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Department Of Health Issuance Of Water Well Permits
Mission• Ron DeSaetis To protect, promote & improve the health .. "OfRa— H Govemor of allpeople in Florida through integratedslate, county.& community efforts.: CC�ww''Scott A.Rivkees;MD Slate Surgeon General Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Florida Department of Health]n St.. Lucie.' County. :Conditions, for Issuance. of Water Well Permits . Effective July 24, 20'17 Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie,County (FDOH ='St. Lucie) prior. to constructing or abandoning any well. a. Call the FDOH —. St: Lucie Well, Line. at 77M73-4936 or 6hiail SLC.DOH= 4ELLSCa)FLHEALTH:G'OV- _ _ _ _ _ b. Provide the.following information: i. 'Permit number ii'. Driller name iii. Address iv. Date and time to begin. construction/abandonment • A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required:before constructing. any public water supply . wells: Please call our main office at 772-873-4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to .SLCDOH WELLSCa)FL-HEALTH GQV- o Submit revisions topermit and/or site map within 48 hours: of well construction'or abandonment. FILE COPY Florida Department of Health -St Lucie County. Division of.Disease Control and Health' Protection Bureau of Environmental Health Location: 3855 S MS Highway1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Mailing:,5150 NW Milner Drive,:Poit St. Lucle,.F.L 34983 kcredifed Health Department Phone 772-873-4931' : Politic Health Accreditation Board Fax 772-59571306. _ FloridaHealth.gov STATE .OF'PLORIDRt PERMI PLICATION TO CONSTRUCT; REPAIR,MODI¢lf,`ORABAN NA,IilfELL l Permit No g9'3256r. 050Uti)W9St PLEq E OUTALLAPPLfCABLEEIE! F1of i unique lD ❑ Northwest (•Dertot S Required Fields WheFe linable P ❑ St .Johns River I pP ) ernitSiWatitlna Regtflred (SbaAtte'ched) The: �er• e/leon(radorlsre p South Florida sponsiblert>�comptelin u 9.: ❑Suwannee River lsr�ova�p d fanvardingthe ptumif eppl}ea�lon to ftie' ' 62-524 (quad No.'..:' Delirieatlon No. - pproptie delegated aaUrorify whale ap We. .. CUPlWUPAppI cation No. O DDelegated Authority (If.Applica I _ " °Owner, Le al Name if Corporation Addr ° �Cdy ! j !'State• °ZIP: 'Telephone Number' ' 2. rceL ell Lop on -Address, Road Name or Number City I 'Parcel ID No. (PI ) orAlternate Key (Circle One) . ) I Lot Block Unit' 1 3y'S �9 .. �f.Igc t, -alt:culcb� park 'S Won of °Township `(tange "Co n Subdivision Check' if62524:_Yes yZNo i�n4 77 �.cF 7 2 f °WaterweilC nVactor ✓ 'License mber °Telephone Nbmber E-mail Address ko ovate . We 1 Conlrac s Address.. I ... .. Citya 1 State : ZIP 7 yp6 of Word: a Cor struc on Repair _Mod�fi tier _Abandonment; 8 mtierof Proposed Well .diL I I rorRepatr,.ModdipUon,'orAba m 9 Speci-y intended Use(s)'of Well(s); 'Reason LS ornestit: - _. Landscape Ir igation I Agricultural Imgeb �n _Site lnvestiation Bottled Water Su I Recreation Area irrigatidn _Livestock IVionitortn g pp Y Q . _Public water Supply Limited Use/DOH) Nursery tmgabon, _Test PP y ( I Cammerciatilndush ial Earth -Coupled Geothermal g `Public WaterSuppiy. (Community . on-Community/DE) o CT _Class f injection _Golf Course Imgatign _WVAC Supply I I► 2 _HVAC Return Class.Vinjection; _Recharge_CommerciaUindustriai isposal_AquiferStorageand'Recovery_Drainage Remedlation: _Recovery. Air Sparge _Other (o mnej . b.6H• (m S4Lycl C flit'/ ;Other (Desulbe) i 10 SDI fence from Se tics stem ifs W r (Note: Not all types of waLLs are permitted try a given parr lung aulhonty) LTH. p y� 200 15 1.7. FaC( ty Description _ OILC:�_ 12. Fstimated.Start'Date ?8 V . 1 Estimated Well Depth,sG? `' °Estimated Casing Dept` j,"S •� I °Primary Casing Diame�cr�'Z _m Open Hole: F(orn-To' �'R 14 Estimated Screen Interval: From�To Sly% % 1 j ornaryCasing Material: Btack Steel t aivanized p ty Stainless, Steel Not Cased , lOther. 16. Secondary Casing: ---Telescope Casing Uner+Surface Casing Diameter in. 17. Secondary Casing Material: Blaok Steel Gal` i' niierl PVC : Stainless -Steel Other thod of Construction, Repay orAbandonmenE uger Cable Tool : Jetie d h�ota' ' Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) Han riven (Well Point, Sand Point) Hydraulic Point (Direct Push) Horizontal Drilling Plugged byApproved M hod ' Other (Desai f ) 19 Proposed Grouting Interval for the Primary, Secondary, and additional. Casing: From . To Seal Material (__Bentonite I--1 Neat Cement Other } From To Seal Material ( Bentortite I I Neat Cement Older From To Seal Material. L_Sentonite� l-Neat Cement Other } From To Seal Material T L_BentoniteeatCement Othe 20 Indicate total numb erof existing wells on site [� Ust numberofexlsting unused wells on site ?1 i thlswellor'anyexistingwellorwatervhthdrawalontheo�nee6contIdu§ .roe 1 gu p p rtycovereriundera.Consumptive/WaterUsePertriit(CUPMIUP) or CUPM/UP Application? l rY s crz- (yes; co plate the folio wing: CUP UP No. District Well ID No. la 22, Latitude District '' } 23. Data Obtained From: GP5 Map ✓�Suiyeyi _ Datum: NAD 27 NAD 83 WGS 64 I hdrubyrrzUfy UiallwUl comply.tvM the applieallo nde9 dfTdln aO; FbddaAdminktrayva Code, anfiUmt a wafor I"r6 that 'Itw'oNner dam . use'pemutaaadrrialreaurpa permit UrroMeq has lreea atw96o oblatnodprlorlo eammeneertuid afwc4 . rcjpcn ippploa der DroPada Staft ft%to rmatai prostdeilbamcato. ar,dlMllom mwro ofmy . W"WIlea. l farfharmrWj d faderak sta i. rl provld, PP6eedon b oernrate and Nat I va �bmin - the ��1or373. Flcdda SlaWtes, to mainhin ar PMPady 2Nndaa this wek dR i dentify thef t am ' nacvaaarYapprevel.fromotherfadomLemta,crbedgovdmmonle,VoppGwbfa:Iagraotoprovide3 U aaantWthpo,dralthointomretlonprovidedb'aaarate,dmUlhatf1maWarmr idinownerofthdr eompleUon repodto lire tllsWctwhm 3a daysaMrzvm I oftho eonum rosponsrb+Tdlw es smtddd . omeroagenb b onovmg Dmeonnelofthh WMDarpotegaleJAaUpdyacec abaM m4 repaE, rrrod:maUd , or to Ne%"CaRe: cma repat mom," aborrdorunenl authorized Wt hY�Portnit,viho wtdtlraveraawafust.. i sr pomul . t "S51g a ofiEohlrao[or„ Ucens�7NgnalureolO�+ner�b�P�gen .70 _p _...1 Approval Granted I Issue Date O1 Ex 'iration Date HydrologisLApprovaI Fee Recalvtd' $ I �` 1'n wP>id Retielpt'Nd 1 B 3L Check No: r THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BYAN A D OFFICER OR REPRESENTATNE OF..THE WMD OR:DEt EGATED AUTHORITY THE i PER SHALL BE AVAILABLEATTHEWELL'SITEDURINGALLCO UCTION,REPAIR,MODIFICKnON,ORABANDONMENTACTiVITIES. DEP Form: 62vr32.900(1) . Incorporated in.62-W2.400(1), F.A.C. E1e0100e Dale: October7, 2010 ' i ' 1 DRAINFlELD: SPECIFICATIONS DIUINFIELO S12ERE01). 376SO. FT. ,1 UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REDD. 564 SO. FT. ONO BSTRUCTEDAREA PROVIDED .581 60. FF. 2 DRIP LINES PROVIDED 18 FT. AND DUNES 026FT. -75' TO EIDSTUIO VACANT -IMPROVED NO OBSTRUCTIONS . c 75 FEET DRIP LINES TOHAVEGREATERTHM24'SEPERAMOK ONE EMITTER 170.C.X 2 SF/EMrnER-378 SF DRAINFIEIDPROVIDED POTABLE WELL TYP. 1' DISCHARGE LINE10-M 'HEADWORKS IN PUMP TA BENCHMARK' TYP. 1'.RECIRCULATION LINE BACHEAD RKS IN PUMP TANK,(15.1CULATION RATE)4-i.. _ Y,f TYP. EMITTER.LINES (2 '1C AND 0 O 251 . > 24' SEPERATION NETAI U VINYIPE FREE. MODEL /OSWRAM.9-1 GPM - MES . INV-.19.3- SpeS �p96. .tO,rpS !y • i• OCCUPIED SEPTIC SHOWN 0 WELL. < 75 FEET .� 14.6: ,`33 Y. I9. INVM�9.2 d 4?tip) : • • ♦8� : zq � •el ..pp V't.1i I (PROPOSED DRNEWAY I I I �I 1 1 COSTING SEPTIC SYSTEM iMov l'�GI/ . � � "�� Y E10511N0 sfPnc srsro4 POTAOLEIR AND SEPTIC SHOWN' LOT 13 . BLOCK.30 ' OCCUPIED FFE':='21.93 -AIR RELIEF VALVES SEE TI1IS ORAWIAC FOR APPROVED :SYSTEM, TRASH AND PUMP TANKS- S00'00'00'E 125.00' �q c / / .46.0'. /: ' 9 EATER FLO 6. PROPOSE 704 DS SA%N R AD OYAYE i 23.50' a LOT 14 c / BLOCK 30 I k. ' o In ' PROPp$� 376 �j/DRIP, GRAINFIELD 4 W1TH�564 SF OPON SEA I' .. I N (E CLIENT PLUME SEA) I I \IAD I 48A• y. f I R POSIED WAT ERLINE :0' F I e HOMES 3T1AN ROAD TODD . N: SMITH, PE, .INC. IORIDA 32951 1717 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD BY DATE SUITE 302 VERO. BEACH,. FL. 32960 Ph., (772) 559-3699' tnspeftellsouthxet LOT 15 BLOCK 30 OCCUPIED . FFE . 23.47 OCUIPIEO POTABLE WELI. SO sEPnc sHoxN CF VE now W POWT S: S/W / EASTING 8 POTABLE MELL T BOOK 11, F OF.57. WOE p p U:,vI; C -O.CT i ;2021; FDOH.te 8fUldtCounty ENVIROMMENTF►1: HEALTH. 4. APPROVED SYSTEM EQUIPMENT APPROVED TRASH TAIBS F'OR ADUAAm AA5CB, AAS00 a AS500 SYSTEM, L.NRLIRIITOR DIM �' VACANT 2. ROTH :&T17ANK %r RMFS00 . S SEBi@IC SEPTIC TA/IX DO4Dy031® CAT4 4. 4. SEMNO. SEPTIC TRIO( 4501D3pS19 G73 _ HO.OBSiRUCTIDNS < 75 FEET.. SEBRING SPnC l750DD33NB CAT3 & 50)AINO SEPM TANK a0010RIS0 CA73 73 . 7. >'F80N0 SEPTICTAN% 1050D]gy/B 4 NCRWLSCO 300 LOW PRRYE I BLOCK 30 APPRDYa TRASH TANG FOR DOORCD'CO OCCUPIED. 1. MMIRATOR YSID .: . 2 R07H NIATITA)MTIC lL iNT-S00 44.. S�0 SO= TAM 800D CAM - 5. _5EDRWO SEPTIC That IOSBDIRLWB CAT'3 APPROVED TAM MR AtAIAANE AAS07 AAS00 A900 AND'. EC0Pa0 E-50 SO STSIOLS 112• 692' 1. 2 ROTH WIXTITAMGM . RUT_= • i 501(mI0 SEPTIC TANK 300D3Rt M CAT4- . X . . SEBRNO SEPTIC TAEO! •+^ ^• GTI . .O SDMNG SEPTICTANM 7300DBSIB CAT3 - ,'. SOnONC SEPTIC TANM 800D3PL3NB 7. SMMG SEPTIC TANK 1030 )3RLVI0G77 CAA O NORWESCO 300 LOW PROME . horABIE WWELL SHO . D SEPTIC < 75 FEET LOT. 17 - BLOCK 30 OCCUPIED ® EMISTIIIc . POTABLE WELL 1/2' 691V LOT is BLOCK 30 VACANT VACANT NO OBSTRUCTIONS < 75 FEET CERTIFICATION: . I HEREBY7MT THE EN0FEA= OF7HIS SYSTEM ESOAEROBICHAVE OR SPECIFIED BY ME AND CONFORM TO ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES ` - SCALE 1' .'2W BUH 1 ILENTM DESIGNED BY. INS _ BUSINESS OF MC 'MEAS11RE0" DRAM BY: J1AS - f .PAVEUOIT ,. RADUS OF. Cl00E RAN¢ENC: PROJECT /21092 SECTION COVOID) DATE; SEP7EUBER 2021 AM -1 NAIL� " PACE 1 OF 1 Michelle Franklin, CFA -= Saint.Lucie County Property Appraiser -= All rights reserved. Property Identification i1e'ddc: s 7704 Sebastian . PardeID 1301 604-0080=, Account#: 898. 'Se^dc%ToRvn'%rRange: 1:1/34S/39E �, .. . RD 000=5 Map ID: 13/11N Zoning: RS4 Count Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County;n;;'hip Legal Description Focus.Homes LLC of Florida LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 4- BLK 30. LOT14 (MAP 13/1 IN) 1686 W Hibiscus.BLVD ` Melbourne, FL 3290.1 Current Values Historical Values 3-year:°'`4 Just/Market: $15,700 Assessed: $10,527 Year. JpstMlarket Assessed Exemptions, - --l-' - Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $10,527 2021 $15,700 $10,527 $0 - $10,527 2620 $10,666 $9,570 $0 $91570 2019 $8,700' $8,M0 $0 $8,700 Sale -History. Date Book/Page Sale Code: Deed Grantor Price 07-21-2021 4655 /`1489 0001 SP Unity Development Investments $34,900 LLC 06-23-2021 4637 %2135 0001, SP • Nason (TR) Thomas R $22,000 08-15-201.8 4172 / 0704 0136 WD Nason Thomas R $100 Prirmary.Building Inforrnation Finished Area of this building: 0 SF. Gross Sketched Area:-0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A - Frame: Grade: Effective Year: 'N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary.' Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 A/C'%o: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated%: N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Total Areas f l;1i" Finished/UnderAir 0 Sr. (SF):, Gross Sketched Area .0 t111" 0yrOM00fll (SF). •c, ♦ %sir <l; id d i7 aoSl)�S�e,..'r2 N Land Size (SF): 10,480 Total Building Count: 1. . Special Features and Yard Items Type. Qty Units YearBlt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any. warranty. Copyright 2021 Saint, Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. {A= .. St. Lucie County Health Department y . 5150 NW Milner.Dr .Post Saint'Lucie, FL 34983. ' HEALTH .PAYING ON:. #: 56-SF-2408004 BILL DOC #:56=BID-5648870 CO NSTRUCTION.APPLICATION #: AP1755897 . RECEIVED FROM: Brian Davis Septic -and Backhoe Servic . AMOUNT PAID: $ 545.06 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT.CARD 01.5652 PAYMENT DATE: 10/08/2021 MAIL TO:. (F6.cus Homes) . FACILITY NAME • PROPERTY LOCATION: 7704 Sebastian. Rd ' F6rt.Pierce,. FL 34951 . 30 Lot: 14 Block: Property ID:,- _1301-6040080=000-5 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION:'QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS Construction 'S stem Ins ectioM Research Fee Y p 1. $ .. 5:00 �1 - Surcharge (All) $ -45.00 . -1 _ OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 .q $ 10000 -1 - OSTDS Construction Application. and Plan .Review,New . 1 $ .100.00 '. - 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55.00 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 1 . $ 75.00 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection - 1 1 $ 50.00 -1 _ WidZe-40n , ,Mtli _ • : 1 $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: AdamsC Note: Vs1h. ICI 932567;�; AUDIT CONTROL NO..56=PID-5312592- . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT -.#: 56-5F-2408004 APPLICATION #:AP1755807- DATE PAID: FEE. PAID: -RECEIPTA: DOCUMENT #:PRI673276 -CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: (Focus Homes) PROPERTY ADDRESS .7704 Sebastian Rd Fort Pierce, -FL 34951 rz,OT: 14 BLOCK: .30 SUBDIVISION:. Indian River Estates [SECTION; TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCELNUMBER] PROPERTY ID 4: 1301-604-0080-000-5 .... ..... D NUMBER] [OR TAX I SYSTEM MUST BE:.CONSTRUCTED IN.. ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS :.OF SECTION 381.9065i: F.S-., AND 'CHAPTER .64E=6-, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY' PERFORMANCE FOR ANY 'SPECIFIC' PERIOD OF TIME.- ANY CHANGE, IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS, A BASIS FOR .ISSUANCE OF THIS -PERMIT, REQUIRE. ..THE APPLICANT TO . MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID., ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES, NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 400 ] GALLONS GPP AA500., AA800. or-AS500L ATU CAPACITY A [ GALLONS GPD N/A CAPACITY -N E GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE.TANK:1250'GALLONS] .k r 225 1 GALLONS- DOSING TANK . CAPACITY [50.00 ]GALLONS OE 6 ]POSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps E :D E 376 1 SQUARE FEET. Netafim(08WRAM.9-1 2500, 'SYSTEM R E I SQUARE FEET N/A SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: I I STANDARD E I 'FILLED. EXI MOUND I I I CONFIGURATION: JXI. TRENCH BED F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: CL of Road @ West PL 1. ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE 0-00'•I I INCHES FT I E ABOVE BELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE, 11.001 INCHES FT ][ABOVE BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L. D 0 T 4 E R -REQUIRED: [29.001 INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 45.00] 'INCHES system is sized for 8 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of!B persons (2 per bedroom),, for a total estimated flow of gpd. ,Performing Lift Dosing. Install system consistent with engineer design. year ME contract, ATU operating permit, and written notice of ATU required for final approval. SPECIFICATIONS BY: Brian Da--�i Master Septic Tank Contractor g TITLE:. APPROVED BY: TITLE: Environmental Specialist III- St. Lucie cHD Brian J In am DATE ISSUED: 10/21/2021 EXPIRATION DATE: ..04/21/2023. DH 4016, 08/09 (Obsbletes all -previous editions.which may not be used) incorporated: 64E-6.003, FAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP17858.97 SE1609693 NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32390. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. pr, Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative. hearing, and this order shall become a'final order'. Should this,order become'a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. r l,r�ttia �I? i.F3F , St: Lucie County Health Department Oro 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEA IN PAYING ON: #: 5&SF-2408004 BILL DOC #:56-13ID-5648870 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #: AP1755897 RECEIVED FROM: Brian Davis Septic and Backhoe Servic AMOUNT PAID: $ 545.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD 015652 PAYMENT DATE:' 10/08%2021 MAIL TO:..(Focus Homes) . EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS Construction System In6pection.Research Fee 1 $ 5:00 A - Surcharge (All) - 1 $ -45.00 -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 $ 100.00 A - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan .RevI6W,New 1 $ 100.00 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New'or Mod, Amendment). 1 $ 55.00 127 '- OSTDS Construction System Inspection 1 $ 75.00 133,E OSTDS Construction Reinspection 1 $ 50.00 -1 -Well Construction 1 $ 115.00 RECEIVED.BY: AdamsC .. AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-5312592 N6te:bell-#594256�7-.; STATE OF FLORIDA DE PARTIMENT 6M" HEALTH. O.7LSITE-SEWAGE TREATNEmT AND.. DISPOSAL SYSTEM A1opL3:CAT3:0N r'OR C01qSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLI. w SYS t I I Existing SystemE 3 Re I I Holdij Abandonmdat Tempos APPLICANT: k6tMe5 AGENT: Brian Davis Septi c & Backhoe Services MAILING ADDRESS: F,O Box 99, Fell-smerei FL 32948 --------------- TO'-2E 'COj4j:%ETED-BY . AppziaAw-dbc APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT BY.A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT To 489.105(3)(m) OR 489.552-i F RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE D' CUMENTATION OF THE D, PLATTED (bM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION or STATUTOR, Y i PROPERTY INFORMATION PER111T.N0. DATE PAID FEE. PAID: RECEIPT 4: Tank I I tnnovat TELEPHONE 7 _]!_._2,531.8200, SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IDA.-STATUTEA. IT IS THE E THE LOT WAS CREATED OR RDFATHER PROVISIONS. 14 30 LOT: - BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: Lakewood Park lUnit ----------- 4 PLATTED: 1301--w604-WQ PROPERTY ID Q 0 0 -5. ii ZONING: R I/M OR EQUIVALENT: r _,2; PROPERTY S± L__,j0 R svpp.�X: )UBJIc 1� ],<='2000GPD FF 1>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PEP, 381.0065, FS? y " e'9 AQ) !DISTANCE TO SEWER- 00(?+- FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 770,4 Sebastian Rd Fort Pierce FL DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: Turn R on US Highway 1 -------------------- BUILDING INFORMATION Unit Type of No. Establishment House 2 3 4 I/rl RESIDENTIAL c No. of building C OmMOrcia: BadrOOMS Area' Sqft Table I U-2w �41�.Qzp. _VA14-AW.kJ?j �_�Cs I Floor/Equipment Drain's Other (Specify) SIGNATURE: bii 015, 08109 (Obsoletes previous editions which may.hot be IncOrPoratOd 64E-6.001j.pAC Institutional SYstem Design pp -ter . 64E- 6. FAc DATE. ted) Page 1 of 4 ti' 4. OF FzORIDA DEPAt Oi' I�ALTH.' • ^ "OhTSITE 'SErAAGS .TREATMENT AND {DYSPQSAL ' '%,� ��,� ", SITE �EVAhUPiTIO1Q :Alsip SYSTEM SPECIFICATIC A 14 3,0 . - AGM-'. T' S[TBDIVISION::Ldk(34iIOQd Part ..�;.. . PROPERTY ID 1303 -604 DUO-,O:p0=5 [Section%7eow TO HE .CCMPLLTE;D-,,F3y'ENGII�EER. I PrLTH DEPP,RTEI NT'EblBypYEB; , C MtJST..PROVIDE REGISTRATION=NtR�ER AND. SIGN AND SEAL: EACH rP PROPERTY SIZE :.COAlF0�3MS' TO SITE [ j�j YES [ J NO ITT ' IJSp TOTAL ESTIMTED AEMM afZOWt _-�iBI�I+GNfi_PER DA]G -{ ---- AL! ORIZED SEyPAGEFLOW. • - - - UNGBSTRUCTED ;AREA 'AYATL LE — - - SQFT LJNQBST1tTJ M HENCFIIIAiiK/REFERENCE POTNT LOCATT014 ; .`� d.'� .- - (� ; .. �1 ET+EVATION OF PR9PDSED SYSTEM SITE I$ _ THE . MINiM(JM SE - ' igHICH LAI J3E 3Y37'iZr7TAINED, .MOM THE SURFACE .WATER. F'T pTTCHE / z 9Ix +' hTEZL9 PII$LIC FT LIMITED . xTBE FT RMTE BJIT,DING J?OUNDATZ RTY : Z,INES:j SITE SUBJECT .TO FREQtiSJtPT iFGODDZNG [ �� S I�!(lI NQ 10 YEAit E'tAOD CRLBiTATTt?N S; Davis Septic &.:Backhoe. Paroe7 Na. or "Tax .ID Number] UALIF D 8$R$ON ENG3NNEERS : MITTAL. ALL :ITEMS': ' .LA'Bi+L.;. • (/� .ZZ ACRES. ?i�+r'g-� 7,'i3ER-TRBL•E2;j-�.-'.-'..: 2pop GPD%ACRE.] 9:. REQD'IRED •��lj � ...gQFT i.;_ 7 ' MlgcH l m/REb' RENqg •POINT �; TO TtiL .,FOLLOSq'iNG _FEAT[TF�ES MAi%LY WE'1'2 [ . j QGES. NO �`'F+I 3+I4N POTABLE AFT )TASLZ T3ADpTPT? ] 3iE8: ,7 NO �FaT30N... 'b�7.'. MSZ,'ZNGVD S.O,IiPR_(O_FILE.:ZEO..BAiTIUN-'SIT-1 MNSELti#LR IFpRATT DEPTH MUNSELI� =#/GO m Q"Shvi y ld I 111 --To . _ 'PO { IS - - - 7. .0 _ - rT0 _ TO USDA SOIL SERiE$e U i:, -_ USDA SOIL S R3ES: - — �� ; ift t83ERVED.'WMR .TABLE;._ . .INCHES [AEDVE / EXIST -40 _ E TYP •; CHED / PARE `] ESTTWLTED.' WET ,SgMPN WATER TABI+E ELEVATIONS _ �TCFIES [A�pyE / LOW 'EXIST E HIGH WATER :TABLE 'VEGETATIOJJ. I .] YTS L}C] NQ lwTTTLING: - an DE7�TH:... f3 _INCHES SOIL' TEXTURE/LOADtl4d RATE FOR , SYSTEN; SIZING:. � V. DE. TH OF EXCAVATION-. 1:MS DRAINFIELD COwxc-UPATION: tP, mitimcH . [ ,] BED L ] OTHER ( PECIE'Y) REI�IRK$/ADDITIONAL , CRITERIA 1)►1. Jl K ' fs:. - . .., ...0 . r . _,.� �•: -... , ,: _..: a fo S 11 -=1,n g. - \ ♦o SITE EVALUATED BY: DR 4015, 08/09 (ObsO rotes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: %r{i Oa' ' - - , - - P:.of 4 -'L l Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property Identification 'tS e�A ldc s 7704 Sebastian t,+Parcelt� g"): ,1301.-604-0080- Account #: 898 ee , w '=an 1/34S/39E RD 000-5 Map ID: 13/.11N Zoning: RS-4 Count Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County 'Qwnyefastaip� . Legal,D:esc��i'ption ,. Focus Homes LLC of Florida LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 4- BLK 30 LOT14 (MAP 13/11N) 1686.W Hibiscus BLVD Melbourne, FL 32901 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $15,700 Assessed: $10,527 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions:. $.0 Taxable: $10,527 2021 $15;700 $10,527 $0 $10,527 2020 $10,600 $9;570 $0 $9,570 2019 $8,700 ' $8,700 $0 $8,700 Date 07-21-2021 06-23-2021 08-15-2018 View: Year Built: N/A Primary Wall: Bedrooms: 0 Full Baths: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sale History. Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor 4655 / 1489 0001 SP Unity Development Investments LLC 4637 /.2135 0001 SP Nason (TR) Thomas R 4172 / 0104 0130 WD Nason Thomas R Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Aiea: 0 SF Exterior Data Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Frame: Grade: Effective Year: N/A Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wail: Interior Data A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: . Heated W N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Sprinkled W 0% Heat -Fuel:. PrimaryFloors; Type Price $34,900 $22,000 $100 Total Areas Finished/UnderAir 0 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): t`t;)r C?rf.<<f_Jlc, y FL__ Ian S� e�iacres y 0 24 . Land Size (SF): 10480 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject, to change and is,provide.d without any warranty. 