HomeMy WebLinkAboutProdict Approval i tax iv, LCIS 1;..-`- Lcg In Us_r -,ICS- SLL•'i:it 5.i.UNa'C' stars 5 Fatts PjQIICuvru , cont,a U5 eels Sltc_m-0 ,- : Lr's Scarcr• _ Product Approval 0 r 'a' )USER:Fuolk U c; - �. �.. � RECEIVED nr',r-.:f c I.go-ir+F'rrYlvrt ar apN c11iG�Scorch i A 1:1 1 _::>APPII cation.Detail - FL# r-L16650-R7 IYI'r'1R 07 2022 ". .. Application Type Revision Wit;Lip Cndc Version 2026 County `P2rmifting Applicai?on Status Approve) ' Coitvnents - Amhived Produr t lenufac u er 'Fioas Door Comp'.' Address/Phone)Email 320 Sycamore SL., F1 &-t C Py Wauseon.OH 43567 {419)337-990D Ext 243 nt_5chv:ciice:r;�;haascoor.cam Authorized Signature Mark Sett+, ettzer; ansch::eltzer'h3asdoo-.com Technical Repre ^_ntative Address/PhonciEniatl Quality Assurance Representative Addrrss/Phane/Email - .. Category - Exterlcr DcurS"• - - - Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemb:ie5 Compliance Method '.Evaluation Report-iron a Flnrida.Regfstered ArchitecCbr a Llcen_ed Florlcfa Professional Engine.er =_valuation Report-Hordcopy.Rtceived Florida Enoincer or ArchltccL Name,vrho deVelooed the,John°,Scatcs' `'Evaluation Report Florida License c f?E 51737 Quality'Asstirarce Entity Architecturat testing,inc,;an[ntertek Company Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated by ` iQaK Dietrich PE .' Vulidaticn;Chec4;Cst-Hardcnr:y Received Certificate of Independence FL16G50 r.7 (701 i cf-Ind ,tac s s.ori Reverenced Standarc.end Year,(of Standard) Standard Year ANSVI)ASMA.108 2017 AN511DASI.1A 1D$' 2012 - ANSI!DASt•IA 115- 2017 ANSIJDASMA 115 2012 TAS 201 1994' 2 99 TAS 4 ^ TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Pr, Standards Cartifiad By; Sections from the Code R2571, R2572,112S80,R2581, 1 j !R2582 y Limits of Use 1 Installation.Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No i =l 1 fiC:SO R7 1: WL-70�1C-+6_94-03.2;-28L-Rc,L) odd- i Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes i Verified By:John E.States 51-737 i Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: 24.61-27,6 ;Evaluation Reports 1 Other:Glazing is an available option for all PAIL Series { FI i!;656 R7 AF F',•alRertPANI s pet i products listed but lianas nu',meet the 1Inpa--t resistant Created by InteDa ttientTFard,Pariy:Yes i requirement for trindturr,e debris regioris. 116650.20 20.PAId C2Oi 5,C2015,C2410, i PAN Sencs sectional par..vpr_garage dour 16W t ide R2.110,C2411,C2415,C24fiDe t !R7.160,C2<E1,.R2461„C2471, R2471,C2472,R2472,C2-SD, 3, R2.180,.C�481,R2,81,C24F.2, R2482,C2511,R256O,R2561, I j 4 �R2571,R2572,R2580, R2581; i ;R2582 Limits of Usc ;Installation Instructions I Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16650 [1-7 II t,.JL-2000-0194-31-35-RcAl dt i Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes j Ver-u"led By: Win E.Scalds 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes : Created by independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: =31.11-34.9 1 Evaluation Reports ` Other: Pi 1nn50 r�7 i.F 7,pff Created by IndependentTnird Patty: Yes Gdto Page � �:Pa{1e 1!2 0 CinlaK Lis•..__ 1 al:,l 5t�^�[ ;,;:1,Tjh_....-Fr :21ue PAr•r-,Ar•5.en7-•F?+-. i C0 S:BW rt Har`do is on r .EFD rspu�r,:.�:_ytit;70'7-t0:!SI,•:� 'ili:-t;:. :�'i C;� <r pit;•_rrpromrnr ;nr!i: ',Srr -,r. . ;I,^,C2r.Fl;nia!d'::,etlarl�Gr.rr<crc,:-r cvallr.recces.:!y.0:(n not:r..:",.Jr r1-c:1 eCd:es5 telr_g5«_ :es:A-Dnse u, (fro nee ceae rlr::rvr. mc;l.0,ri:C-Alty,7narc.