HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0991 7t) \, " i' 'I" .. ;: , !. i' -i !, ;, ~ "/ f, ;, I: :! " " q ; i' ~ t ; ~ " : Ij Ii ~ ~ $, ~ .I " f, I: it g fl .' I ~ ! , .' t '. I I I ....... au..... ".....I1'c:..:.:~..... t:biu ~nbtl1turt. Mad~ IlK' !,~tA, ...da)' of ,~~~ thOllS:ultl niM hllndl't'fl aRtI ~~, .., Dln'~VBHN a.c. oIc-, " ~ , u ~~ /lla.f.,c.<u d.t~,(..u~"f-.i- ;1t,(,uvw 4u ~ .. " . , ~'-- ~ f\..i t1'TI'd 4..- vv'Q. ...and State of_, , ",c;... .. , (;{ '~,. ''- ~ ,l-.L- ,..In thr )'ftr 01 our IAlrII one ,,?1'~ ~ 44-< et of the County of 6ft." It .. '.. ,.,01 the 6rs~ part, RIll! of '. .j/hu,/~~, ,J.,I-, (.c:.. ~(. (!~~. .f'.t,VYldtV. " .. "._01 theSK'Olld P8I1. \\'IT~":SS":TII, That said partIes or the first part, Cor and in c:onsilkratioa of tM sum of , ~~. ~ d- _" '. . ,. . .. ....,..DOLl..\RS. lawful mont')' of t"~ Pllited States of ADl('ricn to . "iltl4---.v . in hand paid b~' th~ S3id part!- ., ' ..oftM S<<'OIId part. at or ~Iore th~ ~~ and tldin'f),'of th..~ l'i\~lltS, 11~ n.~ipt "lK'rrof i~ h('~b)' nd:no1rkdgW, ..,~ , ltfanted, ~,sold, aIim~, ~mi5td, ~Ieased. con\'e}'t'1 a1k1 ronlimlfil. and b~' thl'Sf' pn."'t'nts do .grant, bargain, ~lI, a~n, remise, rt'~, con\'\'y autl confirm,'unto the said party .....,.of the ~~ l'3ft, and n~ .heirs and a...~).'l1S f~\'\'r. all -r1tM;t-tA-a. c;t- 1- .t ~ ~ . __ ..~ n". ... .... . l);ng anti bC'ing in the CotUll~' of St: I,uci~, and State of Fl.>rid.), anti dtscribOO as follows: dlR/,~a4r_~ ,~~. ~~d.._ -'(~~()>'''~-1---~-~~~ __.. -/i.~~L...,~~~__.d.~'4.!",'_\"Q) . J.--f;tt.----~~--.~..-- ____ r _ ..., ;-=.7.~-:-'-:r . ~ _ ~ ~_ ~...~~ (~A/> ,.z.-~ ,~-:~~/~__ -", _ ___ _~_;./.,:' . ... "_'_" Cl-"-C't...d;mj..-'(;p "m/=t., '0 ~.'..' '~"';""--~'-~"~'f-.f'k..._..>-. _&-, 1-.II~ e(A..;~, (J.~~_ ~--~~..r--g~__e~--=:::=:::.-::-:,-:: .--~---..~._---_. - ,...;",....-----...-- .-..----..,--.. --------.---- ..-----_. ...u__.... _ _ ____ . _____ .'_.~ ~_.._ '___,_ --~._._----_._-----_.-.._--_._-- -_. .-.-_.-._._-----._,.---_.~._.._-------------~_. - -~. .'. ----------...----------.,,---.------ , , TOGE'fIlF.R With aD and singular~' ~') ~~ .,., ".. ,. .., '__.. . , (('nem&ts, bC'reditaments and appurtenalKTS themmto belonging. 01' in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and revasiom, rmWndn and rnnaindrn, n:ots. issU5 and profits theroof, AND .\JA'iO. aD t~ estate, right, tit~, inttl1.'St, dower and right of do1l\'r, stptarate estalt, property, po IIO~, daim md . demand wbat5O('ver, as \1't'1I in LuS' as in <<Iwt)., of the said part.. ......