0 Copyright 2021 Saint Lucie. County' Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. System- Design Criteria for. Focus Homes .7704 Sebastian Road, Ft. Pierce, FL 32951 Aerobic Treatment Unit With Drip Irrigation . Prepared By: Todd N. Smith, PE, Inc. 1717 Indian River Boulevard Suite 302 Vero Beach, :F1..32960 772=559.3699 I certify that the engineering features of this aerobic system have been designed or specified by me and conform to engineering principles applicable to such projects. In my �. professional judgment, this system; when properly constructed, operated and maintained, will achieve the established peYWYMAWO standard and comply with all applicable statutes of the State of Florida a0o£the partment. <; �C) etio. '•, da - 02.:,:d z .a - Todd N. Smith, PX 5.0 v � President'.,,. F�-..•�Q`�`�� FI..Engineer's Licen4 $! gS\O`\��` Date: September 29, 2dl9i. i i i i i l `.� % Drip Design Calculator Job'Narne/Homeowfter, —Focus Homes Address! 7704 04 . Sebastian Road, Ft. Pierce. FL 32951 Permit Agency St. Lucie County Health Department Installer Name Brian Davis :Septic Designed By: Add N. Smith,; PE, Inc. DAte? September 29, 2021 Gallons Per Day: .300.gpd Soil Loading Rate (GPD, Per Sq, Ft.) 0.8 Re6irculation Rate? 15,18 gpm. Minutes Per Dose (Min.) 18 Emitter Spacing (ft.) I -Sq. Ft. of Application Area 376 Drainfield Reduction: 0% Linear Feet of Tubing 188 Number of Emittets. 18$ Linear Feet of Tubing Per Zone 188 Number of Zones Emitters Per Zone 188 Drip Rate (OPH) '50 Gallons Per Minute Per Zone, 2.82 Minutes Per Day Per Zone 107 Doses Per'Zone 6 Total Doses Per Day 6 Time Betwe*en Doses in Hours 5.70 0 O. FLORATotal Run Time in Mhiute8 107 p' -2�ft OW" Maximum Connectiojis to. Manifold 10 Gallons Per Dose '50.0 a ti 4 Total Dynamic Head Calculation (TDH = Static Head + System Operating Head + Dirty Filter + Total Friction Head) Static Head = 5.42 ft. System Operating Head (29 psi) = 67 ft. Dirty Filter = 11.5 ft. Friction Operating Head Main Discharge & Recirculation Line Transmission & Header Diameter = 1.00 in. Type of Fitting Eq. Length Quantity Total Eq. Length 1" Std. Tee 1.7 ft. 10 17.0 ft. 1" 90 Degree STD Elbow 5.3 ft. 10 53.0 ft. Total Fitting Equivalent Length = 70.0 ft. Actual Length of Discharge Header Pipe = 60.0 ft.. Total Pipe Length = 130.0 ft. • 1.r Dina 1VLQ11'11l+LLUL1 GPM J-VOOo u u. v Hi in ft/100ft ---- HI of 130.0' of 1" -------- - - Static + Total Discharge Dia. Operating Head Head (ft.) + Dirty Filter 0 0 0 83.92' 83.92' 15 11.70' 15.21' 83.92' 99.13' 20 18.90' 24.57' 83.92' 108.49' Use Sta-Right S.T.E.P. Plus D-Series 4" Submersible Pump (20 gpm — V2 HP) Pump Curve shows 18.0 gpm @ 105 ft. of head System needs 2.82 GPM Recirculation 18.0 GPM — 2.82 GPM =15.18 GPM Residential: 300 GPD Maximum Lot Flow (On Potable Well Water = Lot Area + Green Area in ROW in Front of Lot = (10,000 SF + 2,008 SF) / 43,560 sf/acre x 1,500 gpd/acre = .276 AC X 1,500 GPD/ AC = 413 GPD Drip Area Required: 376 sq. ft. Drip Area Provided: 376 sq. ft. Unobstructed Green Area Required: 564 sq. ft. Unobstructed Green Area Provided: 564 sq. ft. System Design Criteria Residence is 3 Bedroom (Building Area is < 2,250 sf) = 300 GPD Drip System to be placed in Trench System 300 GPD / .8 GPD per sq. ft. = 376 sq. ft. of drainfield No reduction for dripline drainfield proposed. Drainfield Requirement = 376 sq. ft. of drip irrigation 2 Lines @ 16' and 6 Lines @'26' with emitters every foot and lines greater than 24" apart 188 emitters x 2 sq. ft. per emitter = 376 sf Contigency Plan 1. At high water level, the system will start alarm. The owner must contact the maintenance entity within 24 hours. 2. Maintenance entity personnel will inspect the system and make necessary repairs within 36 hours as per 64E-6,012(4)(b). 3. Owner shall pump the tank as required to keep trash out of the aeration chamber. Operation and Maintenance The operation and maintenance manuals are provided to the installer and 'maintenance entity at the time of installation. Installation Installation instructions will be provided by Brian Davis Septic on site to insure proper construction and installation. DRIP EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEMS DESIGN CRITERIA - 64E-6 Dated July 31, 2018 A. Drip effluent disposal systems shall receive effluent from an approved aerobic treatment unit or a performance -based treatment system designed to meet at east secondary treatment standards for CBOD5 and TSS and shall meet the following requirements. 1. Drip effluent disposal systems shall be designed by an engineer licensed in the State _ 2. of Fl. The infiltrative area required shall be the same as the area required for a mineral aggregate drainfield with reductions all for the reduction of CBOD5 and TSS as noted in the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 64E-6 Part IV, Performance - Based Treatment Systems. 3. In a bed configuration, the drainfield area shall be calculated as extending one foot beyond the sides of the outermost emitter lines. 4. In a trench containing a single distribution line, the drainfield area shall be calculated as 2 feet x the emitter spacing in feet x the number of emitters. 5. Drip effluent disposal systems shall be considered pressure distribution systems. . Head loss calculations shall be provided to insure proper hydraulic pressure at the emitter. Pump selection shall be indicated in the design specifications. Pump performance curves shall be provided. 6. Re -circulation rates shall be indicated on the drawings. 7. Check valves, petcocks, inline filters, and vacuum breaking device locations shall be 8. indicated on the drawings. Drip effluent disposal systems shall be time -dosed over the 24 hour period. Demand control dosing shall override timed -dosing in periods of flow where timed dosing cannot handle the excessive flow. 9. All drip emitter systems shall be designed as continuous loop circuits with no dead- end emitter lines. All systems need to incorporate a mechanism for backwashing or 10. flushing. Drip emitter lines shall be drawn to scale and drip emitter spacing shall be indicated 11. on the drawings. Vacuum release valves shall be installed at the highpoint of the emitter lines. 12. The maximum emitter longitudinal spacing on a distribution line shall be 2 feet. The maximum distribution line spacing in a bed configuration shall be 2 feet. " 13. The setback from drip emitter lines to building foundations and property lines shall 14. be no less than two feet. There is no drainfield sidewall in a drip -effluent disposal system. The definition of a filled system in a 64E6.002(24), Florida Administrative Code, is not applicable to drip effluent disposal systems. A drip effluent disposal system is considered to be a mound system when any part of the bottom surface of any drip emitter line is located at or above the elevation of undisturbed native soil in the drainfield area. A drip effluent disposal system us considered a standard sub -surface drainfield system when the entire bottom surface of every drip emitter line is installed below the elevation of undisturbed native soil in the drainfield area. 15. For mound systems there shall be a minimum separation of 18 inches between the shoulder of the fill and the nearest drip emitter line. 'Mound system slopes shall be in accordance with s. 64E-6.009(3)(f), Florida Administrative Code. Mound systems shall be stabilized in accordance with s. 64E-6.009(3)(f), Florida Administrative Code. 16. For standard sub -surface systems, the elevation of any fill covering the drainfield shall extend no less than 18 inches away from all emitter lines before tapering down to natural grade. 17. Minimum cover on the distributions lines shall be 6 inches for standard sub -surface systems and 9 inches for mound systems. The maximum cover for all systems shall be no greater than'12 inches. 18. The system shall include a petcock on the dosing pump discharge line for effluent sampling in lieu of the installation of monitoring ports required in s. 64E-6.029(2), Florida Administrative Code. 19. All systems shall incorporate an automatic mechanism for backwashing or flushing the drip lines and filters. 20. All on -site sewage treatment and disposal systems that include a drip effluent disposal system and aerobic treatment unit or performance -based treatment system shall have a biennial operating permit, maintenance contract with an approved performance -based system maintenance entity and shall be inspected in accordance with a 64E-6.027(5), Florida Administrative Code. 21. Drip effluent disposal systems shall meet the following operating parameters: * 'Minimum operating pressure at the emitter head shall be 10 psi. * Maximum operating pressure at the emitter head shall be 45 psi. * Maximum system operating pressure shall be 60 psi. * Maximum discharge rate per emitter shall be 1.5 gallons per hour. 22. The hydraulic surge storage requirement of Rule 64E-6.028, F.A.C., does not apply to drip irrigation systems. 23. Drip irrigation systems shall only use components approved by the Bureau of Onsite Sewage Programs. 24. Unobstructed area for drip irrigation systems may be located anywhere on the ; establishment property that meets the setbacks for unobstructed area and can be accessed via transmission lines, supply lines and return lines. The land containing only transmission lines, supply lines and return lines shall not be included in the calculation of unobstructed area. 25. Supply lines and return lines shall be considered as transmission lines for determining setbacks not specified in this section. 26. Except for slopes required to meet the stabilization requirements of 64E-6.009(3)(f), the area over the drip irrigation drainfield shall be stabilized in the same way or vegetated with plant species specified by the design engineer. The species specified shall not include trees. 27. For drip emitter lines using non -pressure -compensating emitters, the maximum elevation difference shall be four inches between the highest and the lowest emitter in any individual. line segment between the supply and return line. For drip emitter lines using pressure -compensating emitters, there shall be no more than 18 inches of elevation difference between the highest and lowest emitter in any line. Neither property slope nor drip emitter line slope shall result in a depth of cover over the drip emitter lines to be outside of the range permitted in subparagraph 64E-6.009(5)(a)17, F.A.C. 28. The minimum effective soil depth below drip emitter lines shall be 42 inches; however, spodic layers greater than 24 inches below the drip emitter lines may remain in place at the discretion of the design engineer. B. Drip irrigation systems shall be monitored during required maintenance visits by visual inspection of the ground surface above the emitter lines for evidence of soil saturation at the ground surface. Answers for Drip Effluent Disposal Systems Design Criteria for the State of Florida 64E-6 Dated July 31, 2018 Part A 1. Compliance 2. Compliance 3. Compliance 4. Compliance 5. Head Loss Calculations Provided Pressure Loss in 130.0 feet of 1" tubing & dirty filter is 13.99 psi. Pressure Loss in return line = 4.50 psi Flow Rate while the system Is running is _18.0 GPM. Pump is capable of producing 18_0 GPM at _105 ft. of head Pressure to field will be adjusted to achieve a maximum of 30 PSI on the supple manifold by opening the by-pass petcock located in the pump tank. Pump Curve attached. 6. 18.0 GPM, filter flush return line, 2.82 GPM during field flush, _15.18 GPM recirculation to pump tank. 7. Located in Headworks. 8. Compliance 9. Compliance 10. Compliance 11. Compliance 12. Compliance 13. Compliance 14. Compliance 15. Compliance 16. Compliance 17. Compliance 18. Compliance 19. Compliance 20. Compliance. Completed with FDOH and Contractor. 21. Minimum operating pressure at emitter head is greater than 10 psi Maximum operating pressure at emitter head is less than 45 PSI Maximum system operating pressure is less than 60 PSI Maximum will be .90 GPH per emitter.. 22. Compliance 23. Compliance 24. Compliance 25. Compliance. 26. Bahia or Floritam Sod to be installed over.drainfield. 27. Pressure compensating emitters not to have 18" of elevation change between the highest and lowest emitter in a line. 28. Minimum effective soil depth shall be 42". Part B. Inspections to be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the operating permit as required in the letter herein this design report. Pentair Model S.T.E.P..Plus-D Series 4" Multi -Stage Submersible Effluent Pump. Stainless Steel q.AfAACJTY LITERS °PER MJNUTE 30 Specifications Body Construction: Stainless Steel (300 Grade) Horsepower: % HP Maximum Head: 225' Maximum Capacity: 40 gpm (model dependent) Flow At 10' Lift: model dependent Switch: None Motor: Dry -wound, double ball bearing, double -seal and thermal overload protection, UL and CSA approved. Impellers- Precision molded Acetal for perfect balance... ultra -smooth for the highest performance and efficiency:. Allows for .080" solids Diffusers: Polycarbonate �o �d d =r 0 z �m; CO En a H co x U W E cnOG ro {p O C • ij W N C/1 t=J G 63. 60" AQUAAIRE SEWERAGE TREATMENT' SYSTEM MODEL AA500-35 AA500 WITH 350 GALLON PRETREATMENT TANK ONE PIECE Wl TH LID AERATOR 314" SCH 40 PVC NOT MORE THAN 100LF.FROM PLANT 4` INLET --� TEE ASSEMBLY 2 GALLON 5' ALTERNATE AERATOR LOCA7IONS 4- 'R AT 560 GALLON AERANON/MIXING COMPARTMENT 47'-V2" CENTER DIM. — AIR DROP LINE AIR DEFLEC170H DISC ET 7" HfOUID ' OUTLET 188 GALLON CLARIFIER Y+ alsAs ZNaN vaai amamas 009 vv A, 2 0 m L4. 669£-655 (ZLU '4d 096Z£ -U 'LPD88 wap ZO£ ailn5 'Pionalno8 Janla uolpul LILI -oMI 'a'd 'HZINS •M aaos O n\ TOP VIEW, 79" 20r RISER ACCESS COVER FG RISER 59" C :60V3 3"R 1"� CLARIFlER VOLUME 153 GALLONS 72" m NTFDIMENSIOOBIC TANK VOLUME GALLONS 3"R SIDE VIEW NOTES: TOTAL TANK VOLUME: 908 GALLONS TO FLOW LINE TANK TAPER FROM FLANGE TO BOTTOM: 4 INCHES AEROBIC AND CLARIFIER VOLUMES MEASURED AT FLOW LINE TODD N. SMITH, P.E. INC.1 ECOLOGICAL TANKS, INC. 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 1 Vero Beach, FL 32960 1 AQUA SAFE MODEL (AS500L) DRIP FIELD CROSS SECTION FT. OF DRIP TUBE LINES 0 25" CENTERS WITH EMITTERS EVERY 1 FOOT. EDGE OF DRAINFIELD 18" MIN. . SLOPE TO FINAL GRADE O � 0 INSTALL DRIP TUBE 6"-12" BELOW FINAL GRADE WSWT IS >24" BELOW EMITTERS ¢ FILL COVERING THE DRAINFIELD SHALL EXTEND NO LESS THAN 18" AWAY FROM ALL EMITTER LINES BEFORE TAPERING TO FINAL GRADE. SUPPi LOOP LOOP 1 EFFECTIVE SOIL DEPTH. 42" BELOW EMITTERS _INE 1"0 AP TANK 3urrL_1 IVIMIYII - , v TODD N. SMITH, P. E. INC. TYPICAL 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 Vero Beach, FL 32960 DRIP TRENCH SYSTEM Ph. (772) 559-3699 150 MICRON ME' SPIN FILTER PUMP TANK HEAD WORKS UNI T TO DRIP FIELD RETURN FROM DRIP FIELD JP FROM PUMP DISCHARGE '2"0 FUNNY PIPE ADAPTER EE NOTE BELOW FOR :RFORMANCE BASED SYSTEMS) 1/2"0 FUNNY PIPE ADAPTER FOR PERFORMANCE BASED SYSTEMS EFFLUENT TESTING. SHALL BE TAKEN FROM FUNNY PIPE ADAPTER ON THE PUMP SUPPLY LINE TO THE DRAINFIELD AT THE FILTER WHEN PUMP IS ENGAGED. h TODD N. SMITH, P.E. INC. HEAD WORKS 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 UNIT DETAIL Vero Beach. FL 32960 Ph. (772) 559-3699 I INLET,FROM HOUSE SERVICE^ VEGETATIVE ) DIVERT SURFACE AWAY FROM TANK ► OUTLET TO AS500L OR AA800 PUMP TANKS 1 I INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. IM-540 TRASH TANK WITH CONTROL PANEL TYPICAL TANK DETAIL TOTAL CAPACITY .......... 557 GALLONS WORKING CAPACITY......... 483 GALLONS LIQUID LEVEL ............. 44 INCHES INVERT DROP ............. 3 INCHES MAX. PIPE DIAMETER....... 4 INCHES SIZE......... 61.7"W x 54.6"H x 64.9"L APPLICATIONS....... SUITABLE FOR USE AS A PUMP TANK, TRASH TANK, RAINWATER (NON —POTABLE) TANK OR AS THE SECOND COMPARTMENT OF AN IN SERIES SEPTIC TANK. TODD N. SMITH, P.E. INC. INFILTRATOR 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 IM-540 TRASH TANK Vero Beach, FL 32960 Ph. (772) 559-3699 I MOUNTED SECURar TO A POST OR BUILDING 3/4" PVC CONDUIT WITH POWER WIRES INLET FROM ®� SEPTIC TANK INSTALL ON I° CONCRETE PATIO ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER AND DIVERT SURFACE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM TANK ®� TO DRAIN FIELD INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. IM-540 PUMP TANK WITH CONTROL PANEL TYPICAL TANK DETAIL TOTAL CAPACITY:.......... 557 GALLONS WORKING CAPACITY......... 483 GALLONS LIQUID LEVEL ............. 44 INCHES INVERT DROP ............. 3 INCHES MAX. PIPE DIAMETER....... 4 INCHES SIZE......... 61.7"W x 54.6"H x 64.9"L APPLICATIONS....... SUITABLE FOR USE AS A PUMP TANK, TRASH TANK, RAINWATER (NON -POTABLE) TANK OR AS THE SECOND COMPARTMENT OF AN IN SERIES SEPTIC TANK. TODD N. SMITH, P.E. INC. INFILTRATOR 1717 Indian River .Boulevard, Suite 302 Vero Beach, FL 32960 IM-540 PUMP TANK Ph. (772) 559-3699 m 49. 4! Side View jj S r Ci 3" Standard ,6" Traffic ©K WiTri, 36.7e . 3" Typical :End View Notes: Receptacle has been designed and tested in accordance with Florida Administrative Code (FAQ 381 Chapter 64E-6. When receptacle is used as a;pump chamber use 8.62 gallons per inch when configuring. float placement Poly ll'High Pressure ,Pipe Seal (Accepts 2",3",4'-' & Corrugated Pipe) Poly 11 will meet the Vacuum &'Hydrostatic pressure requirements of A.S.T.M. spec. C-923 for.2", 3" & 4" SCHDA0. l 1; ' C State Approvaf ' /hare', i J yl J s J 49.5 G2" +�nlltrew,�hiife� ws !t. aura. Side View T i' Or . sq € _ ;. , - .. = F. 71 Ud VieW 49.50^ 3ElOmew, . --Notes: � • . ARe-micle:hasilieen dzsi `ti "d taste m accordancevnwrlonazAdmmistrative Code . ., �A� 381 Chapter 64E-6: ' •'_ , - - When receptacleas used as atpump'clismber'usei12:93gallorisper inch when configuring ltlont,pincement 4 Poly 11]�pj� Pressure 4!jpe Seal (Accepts 2";3";h" & Corei,ted+'Pips) Poly II :will meci the Vacuum;i 3 ciiost d,*esiur .T:equme irents ofA:S.T.-M spec: C-933.f6r 2", 3" & 4" SC11D.40 t t j� iYY, Side Mew Lid View 3" -Standard 6" Traffic 33" End View Notes:. Receptacle has.been designed and.tested in accordance with Florida Administrative Code (FAC). 381 Chapter 64E-6. When receptacle is -used a& a pump chamber,use 18,75,gdlomper inch when configuring'. Poly II.High Pressure Pipe Seat (Accepts 211,3",4!'& Corrugated Pipe) Poly 11 will meet the Vacuum & Hydrostatic pressure requirements of A.S.T.M. spec. C-923 for 2", 3" &,Vl SC141).140 60" Side View 102" 24"R „ . _;',;n..., n;= .. wN„ " 24"R „ M.,.. Or Or � .n. , 15 sq � ` � u NNN»�IS" Sq - - iiil cF .{{{{ \S 11fNN�+.x•. S S{S �+,,,\�n ...Y..... f r S N\Nty\ 'A `\ ir.: �iintisll�:'rYl\flan cnM1lti. ti - M•.: .�M i luN K"'-1 \Ya�•\f',: \K - m .Nr"iT s 3" Standa 6" Traffic �- 3r End View Notes: Receptacle has been designed and .tested in accordance with Florida Administrative Code (FAC).38.1 Chapter 64E-6. When receptacle is used as:a pump. chamber use 18.75 gallons per inch when configuring . 'float placement. Poly II High Pressure Pipe Seal (Accepts 2",3" ,4" & Corrugated Pipe) Poly II will meet the Vacuum.& Hydrostatic pressure requirements ofA.S.T.M. spec. C-923 for 2", 3" &. 4" SCHD.4O Cop craf$I,'Iiflt3f+sl.Ail slHiCd6,71did'aip(t-' ulllZtlttf7UA�i�IGC}��} 111?t ellichliji fah fiff , Y",i grade B011Etfart Ilad mirfi fr` 0 P,got pr it0fl, ways, 411ianksare rain IdIcatlWif1tfiller MC 1 1 60" Side View ]Lid View 's r 3" Standat 6" Traffic r End View Notes: Receptacle has been designed and tested in accordance with Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 381 Chapter 64E-6. When receptacle is used as a pump chamber use 19.8 gallons per.inch when configuring float placement_ 'Poly 11 High Pressure Pipe Seal (Accepts 2",3",4" & Corrugated Pipe) Poly II will meet the Vacuum & Hydrostatic pressure requirements of A.S.T.M. spec. C-923 for 2", 3" &.4" SCHD.40 0 ¢tXf.i, TANK.SPECEFICA7lONS DESIGN CAPACITY DESIGN CAPACITY TOTAL TOT/aL CAPACITY - ;WEIGHT .GALLONS. LITERS GALLONS. LITERS.. POUNDS. -500 DWG SCALE: 1:1 PLOT SCALE: 1:2 SHEET #: I OF 3 LIFTING — HOLES (4 TYPICAL) THREADED. ACCESS OPENING- 24" .I.D. DIA. to N 4 LO u: 0 w winTH _:F7°• TAP -i CV (O 11 i. Q E 1893 525 . 1987 - ` 225 `Sil D E ROTH GLOBAL PLAS - ROTF�1 �NI .ItITanK® One General Motors Dri Symcuse N.Y. •132 500 GALLON / ;MODEL: ;RMT-50,0 Call TollFtee866.943.72. rotiki9 uaset't"s66iieummm wwwAralo.1 r ASTM 923 20 - GASKET DeaN bolwS//2016t CIr _ _IN1e-_.C� �ORWSCO C MN: — - C Trnr QA . M 300LOW`PR0FILE PUMP:.(FL) APPROVED:. _ SQE DWG NO REV 44789 .. SCAIE:.uie - - - --'- SHEEml OF 1 tld �� Sd Tld O O vm nvm cnmmn yr wmn _=umu , IO I�yry ll� in Elp �i O � IRi• s, R a i C r 1 fBi • �a a� � v L p un,umn,na unm,rmin U ODC,RIAl,OIIOIR /•l,• Eft !d 'M. 1fd y1p and nd ffd FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supercedes All Previous Site Plans for: F�ooR PLAN SCALE: VO-•I'-P BEAM SCHEDULE vs:inaiiri4r.c a mwcrm roew.,mw mr.�v�vro _ mu'*quo mmvncnro O nkn�i.�`s.:a� 41pr �m wv�u�m ® �� �irl.arTl pC°�Clm°T M.Qm O O¢�I..fv✓vl �m0.o:rmv�.° �°1m _ 4viu�rro GENERAL BEAM ry 07ES EEU MWALLURAL rnafrpo„ AUI1 9XM WTDAIL mApamm TEMMPAWMIM00D07,Q PUMSOM .ouDufALLMATTAD®TOALLR A /tl ' 1NIf1AtORD)O/7iWD®ATiFJI11�TDi.M ORbUIaOnOD4U,HlOVq®WlT1P6W „N• . OrIMWA{LNi¢MOOf'O.CNEf3DNumOFJ . lEATABULAM a _ m"OLFHOPEKM ESS!>E nAw L •. nw:u u°NaTvw. . �, •.,,A,T• TOfALA1SA ,® art p o OSTDS # .D, c0- L r _ .I-IP XPU� i Well #�'3_ZS% 7 Date: RLsviewer :_ ��CUS I HOMES vnr+wrf ST..r sw�anamr ,mrlruo-v, 3:0 FLOOR PLAN a Focus Homes • Focus Homes 14005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 302-9877 Fax (407) 688-8522 Engineer/Architect of Record: Carl Brown P.E. 258 Southhall Lane, Suite,200 Maitland, FI 32751 FL PE # 56126 Engineer/Architect of Record: Luis Pablo Torres P.E. 258 Southhall Lane, Suite 200 Maitland, FL 32751 FL PE # 87864 Engineer/Architect of Record: Scott A Lewkowski P.E. 258 Southhall Lane, Suite 200 Maitland, FL 32751 FL PE # 78750 Design Criteria: TPI Desion: Matrix Anaivsis MiTek software PLAN JOB # LOT ADDRESS MODE 1443 'A' FP140030 14 - 30 ]DIVISUB 7704 Sebastian MLB/FP 144A32 /RH Fort Pierce FI34951 49 This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 7TH EDITION (2020) for 160 M.P.H. Wind Zone. Exposure C Truss loading is in accordance with ASCE 7-16. These trusses are designed for an enclosed building. With risk category IL The Truss Engineering package for the above referenced site was generated by the Truss Designer/Architect/MiTek. I, the Delegated Truss Engineer for the above referenced lot Have reviewed the package and confirmed that it matches the physical and structural Parameters found on the set of permit drawings. ' 1 " Drawing No. of Eng. 1 hiss ID' Ritn. Date Reviewed Truss ID Run Date Drawing Reviewed Dw s: 48 ,F-.','LaVnijf 11 • 1.1 /1 D/26 I I I I Roof Loads- ' . BCSI-Bl 2008 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf 1311 2011 = HIP TRUSS 02/09/09 VALLEY 12/07/09 :: ..