees to Pay Chambers. Trues reasonable / V ♦ attomeys fee for collections In event of Payment not limey made, 1-1Q % per month service / ♦ charge will be added fa all sums not paid within terms. / % S. Signature or Initials anywhere on this shest constitutes agreement to all tome herein. / 9. In consideration of Chambers Trues extending credit for this material P.. undersigned unoonchlonaly guarantees payment when due of any and an Indeblw_,n, s awed to 1 Chambers Twas by any entity receiving material and the undersigned agr s to pay such 1 300 2 1 Ind bblerecipie�ness Including attorneys few, If defouh In payment for material bo made by the 1 10. In the event of any litigation concerning this agreement, the hems furnished hereunder i s 1 Or payments referred to hareln, the Parties agree that the sale venue for any such action will / be Saba kacie Co unty. Florida. 11. Design responsibilities are per "National Standard And Recommended Guidelines On Rasponslbllltles For Construction Using Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses / ANSI/rPI/WTCA4.2002- / " / DATED / d' SIGNED FOR TITLE - 1 upset=1/4" heel=3 718" 1 1 1 Aapss. bermaybelet>uilladilarma l-orbproverd"3tlnwps SQUARE CUT END 1 � 1 Multiple ply trusses must be fastened tegether per engineering 2 x 4 Top Chord / before they are set, fallure to do so can result In roof collapse. ♦♦ WALL HEIGHT 18'-4" / Temporary and permanent brecing are required and can save 111% ♦ / and property and Is the reisponsil lllty of the buss erector. - TYPICAL END DETAIL / Stu the contents of the Information / dY packet included on delivery ♦` r / before setting trusses. 7hmmmustbesdwW'rac.r Pridnignbprallin Ili Bd.rm.n Trusses must be set plumb and square Do not set bunks or stack of plywood, roofing material or any other concentrated loads on trusses, this can cause collapse. DO NOT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYOUT USL LAYOUT DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES 1 CORNERCORNE OVERHANGS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 9'-0" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 10'-4" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 18'-4" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ♦��. .♦♦ / co / 04 / 1 0.00 12 9. I 12'-17/8" 1 IT-9 1/2" I / 31/2" // 1 upset=1/2" heel=3" SQUARE CUT END 1\ 4 X 2 Top Chord _ r - - � �' - %.� - � - \ LEDGER HEIGHT IVA' 1 r ' ` `♦ END DETAIL: FLOOR / /' CLOU�SED AREAS ARE OF �\ / / SPECIAL CONCERN & MUST BE ► ` / / CHECKED CAREFULLY & MAY INDICATE DEVIATION FROM / ♦` / 61 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT CHAMBERS TRUSS INC 3106 Oleander Avenue FortPleroe, Florlda_tM2.6423 800-551-5932 Fort Pismo 772466-2012 Fax 7724e64711 Vero Beach 772-569.2012 Stuart 772-286-3302 Web Site: CHAMBERSTRUSS.COM Email: MAIL(ICHAMBERSTRUSS.COM 92.0/93.2 MITEK 4.2 DESIGN CRITERIA County SAINT LUCIE Building Department ST LUCIE COUNTY Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 Wind Design Method Main Wind Force Resisting Roofing Material Metal Roof Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. Floor Top Chord Live 20 40 Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 10 Bottom Chord Live 10 Non -Concurrent 0 Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 5 TOTAL Load 37 7.2 55 Duration Factor 1.25 1 Wind Speed 170mph Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Bottom Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Highest Mean Height 24'-01, Building Type ENCLOSED Building Category II:Non Restrictive Exposure Category D Barrier Island Yes Conforms to FBC 2010 R.D.L.=Restrainina Dead Load C.B.=t;ontmuous tsracin Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria is the responsibility of the Buildina Designer and/or Engineer of Record. Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: 71711 Scale: 1 /4 = 1' 69 total trusses, 61 different trusses. MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By:__ _ Date:02/25/14 Revised:02i.28/14 FOR HOMECRETE HOMES INC. DESCRIPTION: KESSEL PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 71711 g 1' rto ie% Lr1�, r� Fb 1 "r� A y^� 'yi pry 1 LVVI \ VLI 1 1 1 IIrVa v■ %• !�A Tr% 11^R% M r% A e AH k r/\P A s"-" A T� a -.sI -IrA'A Ill