^. rcnl:c;a`^c'h:e^ ohc c or: ad.0c.1A i;:3U..ir'iou:!ow2 any qU"Stlons,J c �,rr:a.i F.511�57.1395.'Pcrt.riC td Srctica 455.2 i5(]i. Fork:.5. 04. Cctnrr:. -.I .rez I:ca..cd�-'e.Lhepter•155 r :v5[OIo,i J?'.1E O`?a'tn5•?a: i!h an pna'1 aZdn.,;,'tnce ha•:e ca ne i:-1,C;Ci rC_G„Maybe LSCL( -::ICL:1 CUr�r.,:,•nlpa:JP!'�t itn: tense:.Hew--,,[YP911 eddle5]ES 2 e 7:'Jr.. r,::g15^,to su:6:Y❑prrcpnl,epees y p1N,e . prc"Wc Ike.^.rCartrrlrr.:v,,:h an aeon aepre......ScS ern to n'eds eo.!_71e to tIr? e fic.t.frr vrvJc•Crap;r,•C ;5s.,p!ecr_cLck n_e.- Product Approval Accept.: - Credit Card Safe 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Door Width 16'-2"Shown NOTE: Track configuration above " the door opening does not affect F See chart below for other the ,Hind load rating of the door. F Top Bracket door widths. . DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) Fla Bracket g Detail H(sheet'2 of 3) 00 � r i E E r i Jamb Bracket Detail F(sheet 2 of 3) Door Height. slide Loak ar Loak ears 7'-0"Shown e , ManDa'l G(sheet 2 door locks of e uol See chart required unlesJ an automatic r "If 1 , operator is installed. below forother 5s�"'+/-3" door heights 54#"+/ 3" D 38,1" D l r r r 221'+/_3„ 01 Bottom Bracket �End'Hinges ;Struttrut Attachment Intermediate Hinge 4"+/-3" Detail C(sheet 2 of 3) Detail B(sheet 2 of 3) Detail.E(sheet 2 of 3) Detail D(sheet2 of 3) 102"+/-3" C C This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 108 for static air pressure. Jamb bracket quantities shown ore for use with grade 2 or better southern pine This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 115 for large missile impact and cyclic wind pressure. jambs. Model Number Supporting structural elements Ere to be designed'by a registered professional engineer for specific wind loads, PAN.C2460 R.R2460 SERIES PAN C2410b R2410 SER PAN..C2461 S R2461 SERIES NOTICE: PAN C2480 6 R2480 SERIES PAN C2471$R2471 SERIES Door Total#of Total#of Shuts Jamb BrMs these drawin a ore o Hal ht Sections er.Side g• PAN C2481 6 R2481 SERIF PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES PAN C2011.SERIES 6'-0' 4 4 5 supplement.t0 the installation PAN C2482 A P2482SERIE PAN R2560 SERIES PAN C2015 SERIES instructions for a.standard ;door PAN R2580 SERIES PAN R2561 SERIES PAN C2411 SERIES 6'-3" 4 4 5 and only covers those. B PAN R2581.SERIES PAN R257.1'SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES 6' ta.-6" 4 4 8 procedures that. vary from B s PAN 122582 SERIES PAN R2572.SERIES PAN`C2511:SERIES 6'-9" 4 4 installation. If 6 ndard door these specific procedures ore Door Widths Design Pressures Minimum Center Minimum Center Minimum Center Im ad T-O" 4 4 6 not"followed, the.door may not Up To +psi ps End Stile Stiles Hin Stiles Hln es Stiles Hin es Resistant T 6" 5 5 7 perform as designed. Z560 King ohn E Scates, P.E. ng Arthur Blvd. Ste. 124-54 10'-2' 49.7 - -55.5 Single 4 2 3 1 1 5 2 NO 7'.