-TOE NAIL 02/09/09 Total 33.0 psf -TTBHIBCHECK 2014 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" H4409 11/10/20 H4411 11/10/20 H441:3 _ 99/1U/LU rloor L.oalas- H4415 11/10/20 TC Live: 40.0 psf H4417 11/10/20 f TC Dead: 10.0 psf H4419 11/10/20 BC Live: 0.0 psf HGR70 11/10/20 I BC Dead: 5.0 psf HGR71 11/10/20 1 Total 55.0 psf HGR4407 11/10/20 DurFac, Lbr: 1.00 J14 11/10/20 DurFac- Pit: 1.00 J34 11/10/20 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" IRdC 11 /1 n/9n _ r.wrtr J54 11/10/20 rt 0 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 253 SaulhhaS LanD, Suite 200 Ma tland, FL 32751 0:321.972.0491 F:407-890.2304 coiiA7cateotAutho' lijNo.9161 O CARL A, M, N ir't ❑ LUIS P� gjiR � • • 8 0 SC[lij'/� • KOOd�N�Ft�' 4; ,o '�:• No 8 �••: ' 64 ' : "n •. T OF '+���'••f I D ��e Sj P•' 8-05-21�°� J54S 11/10/20 J74 11/10/20 J74P 11/10/20 JGR74 11/10/20 T44 11/10/20 Vol 11 /10/20 V02 11/10/20 V03 11/10/20 INV # DESC QNTY 050060.0110 JUS26 060060.0047 THD28 050060.0049 THD28-2 050060.0106 HUS26 050060.0272 HUS179 050060.0058 THJ26 5 TO TKE BEST OFT 1 , LEDGE AND VNDERS7ANDING. T E STRUCTURAL PLANS LYWItH THE FLORIDA BUILDCtitiCODE SIGNNDSEALEOFORTHE ANDSPECIFICATbNSCfIN STRUCTURAL PORTOF THIS DRAWING. 050060.0312 .HJC26SK60 SEAT PLATES 102 FLOOR SEAT PLATES I I I I INFORMATION BASED ON 160.0 MPH WINDLOAD. ALL PRESSURES WERE CALCULATED USING MWFRS/C-C HYBRID WIND ASCE 7-16. PROVIDE TRUSS BRACING PER TRUSS ENGINEERING AND BCSI 1-03. ' TRUSS PLACEMENT PLAN ✓('P v v v v v v v a v v v v v v v v I 1b x - o J1q J34 J14 J34 c J5 J54 HGR4407- 2 PLY H4409 C, H4411 iv __ H4413 H4415 H4417 1' 1 1/2" H4419 1' ic 1/ T44 T44 c BD T44 H4419 H4417 c ao H4415 H4413 H4411 H4409 i. J54 J34 J14 m 0 0 o HGR71 0 N J54 o 34 n 14 = = HGR70 = = J54 34S 15' 4" I 4' 8" 20' 0" FwCUS-,O HOMES w 3993 West First Street, Sanford, FL 32771 (6 (407) 302-9871 a, CUSTOMER: FOCUS HOMES Model: 1443 ELEVATION: A BASE DRAWN BY: M. Nuben RELEASE DATE: 11/10/2020 GARAGE: RIGHT O ch IF93BI O O ENGINEERING ASSOGIATlS 258 Southhall Lane, Suite 200 A Maitland, FL 32751 r 0:321-972-0491 F:407-880-2304 i Certificate Of Authorization No. 9161 r ❑ CARL A. BR2%ffs"K - FL # 56126 ❑ LUIS ❑S (� '•.�CENS�'. Fes'. Z V : �' .• cS, i No 878 TOfFI�/9EST/OpYI E E• *(LEDGE V/ AND UNDERI�gT��WWDDIN PLANS AND SPECIFIf dN6 %IAFtt THE FLORIDA Uj J BUILOINGCODESI ED AND SEALED FOR THE Z STRUCTURAL PO T[ON OF THIS DRAWING. co W co U) I-- U.I U) 0 FLORIDA: W U) THIS STRUCTURE WAS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE AND MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION R301 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 7lh EDITION O (2020): RESIDENTIAL. ALL CONNECTORS HAVE BEEN CHECKED TO WITHSTAND ALL Z APPLICABLE LOADS AND DESIGN CRITERIA STATED ON THE COVER SHEET. ;, O 0 DEFINITIONS MWF = MAIN WIND FORCE C&C = COMPONENTS AND CLADDING TOB = TOP OF BEARING TC =TOP CHORD BC = BOTTOM CHORD LL = LIVE LOAD DL = DEAD LOAD psf = POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT # = POUNDS LOADS PER FBC & FRC 'NON -CONCURRENT BC LL 10psf CONCURRENT BC STORAGE LL 20 psf SHEET. TR1 JQBSIT.�E P'-ACKAGE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED PLEASE REVIEW AWARNING: The handling, storing, installing, restraining and diagonal bracing of structural building compo- nents requires specialized training, clearly implemented procedures, and careful planning and communication among the contrac- tor, crane operator and installation crew. Handling and installing components without appropriate training, planning and commu- nication greatly increases the probability of an accident resulting in property damage, serious personal injury and/or death. Prior to component installation, the documents should bel examined and disseminated to all appropriate personnel; in addition to proper training and a clear understanding of the installation plan, any applicable fall protection requirements, and the intended restraint and bracing requirements. Trusses with clear spans of 60 feet or greater in length are very dangerous to install and may require complex temporary and permanent bracing. Please consult a Registered Design Professional. Examine the building, the building's structural framing system, bearing locations and related installation .conditions. Begin component installation only after any unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Do not cut, modify or repair components. Report any damage before installation. The enclosed documents are offered as minimum guidelines only. Nothing contained in this jobsite package should be construed in any manner as expanding the scope of responsibility of, or imposing any additional liabilities on, the component manufacturer. iADVERTENClA!: E/ manejo, almacenamiento, instalacion, restriccion y arriostre diagonal de componentes 'estructurales de construccOn requieren entrenamiento especializada, procedimientos claramente implementados y p/anifrcaron y comunicacidn c/ara entre el contratista, operador de grua, y los obreros de instalation. E/ manejar a instalar Jos componentes sin entrenamiento sufrciente, p/anifrcacidn y comunicacion adecuadas aumenta la probabilidad de un accidente que resu/ta en dareo a propiedad, herida seria o muerte. Antes de la instalacion de componentes, los documentos adjuntos deben ser examinados y difundidos a todo e/ personal apro- piado, ademas del entrenamiento pertinente y un claro entendmiento del plan de insta/acidn, de todo requisito aplicab/e de la protection contra la caida y de los requisitos previstos de arriostre y restdccidn. La instalacion de trusses con. tramos despejados y mas de 60 pies de largo es muy peligrosa y puede requiere el arriostre temporal y permanente complejo. Por favor, consulte a un Profesional de Disen"o Registeado. Examine la estructura, el sistema armazdn estructura/ de edifrcio, ubicaciones de soporte a /as conditions de Jnstalacion cor- respondientes y comenzar con la instalacion de /os.componentes solo despuds de haber corregido Coda condicidn insatisfactoria. No corte, modifique ni repare Ids componentes y informe cualquier dan"o descubierto antes de proceder a la instalacion. Los documentos adjuntos se ofrecen so/amente Como directrices minimas. Nada de to inc/uido en este paquete .debe interp- retarse de maneea que exceda el alcance de /a responsabilidad del fabricante de componentes, ni en forma ta/ que imponga responsabilidades adicionales sobre este. To view a non -printing PDF of this document, visit www.sbcindustry.com/iobsitecs. The text appearing below has been paraphrased and reproduced from ANSI/TPI 1-2007, Chapter 2, with permission from the publisher, the Truss Plate Institute (TPI) (www�.toinst^org). For reference, the numbers in parentheses refer to specific ANSI/TPI 1 sections. Refer to ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 2 for complete text and definitions. For information on design responsibilities contact your Component Manufacturer or SBCA at 608/274-4849 or www.sbcmndustry.com. 7NSTRIICTT0N RELATEC The Contractor shall not proceed with the truss installation until the Truss Submittal Package has been reviewed by the Building Designer ( The Building Designer shall review the Truss Submittal Package for compatibility with the building design. Al such submittals shall include a notation indicating that they have been reviewed and whether or not they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building ( The method of Permanent Individual Truss Member Restraint/Bracing ' and the method of anchoring or restraining to prevent lateral move- ment of all truss members acting together as a system shall be accomplished by: (a) standard industry Lateral Restraint and Diagonal Bracing details in accordance with BCSI-83 and/or BCSI-137 (, (b) Permanent Individual Truss Member Restraint shall be permitted to be replaced with reinforcement designed to prevent buckling (e.g., buckling reinforcement by T reinforcement or L-rein- forcement, proprietary reinforcement, etc.) (, or a project specific truss member permanent lateral restraint/braa- ing design for the roof or floor Framing Structural System shall be permitted to be specified by any Building Designer ( The method of Permanent Individual Truss Member Restraint and Diagonal Bracing for the truss top chord, bottom chord, and web members shall be permitted to be specified by any Building Designer ( If a specific truss member permanent bracing design for the roof or floor Framing Structural System is not provided by the Owner or any Building Designer, the method of Permanent Individual Truss Member Restraint and Diagonal Bracing for the truss top chord, bottom chord, and web members shall be in accordance with BCSI-133 or BCSI-137 ( The Contractor is responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, programs, and safety in connection with the receipt, storage, handling, installation, restraining, and bracing of the trusses ( The Contractor shall ensure that the build- ing support conditions are of sufficient strength and stability to accommodate the loads applied during the truss installation process. Truss instal- lation shall comply with installation tolerances shown in BCSI-131. Temporary Installation Restraint/Bracing for the truss system and the permanent truss system Lateral'Restraint and Diagonal Bracing for the completed building and any other construction work related directly or indirectly to the trusses shall be installed by the Contactor in accordance with the Construction Documents and/or the Truss Submittal Package ( The Contractor shall examine the trusses delivered to the job site and after the trusses are erected and installed for dislodged or missing connectors, cracked, dislodged or broken members, or any other damage that may impair the structural integrity of the truss( In the event that damage to a truss is discovered that would likely impair the structural integrity of the truss, the Contractor shall ensure that the truss not be erected or that any area within the building supported by any such truss already erected shall be appropriately shored or supported to prevent further damage from occurring and shall remain clear and free of any load imposed by people, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, bridging, bracing, etc. until field repairs have been properly completed ( In the event of damage, the Contractor shall contact the Truss Manufacturer to determine an adequate,field repair and construct the field repair in accordance with the written instructions and details provided by any Registered Design Professional ( Where required by the Construction Documents or Contract, Legal Requirements or the Building Official, the Truss Manufacturer shall provide the appropriate Truss Submittal Package, including the Truss Design Drawings, a Truss Placement Diagram, and the required Permanent Individual Truss Member Restraint and the method to be used ( to one or more of the following: Building Official; Building Designer and/or Contractor for review and/or approval ( The Truss Manufacturer shall also be allowed to provide detail drawings to the Contractor to document special application conditions ( - The Truss Placement Diagram identifies the assumed location for each individually designated truss and references the corresponding Truss Design Drawing. The Truss Placement Diagram shall be permitted to include identifying marks for other products including Structural Elements, so that they may be more easily identified by the Contractor during field erection ( When the Truss Placement Diagram serves only as a guide for truss installation, it does not require the seal of the Truss Design Engineer ( In preparing the Truss Submittal Package, the Truss Manufacturer shall be permitted to rely on the accuracy and completeness of information furnished in the Construction Documents or otherwise furnished in writing by the Building Designer and/or Contractor ( The Truss Manufacturer shall determine the fabrication tolerance to be used in the truss design ( and manufacture the trusses in accordance with the final Truss Design Drawings, using the quality criteria required by ANSI/TPI 1-2007 ( Structural Building SBCS, Components Association 608/274-4849 • sbcindustry.com Copyright © 2003-2013 ]obsiteCS 130318 General 'Notes Trusses are not marked in any way to identify the frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations for handling, installing and temporary restraining' and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI - Guide to Tresses'« for more detailed information. • Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of I tas Genera/es Los trusses no estAn marrados de ningdn modo qua Iden88que la frecuencis o localizacl6n de restdcd6n lateral y anlostre diagonal temporales. Use las recomendedones de manejo, I41a/ad6n, restrieclbn y ambstre temporal de iDS trusses. Vea at foliate acst - Gule de Buena Prdctlra Dare el'Manelo. Instalad6n. Restriccl6n y Amostre de los Trusses de Madera Conedados con Places de Metal— pens In(ortnscidn rods detalladst permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for Los dibujos de diser3o de los trusses pueden espedBcar Individual truss members. Refer to the BCSI-B3"• les localizeclenes de resbiccOn lateral permanents o for more information. All other permanent bracing reAterzo an las mlembros Indivlduales del truss. Vea design is the responsibility of the bu0ding designer. la hojs resenran LfC51.33"• pare Inds infunnadon. 13 resto de nos Msedos de ardostres permamnies son la responsabldrd del dlsefiadordel e7Ado. �- - WARNING The consequences of Imptoper handling, erecting, installing, restraining and bracing can result In a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal Injury or, death. fAOVERTENCIAI E/ resultado rrer ant ai—w1u, levantamiento, Instalad6n, restricddn y atdsoira Incorredo puede ser to catda de la dstnuctum o edn poor, heddos o muarfos. ACAUTION Exercise care when romov- ing banding and handling trusses to avoid damaging trusses and prevent injury. Wear personal protective equipment for the eyes. feet, hands and head when workng with trusses. eCI01t' ZW Utilice caute/a al quilar/as afaduras o las pedazos de metal de sujetar pare evilar datio a IDS trusses y preventr /a herida personal. Lleve e/ equipo protectivo personal pare ojos, pies, manos y cabeza cuando trabaja con trusses. 1 ,nanaung Avoid lateral bending. Evite IS liexi6n lateral. MOMM The contractor Is responsible for properly receiving, unloading and storing IQ* the taws at the jobsite. Unload trusses to smooth 6uffuce to prevent damage. El coolfarisla tiene to responsabdMad da reclbir, descagar y almaconar adecuadanerlle los russrs an la abra. Dascargue las trusses en to 8armImat pain pravener of dano e• A CAUTION us - special care In windy weather or nearpower Imes and airports. UBiice cu/dodo especial an cites ventosos o coica de cables eldctricos O de 211 Use proper rig- Use equiprispropiado oing and hoisting Para lovannr e equipment, irrrprovisar. -"1 Trusses may be unloaded directly (n the ground at the time of delivery or stored tempoarily in contact with IN. a—und after dolirery. it Am— ma - be stored for more than one week place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of Ubsses at 8' (2.4 m) to 10' (3 m) on -center (o.c.) Los trusses pueden ser descargodas dlrecla- manta an el soaio on equal momento de antrega o almacenados temporelmente an confada can al sualo despu6s de entrega. Si los busses eslariln guardedos pers mils de una semana• pongs bldqueando de allure su8dente detds dal la pAa de las trusses a 8 pasta 10 pies an contra fac.). Q For trusses stored for more than one week, cover bundles to protect from the environment. Doi NOT store NO abnacathe unbraeed bbnd!es verliealtnon'e los uprloht. trusses sudlW. Para trusses guardados per mels de una samana 0 -DO NpT store on MC alrnaoere err 11e00 cubra las paquetes par; profegerios del ambiente. uneven ground. des/gual. Refer to BCSI— for more detailed information per - tallying to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Vea all Iblleto BCSI..' pare inf nachn mas dolal- lada sobre el manejo y almacenado de ros busses an Area de trabajo. Notating and Placement arf Truss Bundles Refcomen: clones Para Levantar Paquetes de Trusses m DON'T overload the crane. NO sobrecargue to gn1a. t9 NEVER use banding to lift a bundle. NUMCA use las afaduras para 16vantar un paquale. Asingle lift point may be used for bundles of ;:. top chard pitch trusses up to 45' (i3.7 tit) and parallel chord trusses up to 30' (9.1 in). Use at least two lift points for bundles of top chord pitch trusses up to 60' (18.3 tn) and paraf ®vrrsknft:w::'f)n tiny nvNrinad t; **MAID fel chord trusses up to 45' (13.7 m). Use at least structure with truss bundle. three IB points for bundles of top chord pitch trusses >60' (18.3m) and parallel chord trusses fADVERTENCIAI No sobrecargue to >45' (73.7 m). estrudura apoyoda con e/ paquete de Puede user do solo /ugar de levantar pars Cusses. paquetes de trusses de to cuerde superior has Q Place truss bundles Instable position. 45' y irusses de cuerdas pardlelas de 30' o puss paquetes de trusses en una menu<' posicidn eatable. Use porlo manes dos puntas de levan(ar con On,pne de trusses de cuerda superior indlnada pasta 60' y trusses de cu ardas pare/e/es haste 1511. Use per to menos dos pintos de /evanter con grupos de trusses de cliental superiorindinada mas de 60'y musses de cuerdas pare/e/as mas de 45'. ' Mechanical Hoisting Recommendations for Single Trusses .Recomendaciones Para Levantar 71'usses Indh duales a Using a single pick -point at the peak can damage the truss. E7 use de un solo lugar en at Pico pars /evantar puede pacer daflo al truss. oreadarbar Too4n� �Toein Spreader bar 112 to Tagline .. 213 truss length TRUSSES UP TO 60'(1a3 TRUSSES HASTA 6o PIES Q Hold each truss In position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint Is installed and the truss Is fastened to the bearing points. Tagline 60' ar leas ' - truss length - ' TRUSSES UP TO 30' (9.1 m) -----I TRUSSES HASTA 30 PIES Locate Spreader bar ,Mean Ohm. or Still. o.e. matt. mld•helght Spreader bar 20 to �' 314 truss length Tagline TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' (18.3 m) TRUSSES NASTAYSOBRE 60 PIES --'I' Sosfenga coda truss an poslcl6n con equipo de gr0a hasty quo /a restricd6n lateral temporal de fa cuerda superior est6 Instalado y el truss Staid asegurado an las soportes. installation of Single Trusses by Hand Recommendacclones de Levantamlento de Busses lndividuales Per La Mono Tlussds 20' (0.1 m) or less. support near peak. 'Saporta cerca of pica 10$ trebses I f Trusses up to 20' � do20plaso (6.1 m) mends. Trusses haste 20 pies Q Trusses 30' (8.1 m) or less, r support at quarter points. Soports dal Ids cuartos de Frame los I.4- Trusses up to 30' -� trusses de 30 (9.1 m) pies o menos. Trusses haste 30 pies ra Restrant Bracing �rt��.: Srnl,:.,Ae� i& i9 .#r1.CCion, y Arriosfre Temporal s Refer to BCSI-132—for moreInforriation. Vea sf resumen BCSI-B2—para mils informacid Locale ground braces for first truss directly in line with ell rows of top chord temporary lateral restrel, (see table in the next column). Colaquo Jos arri;sfros do fiarra pars elprimer fuss eireclamenle an Unea con coda una de /as t7as do resr8cdbn lateral temporal de to cuerda sup ibrtvaa Is tatda an la pe"ma columna). .Q Dd ?dDy walk on unbroced trusses. NO a ft nest) trusses suetfos. © tin 140T stand on truss overhangs until Structural Sheathing has been applied to the truss and overhangs. NO se pare an voladlzos catches hasta RevesBmlento estmcturel he side apllcado a la armadura y voladizos. d Temporar estraiM 2'o.c., tyl Brace firs truss securely before erection o addtional trusses. Steps to Setting. .Trusses Las 'Medidas de Ia Insmilacm de 'Ios 7Yusses Z 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) install'top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below). 6) Install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). Repeat process with groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) Instate las ardostres de Ilona. 2) Instate at primem truss y ate seguiamente at amostre de tiers. 3) Instal& las, pi6ximos 4 trusses con resbicci6n /aterel fem ral de mlembro corto (vea obajo). 4) Instate at aniostre diagonal de to cuerds superior (vea aba o). 5) Instate ardostre diagonal ra IDS pianos de los mlembros secundarlos Ppaara estabilice IDS p meros dnoo trusses (vea aba/ol6) Instate Is reshfacl6n lateral temporal y arriosire diagonal pars Is cuerda Inferior (vea abajo). 71 Aspite date pmoedimlenfo an grupos de cuatm trusses pasts qua todos las trusses estdn instate as. � Refer to BCSI-B2- for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI-BY" pang mA9 informad6n. testraint/Bracing for All Planes of Trusses 4estricclon/arlosb+e Para Todos Pianos de 71russes Minimum lumber used for lateral restraint and diagonal bracing Is 2x4 stress -graded lumber. Attach to each truss with at least 2-10d (0.128x3'), 2-12d (0.128x3.25') or 2-16d (0.13lx3.5") nails. La madere ZN clasiticada por estr6s as Is madera minima utilizada pars restdod6n lateral y ambstramfento dl- agonal. Atadas a cada braguero con al minlmo 2 davos 10d (0.128x3), 12d (0.12&3.25) a 16d (0.1314.5 ). This restraint and bracing method Is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses (PCTs). See top of next column for temporary restraint and bracing of PCTs. ' Este mdtodo de resfdtxl6n y amtostre es pare todo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas (PCTs) 3x2 y 4x2. Vea Is parte superior de Is column para Is restdcd6n y ardostre temporal de PCTs. TOP CHORD - CUERDA SUPERIOR 7uss Span <Top Chord.Temporary'Lateral. Reof (TC7LR) Spacing ' onglfud de Tremo 6i61Smlenfo del Arrlcstre Temporal de la Cderda-Supertai . Up to 30' 10' (3 m) o.c. max (9.1 m) 30' (9.1 m) - 8' (2.4 m) o.c. max 45' 13.7 m 45' (13.7 m) - 6' (1.8 m) o.c. max. 60' 18.3 m 60' (18.3 m) - 4' (1.2 m) o.c. max. :ensult a Registered Design Professional for trusses longer than 60' (18.3 m). - 7onsuxe a un Professional Registrado de Disello pars trusses mds de 60 pies. a See BCSI-B2••efor TCTLRoptions. Vea el BCSi-B2••• pare las options de TCTLR. °® Refer to BCSI-B3"• )r Gable End Frame restrelnt/brecing/ A 3lnforcement information. rare infomtad6n sobre reshiccidrd TCTLR alostre/refuerro pang Armazones lastiales vea at resumen SCSI -BY" Note: Ground bracing not shown for clarity- 10" or> , Truss attachment 21 Repeat diagonal braces for each set of 4 trusses. required at support a) Replta las arrlsotres dlagonales Para cada grupo de 4 trusses. Section A -A WEB MEMBER PLANE - PLANO DELOS MIEMBROS SECUNDAR/OS R� °® LATERAL RESTRAINT St DIAGONAL BRACING ARE /ERY IMPORTANT LA RE57R/C111I6ig LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL SON MUY IMPORTANTES! 