_of the first part. of, in, and to the~, and nay part and pared thm:ol. with the appurtenatK"5: TO IIA VF. AND TO 1101.1) tJ-.e abo\'1! ~lM, bargained and desai~ p~m~ with the appurt~ll~ unto the laid part... of tlK: ~d parl..beirs and assigns. to ~..Ol11l propu use, beoeJit and btboof fOftYa'. And tJl(' $aid part ,t~ .....of the first part Ch.,~ /t.Pf, ~~ ---.,.,{. bt~ cI ,;,j,~.tpt/ fO' /1tuA-..lxirs. CXttUtors and ailministfaloB, do .... . (U~nan" promise and agrff to and with said partl-'-"'oI the secoad put. ~ beirs and assign$, that the $aid part c.U. of the firSt part' Q./v- , .._._at the" time 01 the ~s: aJIlI delh-er)' of thc;;e pf{~t" Iawfull)" R'iud in ft'(' simp~ of a J(tlOd, absolute and indrfr.asib&e estalt 01 inheritmot, 01 and in. aD singular, llle abo\'1! granlt-d, bargailll'd and d5t:ribnt prt1J1isn, with the appurtc.-nan~ ,and ~ ....pod ript. fuH pour an<llJllful authorit). to grant, bargain, ~11 :1I""OOI1\'e)' th~ 5a1tJ(' in manDtt and form aforl:Said. ARtI tbaltM said part ,y_.. ., .01 thr MalGd put,. ~ bcin; and assigns, shall and ma)' at all tUm'S ht-n'artt1', (ll'aCt'fuUy and quidly Ita".., bold, use, o<<upy, po!HSS and l'lljoy thr above p-aatrd prtmi'<". And enry ~ ~d pared tlJueol. with the appurtl'n3tns, without an)' kt, suit. troub~, moIntatioa. nictioo or disturt.nce of the laid part \%4., _of the lint part, .t It.t.i1,..htirs 01' assigns. or of any otbc-r pu50ll or pt1'5OIlS lawfully claiming or to claim tht ~, And that the same are DOW frft, duro .Jis. t'harged and uninc:wnbued 01 and lrom aU COOJI('r I1n" ot~r gratia." tit~, eharga. l"Statl'S, judgmnrts, lax~ ..~ts Md incumbraDclts 01 wbat IWtult and kind liOtftf', .---_! ~.._.Jn--*.~~_.L?-~!2-~--~-IL~-, -h,./t-~ .1t-,~~-I[,~.... . -- _.-- -_._-_.~'_.~--~---..-.._-------_.-.__._._--..._----------_._-- ....- -.-" .---..--..-.--..--------~.._-...-.~----_:_---....----...-~..~- ,,_ _. .._ _w.__._ "..._. -_.....-..---_..-._------------...-._~_.--.-:-------- .- -- .-.- -..----.- -.-.-----.-..-.-....-.----.-...--......-.---.- ...~ . --.---- - -_._-_..--_._-_.._._-----------~._- -_._..,-~.- -~ -.-_. --. ~-- - -. -- - --...-... -_.._.~:'"-.._--.._._~-- _._-_.-:--~ --_..__._--_.~ - ._~. - ------.--------'-..-....- --_..._-~---------_._--_._--_.- -..--- ..___4_____._.________.__._.___. _~__.._~__ .\nll the said pout ~ of the first pout, for ~ ,ami 1i~ , .heirs, the abo\'e lkscribl'd and hereb)' gr-.)ntC'l.1 allli rd..';JSCd ~m~ and e\'\'ry part and p:trC('lthel'\'of, with appUrt~IUU1C'l'S, unto lbC' ~d Part y '.. 01 the scrond part" ~ hdrs anll a~ign.~ :llt.uns~ the saill part .~, ..,of the first part and ~ htirs, and agailL\t all and e\'t'f)' person or persons \dr()IJl5O('\'t'r, bwfu!l)' clain.ing or to dlim the SatQ(' shaD and will warrant, and by tlJt'a;c pnsenls fO~\'1!r ddmd, ' IN WITNF,SS WIIERJo;OF, The said part c..i4..of the first part ~ . hereunto set /kVt... . .h:Ulll-S . :In.1 srof..s ,tI~ d.IY aud y..ar first above written, Signed, ~ and Ddinred in Prescl1C:'e' of us: ~'t,~~ 4~ W~nt/' /72aA..<~ .j.lUv~ ';tf~cn-v' .(SltU.' if. ct. a( 1tLa4A.l;;x. ~d4~. srA~~~~, '-~,-'~ .f:t:;;,~ ~-::~._---- --._-. '.