-9" 5 5 7 Lewisville; Texas 75056 12'-2° 41.5 46.3 Single 5 2 5 2 5 2 NO, I B'-D" 5 5 .7 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 14'-2" 35.7 -39.8 Single 6 3 5 2 7 3 NO Maximum section height is 21 in, 16'-2" 31.3. -34.9 Single 7 3 7 3 7 3 YES. Maximum door height is-'16 ft. FL#'16650.20 Professional Eng verification of Wind load construction details. ineer•seal provided only for 18'-2° 24.7 -27.6 Single 7 3 7 3 7 3 NO All doors; even those above the tested height, 20'-2" 20.1 -22A Single 9 5 9 5 11 5 NO are available with jamb brackets or commercial DESCRIPTION: full angle: The maximum spacing of the jamb " 16'T'PAN 2000 SERIFS WIND LOAD 1D'-2° 31.3 -34.9 Single 4 2 3 1 5 2 YES • SECTIONAL DOOR A 12'-2° 31.3 -34.9 Single 5 2 5 2 5 2 YES' brookets/bock clips should be maintained. pat I DESICN.PRESSURE+31:V-34.9 PSF A 14'-2" 31.3 34.9 Single 6 3 1 5 2 7 3 YES. oNnllxsNn WL2000O194-31-35 NEv. N This product is designed and sold by.PSF• The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the F—� ties.° aNE1NN BF. MVS UTEURAWN:4/17114 .EV.Da7E 7/&19 PSF-required for any given site. - rPil_in'e'% MODELS: See(� Sheet3 SHEETo-I OF.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 9 END STILES PUSH NUT 7/1C' 24' END HINGE 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head 16 Go.Galvanized Steel ,See-DETAIL K for push nut 14 GoGolvanized. Steel Self Drilling (3 per Bottom Bracket) ' IF Oo PUSH NUT placement: TEK 7/16 SCREW, F /4"Hex Washer Headq _P BOTTOM BRACKET 1/4 - See DETAIL K for push nut TEK SCREW ° ° Self Drilling (6.per Hinge) 13 Go Golvdnized Steel placement. 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head Self Drilling (2 per Bracket) - NOTE: This screw should be ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE PUSH NUT a 12 Go n O located below the prepunched hole 7 16" 0 8. LOW HEADROOM TOP o and 9 through the hinge,end.stile See DETAIL K for push nut TEK SCREW UU RACKET and skin edge placement. 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head PUSH NUT BOTTOM SEAL Self Drilling (4 per Bracket) PUSH DETAIL A LOW HEADROOM DETAIL B See DETAIL K for push nut DETAIL C E TOP BRACKET placement. E 24 3 1/2" x 4" E STRUT INTERMEDIATE STILE 18 Go 50 KSI Minimum 16 Go,Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel �4"7� JAMB BRACKET 12 Ga Galvanized Steel LOCK or LOCK o,®o •'Q`, a SOottEre aired With operator) ARS INTERMEDIATE HINGE Q P ) 18 or 14 Go Galvanized Steel � �32' O ° TEK SCREW TEK SCREW `1 BOLT & NUT oQa 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer D- 1/4" X 3/4" Hex WoSher Head 1/4-20 X 5/8" Carriage Hlidd Self Drilling (4 per p TEK SCREW Slide Lock) Self Drilling (4.per Hinge) 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Bolt &"t/4-20 Hex Washer DETAIL D DETAIL E Head Self Drilling (2 per DETAIL F Nat (, Per Jamb Bracket) DETAIL G End &:Intermediate Stiles) 0o o0o NOTE: Details on some views omitted for clarity. ° —WITH AND O WITHOUr GRACE 00 00 ° Double, end Stiles and and hardware may be a as Q provided on wider or heavier doors. 0 0 09 C c ° o ao o Maximum � L 1 32" FLAG BRACKET °o 1/2" RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL DETAIL K ROLLER BOLT COMMERCIAL For Standard, High For Standard, High There should be a 2" Dibmeter, Nominal (416 $ l 5/ra Lag Bolt For Low Headroom & Vertical Lift F% Vertical Lifte space of maximum Eleven Boll Nylon or ( per Flog Bracket). With 2" Track and With 2" Track and With 3" Track and 1/2" between the roller Ten Ball Steel with BOLT &. NUT Single End Stiles Single End Stiles Sin le End Stiles hub and the outside a Minimum Workable 9 9 edge of the roller Shaft Length Shown. 