1 Diagonal CLR splice reinfli Web members \/ Bottom �x chords MlnMum 2' 21t_ Sc'� ab block ce Diagonal braces every to CLRvith minimum 8.16d 10 truss spaces 20' (0.1354.61 nails each side (6.1m)max. of splice or asspecified bythe 0' (3 m) -15' (4.6 m) max Building Designer. lame spacing as bottom chord Note: Some chord and web members SECTION A -A deral restraint not shown for clarity. � ) BOTTOM CHORD - CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral Restraints - 2x4xl2' or greater lapped over two trusses or CLR splice reinforce- ment. Bottom chords 10'(3In) •15'(4.6m)max. " Member Note: Some chord and web members not shown for darity. Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces 20' (6.1 m) max. Restraint & Bracing for 3x2 and 4x2 Parallel Chord Trusses Restriction y Arriostre Para ?Pusses de Cuel/das Paralelas 3x2 y 4x2 10'(3 m) or Diagonal bracing Repeat diagonal bracing Refer to 1S(4.6 m)• every 15 truss spaces 30' BCSI-B7'e• for more (9.1 m) max. Information. Vea el resumen BCSI.B7- pare mds informad6n. s 21o:c typ Apply diagonal brace to vertical ; webs at end of cantilever and at bearing locations. NI lateral reshaints lapped at least two tosses. 'Top chord temporary lateral restraint spacing shall be 10' (3 m) o.c, max. for 3x2 chords and 16 (4.6 m) o.c. for 4x2 chords. [!( Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. Tolerancias pare Fuere-de-Plano. L Max-fBaw, 60- Length -i-U T I , Max. Bow o , [I.*- Length >• o i Plumb line Qj Tolerances for � � i Out -of -Plumb. Tolerencias pars Diso max Fuera-de-P/omada r! Out-of-Plahe '1 wOut of Plumlt '0/50 Max. Bow Truss Length 3/4' 12.5' D (R.)' 19 min 3.8 m 1/4" 1' 718" 14.6' 6mm 0.3m 22mm 4.5m 1/2" 2' 1• 16.7' 13mm O.6m 25mm 5.1m 3W 3' 1-118" 18.8, 19mm 0.9m 29mm 5.7m 1' 4' 1-114" 20.8' 25mm 1.2m 32mm 6.3m 1-114" V 1-3/9' 22.9' 32mm 1.5m 35mm .Om 1-W" 6' 1-1/2" 25.0' 38mm 1.8in 38mm .6m 1-3/4' 7' 1-314" 29.2' 45 ram 2.1 m 45 min 8.9 m 2' T. 2' 233.3' 51mm M.4m 51mm 10.1m Construction Loading Carya De Censtracclon DO NOT proceed with construction until all lateral restraint and bracing Is securely and property in place. NO proceda con to constnrccidn pasta qua Codas las resirlrr clones tolerates y iDS ardostres estdn colocados an forma apropiada y segura. DO NOT exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-B4• for more Information. °MaxlmumSteckNelpht- ? tor,M�teNel on Truat�s , Material Height Gypsum Board 12" (305 mm) Plywood or OSB 16' (406 mm) Asphalt Shingles 2bundles Concrete Block 6' (203 ram) clay file 3-0 tiles mgn NO exceda las alturas mdxlmas de mont6n. Vea et resumen BCSI-B4- pare mds informac6n. NEVER stack materials near a peak, at mid -span, on cantilevers or overhangs. NUNCA aplle /os materiales cerca de un pica, a contra, de Is /uz, an cantilevers o aleros. DO NOT overload small groups or single trusses. NO sobrecargue pequeRos grupos o trusses Individua/es. Z r �Y) Place loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las taigas sabre tentos trusses como sea post, Position loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las cargas sabre las parades sopodantes. Alterations - Alterations EMRefer to BCSI-B5.- Truss bmdng rut sham furdadty. Vea a/resumen BCSI-B5.- t9 DO NOT cut, after, or drill any structural member ate truss unless specifically permitted by the truss design drawing. NO code, alters o portions ningtin mtembro estructura/ de run truss, a menos qua esf6 espectfrramente permilido an at dibujo del diselio `s del truss. Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Man- ' ufacturees prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses quo se han sobrecargado durente Is construccl6n o han sido aflerados sin to autor- Izad6n previa del Fabdcante de Trusses, pueden hater nulo y sin efecto to garanUe limitads del Fabricante de Trusses. �Contect the component Manufacturer for more Information or consult a Registered Design Professional for assistance. To view a non- priming PDF of this document visit sbdndusVywm/b1. NOTE: The buss manufacturer and buss designer rely on the presumption that the contractor and cone operator (O applicable) sm professionals with the capability to undertake the work they have agreed to do an any given project. If the contractor boleves O needs assistance in some aspect of the construction project, k should seek assistance from a competent party. The methods and procedures outlined In this document are intended to ensure that the ovarell construction techniques employed will put the busses into place SAFELY. Theserecommendations far handling, InstatlNg, restraining and bracing busses ere based upon the oollee ive experience of leading personnel Waived with buss dealggn, manufacture and Installation, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities Involved, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a qualfied building designer or contractor. It Is not Intended that these recommendations be Interpreted as aupedorto the bulking designees design specification forhandOng, InstaiMg, restraining and bracing trusses and ftdoes not preclude Ore use of other equivalent methods for matrainingrbredng and providing stability forthe walla, columns, Ooore, roars and all the Interrelated structural building components as determined by the contractor. Thus, SBCA and Tat expressly disclaim any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. SBC tvocstsasscwsa TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise lane - Madison, 0 53719 218 N. Lee St., Ste. 312 -Alexandria, VA 22314 608-274-4849 - sbeindusW.com 703.683.1010 • tpinstorn For Trusses Up to 2'-0" On -Center and 80'-0" in Length . Para Trusses Hasta Z Pies En. Centro y Hasta 80 Pies De Longitad a WARNING Spans over 60' require more complex temporary installation restraint/bracing. Consult a registered design professional. IADVERTENCIAI Los tramos mas de 60 pies requieren restriccOnlarriostre de insta- laci6n temporal mas complejo. Consulte a un profesional registrado de disefio. 8 DANGER Disregarding handling, installing, restraining and bracing safety recommendations is the principal cause of truss erectionrinstallabon accidents. PELIGRO El no seguir las recomendaciones de manejo, instalaci6n, restdocl6n y arna- stre es /a causa principal de Jos accidentes durante la ereccOn/instalaci6n de trusses. Lateral restraint is NOT Diagonal I adequate without diagonal bracing. bracing La Restriccidin Lateral NO es adec- Lateral restraint uada sin elArriostre Diagonal. Q Always diagonally brace for safety] iSiempre arriostre diagonalmente para seguridadl Maximum Spacing For Tbp Chord Temporary Lateral Restraint (TCTLR) El Espaciamiento Maximo Para La Restriction Laterar7emporai De La cuerda superior (7cnR) The graphic at left shows the maximum on -center spacing (see - at left) of TCTLR based on truss span from the table in Step 2 on page 2. • Ground bracing not shown for clarity. • Apply diagonal bracing or structural sheathing immediately. For spans over 60' applying structural sheathing immediately is the preferred method. El dibujo a la izquierda muestra el espaciamiento m6ximo en el centro (vea "a la izquierda) del TCTLR basado en los tramos de trusses de la tabla en el Paso 2 en la pdgina 2. • No se muestra el arriostre de tierra para claridad. • Aplique inmediatamente el Anlostre Diagonal o el Entablado Estruc- tural (structural sheathing). Para tramos mas de 60 pies el m6todo preferido es entablarlos inmediatamente. Check These Items Before Starting Truss Erection/Installation and Correct as Needed Revise Estos Puntos Antes De En/pezar La Ereccion/Instalacion y Corrgaios Cuando Es Neceserlo Q Building dimensions match the construction documents. Las dimenslones del edificio concuerdan con los documentos de construccl6n. Q Bearing supports (e.g., walls, columns, headers, beams, etc.) are accurately and securely installed, plumb and properly braced. Los soportes que sosfienen cargas (ej., paredes, columnas, vigas de cabezera, ` vigas, etcatera) son instalados seguramente y can precisl6n, y son nivelados y arriostrados apropiadamente. Q Hangers, tie -downs, restraint and bracing materials are on site and accessible. Los colgadores (hangers), soportes de anclaje (tie -downs) y materiales de restriccidin y arriostre estan accesibles en la obra. Q Erectionfinstallation crew is aware of installation plan and lateral restraint/diagonal bracing requirements, Ei personal de ereccOn/lnstalacidin es consclente del plan de Jnstalacl6n y Jos requisitos de restriccl6n/arriostre. Q Multi -ply trusses, including girders, are correctly fastened together prior to lifting into place. Los trusses de varias capas, incluyendo travesafios, son fijados juntos cor- rectamente antes de levantarios en lugar. Q Any truss damage is reported to truss manufacturer. Refer to BCSI-B5.— Do not install damaged trusses unless instructed to do so by the building design- er, truss designer or truss manufacturer. Algun dafio a los trusses ha sido reportado al fabricante de trusses. Vea el resumen BCSI-B5.— No instate trusses dafiados a menos que se d#eren el disefiador del edificio, el disefiador del truss o el fabricante del truss. 21 Trusses are the correct dimension. Los trusses son la dimensi6n correcia. RI Tops of bearing supports are flat, level and at the correct elevation. La parte superior de Ids soportes de cojinete son plans, niveladas y a la elevaci6n correcta. Q Jobsite is clean and neat, and free of obstructions. La obra esta limpia, ordenada y sin obstructions. lei Ground bracing procedure for first truss is based on site and building configuration. El procedimiento deAnlostre de Terra.para el primer trusses basado`en el terr'eno y a configureci6n del ediftcio. If ground level is too far . from truss for.exterior ground bracing, use Interior ground bracing. Slel nivel del terreno es: demasladolejos pars usarArriostre de Tierra exterior, useArriostre de Tierra interior. 99CSO-11112 3iaDfiifJfitf ARV SHEET Memp 160209 TRUSS HPISTQdlAT1100 €s TE62RPORARV RES Ri MIGU5PIORACHUG Steps to Setting Trusses ,Steps Para El Monfaje,De Traisses' Establish Ground Bracing Procedure: Exterior or Interior ■ Estableaca el Procedim%nto de Arriostre de Tierra: Exterior o Interior 2 Determine the Locations for TCTLR and Ground Braces ■ Determine las Ubicaciones para TCTLR y Ins Arriostres de Tierra Q use truss span to determine spacing Locate additional TCTLR for top chord temporary lateral restraint TCTLR over bearings (TCTLR) from table at right. if the heel height is Use el tramo del truss para determinar 10" or greater. Localise TCTLR to° orgreater el espaciamiento pars restriccl6n lateral adicional sobre los temporal de la cuerda superior (TCTLR) soportes si la alturacha.Truss en la table a la dee G redspdel tal6n (heel height) required attachment es de 10 pulgadas o mds. 5 a' > 6 Iad..TCTLRI ;--Pitch breaksw S-6• fi'-0o' 34• N-0 V-0• span Q Locate additional TCTLR at each pitch break. Localise TCTLR adicional en Cade rotura de inclinaci6n. Maximum Top Chortl Tempordry t:ateral R6straint Spacing" Truss Span TCTLR Spacing Up to 30' 10' on -center maximum 30' - 45' 6' on -center maximum 45' - 60' Won -center maximum 60' - 60" 4' on -center maximum *Consult a registered design professional for trusses longer than 60'. 'For trusses spaced greater than T o.e., see also BCSI-B10. TCTLR, typ. TCTLR, typ. TM168$�" Ground brace vertical, typ. [r7� Locate a ground brace vertical at each TCTLR location. Localise una vertical de arrioste de tierra en cada lugar de TCTLR. 3 Set First Truss and Fasten Securely to Ground Braces ■ Cologne el Primer Wass y Filelo 5egaramente a los Arriostres de Tierra [Q Set first truss (or gable end frame) and fasten securely to ground braces and to the wall, or as directed by the building designer. Examples of first truss installed include: Coloque el primer truss (o armaz6n hastial) y fgelo seguramente a las verticales de arriostre de Berra y a la pared, o Como se dirige el diseifador del edificio. E/emplos del primer truss Instalado incluyen: TCTLR locations, typ. TGTLR In I locations, W. _EKTERIOR GROUND BRACING A CAUTION First truss must be attached securely to all bearings and to all required ground braces prior to removing the hoisting supports. CAUifEdA El primer truss tiene que ser sujetado seguramente a todos soportes y a todas aniostes de tierra equeridos, antes de quitar los soportes de levantamiento. GCS9-32 SUDRRWJARV SHEET 4 Set Trusses 2, 3, 4 i& 5 with TCTLR in Line with Ground Bracing ■ Coloque los Tmsses 2, 3, 4 y 5 con TRLR en Linea can los Arriostres de Tierra Q Attach trusses securely at all bearings, shimming bearings as necessary. Examples of first five trusses set Include: Sujete seguramente Jos trusses a todos los soportes, rellenar s6lidamente los soportes como sea necesario. Ejemplos de los primeros cinco trusses colocados incluyen: See options below ARRIOSME DE 77ERRA EXTERIOR See options below The following three (3) Short Member Temporary Lateral Restraint options require that the diagonal bracing be installed continuously. See figure for Option B In Step 8 on page 5. Las siguientes tres opciones para instalarla Restricci6n Lateral Temporal de los Miembros Cortos requieren que el arriostre diagonal esta instalado continuamente. Vea /a figura de 0pcl6n 8 en el Paso 8 en la pagina 5. Option 1 Short member temporary lateral restraint installed on top of trusses Opc16n 1 Resided6n lateral temporal de los miembros cortos instalados encima de trusses 2T+ ~ 0 Trusses @ 24" on -center 2 nails at every connection 2 clavos en cac conexl6n _ Do not use split members. No use miembros rajados. 1'/z" minimum end distance 1 % pulgadas distancia de extremo minima Diagonal bracing, typ. Option 2 Short member temporary lateral restraint installed between trusses Opc/6n 2 Restdcd6n lateral temporal de los mlembros cortos /nsta/adds entre trusses Use 2-16d deformed shank A--_� nails minimum, at each restraint -to -truss connection. Use como minimo 2-16d clavos largos (shank nails) an Do not use split cada conexi6n de restricd6n- a-truss. members. No use miembros rajados. Diagonal bracing, typ. @ 24" sr Option 3 Proprietary metal restraint products' Opci6n 3 Productos de metal para restricci6n patentados• These products are specifically designed to provide lateral restraint and are not just for spacing. See manufacturer's specifications. Estos productos son disenados especiBcamente pars proveer restricci6n lateral y no son solamente para espaclamiento. vea las especihcadones del habricante. Diagonal 227VJ/4 / bracing, typ. Trusses @ 24" on -center A CAUTICH Each truss must be attached securely at all bearing locations and all TCTLR installed before removing the hoisting supports. CAUTELA Cade truss tiene que ser sujetado seguramente en todas ubicaciones de soportes y todas las TCTLR instaladas antes de quitar los soportes de levantar. LATERAL RESTRAIEWBRACINC MATERIAL AND CONNECTIONS cOAI mmoms Y MATER/ALEs nE nEsruicc16AVARn;os7nE LATERAL Q Minimum size of bracing and lateral restraint material is 2x4 stress -graded lumber or approved proprietary metal restraint/bracing, unless otherwise specified by the building designer. El tamano del material de restricci6n lateral y arriostre debe ser porto menos 2x4 madera graduada por esfuerzo o restricciftardostre de metal patentado aprobado, a menos que especifrque el disenador del edifrcio. Q All bracing and lateral restraint members must be connected to each truss with at least 2 nails (see minimum sizes shown below), except for the short member restraints shown in Step 4, Option 2 (see above), which require 2-16d deformed -shank (i.e., ring- or screw -shank) nails. Todos los miembros de restricci6n lateral y amostre tienen que ser conectados a cada truss con un minimo de 2 clavos (ver los tamanos minimos mostrados abajo) excepto pars las restricclones de miembros cortos mostradds en el Paso 4, Opc/6n 2 (vea arriba), cuales requieren 2-16d clavos con largos desformados (Ej. Largos de anillos o tomillos). Q Drive nails flush. If the temporary restraint and bracing is to be removed when the per- 10d (0.128x3") manent bracing is installed, use double -headed nails for ease of removal. 12d (0.128x3.25") Cleve los clavos at raso. Si la restricci6n y aniostre temporal senj quitado at instaaadO 16d (0.131x3.5") del arriostre permanente, use clavos de dos cabezas para quitarlos mis facilmente.V V & SC$0-i32 SUDGU MARtf SHEET TRUSS OLUSTAL LATRO t4 & 1PEGtfJPORAIfRV 68IES4Ri ABRI O RAO0OG 5 Install Tbp Chord Diagonal Bracing ■ Instate El Arriostre Diagonal de la Cuerda Superior Q Attach diagonal bracing to the first five trusses. Examples of diagonal bracing on first five trusses include: Coloque el arriostre diagonal a los primeros cinco trusses. Ejemplos de atWostre diagonal en los primeros cinco trusses incluyen: See Short Member Diagonal Temporary Lateral bracing, typ. Restraint options Diagonal bracIr Q Or start applying structural sheathing. Example of structural sheathing installed on first five trusses. O emplece en aplicar el entablado estructural. Ejemplo de entablado estructural instalado en los primeros cinco trusses. See Short Member Tem- porary Lateral Restraint See Short Member Diagonal Temporary Lateral bracing, typ. Restraint options nano 3_ 6 Install Web Member Diagonal Bracing ■ Instate el Arriostre Diagonal de Miembres Secundaries Q Temporary web member diagonal bracing acts with the top chord and bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing to form triangu- lation perpendicular to the plane of the truss and prevents trusses from leaning or dominoing. El anlostre diagonal temporal de los miembros secundarios trabaja con la restriccOn lateral y el arriostre di gonal temporales de la cuerda superior e inferior para formar una WangulacOn perpendicular al piano del truss y evita qua los trusses se Inclinen o caigan como domin6s. Q Install diagonal bracing at about 45° to the horizontal on web members (verticals whenever possible) located at or near rows of bottom chord lateral restraint. Web diagonal bracing must extend from the top chord to the Diagonal bottom chord. Repeat at the intervals shown in the figure below. bracing Instale el arriostre diagonal a aproximadamente 45 grados an los miembros secundarios (verticales cuando sea posible) colocados en o cerca de las Web members filas de restriccOn lateral de la cuerda inferior. Arriostre diagonal pars los miembros secundarios tiene que extender de la cuerda superior a la cuerda inferior. Repita a Jos intervalos mostrados en la figura a la derecha. WiTOTM The requirements for web permanent individual truss member restraint are specified on the truss design drawing (TDD). Refer to BCSI-1913 for more information. — Los requisitos para la restricci6n permanente de miembros individuales de truss para miembros secundarios son especificados en el dibujo del diseno de truss. Ilea el resumen BCSI-B3 para mas informac6n.- 10'-15' max. Same spacing as bottom chord lateral restraint Bottom chords Diagonal braces ' every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) Note: Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. IMOSM Mono trusses, deep flat trusses and other types of trusses with deep ends also require tem- porary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing on the vertical web member at the deep end of the truss. Los trusses de una sola pendiente, trusses pianos y profundos y otros tipos de trusses con extremos profundos tambien requieren restriccidn lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal en los miembros secund- ,: ' ados largos al parte profundo del truss. BCSO-0 2 SUMMARY Y SHEET VIRU S C;c?S471 RU-1 1471 0 t z 5r`��i? 3�t9 i:5rr �.i�iu� HOC 7 Install Bottom Chord Lateral Restraint and Diagonal Bracing ■ Instale la Restriccion Lateral y el Arriostre Diagonal de la Cuerda Inferior Q Bottom chord temporarylateral restraint and diagonal bracing stabilizes the bottom chord plane during installation and helps maintain proper spac- ing of the trusses. La RestriccOn lateral temporal y el ardostre diagonal de la cuerda inferior estabilizan el piano de la cuerda inferior durante la instalac6n y asiste an mantener el espaciamiento aproplado de los trusses. ;d*zz�� Q Install rows of temporary lateral restraint at 15' on -center maximum. Remove, if desired, Bottom chord lateral restraint. after the permanent ceiling diaphragm Is in place. eat r lapped o e iwo trgreater lnstale filas de restriccOn lateral temporal a 15 pies an el Centro Como m6ximo. Qultelos, si asf to desea, despuds qua el diafragma permanente det techo est6 colocado. Bottom �ryp Q Install rows of permanent lateral restraint at 10' on -center maximum. Specified spacing chords may be less; check the truss design drawing and/or with the building designer. lnstale filas de restricci6n lateral permanente a 10 pies an el Centro como m6ximo. El espaciamiento especificado puede ser menor,• verilque el dibujo del disen"o de truss con el disefiador del edificio. Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) [Jj Install diagonal bracing at intervals of 20' maximum along the run of trusses. lnstale at amostre diagonal a intervalos de 20 pies maximo a to largo de la iinea de trusses, see tse)d left Note: Some chord and web members a not shown for clarity. A CAUTION Do not remove ground bracing until all top chord, bottom chord and web lateral restraint and bracing is Installed on at least the first five trusses. I CAiiTE'LA No remueva el arriostre de Berra hasta qua toda la restriccOn lateral y ardostre de la cuerda superior, la cuerda inferior y los miembros secundarios est6n instalados en par to menos los primeros cinco trusses. 