} COIDo"'tY OJ.. ,co<J..o...~ , .,... av~b~d.. .(SHAJ.) (SJ~..\ I.) 1(2CVl-'1-u.-y :;-V .d.t. 'X l2<-< ol.. hlcu-< d.z. On this day ~nooaDy appeared bd~ rM -:.-- -- "s:~-i.l4nv, to rtIC' 'S!eUltnown as the person " . <<kstti~ in, and who ex('('Uted the foregoing I" of Con\'t'yal1C:'e', aOlI ad:no\\'kd~lthat "'Iuy ,uKutcd Ilw same for the purpose themn u~; wMreupoll it is prayt'd tbat lbC'san~ may ~ rerordl'd. In Wilnl'Ss Whereof, I b:l\'1! hemmto :dlixt'fl my n:lIne and officialSl'aI, this I 2. 71l. '3t~--Hd~ ~~_I!~, ~~i:f~ dOl.,Jk-r- . (~.CJl. ~~..() " , ..~ n<.",~~ 1nre~/--y~ tM,7./:r"2::': .dayof. ~,.\, )).11)1 0,. --"..-- - ._..._.._------------.._~- - .--.--- ..-- -.--- -.- ~ff,V)-1 d ~ _} C011NTY OF W: ,Ct., ~ _ I, 14'- Ol. ~Ju. ~ rn-v do hereby cutily that . ;:?-v~ P4- d~ ~.....'- :z.1-~L'L-J ",.-~..- ..to me well knmffi as th~ wife of ~ c.-/.<."~ A.~~ ..1:c ~-~ :?f:<. ~4 ".~ . and as one of the persons desc:rilx-d in, ami \\'ho executfil tile f~ng Deed, did this day to m~, on a wparale and private uamination bC'ro~ me taktn and made. separatel)" and apart from her sai,l hllsb:ln,l. acknowl. edge and drtJano. that she made berwlf Il party to and e:nculM the same for the purpose of ~~asing, relinquishing. rl'llOUncin>: alld ron\'e)'inJ{ all hn ri~bt of dour, St'parate l"Slate and homl'Str-;uJ, and aD her rights in and to the Iand<. in ~d dttd tkscribM and ).'rantt'tl. and that ~he t'ltccutt'fl the 'iilllle r~ly anti nduntaril)', without any ronslraint, apprehension, fr-ar or compulsion of or from her said husband. WillxMmylW.dandollicialseaJat ~e..i, 7~VJ.("d..., this I;'" ,..da)" of /zr;.y-I.....,~t .,\.1l.191Q.. STATE OF .,;.~ L +e.~', : \ --' , ~ . / /-, . ('. ;;:y ,-t;..- C' /j,(. ~/'Yk- ...(SEAL) - --_.'. ..-.-_._~------,.._- '.-.-.--..-.-- Jz--rn.-(<<;'~u.-Irl~ ;;lI';-l~ ,-'I ;';.: {~; #/ . //kl ~~}1." ,~'p<U,"- ,..I(_d~ /, , 12. J . I -._.__..".'_4____ ____~.,"_.._-_._._.~____.___. ___. '-'-'-'..-.. ._---_.~---.__._..- ---.--- -.---.--.-. -.. -- -. -_.- _._.d__ __"_._ ___.~_.__#.__.. ____,_..._. __'. .__.. ___..__ __._ ..-, -------.-----.------. -.-- --~- .----_._._--_.._._-~_..- --. ----------.._- ---.....- ----_._------....~-._._-.. -,.---- ... .~~__u ._. .._.___.....~._" ___._._.. .___._ n____'._~ I' . -- -'---.-.-#...---.--. .----....------.. -. --- STATU OF FJ.ORID,\.} , c M.. I~ l'''tlsTY OF ST. '.I'ClIl,' DR IT RF.MF.1IRIiRF.I>, That on thi~, 0 .. ,.lay of ~_e.. .\. fl. t9! 0 . ., J, a (p, ~ ...l c/A-t' &-t.Clerk of the Cin:uit <Aurt in and for said l'Ollllt~..' hi"" duly ncordl..1 ilK' fORgoing Deed in the Public R<<Wds of said County. In Witutss Whereof, I'ltave hl'mlllto St't my hand and the sNI of said Court, the day and yr.ar aboTe writlm. ~\f'E..? ..1?k ,/t ..t ~U!. ~ ..,JSF.AI,) "f,oO~S) ,,~ D)__,.........m_.~'td..~~.~.~:~.... ~.v~) , u. H.C, . .~ I: ,