1/4720 x 5/8" Track Bolt holder which is set by & 1/4-2D Hex Washer Nut the push nut. (2 for Horizontol &2 for B Vertical Track) B ° DETAIL H a Min, DOOR SKIN Min. John E Scotes. P.E. of 1' Minimal ?,s Go Galvanized Pointed Steel of 1" 2560 King Arthur Blvd.Ste 124-54 o Lewisville. Texas 75056 ��°.o IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. {/ 511737 FL#16650.20 Professional Endineer seal provided only for COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL°HEAVY DUTY verification of wind.load,construction details. .For Standard, High & For LOW Headroom With BOLT&11ASHER VERTICAL TRACK - 2'No W000 JAMB DESCRIPTION: Vertical Lift With 3" Track 3" Track and Double 5/18."% 1 5/B"Log Bolt&2".O.D: 13 Co Golvonaed Steel tested. _ lbt 2"pASECTIO SECTIONAL DOMDIAAD x 7/10'1D.'Flat Washer The vertical wood jamb SECTIONAL DOOR A and Double End Stiles End Stiles NOTE: Jamb bracket must be in 3-Nominal 13 Go is also fasteners may be counter sunk l E t DESIdNPRESSURE+31-v-M.9PSF A ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS direct contact with the Zxe (No aPProyed as an alternate. to provide a flat mounting' drywall allowed). surface. See jamb attachment OMWINBNa:WI:.000-019431.35 REV. H ryw: T detoils on.sheet 3 for attaching sn DRAWN or MVS PATE DRAMK-4r17114 REV,OATS 78119 NOTE The bottom bracket'tested(shown in TAI C is the lightest bracket NOTE: he flat not required sR�' vailable. for angle mount. jambs to the structure. Go"A" d INODEL(S(: See_Shect31 SNEET:20F3 1 B 3 4 5 6 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FASTENER TO F PAST HEADER CONTINUE F I E MODEL NUMBERS E o ° MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE OPENING HEIGHT 2 X B GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN PAN C2011 SERIES PINOD J . SEE CHART FOR WO00 AMB ATTACHMENT PAN C2015 SERIES. TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. :PAN C2411 SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES MAXIMUM ON D PAN C2511 SERIES. CENTER SPACING D PAN C2410&R2410 SERIES PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES FIRST FASTENER,- to 10° PAN C2461 &R2461 SERIES ABOVE THE FLOOR OPENING PAN C2471 &R2471.SERIES WIDTH PAN C2472&R2472.SERIES PAN C2480�R2480 SERIES WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT PAN C2481&R2481 SERIES C Building My,y„�„ Minhnum Mh+Mum M°dmum AAmv�h6 PAN C2482&R2482:SERIES Swcture Fa Emn°em°a pkmme sP°c`°sp..,hg`T°o"'°�01 C PAN R2560 SERIES MIn.2500PSlto Tapcon+(PLUS) 2° 2:50" 5.00 24' 551 PAN R2561 SERIES atloo PSI concrete ira wr r oDD washer Southern Pine W Leg as 1,50° 1.50' 1.50' 24' 620 PAN R2571 SERIES' 11ra•OD washer PAN R2572'SERIES Spruce Pine'Fir sre'.Legwr 1so t o tso' z2 aE2 1 118 OD washer PAN R2580 SERIES NOTE:V6 mounted to the wall must be$outhem Pine Grade 2 or better. PAN R2581 SERIES PAN R2582 SERIES B' L B John E Scales, P.E. Q560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 'Lewisvlllr, Texas 75056 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida h,E. # 51737 FL#16650:20 Professional Engineer seal provided only for verification of v,iind load construction-details. �. DESCDIPTIOD: 16'2"FAN 2000 SERIES WIND LOAD SECTIONAL DR A DESI(IN PR SSURE]1OO.J(-Jq.9 PSF A �...... •..'.` eAaanxaAa:WL�000-0194-31-35. nEv. H m ®® OAAWN tY:MVS OA7E DRAM 4117,5 R.UM 7/8119 a CW%n14 MODEL(S): See Sheet 3 $IIEEi:3 OF 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8