8 Trusses Steps 4 Through 7 with Groups of Four usses Using Option A or B . Repita los Pasos 4 a 7 can Gropps de Cuatro Trusses Usando' la Option A. o la Opcion B Option A: Install the next four trusses using short member temporary lateral restraint Options 1 - 3 per Step 4 on page 3. Add long -length Option B: Install diagonal bracing on each group of four trusses that have been set with short member temporary lateral restraint per Step 4 on page 3. (minimum 2x4xl2') continuous lateral restraint (CLR) to be trusses together. lnstale el arriostre diagonal an cada grupo de cuatro trusses qua Pan sido Overlap the ends of the CLR at least 2 trusses. Install diagonal bracing at intervals of 20' maximum along the run of trusses (see Figure below). colocados con la restildcOn lateral temporal de miembros Carlos par el Paso 4 on la paging 3. lnstale los siguientes cuatro trusses utilizando las opciones 1-3 par el Paso 4 an la pdgina 3 de la restriccOn lateral de miembros Carlos. At WARNING After the Initial group of five trusses are installed and braced (i.e., Made la restdcci6n lateral continua (CLR) de longitud-largo (m/riimo lateral restraint and diagonal bracing), DO NOT set more than four trusses 2x4xl2) pare atar junto los trusses. Solapa►se las puntas del CLR when using short member temporary lateral restraint before you STOP, and a mfn/mo de dos trusses. lnstale el arriostre diagonal cada 20 pies diagonally brace as shown. Option B Is NOT permissible without diagonal mdxlmo a to largo de la Ifnea de trusses (vea la Figura abajo). bracing being Installed with each group of four trusses. The maximum diagonal brace spacing provided in this Option assumes ground bracing is property installed and in place. El espaciamiento mdWmo de amlostre diagonal en esta 0pc16n asume qua el ardostre de Berra estd an silo y es instalado con ectamente. Diagonal bracing 'Spacing between rows of required at each end TCTLR is dependent on of building between truss span and pitch breaks each row of TCTLR, (see Step 2 on page 2). and every 10 truss spaces (20' max.). 10 truss spaces /max. (20' max.) 10 truss spaces max. (20' max.) Note: Ground Bracing not shown for clarity. 1ADVERTENCIAI Despuds de qua el primer grupo de cinco trusses sea instalado y amlostrado (Ej. restriccidin lateral y aniostre diagonal), NO coloque mils de cuatro trusses cuando se usa la restridd6n lateral temporal de los miembros Carlos antes qua usted PARA, y arrl6strelo diagonalmente como mostrado. Este opci6n B NO funclona sin el ardostre diagonal apllcado a cada grupo de cuatro trusses. Spacing between rows of TCTLR is dependent on truss span and pitch breaks (see Step 2 on page 2). ENSURE THAT ALL TRUSSES ARE PROPERLY DIAGONALLY BRACED. ASEGilRESE QUE TODOS LOS TRUSSES ESTi€N ARRIOSTRADOS DIAGONALMENTE APROPIADAMENTE. Q Apply structural sheathing early and often. DO NOT wait until all trusses are set to apply structural sheathing. Aplique el entablado estructural temprano y con frecuencla. NO ESPERE hasta qua todos los trusses est6n colocados para aplicar el entablado estructural. Temporary Diagonal Bracing repeated entire length of building. A CAUTIOiM Remove only as much top chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing as necessary to nail down the next sheet of structural sheathing. DO NOT exceed truss design load with construction loads. (SEE BCSI-B4)— CAUTMA Quite s610 tanta restriccidn lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior como sea necesado pars clavar la siguiente hoja de entablado estructural. NO EXCEDA Is carga de diseno de truss con cargas de construccion. (VEA BCSI-B4)— Is CSd-IN12 SUPUMIJ6tlRY SHUST TRUSS OWSTALdLAT11(!IIM f4 41eGt"�li PORAW RIESUMM1Ti1R613/r CHOG Alternate Installation Method: Bulld It On the Ground and Lift It Into PI; Me#odo A/ferno de° InslEalaciBn: Consfruir/o en la Tierra y Levan>tarlo en lui Q Ensure level bearing; set, position, plumb and properly restrain and brace the trusses as modules on the groi Aseg6rese que el spoporte es nivelado, colocar, posiclonar, nivelar y restringir y arriostrar apropiadamente el grupo de trusses en la tiers. Q Apply structural sheathing for stability. Begin at the heel and alternate 4'x8' and 4'x4' sheets up to the peak. Aplique el entablado estructural para estabilidad. Empiece en el tal6n y alteme 16minas de 4 pies x 8 pies y 4 pies x 4 pies hasta el pico. Q Be sure to install all top chord, web member and bottom chord lateral restraint and bracing prior to lifting the module. Aseg6rese de instalar toda la restriccOn y arriostre de la cuerda superior, el miembro secundario, y la cuerda inferior antes de levantar el m6dulo. © CAUTION Additional restraint and bracing may be required to safely lift units into place. CAUTELA La restriccOn y arriostre adicional pueden ser requeridos para levantar los m6dulos en sitio sin peligro. Be sure to get proper guidance from a registered design professional to insure modules are designed and installed safely and properly. Aseg6rese de obtener consejos apropiados por un profesional registrdo de diseno para asegurar que Jos m6dulos son disenados y instala- dos apropiadamente y sin pellgro. Hip Set Assembly and Bracing Ensamblaje y Arriosfr+e del Grupe de Cadera . Permanently connecting the end jacks to the end wall and girder as early in the installation process as possible dramatically increases the stability of the hip girder and the safety of the structure. Conectando permanentemente los gatos extremos a la pared extremo y el travesano tan temprano en el proceso de instalaci6n como sea posible aumenta drdsticamente la estabilidad del travesano de cadera (hip girder) y le seguridad de la estructura. Hip trusses i_� Common mosses Hip girder End wall End jacks y Girder setback Note: Truss restraint and bracing from end wall not shown for clarity. Side jacks Hip jack Use the following sequence: Use la siguiente secuencia: Step 1 Position the hip girder on the bearing walls at the specified end wall setback and permanently attach to supports. Posicione el travesano de cadera on las parades de soporte al "setback" especificado de la pared extremo y sujete a los soportes permanentemente. Whenever possible, connect multi -ply girder trusses together and install the end jack hangers (if required) prior to erection/ installation. All plies of a multi -ply girder shall be attached per the fastening schedule on the TDD before attaching any framing members or applying any loads. Siempre que sea posible, conecte los trusses de travesano de varies- capas juntos y instale los colgadores de gato extremo (si requerido) antes de Is ereccOn/instalacl6n. Todas capas de un travesano de varlas capas sujetardn por el horado de fljar en el dibujo del diseno de truss antes de sujetar algunos miembros de arrlostre o de aplicar algunas cargas. Step 2 Install hip jacks, and end jacks at maximum 10' on -center while crane continues to hold girder in place. Instale los gatos de cadera y Jos gatos extremos a 10 ples,maximo en centro mientras la gnia coniinda mantener el travesano en lugar. Note: Attach jack trusses to top chord and bottom chord of girder truss. The connection to the top chord is important as it helps to stabilize the top chord of the girder. Sujete los trusses de gatos a /a cuerda superior y la cuerda inferior del truss de travesano. La conexl6n por encima es importante porque ayuda a establIP zar la cuerda superior del travesano. Step 3 Install all remaining Install jacks while side and end jacks crane continues to Attach hip girder with all permanent hold girder In place. to supports truss -to -bearing Hip jack connections (e.g., hangers and tie - downs). Instale todos los gatos extremos y gatos de rino6n restantescon todas las conexiones perrnanentes de Install hip jacks and end truss-a-soporte (Ej. jacks t m xilnum 10' o.c. colgadores y soportes de anclaje). Step 4 Install the next hip truss with 2x4 short member temporary lateral restraints. Attach each short member temporary lateral restraint to the top chord of the hip girder and adjacent hip truss with two nails at each connection. The short member temporary lateral restraints should be long enough to extend at least 1 1/2" past the top chord of each truss. Place short member temporary lateral restraints at pitch breaks and at intervals along the top chords in accordance with Step 2 on page 2. Short Member Instale el pr6ximo truss de Temporary cadere con 2x4 restricciones Lateral laterales temporales para Restraint mlembros cortos. Sujete cada restriccl6n lateral temporal del miembro corto a la cuerda ` superior del travesano de i cadera y al truss de cadera contiguo con dos clavos a cada conexi6n. Las restricciones laterales temporales para mlembros cortos deben ser - bastante largo para extender a un mfnimo de 1 %" pasado de la cuerda superior de cada truss. Puse la restricci6n lateral temporal de miembros cortos a roturas del pendiente y a intervalos por las cuerdas superiores seg6n el Paso 2 en la pi3gina 2. Step 6 Install remaining hip trusses. For the flat portion of each hip truss, use short member temporary lateral restraints that are at least double the length of the first set of short member temporary lateral restraints (see Figure on next page). For the sloped chords of the trusses, install short member temporary lateral restraints according to one of the three options in Step 4 on page 3. Instate los ►estantes de los trusses de cadera. Para la parte plana de cada truss de cadera use restricciones laterales temporales de miembros cortos que son por Jo menos dobles la longitud del primer grupo de restricciones temporales laterales de miembros cortos (vea la figura en la pr6xima pagina). Para las cuerdas pendientes de Jos trusses, instale las restricciones laterales temporales de miembros cortos seg6n uno de las tres options en Paso 4 en la p1gina 3. [ CS11-02 SaDwa fnIARV SHEET li uss ig"STr'tuILATRO �� a 41EGv'1POW�c''v iAES-1 RAG0uORU.aCK.1'c Attach to truss at above orstiffback max. Spreader bar 2/3 to 3/4 truss length ., .. and over ., Step 6 Install pitched trusses using _ Attach to guidelines provided in Steps 2-8 at truss at on pages 2-5 of this 5M.P. Spreader bar 10' o.c. document. orsUffback max. Paso 6 Instate Ids trusses ��.: Pasos 2-8 an p6ginas iw 1iiii 1 iii ii �, it, iNJen der bar 213 ; 2-5 ._ .. truss length russes up to and over .0 DO NOT stack materials or stand at locations that will cause instability, such as on cantilevers, overhangs, end jacks, or near truss - to -girder truss connections. NO amontone Jos materiales o de pie an lugares qua causaran inestabilidad, como an voladizos, salientes, tomas finales, o conexione cerca a viga. Tips For Safe and Efficient Installations Consefos pare Insta►ac►ones Seguras y Eflc►entes Q Assemble the first five trusses with all structural sheathing, restraint and bracing, either as the trusses are Installed or built as a unit on the ground and lifted into place. Ensamble los primeros cinco trusses con todo el entablado estruc- tural, restriccOn y arriostre, cualquier cuando los trusses son insta- lados o son construidos como una unidad an la tierra y levantados en lugar. Q Keep trusses straight during hoisting to minimize bending out -of - Long Span. Truss Installation Insta/acion de Trusses de Mramos Largas Q ® DANGER Trusses with clear spans of 60 feet or greater are extremely dangerous to install and require more detailed safety and handling measures than shorter span trusses. PEL►GRO Trusses de 60 pies de largo o mas son extremamente peligrosos a instalar y requieren medidas de seguridad y manejo mas detalladas que trusses de vanos mas cortos. Before Starting Antes de Empezar Q Hire a registered design professional to provide a temporary re- straint/bracing plan and to supervise the erection process. Contrate un Profesional Registrado de Diseno para proveer un plan de restriccOn/arriostre temporal y para supervisar el proceso de e►eccidn. Q Develop a safe, effective truss installation method and inform all crew members of their roles. Elabore un mdtodo seguro y efectivo de la instalacldn de trusses e informe todos miembros del personal de sus papeles. Q Use personnel who have experience installing trusses 60' and great- er in span. Use instaladores quienes tienen experiencia an instalar trusses de 60 pies o mas de tramo. Q Ensure that the walls and supporting structure are stable and ade- quately restrained and braced. Aseg0rese que las parades y la estructura soportante son estables y adecuadamente restringidas y arriostradas. Q Have all necessary lifting equipment and building materials on hand. Make sure the crane operator understands the special hoisting requirements of long span trusses (see BCSI-B1).— Tenga todo el equipo de levantar y los materiales de construccOn necesarios a la mano. Asegdrese que el operador de gr6a entiende los requisites especiales de levantar los trusses de tramos largos (vea BCSI-B1).— plane. Mantenga los trusses derechos durante el levantamiento para mini- mizar at doblado fuera-de-plano. Add a temporary center support to provide greater stability and leave in place until all permanent building stability bracing is installed. Agregue un soporte temporal en el centro para proveermas estab- /lidad y quedarlo en lugar hasta que todo el aniostre de-esiabllidad permanente de construccOn as instalado. . Q Apply structural sheathing to the top chord as the trusses are being installed. Aplique el entablado estructural a la cuerda superior mientras los trusses estan lnstalados. Q Install all permanent individual truss member restraint and bracing immediately. Instate todo el arriostre y restricclon permanente de miembros de trusses individuales inmediatamente. BCS0-02 SaDGtfJGf ARV SNIEET Field Assembly and O04V Special Condsib! ns Ensaaib/afe de Campo y'0>tros Condlic�oines`Espec�a/t�s Certain sizes or shapes of trusses require some assembly at the jobsite. Refer to the truss design drawings for specific instructions on assembly methods, unless the construction documents indicate otherwise. Ciertos tamafios o formas de trusses requieren a1g0n ensamblaje an Is obra. Refiera a Jos dibujos del disefio de truss pars instrucclones especfficas sobre ensamblaje de montaje, a menos qua los documentos de construccOn indlquen Jo contrario. The contractor is responsible for proper field assembly. El contratista es responsable para el ensamblaje de campo apropiado. piggyback Trusses Trusses de Piggyback Q The supporting trusses shall be completely installed with all truss member AND permanent building stability bracing as required BE- FORE installing the supported ("cap") frames. Los trusses soportantes serin completamente instalados con todos miembros de trusses Yel anlostre de estabilidad permanents de construcci6n Como as requeddo ANTES de instalar los armazones ("cap") soporaados. bracing Diagonal.tir 15�' fin red) Lateral I5" Note: Some truss bracing restraint and lateral restraint not (in green) shown for clarity. upporfing (i.e.base) trusses aol - WARNING Adequately restrain and brace the flat portion of the supporting trusses to prevent buckling. IADVERTENCIAI Restrinja y arriostre-adecuadamente Is parte plana de los trusses soportantes para prevenir el fallar. Q For more information on how to permanently laterally restrain and diagonally brace piggyback truss systems refer to BCSI-B3 - Para mils informacOn sobre Como restringir lateralmente perman- etamente y arriostrar diagonalmente sistemas de trusses de piggy- back refiere al BCSI-B3.— Field Spliced Trusses Trusses Empalmados En Campo Q Splicing can be performed on the ground before installation or the truss sections can be supported by temporary shoring after being hoisted into place and the splices installed from a safe working surface.lr%+�`i'�'% I�r Empalmando puede ser hecho en el suelo antes de la instalad6n o las secciones de trusses pueden ser soportados por shoring" temporal = •'• despuds de qua sean levantados an Field -spliced trusses with lugar y los empaImes son instalados temporary center support de una superficie de trabajo segura. Valley Set Frame Installation Insfalacidn de Arma"n de Con junto de Valle Q The top chords of the supporting trusses must be braced properly. This can be accomplished by attaching structural sheathing or with rows of lateral restraint, spaced no more than the maximum on center spacing specified on the truss design drawing, and diagonal bracing. Las cuerdas superiores de los trusses de soporte denen qua ser arriostrados apropladamente. Esto puede ser hecho por sujetar el entablado estructural o con filas de restriccOn lateral, espaciados no mils quo el m6ximo en el espaclamiento del centro que es especifr- , cado en el dibujo del disefio de truss, y arriostre diagonal. Valley sets as over -framing This document applies to all sloped and flat chord trusses built with the wide -face of the lumber oriented vertically. Examples Include: Este documento aplica a todos trusses de cuerda pendlente y plana construldos can la cara-ancha de la madera orlentada verticalmente, False r_mmn- For parallel chord trusses manufactured with 3x2 or 4x2 lumber, see BCSI-B7 - Para Jos trusses de cuerdas paralelas fabricados con madera 3x2 o 4x2, vea el resumen BCSI-B7.— For trusses spaced more than T-0" on -center, see BCSI-B10."' Para los trusses espaciados mils de 2 pies en el cent% vea el Resumen BCSI B10."- -Contact the component manufacturer for more Information or consult a registered design professional for assistance. To view a non -printing PDF of this document, visit sbcindustry.com/b2. This document summarizes the Information provided in Section B2 of the 2013 Edition of Building Component Safety Information BCSI - Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining S Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Copyright © 2004 - 2016 Structural Building Components Association and Truss Plate Institute. All Rights Reserved. This guide or any part thereof may not be reproduced In any form without the written permission of the publishers. Printed in the United States of America. A� SBCARE WD 8UTRUSS1:6.,cIL 6300 Enterprise Lane - Madison, WI 53719 608-2744849 - sbcindustry.com .,A �b Truss Plate Institute 218 North Lee Street, Ste. 312 Alexandria, VA22314 703-683-1010 • tpinst.org I CS111-ii$2 SU09PV7p,1RV SiMISET WARNING Disregarding permanent restraint/bracing is a major cause of truss field performance problems and has been (mown to lead to roof or floor system collapse. IADVERTENCIAI Descuidar el ardostrelresbiccl6n permanents es una cause principal de prob- lemas de rendimlento del truss en campo y hab/a conocide a llever al derrumbamlento del sistema del fecho o plso. Afit®N1 Trusses with dear spans of 60 feet (18.3 m) or greater, may require complex perma- nent bracing. Please always consult a registered design professional. iPt]i FJM Tramos sobre 60 pies o m6s pueden requedr ariostre permanents compleJo. Por favor, consults slempre a un profeslonal reglstrado de dlserio. Restraint/Bracing Materials & Fastener = Materteles v Clerres de RestAccl6n/Arriostre Q Commonly used restraint/bracing materials include wood structural panels, gypsum board sheathing, stress -graded lumber, proprietary metal products, and metal pudlns and straps. Matedales comunes de arrfostrar1restringir Incluyen pansies estructureles de madera, entablado de yeso, madera graduada por esluerra, productos de metal patentsdos, y vigas de soporte y liras de metal, Lumber Slate Minimum Nall Size MlnimumNumberof Ndls per Connection. 2x4 stress -graded 10d (0.12841 12d (0.12841251 2 16d (0.13W.51 Wslressgmded 10d(0.12841 12d (0.i284.251 3 16d (0.13W.51 MAEINIPM11INY51, 1 other attachmem requirements maybe specified by the buildig designer ortruss designer. ' The grada/s¢e and ettadunentforbraorg materials such aswood structural panels. gypsum board sheahlrg, proprietary metal restnentbxacing products, and metal pu ins and straps am proWed bythe building designer. Permanent. Bracing for the Various Planes of a Thiss Alrrlostre Permanentbe Para Vados-Pianos de- NoR Tlrrlss. Top chord Q Permanent bracing is important because it, plane a) prevents out -of -plane buckling of truss Web members, member b) helps maintain proper truss spacing, and plane c) resists and transfers lateral loads from wind and seismic forces. El arriostre permanents es importante porque, a) Implde el forcer fvera-de-plano de /as mlem- bras del truss, b) ayuda en mantenerespaclamlento apropladc Cie los trusses, y c) resists y pass las cargos laterales de viento y fuerzas slemlcas aplloadas al sistema del Bottom truss• chord plane Q Trusses require permanent bradng•withln ALL Trusses requieren arriostre permanents dentro of the following planes: de TODOS los slguientes pianos: 1. Top chord plane 1. Plano de Is cuerda superior 2. Bottom chord plane 2. Plano de Is cuerda Inferior 3. Web member plane 3. Plano del miembro secundado ACGUOTION The truss, or a portion of Its members, will buckle (i.e., fall) at loads far less than design without permanent bracing. glIMIUMIMM Sin el ardostre permanents, del truss, o un parts de los miembros, torcerdn (ej. fallar:3n) de cargas muchas mends que las cargas quo of truss es diserilado a Haven SbucWral 1. Permanent 3raleing for the Tbp Chord Plane. sheathing AUrr'a s6 a Permanente Para el Plano de la Cue rrda on top chord Superior • ' plane ••>t Q Use plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), or wood or metal structural purlins that are properly braced. Attach to each r , truss. h.. �. Use contrachapado, panel de fibres odentsdo (OSB), o vigas de soporte de madera o metal qua est6n ariostrados apropiadamente. SuJete a cads truss. 4 , Q The Truss Design Drawing (TDD) provides Information on the assumed support for the top chord. El Dlbujo del Disefio de Truss (FDD) proves infonnacOn sobre el soporte supuesto pare Is cuerda superior. •Q Fastener size and spacing requirements and W grade for the sheathing, pudlns and bracing are provided In the building code and/or by the bulld- Ing designer. El famefio de clerre y requisitos de espaciamlen- to y grado pars el entablado, vigas de soporte y arriostre son provistos on el c6digo del edificlo y/o por el diseRadordel edificlo. Q Use rows of continuous lateral restraint with diagonal bracing, gypsum board sheathing or some other ceiling material capable of functioning as a diaphragm. Use files de restdccl6n lateral continua con arriostre diagonal, entablado de yeso o cualquier ofro material pars techo quo pueda funclonarcomo un diafregma. f The TDD provides Information on the assumed support for the bottom chord. El TDD proves Informaci6n sobre el soporte supuesto pars Is cuerds Inferior, Q Install bottom chord permanent lateral restraint at the spacing Indicated on the TDD and/or by the building designer with a maximum of 10' (3 m) on -center. Insists restdccl6n lateral pennanente de la cuerda Inferior at espaclamlento indicado an el TOD y/o por of dlsellador del edilfclo can un mdirlmo de 10 pies an of centro. Diagonal bracing. CLR splice nlnforcemerd Attach to each truss. Truss Member 2x_ C Bottom chords A H Lateral 10' S70 5201 restraint Minimum 2'2K- Scab block centers (3 m) i (6r ) 2x4x12' aver CLR splice. m) SI D m or greater Attach to CLR with minimum 8.16d m) SID, lapped over (0.'135x3.51nags each rm) Note: Some two trusses 'Ida of splice or asspecified bythe chord and or CLR splice, Building Designer. web members Lateral restraint and diagonal bracing used not shown for reinforcement SECnoN A•A to brace the bottom chord plane. darity. Truss 3. Permanent Bracing -for the Web Member Plane Member Alrrtostfre Permanente �pa El Plano del Mlem6ro SeCRndarW Web member permanent bracing collects and transfers buckling restraint forces and/or lateral load from wind and seismic forces. The same bracing can often be used for both functions, Ardosbe permanents de W mlembros secundarios recogen y pasan tuerzaa de restricci6n de torcer ylo cargas laferales de viento y fuerzas slsmlcas. A menudo el mismo ardostre puede ser usado pars ambos funclones. Individual Web Member Permanent Restraint & Bracing ResWrdfin y Arrlostre Permnnerrte efe Mlembres Secundarloa Indi4dduales Q Check the TDD to determine which web members (if any) require restraint to resist buckling. Revise a/TOD pars determiner cuales mlembros seoundados One restraint required (sl algunos) requieren restdccidin pars resisfir el forcer, 3 h on each of these webr UL -+ Note: CLR can be Q Restrain and brace with, `' installed on either sidc A. Continuous lateral restraint & diagonal bracing, or ' "^ ' of Member. B. Individual member web reinforcement. Restrinja y ardostre con, A. RestriccOn lateral continua y arriostre diagonal, o IB. Ref terzo de mlembros secundarios individuales. ,Y:S�: ? A. Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) &,..r•n-"I!...... Y.....:.-4 Diagonal Bracing Restried6n Lateral CwWnua (CLR) y Arrlostrre blagonal EXAMPLES OF DIAGONAL LATERAL RESTRAINT Diagonal Lateral restraint Note: Some chord and web members not sheathing Lateral bracees al /( I s4�/ restraint Group of 2 Trusses Q Lateral restraint & diagonal bracing can also be used with small groups of trusses (i.e., three or less). Attach the lateral restraint & diagonal brace to each web member they cross. Resfdccl6n lateral y ardostre diagonal fambldn puede ser usado con grupos pequenos de trusses (ej. tres o menos). SuJete Is resbicci6n lateral y el ardastre diagonal a cada miembro secundado qua los cruzan. WWAVS DIAGOMALLV BRACE THE COPMMUOUS LATERAL RESTRAINT! 51EMPR6 ARRrosTnE LA RESMIC06N LATERAL CONTINUA D/AGONALMti ME/ B. Indhddual Web Member Reinforcement Refoerzo de Miembros; Secondiarios Indlvlduailes T-, L-, Scab, I-, U-Reinforcement, proprietary metal reinforcement and stacked web products provide an alternative for resisting web buckling. T-, L-, costrd, I , U-Refuerzo, refuerzo de metal patentando y produclos de mlembros secundados amontonados proveen una altemattva pare resistir el forcer de [as m/embros secundados. metal Stacked TRelnlomemem ® Scab Reinforcement d Pro uel Webb Tmss 6lembg typ, L-Reinforcement The following table may be used unless more specific information is provided. La sigulente table puede ser usada a menos que informaci6n mAs espec/fica esid provista. SpedRed CLR t sizeType o1 ` 'Trust Web REINFORCEMENTWEB & Sin of Web : Reinforcement •- SINGLE Grade o1 Web Reinforcement' PLY TRUSSES' Mlnlmum Length e1 Web ` Relnimcemanl Mlnlm un Connection of Web,. , RelntoiiementtoWeb' T •,L ' ' Scab' - •I orU- 1 Row N4 2x4 W 20 Same species and grade or better than web member 90% of web or extend to within 6•(150mm) of end dwebmember, whichever is greater 16d(0.131x3.5� nails®6•(150mm) oo-cetdeR W 2x6 2x6 2s6 2x6 2x8 2x8 2x8 2 Rows 20 — — 2.20 2x6 — — 2-2x8 2.8 2-24 Ma nnum web length is 14 feet 14.3m). 'Attach Scab Reinforcement to web with 2 rows of mblmum led (0.12041 nals at 6' (150 mm) on -center. t WEBAEINFORC NENTREQUMED rcemunxam,on�vaaraacamwrawmu' I � �� LEE eenraacermm: .•I �,." T,LiRakkaao oascras, �a.uoceoemorenwaawurxaauoaiv[Hra �(r� . REFUWO DE WBRO SECUNDARIO REQLIMM I K 3 Some truss manufacturers provide additional assistance by using tags to mark the web members that require lateral restraint or reinforcement Aiguncs fabdcantes de trusses marcan an at truss las ubicadones de refuerzo o restriod6n lateral de mlembroa secundados con etiquetas slmllares a las ardba. Web Member'Plane Permanent Building Stabllky Bracing to Transfer Wind & Seismic Forces ' . Arriostre de Establildad Permanente'del EdiTfido del Plano de MIemillos i% darios pa►p,Desplarar Fuerzas de Viento y Fuerzas Sism/Cas The web member restraint or reinforcement specified on a TDD is required to resist budding due to axial forces caused by the in -plane loads applied to the truss. Additional restraint and bracing within the web member plane may also be required to transfer lateral forces due to wind and/or seismic loads applied perpendicular to the plane of the trusses. This restraint and bracing is typically sped - fled by the building designer. La restdcd6n o refuerzo de m/embros secundados especificada an un TDD as requeddo pare resistir to deformacl6n beta fuerzas axlales causadas por cargos verticales aplicadas at truss. Re- striocl6n adicfonal y et aparato odop6dico dentro del piano mlembro do bands tambidn puede ser necesada pare transfedr fuerzas tolerates debidas at viento yf o cargos s/smicas aplicadas perpen- dicular at piano de las cerchas. Este resbtoclein y arrfostre es Npicamente provisto por at disefiedor del edificio. Diagonal brace to roof dlaphmgm blocking frame Horizontal / L- reinforcement Note: Top chord sheathing not shown for clarity. dlaphmgm blocking Bottom chord lateral restraint Gable endlwall permanent diagonal bracing. Locate In line with bottom chord permanent CLR or as specified by the building designer. Some truss designers provide general design tables and details to assist the building designer in determining the bracing required to transfer lateral loads due to wind and/or seismic forces from the gable end frame Into the roof and/or calling diaphragm. Aigunos disefiadores de trusses proveen tables y deialles de disefio generates pars aslstir of disefiedor del edificio an determiner al aniostre requeddo pars poser cargos tolerates debidas a fueizas de viento y/o fuerzas s/smicas del annaz6n hastial at diafragma del tactic. Gable End Frames and Sloped Bottom Chords Armaaones Rastldes V Cuerdas Inferiores Pandientes Q The gable end frame should always match the profile of the adjacent trusses to permit installation of proper bottom chord plane restraint & bracing unless special bracing is designed to support the end wall. El armaz6n hastial slempre debe encajar el pertil de les trusses contiguous pars permRlr la Insta- lad6n de resbiccl6n y anfostre apropiada de is cuerda Inferior a mends qua ambstre especial as disefiado pars soportar Is pared de extremo. Bottom chord pane • Exempla ofraked gable end wall (wit scissors gable and forma) ACAidTl0HII Using a flat bottom chard gable end frame with adjacent trusses that have sloped bottom chords is prohibited by some building codes as adequate bracing of this condition is dif- ficult and sometimes Impossible. Special end wall bracing design considerations are required by the building designer if the gable end frame profile does not match the adjacent trusses. jCA1ITILM EJ use de un armazein hastial de to cuerda inferior con trusses contiguos cuales denen cuerdas inferrores pendtentes as prohlbldo poralgunos c6digos de edificios porque or- dosfre adecuado de esta condlc)bn es diflcil y a veces imposible. Conslderadones espedales de disefio pars at ariostre de la pared de extremo son requeridos por of disefiedor del edEdo at at perfil del armaz6n hastial no hacejuego con Ids trusses contiguos. Permanent Bracing for Special t:onditions Arrlostre Permanenfi3 Para Condicianes IEspedeies. Sway Braiding—Ardestin de '"Sway' Q -Sway" bracing is installed at the discretion of the building designer to help stabilize the truss system and minimize the lateral movement due to wind and seismic loads. Ardostre do 'sway' esid Instalado por to discred6n del diseredor del edifido para ayudar on estabilizar at sistema de trusses y pare minimizer of movim/ento lateral debldo a cargos de viento y cargos sismlcas. Q Sway bracing installed continuously across the building also serves to distribute gravity loads between trusses of varying stiffness. Antostre de "sway que as instalada confinuadamente of travdis del edifrclo tambidn es usado Para distdbuirlas cargos degravedad entre trusses de rigidez variando. permanent Restralnt/Bradnp for the Top Chord In a plggybadc Assembly ResWed6u/Arrlosbe Permanente pare la Coerds Superior en an Ensombb le de PlWbaa* Q Provide restraint and bracing by: • using rows of minimum 4x2 stress -graded lumber CLR and diagonal bracing, or Repeat diagonal tiracl" n'r g(ed) at 70' (3 m)In ofas • connecting the CLR into the roof diaphragm, apacified, CLR (green) or at s the spate • adding structural sheathing or bracing ing specMed frames, or on the truss • some other equivalent means. design Proves restried6n y arriostre por, drawing • usando files de 4x2 CLR de madera grad - trade por esfuerzo y arriostre diagonal, o • conectando el CLR at diafragma del echo, o • ariadiendo entablado esWdural o arm zones de ardostre, o M5, typ • algunos otros m6todos equivalentes. Q Refer to the TDD for the maximum assumed spacing between rows of lateral restraint (e g. purlins) attached to the top chord of the supporting truss. Consults at TDD pare e/ espadamlento mAximo supuesto para sujetar to restrioel6n lateral l p. ej., vigas) a to cuerda superior del truss soportante.Wsses Cap Q The TDD provides the assumed thickness of the restraint and minimum connection requirements CLR required only between the cap and the supporting truss or if bracing frame or restraint structural sheathing El TDD proves at grosor de Is retrio � i installed intern t- tently one)d6supuesfo lmos antra dbn y requisitos de conexibn m/ne los la caps y of truss soportante o Is resutcci6n. Bracing frame or structural tom n the 14�t-- sheathing &ICsed re3�m) intenval's,'or asSupportlng Uiedrudlon, Fdo ments. trusses To view a non-printingPDF of this document, visit sbcindustrv.comlb3. Para ver un PDF de este documento quo no se puede imprimir, visits sbclndustry com/63. SAC• WICK• 14raihl� ears �ssrnwa TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madlmn, WI 53719 218 N, Lee St, Ste. 312 -Alexandria, VA22314 608-274-4849 • sbdndustrymm 70M83-1010 • tpinsLorg 83WEBIN17160217 M 56. ?� ��i. {, i apiu 7 1 tad (r•i3 tf��� iii Checklist for Handling and Installing Trusses Lisl'a de Verificaci6n Para Maneiar a lnslalar Los Trusses Review all the information provided in the JOSSiTE PACKAGE to ensure compliance with industry recommendations. Property damage, serious bodily injury and/or death are possible when handlhg and installing trusses without following the recommendations presented In the JOBSITE PACKAGE. This Is particuWly true when worlting. with trusses with clear spans 60' and greater. Use the following checklist when handling and erecting tresses. O Inspect the trusses at the time of Jelivery and after installation for. (1) Conformance with the Truss Design Drawings (2) Dislodged/roissing connector plates (3) Cracked, dislodged or broken members (4) Any other damage that may impair the structural integrity of the trusses. •• • • • • • • • • . Notify the truss manufacturer If truss repairs are needed. After installation, if damage to the trusses is disco\ered that could weaken them, temporarily breve or support the trusses to prevent further damage and make sure the area remains clear of plumbing, electrical, mechanical runs, etc. until the required repairs have bees properly completed. DO NOT cut, drill, relocate, add or remove any truss member or metal connecter plate until you have received instrucions from the truss manufa-,curer. O. Protect trusses from weather, corrosion, lateral bending, damage and deterioration when stored at the Jobsile. When trusses are stored at the site, use blocking, stringers, pallets, platforms or other means of support to keep the trusses off the ground or in a braced upright positbn to avoid damage. fd Carefully review the truss design d•awings (TOD) and the truss placement diagrem (TPD) if/when provided by contract, and all JOBSITE PACKAGE documents, prior to handling and installing trusses. 0 Examine the building, the building's structural framing system, bearing locations and related installation conditions. Revise toda to informaci6n provista on OPAQUETE DE OBRA para. asegurarse que cumplen con las recomendaciones de la industria. Dario a propledad, hodda seria y/o muerte son posibles ctando maneiar a instalar cusses sin slguiendo las recomendaciones presentados en del PAQUETE DE OKRA. Especialmente cuando trabajar car trusses de 60 pies de largo o. mils. Usela siguiente lista de verfftcaci6n cuando se manejan o selevantan los trusses. © Examine los trusses cuando se los entreguen y despies de la instalacl6n pars: (1) Conformidae con los Dibujos ce Oiseho del Truss (2) Places de conexion tuera de lcgar o perdidas (3) Miembros rotas, descolocados o partidos (4) Cualquier obo dano que pueda perjudicar la iptegridad estructural do tos trusses. Avise el fabricante de trusses si reparaci6nes al truss son necesarios. Despuds de la instalac16% si dan"o a los trusses esta descubferto que paeden debilitarlos, aviostre b soporte Its trusses temporalmente para prevenir mds dolo y asegurese que el area queda fibre de tubarias, las componevtes electricas o nr-canicas, otc. hasty que todas los reparacinnasrequaridas son conplotados correctamente. NO corte, perfore, reubique, airadao quite ningtin mlembro del truss o conector da metal hasta que haya recibido instiucciones del fabricante de busses. O Prateja los trusses del ctima, de la corrosi6n de torceduras laterales, dafio y deterioros cuando los guarda en la obra. Cuando trusses son guardado en sitru, use bloqueedos paletas, plataformas u c tros typos de soporte oars almacenartos fuera de la Berra o en posid6n vertical para evitar que se danen C3 Revise cuidadosamente los dlbujosde diseno del truss(TDD), el diagrama de insta;acian de trusses (T PD) si esta provisto, y todos los documentos eel PAQUETE DE DBRA. antes de rnaneJar e instalar Ids trusses. C3 Examine el edificio,..el sistema del armaz6n estructural, vas Copyright b 20(•2-2014 structural Buiding Components Association, All Rights REserved. TTBHIBCHECK-140905 Begin installing trusses only after any unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. O Property connect all beams and components that support trusses prior to Installing the trusses. 0 Girder trusses may consist of more than one truss. Review the TDD to determine the proper number of poles and the correct attachment methods to be used at the jobsite. 0 Use a spreader bar 1/2 to 2/3 of the truss span for trusses over 30' but less :han 60' and 2/3 to 3/4 of the truss span for trusses up to and over 60'. 0 install lateral restraint and diagonal bracing in accordance with the guidelines In the JOBSITE PACKAGE to prevent trusses from toppling during Installation. Erect trusses using the design spacing indicated, keeping tho trussers vor-Jral and parallel to one another. Anchor trusses securely at bearing points. Space trusses no more that plus or minus 1/4" from. the TPD location. 0 Refer to the construction documents, the TDDs, or the TPD (If.required by the contract) for the hanger locations; Hangers shall becorrectly attached. Refer to hanger manufacturer's specifications for installation Information, 0 Install all permanent individual truss member restraint or member reinforcement depicted cn the TDD. 0 Comply with the owner's, or the owner's retained registered design professional's, permanent building stability bracing, anchorage, corrections and field assembly requirements. This info-mation is typically provided In the construction documants. U n Install structural sheathing as soon as possible. Trusses hold their profiles best when they have been properly plumbed, restraired and braced with structural sheathing. Sheath early... sheath oftenf During constructi5n, distribute material and equipment loads (e.g., plywood, drywall, roofing, tools, etc.) on tie trusses to stay within the limits of tYe carrying capacity for each truss. Make sure the trusses are adequately restrained and braced BEFORE placing any construction loads on them. Only install HVAC units, fire sprinklers, etc., on trusses if the trusses have been designed to accommodate these specific loads. Review the TDD for the asst.med loads and locations - NOTE: Temporarily braced structures are NOT suitable for use or occupancy. Restrict access to construction personnel only. 00 NOT inhabit or stcre anything of value in temporarily braced structures. ubleaciones de Jos soportes y las condiciones relacionadas con la Instalacibn. Comience a Instalarlcs trusses solo despues de haber resuello cualquier condlclan desfavorable. 0 Conecte correctamente todas las vigas ycomponeates qua apayan cerchasantes de Instalarlas trusses. 0 Los trusses de iravesaho pueden consistir en mas de un truss. Revise los TDDs para detetmrnarel n6mero adecuado de capas y los met000s de conexi6n curectos para ser usados an la obra. • Use una bars deextensibn a'/2hasta % del vano del truss para los trusses qua tengan entre 30 pies y 60 pies. Use una barra de extensidin z/s hasta 2/4 del vano del tuss para Jos trusses hasta mas largo de 60 Ares. ❑ lnstale reatrrcclon lateral y ar-rivstra dragvrral de acuerdo con las directrices an el PAQUETE DE OBRA para evitar qua los trusses se calgan durance la instalaci6n. Levante los trusses usando el espacio de diseno indicado, y mantenga los trusses vent/tales y paralefas con respecto al otro. Arriostre los trusses de forma segura an los soportes. Separe Jos trusses a una distancla no cobs de 1/4 pulgadas de la ubicacOn an ei TPD. J Refiera a los documentos de construccl6n, el TDD o el TPD (si requerido por el confrato) pata las ubicaciones de los conecfores. Conectores deben se: sujetados corredamente. Retlera a las especificaciones del fabricante de los conectores para informaci6n ale instalaci6n. 0 Instate Codas restricciones pernanentes de mlembros individuates del truss o refuetzas de mlembros secandarios mostrados an el TDD. 13 Cumpliese con Jos requisitos de arriostre permaeente de establiidad del edit cio, restricciones, conexianes, y del ensamblaje en campo del propietario a del prafesional de diseno registeado oue as emafaadc por el propietario. Esla informacibn as provista f/picamente an los documentos de construccibn. 0 instate el entab/ado estructural cuanto antes. Los trusses se sostienen mejor cuando han sido apropiadamente colocados a plomadas, restdrzj1das, ardostradas y sujetados a/ entablado estructural correcamente. iAplique el entab/ado temprano... apliquelo con frecuencial 0 Durant& la construccibn, distribuya Jos materiales y cargas de equipo (ej. ccntrachapado, henamlentas, materiales, etc.) an Jos trusses para quedese entre las 1/mitas de capacidad para cada truss. Aseg6rese qua los trusses son restrngidos y arriostrados adecradamente ANTES de goner algunas cargas de construction encima de Jos. Solemente instate unidades de HVAC, aspersores del fuego, etc., en tos trusses si toe trusses son disenados para contenerlos. Revise los TDD para las cargas y ubicaciones supuestos. © NOTA: Estructuras qua son ardosfrados temporalmente NO SON apnopiadas para el use o la ocwaci6n. Restrinja la entrada a solamente los cbreros. NO habita, o guardar alguna Cosa de valor entre de estructural qua son arrfostrados t&mpotalmerlte. To view a n)n-printing PDF of this document, visit sbcindustN.com/ttbhibcheck. Under industry guidelines, trusses that have been field altered on the jobsite or Sa1olas guias lndustriales.los trusses que han aldo alterados on of leobre o so- overeaded during the Installation phase of cons:.ruetion may null or vdd the truss brecargados durance /a fas- de instalaclbn de la ronstfucc16n, pueden anular-.o In - manufacturer's limited waranty. Check the truss manufacturer's limited warranty validarla garantla Iimitada due olrece la compailb fabricante de sus trusses. Para for specific information. lnformacibn oppacifica, rpiise la garantla que bihda 1p.companla fabricante. Truss Technology nolcagy in Building SB� An informational series resigned to address the issues and questions faced by 1 4 , f An in the building corstruction process. Eff 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 63719.608474-4849 P 608-274-332$ fax - sbdndustry.com - wLa@sbcindustry.com Copyright O 2002-2014 Structural Building Components Assoclatico. All Rights Reserved Reproduction of this iocument, In any fora, is prohibited withoutwr tren permission from the publisher- This document stoutd appear in more than one color, f rintedin the United States dAmerica, Regulations on fall protection and erection/installation of trusses in. residential construction are contained in OSHA's Fall Protec- tion Standard, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M(the Standard). Section 1926.501(b)(13) of the Standard states in part: "Each employee engaged in residential construction activities 6 feet or more above lower levels shall be protected by guardrail systems, scaf- folding, a safety net system or a personal fall arrest system." Las regulaciones sobre protecci6n contra caldas y levantamiento/instalaci6n de entramados en construccibn residencial vienen contenidos on /a. Regulaci6n de Proteccion contra Caldas de OSHA, 29 CFR 1926 Subparte M (el Estandar). La secci6n 1926.501(b)(13) de Ia regulaci6n establece en parte: "Cada empleado que participe en actividades de construccibn residencial a 6 pies o mas por encima de niveles inferiores deberan estar protegidos por sistemas de ramppas de protecci6n, andamiaje, un sistema de red de seguridad o un sistema de protecci6n personal para detenci6n de cafdas." 7Yluss Sy "stems ® DANGER Any part of an inad- equately braced or sheathed roof or floor truss system used as an anchorage point for any type of personal fall arrest system is dangerous and will increase the risk of serious injury or death. O WARNING Roof and floor trusses that are not properly braced per BCSI or sheathed are not able to resist lateral impact loads associated with falls. A falling worker attached to an inadequately braced set of trusses could cause all the previously set trusses to col- lapse in a domino effect. Q Refer to BCSI-131" and BCwl-. B2 for recommendations on proper bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI-�31* for recom- mendations on proper hoisting of trusses. ® DANGER Do not walk on unbraced trusses. ® DANGER Do not stand on Truss over- hangs until Structural Sheathing has been applied to the Truss and overhangs. r t •�y}!!t G G Sisiemas de.Entramanma IPEL/GRO! Cualquier pieza de un sistema de entramado de techo o el piso apuntalado o fonado de forma inadecua- da que se utilice como punto de anclaje pars cualquier tipo de sistema de protec- ci6n personal para detenci6n de caidas es peligroso y aumentara el desgo de lesiones personales de gravedad o la muerte. A.01%? ATENCIA! Los entramados de techo y piso que no estan correctamente apuntalados segcin BCSj o forrados no pueden resistir cargas de impacto lateral asociadas con caidas. U.7 trabajador que sufra una calda y que esO acoplado a un conjunto de entramados que no esten apuntalados adecuadamente podria pro- vocar que Jos enlramados r ados previa. nwte se colapsen cop un efecto.domind. Co»quite Pf*.AF-M1*.cobra rec omendacibncas Para levantar correcto de los entramados. .APELOGROB No camine sobre erlframados no Gpurrfalados. I-PEUCRO! No se pare en el braguero voladizos Masta revestlmfento ettructural se ha apllcado a la armadura y voladizos. 1311 Fall 150722 FALA PROIMC17acm C, 11MUSSIRS ® DANGER Do not walk on trusses or gable end frames ly- ing flat, they do not have the structural strength to support a worker safely while oriented flat. Site-S ecific..,Job Hazard Assessment Fall protection and safety measures are jobsite and building specific. The appropriate fall protection method must be determined through a site -specific job hazard assessment (JHA) conducted by a qualified person (1) who can design, install, and use fall protection systems and is authorized to correct any problems. The JHA is in- tended to assist in identifying risks and identify the least hazardous way to install trusses for a particular job. Fall hazards identified in the JHA shall be addressed with conventional methods whenever possible, including: guardrails, scaffolding, safety nets, personal fall arrest systems or catch platforms. Employers must consider whether it is safer to design and install a safe work platform/system around a hazard. WARNING All fall protection solutions come with their own inherent hazards during use. A MUMIM Addressing fall protection hazards may be obvious, but other hazards must also be considered when choosing the appropriate site -specific fall protec- tion systems. This includes: 1. electrical hazards, including power lines; 2. projectile hazards while using pneumatic nail guns; 3. tripping hazards from cords and bracing materials; and, 4. lower level hazards, such as wall bracing, which some fall protection systems do not protect against. IPELIGRO! No camine sobre entramados ni estruc- turas de muro pin6n dispuestos horizontalmente ya que no poseen la resistencia estructural para poder soportar a un trabajador con seguridad con orientaci6n horizontal. °EWdua ffin de„"Peligros ; de Tfi abajos„ en 3itios Esaeci>>ticos La protecci6n contra caidas y las medidas de seguridad son especificas para cada sitio de trabajo o edificio. El metodo apropiado pars la protecci6n contra caidas de- bera determinarse siguiendo una evaluaci6n de peligros en el trabajo (JHA) especificos, realizados por una per- sona que este calificada (1) que pueda disenar, instalar y utilizar sistemas de protecci6n para caidas, y que este autorizada para corregir cualquier problema. La JHA tiene el prop6sito de ayudar en la detecci6n de riesgos e identificar la forma menos peligrosa para instalar entra- mados para un trabajo en particular. Los peligros sobre de caidas identificados en la JHA seran tratados con metodos convencionales cuando sea posible como, por ejemplo: rampas de protecci6n, andamiaje, redes de seguridad, sistema de protecci6n personal para detenci6n de caidas o plataformas de agarre. Los empleados deberan considerar si es seguro disenar e instalar una plataforma/sistema de trabajo seguro alrededor de un peligro. iADVERTENCIA! Todas las soluciones de protecci6n contra caidas vienen con sus propios peligros durante el use gGAUCIOUN La soluci6n de peligros para la protecci6n contra caidas puede ser obvia, pero deberan consider - arse otros peligros al al elegir Ids sistemas de protecci6n, contra caidas apropiados para un sitio especifico. Esto incluye: 1. peligros de caracter electrico, como lineas de conduc- ci6n electrica; 2. peligros de objetos lanzados violentamente por el use de engrapadoras neumaticas tipo pistola; 3. peligros de tropiezos por cables y materiales de apunta lamiento; y, 4. peligros de niveles bajos, como un apuntalamiento de pared, contra to que no protegen los sistemas de protecci6n contra caidas. SCSO-BIN SURRRQARV SWEET Fall._ Protection Equipment Installation ® DANGER Individual trusses alone are NOT designed to SUPPORT fall protection equipment. The Contractor is responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, programs, and safety in connection with the receipt, storage, handling, installation, restraining, and bracing of trusses. _ Refer to ANSI/ASSE Z359.2-2007, Minimum Require- ments for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program, for guidance in meeting minimum fall protec- tion equipment installation and use requirements. This standard refers to equipment only, ind'does hot apply to the underlying structure to which the equipment is attached.(2) A C a/`1 TION While the equipment itself may`resist the forces generated by a falling worker, it is up to a quali- fied person to determine whether the building's struc- tural system to which the fall protection equipment is attached meets or exceeds this standard .as well. Scaffolding Use of interior or exterior scaffolding as a fall arrest system is permitted, but installation and use must adhere to the Standard requirements in 29 CFR 1926.500. Guard Rails Use of guard rails along the perimeter of the work area as a fall arrest system is permitted, but installation and use must adhere to the Standard requirements in 29 CFR 1926.500. Roof Peak Anchors WARNING Completely brace, per BCSI-B1* and BCSI- B2* or sheath trusses, before installing a roof anchor for use as personal fall restraint system. Installation and use must adhere ' to the Standard requirements in 29 CFR 1926.500. WARNING It is always safest to sheath a section (e.g. 3 or more trusses) of the roof system before installing a roof anchor for use as a personal fall restraint system. In- stallation and use must adhere to the Stan- dard requirements in 29 CFR 1926.500. Insta/acion de Equipo de -Protection Contra Caidas 1PELIGRO! Los"entramados individuales por s/ solos NO estan disenados para SOPORTAR equipo de protec- ci6n contra caldas. El contratista sere responsable de los med/os de con- strucci6n, los methdos, las tecnicas, las secuenc/as, los procedimienfos, los programas y la seguridad en to que se refiere.a recepci6n, almacenamiento, manejo, insta- lacion, restricci6n y apuntalamiento de entramados Consu/te ANSMASSE Z359.2-2007, Minimum Require- ments for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program (Requisitos minimos para un p ograma com- p/eto de protection contra caldas) si desea information para el cumplimiento de los requisitos minimos para la instalacion y use de equipo de protecci6n contra caldas. Esta norma se refiere a equipo solamente, y no es apli- cable a la estructura subyacente a la que estd acoplado el equipo. (2) jCAUM 3R1 Aunque el equipo por sl mismo puede resistir las fuerzas generadas por la caida de un tra- bajador, es responsabilidad de una persona calificada determinar si el sistema estructural del edificio al que se acopla el equipo de protection contra caldas cumple o supera este regulation fambien. Andamiaje Este permitido el use de andamiaje interior o exterior como sistema para detenci6n de caidas, pero la insta- lacion y el use debera adherirse a los requisitos regula- torios descritos en 29 CFR 1926.500. Ra►npas de Proteccion- Se permite el use de rampas de protecci6n a to largo del perimetro del area de trabajo como sistema para detenci6n de caidas, pero.la instalaci6n y el use de- beran adherirse a los requisitos de la regulation que se encuentran en 29 CFR 1926.500. Anciajes de TJejado pADVERTENCIAl Apuntale coinpletamente, segOn BCSI-B1* y BCSI B2* o Torre ios entramados, antes de instalar un anclaje de tejado para su use como sistema personal de restriction de caidas. La instalacion y el use debera adherirse a los requisitos regulatorios que se indican en 29 CFR 1926.500. pADVERTENCIAl Siempre es mas seguro forrar una section (por ejemplo, 3 o mas entra- mados) del sistema de tejado antes de instalar un anc/aje de tejado para use como sistema personal de restricci6n de caidas. La instalacion y el use debera adherirse a los requisitos regulatorios que se indi- can en 29 CFR 1926.500. BCSO-0199 SUMMARY SHIS SV Alternative_ Fall P061tet;ction Piains Planes Aiternativos de ft eccion_Confra Caidas After conducting a JHA, if the qualified person is able to demon- strate that conventional fall protection measures are infeasible (3) or present a greater hazard (4) to a particular worker or the entire crew, an employer may implement a written alternative fall protec- tion plan in compliance with residential construction fall protection under 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13). The fall protection plan's alternative measures must apply to suf- ficiently trained and experienced workers (5), and the plan must meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.502(k) and be site -specific. The use of alternative measures shall be used in conjunction with conventional fall protection systems (6), and the use of alternative methods shall be as limited as possible. Ground Assembly Pre -assemble a truss system on the ground. Fully laterally restrain and diagonally brace, per BCSI-Ell* and BCSI-B2 * the bottom chord and web member planes .Completely brace, per BCSI-B1 and BCSI-B2* or sheath the top chord plane, for adequate stabil- ity. Lift and set in place. This pre -assembled section may then be used as an attachment point for personal fall restraint anchorage. Definitions (1) Under 29 CFR 1926.503(a)(2), a qualified person is one who should have knowledge, and be able to provide training to others, In the following areas: "the nature of fall hazards in the work area; the correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, and inspecting the fall protection systems to be used; the use and operation of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems, warning line systems, safety moni- toring systems, controlled access zones, and other protection to be used; the role of each employee in the safety monitoring system when this sys- tem is used; the limitations on the use of mechanical equipment during the performance of roofing work on low -sloped roofs; the correct procedures for the handling and storage of equipment and materials and the erection of overhead protection; and, the role of employees in fall protection plans." (2) Commentary E5.4.2.2 ofANSI/ASSE Z359.2-2007 states, "The impact of fall forces on beams, columns and their supports other than anchorages are not addressed by this standard." (3) Under 29 CFR 1926.500(b), infeasible means "that it is impossible to perform the construction work using a conventional fall protection system (i.e., guardrail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system) or that it is technologically impossible to use any one of these systems to provide fall protection." (4) 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(2)(1) states, "there Is a presumption that it is feasible and will not create a greater hazard to implement at least one of the [listed] fall protection systems. Accordingly, the employer has the burden of establishing that it is appropriate to Implement a fall protection plan which complies with 1926.502(k) for a particular workplace situation, In lieu of implementing any of those systems." (5) 29 CFR 1926.503(a)(1) states, "the employer program shall enable each employee to recognize the hazards of falling and shall train each employee in the procedures to be followed in order to minimize these hazards. (6) Under 29 CFR 1926.500(b), conventional fall protection systems are: "guardrail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system." ry sac MIER� WOOOiBUBSCOUNCIL 6300 Enterprise Lane - Madison, WI 53719 608-274.4849 - sbandustry.com Despues de realizar una evaluacOn JHA, si la persona calf- ficada es capaz de demostrar que las medidas convencionales de protecci6n contra cafdas son in-ealizables (3) o presentan un mayor peligro (4) para un trabajador en particular o la cuadrilla entera, un empleador puede implementar un plan de protecci6n contra cafdas alternativo por escnto en cumplimiento con 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13) para protecci6n contra cafdas en construcci6n residential. Las medidas alternativas del plan de protecci6n contra cafdas deberan aplicarse a trabajadores suficientemente capacitados y experimentados 5), y el plan debera cumplir los requisitos de 29 CFR 1926.502 f k) y ser especfficas para cada sitio. El use de medidas altemativas se utilizara en conjunci6n con sistemas de protecci6n contra cafdas (6), y el use de m6todos alternativos sera 16 mas limitado posible. Montage an el terreno Realice el montaje previo de un sistema de entramado en el terreno. Restrinja lateralmente por completo y apuntale diago- nalmente la cuerda inferior y los planos de la pieza de enrejado segOn BCSI-B1* y BCSI-EIVApuntale completamente, segun BCSI-B 1 * y BCSI-B2, * o forre el piano de la cuerda superior, para conseguir la estabilidad adecuada. Alce y establezca en su lugar. Esta secci6n previamente montada puede utilizarse enton- ces como un punto de acoplamiento para anclaje de restricci6n personal contra cafdas. Definitions (1) Bajo 29 CFR 1926.503(a)(2), una persona califrcada es aquella que debe tener conocimientos y aptitud para proporofonar capacitaci6n a otros, en las areas sigulentes: la naturaleza de los peligros de caida en el area de trabajo; los procedimlentos conrectos para levantar, mantener, desmontar a inspeccionar los sistemas de protecci6n contra caidas a utilizarse, el use y la operacl6n de sistemas de rampas de protecci6n, sistemas personales para detencibn de cafdas, sistemas de redes de seguridad, sistemas de Ifneas de advertencias, sistemas de monitoreo de seguridad, zonas de acceso controlado y otra protecci6n a utilizarse, la funci6n de cada empleado en el sistema de monitoreo de seguridad cuando se utilice este sistema; las limitaciones sobre el use de equipos mecanicos durante la realizaci6n de trabajo en tejados de baja pendf- ente, los procedimlentos correctos para el manejo y almacenamiento de equipo y materiales, y la construccOn de protecci6n superior; y la funci6n de los empleados en planes de protecci6n contra caldas': (2) El comentario E5.4.2.2 de ANSUASSE Z359.2-2007 establece, El rmpacto de las fuerzas de caida sobre vigas, columns y sus soportes qua no sean anclajes no se tratan en esta norma". (3) Segun 29 CFR 1926.500(b), irrealizable significa que es imposible de protecci6n contra cafdas (por e'1emplo, sistemas de rampas de protec- ci6n, sistema de red de seguridado sistema de protecci6n personal para detencf6n de cafdas), o que es tecnol6gicamente imposible usar cualqui- era de estos sistemas para proporcionar protecci6n contra caldas". (4) 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(2 * establece que, hay una suposicf6n de que es realizable y que no se creara un peligro mayor ai implementar al menos uno de los sistemas de protecci6n contra c8ldas Ind fcados). Por consI ente, el empleador tiene la responsabflfdad de establecer que es apropiado implementar un plan de protecci6n contra cafdas que se adhiera a 1926.502(k) para una sftuaci6n particular en el lugar de trabajo, en lug de implementar cualqufera de esos sistemas". (5) 29 CFR 1926.503(a)(1) establece que el programa del empleador permitira a cada empleado poder reconocer los peligros de cafdas y ca- pacitara a cada empleado en los procedimientos a seguir para minimizar estos peligros". (6) Segun 29 CFR 1926.500(b), los sistemas convencionales de protec- ci6n contra cafdas son: "sistema de rampas de protecci6n, sistema de red de seguridad o sistema de protecci6n personal para detenci6n de caldas". 'Contact the component manufacturer for more Information or consult a Professional Engineer for assistance. To view a non -printing PDF of this document, visit sbcindustrycomlbl1. This document summarizes the information provided in Section B11 of the 2013 Edition of Building Component Safety Information BCSI - Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Copyright © 2004-2015 Structural Building Components Association and Truss Plate Institute. All Rights Reserved. This guide or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. Printed in the United States of America. TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 218 North Lee Street, Ste. 312 Alexandria, VA22314 703-683-1010 - tpinst.org • BCSI-137- Temporary & Permanent Restraint/Bracing for Parallel Chord Trusses STRONGBACKING PROVISIONS Strongbacking is intended to enhance the performance of the truss by helping to limit differential deflection between adjacent trusses and to reduce vibration. Strongbacking is generally attached near the bottom of vertical webs or scabs at specified intervals and focatluiis ludica€ed un the Truss Design Drawing (TDD). ANSI/ TPI 1 provides the following provisions for using strongbacking: Q The Building Designer specifies if strongbacking is re- quired. Q Use a minimum 2x6 (nominal) lumber oriented with the depth vertical. Q Attach the strongbacking to each truss with a minimum of three (3) 16d common nails (0.1624.5"). Shim the joint between the strongback and truss to ensure a solid connection. Q The strongbacking shall be as continuous as possible. When required to be cut, removed, or modified to al- low for the installation of mechanical and/or plumbing lines, the continuity at the adjoining floor sections shall be maintained as specified by the Truss Designer. Q Spacing between strongbacking shall not exceed 10'. Q When specified to control vibration in floor assemblies, locate the strongbackng as stipulated on the Truss De- sign Drawing unless otherwise specified by the Building Designer. Q When specified to control deflection in floor assemblies, unless otherwise specirfed by the Truss Designer, install one strongback near the centerline of the truss clear span when the deflection due to live load exceeds 0.67" and install two strongbacks near the centerline of the clear span, or near the third points of the truss span, when the live load deflection exceeds 0.85". Q Floor trusses with ceilings attached that meet span/480 live load deflection criteria do not reniflre Ornnaharkino- unless required for a specific fire -rated assembly or spec- ified in the Construction Documents. FIGURE B7.12 Q Attach the ends of each row of strongbacks to a wall or an- other secure end restraint. Q Many Truss Manufacturers will also include a supplemental tag, such as the one shown above, to further assist the erection/ installation Contrachir in correctly installing strongbacking. LATERAL RESTRAINT & : DIAGONAL BRACING ARE. VERY IMPORTANT! GO NOT WALK ON UNBRACED TRUSSES FIGURE B7-13 Minimum 2x6 61 OFF --RIDGE INS TALLA TION. 8s" Iv SOLID 2X4 TRUSSES 21_0 11 -� -� J1 BLOCKING October 25,'2012 STANDARD BOLT TO SCREW I ST-4PLY SCREW TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL �0 a/�aa 0 00 0 00 a MiTek USA, Inc. MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of Four ply girder trusses are to be connected together using the nailing or screw schedule provided by Mitek 20/20 software. In addition to the nailing typically specified, 1/2" dia. bolts are sometimes specified throughout certain chords as indicated on the truss design drawing. In lieu of these bolts, the following wood screws may be used: USP WS6, MiTek Trusslok 6", or equivalent. These screws are to be installed in two rows spaced 24"o.c. in 2x 6 and larger chords (use one row in 2x 4 chords) as shown in the detail below. These connections are intended to provide clamping force to aid in allowing the four ply assembly to act as a unit and are not included in the calculation of ply to ply load transfer. TREWS SCREWS MAY ALSO BE STAGGERED AS SHOWN Please note that screws are not required from the back face. However, it is vitally important that the plies are tightly clamped together during the installation of the screws to prevent gaps between the plies. For trusses where screws are specified for the ply to ply connection instead of nails, the bolts called in the connection notes may be omitted. HIP TRUSS BLOCKING REQUIREMENTS Es & ONE BACK OF HIP TROSS FIJU TOP CHORD NOTE: NO BLOCKING IS REQUIRED ON 4/12 AND BELOW PITCHED ROOFS ow TOE -NAILED CONNECTIONS AT BEARING LOCATIONS 90 l.)EUREE ANGLE SQUARE CUT Connectiai at A Connection at C SlilF l'1SY ME:])'Sr car c�u IN A I'M )lVC 1`aR MbG tif:AP SALE —~ V7AR 9�p(! a0[r L T IOd (0-131" x 3") nails TYPICAL CORNER FRAMING 45 .DEGREE ANGLE / SQUARE. CUT Connection at B ( a41n J L l0d (0.13l" x 3") nails CONNECTION VALUES: GRAVITY UPLFT (3)IOD 320 385 (3)16D 355 462 Wind loading: Basic wind spt;cd is 160 \41F1 ULT (12-t ASD). E.xpasure category U or C. C.hCipancycategory it 4.8 141 top chord dead load. 4.2 ;xsf bottom chord dead lmd. 25, mot hclght. \RVI•'RS gabhn end zone. t nc:osed building (Coed. 0 FfiClt I0; iPI t}7, :LS(:Id 7-10 Dintion of load is 1.60 L= NAIL LE\GTH OCTOBER 15, 2014 STANDARD REPAIR DETAIL FOR BROKEN CHORDS, WEBS ST-REP01A1 AND DAMAGED OR MISSING CHORD SPLICE PLATES aaaa 0 00 0 00 a MiTek USA, Inc. MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of 1 TOTAL NUMBER O NAILS SIDE OF BREAK ' X INCHES MAXIMUM FORCE (Ibs)15% LOAD DURATION SP DF SPF HF 2x4 2x6 2x4 2x6 2x4 2x6 2x4 2x6 2x4 2x6 20 30 24" 1706 2559 1561 2342 1320 1980 1352 2028 26 39 30" 2194 3291 2007' 3011 1'697 2546 1738 2608 32 48 36" 2681 4022 2454 3681 2074 3111 2125 3187 38 57 42" 3169 4754 2900 4350 2451 3677 2511 3767 44 66 48" 3657 5485 3346 5019 2829 4243 2898 4347 ' DIVIDE EQUALLY FRONT AND BACK ATTACH 2x_ SCAB OF THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE BROKEN MEMBER TO EACH FACE OF THE TRUSS (CENTER ON BREAK OR SPLICE) WITH 10d NAILS (TWO ROWS FOR 2x4, THREE ROWS FOR 2x6) SPACED 4" O.C. AS SHOWN.(.131 "dia. x 3") STAGGER NAIL SPACING FROM FRONT FACE AND BACK FACE FOR A NET 0-2-0 O.C. SPACING IN THE MAIN MEMBER. USE A MIN. 0-3-0 MEMBER END DISTANCE. THE LENGTH OF THE BREAK (C) SHALL NOT EXCEED 12". (C=PLATE LENGTH FOR SPLICE REPAIRS) THE MINIMUM OVERALL SCAB LENGTH REQUIRED (L) IS CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: L=(2)X+C L r BREAK • 10d NAILS NEAR SIDE +10d NAILS FAR SIDE 6" MIN TRUSS CONFIGURATION AND BREAK LOCATIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY THE LOCATION OF THE BREAK MUST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE REQUIRED X DIMENSION FROM ANY PERIMETER BREAK OR HEEL JOINT AND A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM ANY INTERIOR JOINT (SEE SKETCH ABOVE) DO NOT USE REPAIR FOR JOINT SPLICES NOTES: 1. THIS REPAIR DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR THE APPLICATION SHOWN. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED. 2. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 4. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. 5. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2x_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. THS REPAR IS LIMITED TO TRUSSES WITH NO MORE THAN THREE BROKEN MEMBERS. Job Truss Truss Type 1443 1 H4409 Hip Marpnda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben ury I I-ly I -1ggaAt3a5e Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:17 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1 r4OvaXypywH-eOxK1 kpg6gRgFEopcJha4bjKWDjATkHJvj9FVByKe0t7 -0-10-8 40-10-8 1 l 4-10-14 1 9-0-0 1 14-6-0 l 20-0-0 1 25-6-0 l 31-0-0 _ 1 351-2 1 40-0-0 1 1 1— 4-10-14 4-1-2 5 6-0 5 6-0 5 6-0 5 6-0 4-1-2 1 4-10-14 1> 0-10-8 0-10-8 4P 1.5x4 ST1.5x8 STP 5x6 WB 5x6 3x4 3x4 3x4 5x6 4 5 6 7 8 9 4x6 3x8 MT20HS 5X10 3x4 3x4 MT20HS 5x10 3x8 4x6 il 9-1-12 l 16 4-0 1 23-8-0 30-10-4 1 40-0-0 1 9-1-12 7-2-4 7-4-0 7-2 4 9-1-12 Plate Offsets (X, Y): [2:0-1-10,Edge], [7:0-3-0,Edge], [11:0-1-10,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CS' DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d LATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.94 Vert(LL) 0.92 15-16 >520 240 MPT20 244/190 TCDL 7.11 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.77 Vert(CT) -0.93 15-16 >519 180 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 ` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.77 Horz(CT) -0.19 11 n/a n/a I BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 187 lb FT = 0% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-3 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-6-9 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 11 =1 360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=-101 (LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-1061 (LC 6), 11=-1061 (LC 7) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-25=3574/3193, 3-25=-3546/3202, 3-4=-3265/2823, 4-5=-3106/2760, 5-6=-4197/3608, 6-7=-4197/3608, 7-8=-4197/3608, 8-9=-3106/2760, 9-10=-3265/2823, 10-26=-3546/3202, 11-26=-3574/3193 BOT CHORD 2-18=-2926/3376, 17-18=-3293/4038, 16-17=-3293/4038, 15-16=-3512/4346, 14-15=-3294/4038, 13-14=-3294/4038, 11-13=-2927/3376 WEBS 3-18=-330/496, 4-18=-531/810, 5-18=-1144/958, 5-16=-193/372, 6-16=242/391, 6-15=-242/391, 8-15=-193/372, 8-13=-1144/958, 9-13=-531/810, 10-13=-330/497 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=16omph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Exterior(2R) 3-1-8 to 14-6-0, Interior (1) 14-6-0 to 26 4-2, Exterior(2R) 254-2 to 36-10-8, Exterior(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) . This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1061 lb uplift at joint 2 and 1061 lb uplift at joint 11. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 H4411 Hip. Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Qty [ Ply 11443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:17 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1r40vaxypywH-eOxK1kpg6gRgFEopcJha4bjKzOjOTmgJvj9FVByKe00 0-M -0-10-8 40-10-8 ( l 6 2l 11-0 0 l 17-0-0 23-0-0 ( 29-0-0 l 33-9-8 ( 40-0-0 _ l 0-10-8 13,21 4-9-8 6-0-0 6-0-0 6-0 0 4-9-9 6-2-8 0 10 8 5x6 3x4 5x6 5x6 112 4 2(5 27 (28 7 3x8 1.5x4 3x8 3x4 4x6 1.5x4 3x8 4x6 3x8 l 6 2-8 l 11-1-12 t 20-0-0 ( 28-10-4 L _ 33-_9-8� 40-0-0 6 2-8 4-11-4 8-10 4 8-10-4 411� 6-2-8 ) Plate Offsets (X,`/):[2:0-0-2,0-0-0],[6:0-3-0,0-3-0],[9:0-0-2,0-0-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defi L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.91 Vert(LL) 0.70 14 >681 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.82 Vert(CT) -0.74 14-16 >650 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.68 Horz(CT) 0.17 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 188lb FT=0% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-10-4 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 9=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=-122 (LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-1049 (LC 6), 9=-1049 (LC 7) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-24=-3545/3104, 24-25=-3517/3105, 3-25=-3482/3113, 3-4=-3061/2737, 4-26=2896/2673, 5-26=-2896/2673, 5-27=3575/3185, 6-27=-3575/3185, 6-28=-2896/2673, 7-28=-2896/2673, 7-8=-3061/2737, 8-29=3482/3113, 29-30=-3517/3105, 9-30=3545/3105 BOTCHORD 2-17=-2831/3337, 16-17=-2831/3337, 15-16=-2914/3500, 14-15=-2914/3500, 13-14=-2914/3500, 12-13=-2914/3500; 11-12=-2831/3337, 9-11=-2831/3337 WEBS 3-16=-513/538, 4-16=-484/731, 5-16=-809/701, 5-14=-118/314, 6-14=-118/314, 6-12=809/701, 7-12=-484/731, 8-12=-513/539 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf,, BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Interior (1) 3-1-8 to 5-4-2, Exterior(2R) 5-4-2 to 16-7-14, Interior (1) 16-7-14 to 234-2, Extedor(2R) 23-4-2 to 34-7-14, Interior (1) 34-7-14 to 36-10-8, Extedor(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1049 lb uplift at joint 2 and 1049 lb uplift at joint 9. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type I Qty I Ply 1 1443 A Base 1443 1 H4413 Hip 4 1 Job Reference Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:18 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ 1 r40vaXypywH-6aUjE4gSt7ahtOM?AODpdoGUcP2TCFyT7Nuo1 dyKeON -0-10-8 40-10-8 6-10-14 13-0-0 20-0-0 27-0-0 33-1-2 40-0-0 6 10-14 6-1-2 7-0-0 7-0-0 6-1-2 6-10-14 0-10-8 0-10-8 5x8 i� 4 11.50 5x8 25 5 26 6 9, 3x8 1.5x4 3x4 4x6 3x8 4x6 1.5x4 3x8 3x4 l 6 10-14 I 13-1-12 I 20-0-0 l TAO 4 L_ 33-1-2 i 40-0-0 l 6-10-14 6-2-14 6-10 4 6.10-4 6-2-14 6-10-14 Plate Offsets (X, Y):[2:0-0-2,0-0-0],[4:0-5-4,0-2-8],[6:0-5-4,0-2-8],[8:0-0-2,0-0-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.98 Vert(LL) 0.59 13-15 >818 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Vert(CT) -0.61 13-16 >793 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.55 Horz(CT) 0.16 8 n/a n/a I BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020rfP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 190lb FT=0% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T2:2x4 SP No.1 D BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D *Except* B2:2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-2 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-10-12 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 8=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Hodz 2=142 (LC 14) Max Uplift 2=-1034 (LC 6), 8=-1034 (LC 7) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-23=-3521/3090, 3-23=-3491/3100, 3-24=-2865/2613, 4-24=-2858/2629, 4-25=-3083/2939, 5-25=-3083/2939, 5-26=-3083/2939, 6-26=-3083/2939, 6-27=-2858/2629, 7-27=-2865/2613, 7-28=-3492/3100, 8-28=-3521/3090 BOT CHORD 2-16=-2814/3312, 15-16=-2814/3312, 14-15=-2207/2684, 13-14=-2207/2684, 12-13=2207/2684, 11-12=-2207/2684, 10-11=-2814/3312, 8-10=2814/3312 WEBS 3-16=01259, 3-15=689/653, 4-15=-154/459, 4-13=-489/606, 5-13=-368/546, 6-13=-489/606, 6-11 =1 54/459, 7-11=-689/653, 7-10=0/259 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Interior (1) 3-1-8 to 7-4-2, Exterior(2R) 7-4-2 to 18-7-14, Interior (1) 18-7-14 to 214-2, Extedor(2R) 21-4-2 to 32-7-14, Interior (1) 32-7-14 to 36-10-8, Extedor(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1034 lb uplift at joint 2 and 1034 lb uplift at joint 8. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 H4415 Hip Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Qty I Ply [1443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:19 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1r4OvaXypywH-6aUjE4gSt7ahtOM?AODpdoGY3P3ZCC_T7NuoldyKeON _L _J_0-3-1°- -0-10-8 40-10-8 8-4-1 15-0-0 20-0-0 25 0-0 31-7-15 40-0-0 0-10.8 8-4-1 6 7-15 6-0.0 5-0.0 6-8-0 8-4-1 . 0.10.8 Sx6 3x4 5x6 12 4 5 6 3x8 1.5x4 4x6 3x8 4x6 1.5x4 3x8 3.8 t 8-4-1 I 15-1-12 l 24-10-4 I _ _ 31-7-15 I 40-0-0 l 8-4-1 6-9-11 9-8-8 6-9-12 8-4-1 1 Plate Offsets (X, 1):[2:0-8-2,0-0-8],[3:04-0,0-3-0],[7:OA-0,0-3-0],[8:0-8-2,0-0-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0.0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.76 Vert(LL) 0.48 12-13 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.68 12-13 >706 180 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.74 Horz(CT) 0.15 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 187 lb FT = 0% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D *Except` T3:2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.1D WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-10-3 oc purlins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-10-2 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 8=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=-162 (LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-1016 (LC 6), 8=-1016 (LC 7) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-22=-3418/2983, 3-22=-3382/2998, 3-23=-2670/2450, 4-23=-2614/2465, 4-5=-2496/2421, 5-6=-2496/2421, 6-24=-2614/2465, 7-24=-2670/2450, 7-25=-3382/2998, 8-25=-3418/2984 BOTCHORD 2-15=-2699/3209, 14-15=-2701/3203, 13-14=-2701/3203, 13-26=-2204/2615, 26-27=220412615, 12-27=-2204/2615, 11-12=-2701/3203, 10-11=-2701/3203, 8-10=-2699/3209 WEBS 3-15=0/291, 3-13=-791l759, 4-13=-387/619, 5-13=-304/353, 5-12=-304/352, 6-12=-387/619, 7-12=-791/759, 7-10=0/291 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) • Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf, h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Interior (1) 3-1-8 to 9-4-2, Exterior(2R) 9-4-2 to 30-7-14, Interior (1) 30-7-14 to 36-10-8, Exterior(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10.8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) . This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = i O.Opsf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1016 lb uplift atjoint 2 and 1016 lb uplift at joint 8. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 H4417 Hip Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Qty I Fly ] 14" A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:19 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1 r4OvaxypywHan25SQr4dRiYUYxCkkk2AOohZpNYxigcM1 eLZ3yKeONf -0-10-8 40-10-8 1 6 2I l 11-71-4 1 17-0-0 l 23 0 0 I 28-4-12 _ I 33-9-8 l 40-0-0 l l 0-10-8 6-2-8 5 4-12 5 4-12 6-0-0 5 4 12 5 4-12 1 6 2-8 010 8 Sx6 5x8 6 26 7 2 3x8 3x4 46 3x8 3x4 4x6 3x4 4x6 l 8-10-14 1 17-1-12 1 22-10-4 l 31-1-2 _ 1 40-0-0 1 8 10-14 8 2-14 5 B 8 8-2-14 8-10-14 I Plate Offsets (X, Y): [2:0-8-6,0-0-8], [4:0-3-0,Edge], [7:0-54,0-2-8], [9:0-3-0,Edge] Loading (psf) 1Spacing 2-0-0 CS' DEFL in (loc) 1/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.84 Vert(LL) 0.51 15-16 >932 24dO MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.84 Vert(CT) -0.58 13-15 >825 180 BCLL 0.0` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.52 Horz(CT) 0.16 11 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020lrP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 195 lb FT= 0% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D "Except' B2:2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-10 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-10-10 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 11=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=-183 (LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-996 (LC 6). 11=-996 (LC 7) FORCES (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-25=-3521/2972, 3-25=-3495/2979, 3-4=-3265/2743, 4-5=-3225/2754, 5-6=-2440/2250, 6-26=-2287/2207, 7-26=2287/2207, 7-8=-2439/2250, 8-9=-3225/2754, 9-10=-3265/2743, 10-27=-3495/2979, 11-27=-3521/2972 BOT CHORD 2-18=-2705/3318, 17-18=-2275/2802, 16-17=-2275/2802, 16-28=-1755/2287, 15-28=-1755/2287, 14-15=-2275/2802, 13-14=-2275/2802, 11-13=2705/3318 WEBS 3-18=-322/455, 5-18=-206/534, 5-16=-646/644, 6-16=-292/545, 7-15=-292/545, 8-15=-646/645, 8-13=-206/535, 10-13=-322/455 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) .Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Interior (1) 3-1-8 to 11-4-2, Exterior(2R) 114-2 to 28-4-12, Interior (1) 28-4-12 to 36-10-8, Exterior(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 996 lb uplift atjoint 2 and 996 lb uplift at joint 11. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 H4419 Hip Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nu an Oty I Ply 11443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:19 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEi0BkJ1 r4OvaXypywH-an25SQr4dRYUYxCkkk2AOogIpMHxeccMt eLZ3yKeOM Cn rb � -0-10-8 40-10-8 6-10-8 12-11-4 19 0-0 21-0 0 27-0-12 33-1-8 40 0-0 6-10-8 6-0-12 6-0-12 2-0-0 6-0-12 6 0-12 6-10-8 0-10-8 [1-5�-0 0-10-8 l� 5x6 5x6 6 27 7 12 3x4 4x6 3x4 3x4 4x6 3x4 4xs 20-10-4 4x6 t 10-0-0 1 19-1-12 30-0-0 l 40-0-0 1 10-0-0 9-1-12 1-8-81 9-1-13 10-0-0 Plate Offsets (X, Y): [4:0-3-0,Edge], [9:0-3-0,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (Joe) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.92 Vert(LL) 0.60 16-18 >807 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.92 Vert(CT) -0.63 16-18 >763 180 BCLL 0.0` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.78 Horz(CT) 0.15 11 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020frP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 191 lb FT= 0% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D *Except* B2:2x4 SP N0.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-4-2 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling. directly applied or 4-0-2 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 11=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=203 (LC 14) Max Uplift 2=-974 (LC 6), 11=-974 (LC 7) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-25=-3471/2853, 3-25=-3446/2862, 3-4=-3173/2582, 4-5=-3128/2597, 5-26=-2238/2009, 6-26=2232/2025, 6-27=-2088/1998, 7-27=-2088/1998, 7-28=-2232/2025, 8-28=-2238/2009, 8-9=-3128/2597, 9-10=-3173/2582, 10-29=-3446/2862, 11-29=-3471/2853 BOT CHORD 2-18=-2586/3270, 17-18=-2094/2682, 16-17=-2094/2682, 15-16=-1501/2088, 14-15=-2094/2682, 13-14=-2094/2682, 11-13=-2586/3270 WEBS 3-18=367/511, 5-18=-247/601, 5-16=-770/757, 6-16=-360/525, 7-15=-360/525, 8-15=-770/757, 8-13=-247/601, 10-13=-367/511 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Interior (1) 3-1-8 to 134-2, Exterior(211) 13-4-2 to 26-7-14, Interior (1) 26-7-14 to 36-10-8, Exterior(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) " This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = I O.Opsf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 974 lb uplift at joint 2 and 974 lb uplift at joint 11. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 HGR70 Hip Girder Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben city I Ply [1443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:19 Page: 1 ID:edFeCO3Hx54sFpQ?8F?Anwzp815-an25SQr4dRYUYxCkkk2AOohxpQLxnfcMl eLZ3yKe0M 7-0-0 12 1 6-0-0 1 MT20HS 5x10 6x8 2 13 14 15 3 4r T2 � u� t ST1.5x8 STP 3 ST1.5x8 STP N N B4 1 8 7 16 17 6 5x6 3x10 6x8 4x6 5x6 7-1-12 l 12-10-4 L 20-0-0 7-1-12 5-8-8 7-1-12 Plate Offsets (X, Y):[1:0-4-14,0-0-2],[2:0-2-0,0-3-0],[3:0-4-0,0-2-6],[4:0-7-6,0-1-5),[6:0-3-8,0-3-12] 5' Loading (psfl Spacing 2-0-0 CS' DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.88 Vert(LL) 0.34 6-8 >702 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DO 1.25 BC 0.66 Vert(CT) -0.31 6-8 >764 180 MT20HS 1871143 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.20 Horz(CT) -0.07 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 98lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T2:2x6 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-7-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.1 D BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-9-10 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=1341/0.7-10, (min. 0-1-8). 4=1383/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 1=-89 (LC 26) Max Uplift 1=-1052 (LC 4), 4=-1130 (LC 5) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-3725/2933, 2-13=-3544/2858, 13-14=-3544/2858, 14-15=-3544/2858, 3-15=-3544/2858, 3-4=-3717/2915 BOT CHORD 1-8=-2717/3495, 7-8=-2755/3551, 7-16=-2755/3551, 16-17=-275513551, 6-17=-2755/3551, 4-6=-2631/3488 WEBS 2-8=-587/897, 3-6=-569/895 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) "This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1052 lb uplift at joint 1 and 1130 lb uplift at joint 4. 8) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 67 lb down and 108 lb up at 7-0-0, 18 lb down and 39 lb up at 9-0-12, and 18 lb down and 39 lb up at 10-11-4, and 67 lb down and 108 lb up at 13-0-0 on top chord, and 488 lb down and 415 lb up at 7-0-0, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 9-0-12, and 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 10-114, and 488 lb down and 415 lb up at 12-11-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (lb/ft) Vert: 1-2=46, 2-3=-46, 3-5=-46, 1-4=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 2=-17, 3=-17, 8=488, 6=488, 16=-176, 17=-176 Job Truss 1443 HGR71 Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Truss Type Qty, Ply 1443 A Base Hip Girder 2 1 Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.42 S Aug 252020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:20 Page: 1 ID:edFeCO3Hx54sFpQ?8F?Amvzp815-2zcTfmsi OlgO6h WOH RFHi D Um Dj Sg4lmbhNvSVyKeOL �'7 tO ti N N -3-= -0-10-8 40-10-8 t 1 7-0-0 l 13-6-14 l 20-0-0 l 265-2 33-0-0 40-0-0 7-0-0 6-6-14 6-5-2 6-5-2 6-6-14 7-0.0 0-10-8 0 10-8 3x6 1.5x4 5x8 8 4x6 3x8 4x6 31 32 33 14 48 3x8 4x6 4x8 10x10 4x6 I 7-1-12 I 13-6-14 l 17-8 0 120.0.0 I 26 5-2 32-10-4 40-0-0 7-1-12 6-5-2 4 1-2 2-0-0 6-5-2 6-5-2 7-1-12 Plate Offsets (X, Y):[3:0-5-4,0-2-8],[4:0-3-8,0-1-8],[7:0-3-8,0-1-8],[8:0-5-4,0-2-8],[13:0-3-14,0-2-0],[15:0-3-14,0-2-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) 0.33 16-17 >719 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.86 Vert(CT) -0.30 16-17 >795 180 BCLL 0.0 ` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.85 Horz(CT) -0.07 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 210 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2.8-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-5-13 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-14, 7-14 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1134/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 9=49210-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 14=2681/5-11-4, (min. 0-3-3) Max Horiz 2=81 (LC 25) Max Uplift 2=-966 (LC 4), 9=-544 (LC 24), 14=-2368 (LC 5) Max Grav 2=1141 (LC 19), 9=497 (LC 20), 14=2681 (LC 1) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2961/2468, 3-22=-2056/1981, 22-23=-2056/1981, 23-24=-2056/1981, 4-24=-2056/1981, 4-25=-1165/1534, 25-26=-1165/1534, 26-27=1165/1534, 5-27=-1165/1634, 5-6=-1165/1534, 6-7=-1165/1534, 7-8=-543/1017, 8-9=-862/1090 BOT CHORD 2-17=-2298/2770, 17-28=-2334/2828, 28-29=-2334/2828, 29-30=-2334/2828, 16-30=-2334/2828, 15-16=1877/2056, 15-31 =-1 877/2056, 31-32=-1877/2056, 32-33=-1877/2066, 14-33=-1877/2056, 13-14=-833/623, 12-13=-833/623, 11-12=-910/795, 9-11=910/780 WEBS 3-17=-562/926, 8-11=-28/334, 8-12=766/626, 4-16=-652/992, 3-16=-839/556, 4-14=3767/3187, 5-14=-311/406, 7-14=-1687/1252, 7-12=0/381 NOTES 1). Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=l6omph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) . This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 966 lb uplift at joint 2, 2368 lb uplift at joint 14 and 544 lb uplift atjoint 9. 7) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 67 lb down and 108 lb up at 7-0-0, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 9-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 11-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 13-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 15-0-12, and 14 lb down and 4 lb up at 17-0-12, and 14 lb down and 4 lb up at 18-11-4 on top chord, and 488 lb down and 415 lb up at 7-0-0, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 9-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 11-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 13-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 15-0-12, and 188 lb down and 300 lb up at 17-0-12, and 188 lb down and 300 lb up at 18-11-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (Ib/ft) Vert: 1-3=-46, 3-8=-46, 8-10=46, 2-9=20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3=-17, 17=488, 28=176, 29=-176, 30=-176, 31=-176, 32=-188, 33=188 Job Truss Truss Type 1443 HGR4407 Hip Girder Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Qty I Ply [1443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:21 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1 r4ovaXypywH-2zcTfmsi01g06hWOHRFHiDLuQDkigCDmbhNvSVyKeOL -0-1 a8 40-10-8 4 0-10 7-0-0 10-2-9 13 5-2 16-7-11 20-0-0 23Z-5 26-6-14 29-9-7 33-a0 35-11-6 40-a0 4-0-10 2-11-6 3 2-9 3-2-9 3-2-9 3-0-5 3�1-5 3 2-9 3 2-9 3-2-9 2-11-6 4-0-10 0-10-8 0-10-8 MT20HS 5x10 4P MT20HS 6x10 4x6 4x6 4x6 2x4 4x6 4x6 46 MT20HS 6x10 4 34 5 35 363 37 738 39 8 9 400. 41 192 4312 44 13 3x4 - _ _ _ - - - _ ST1.5x8 STP 3x4 �14 Ed 29 28 45 2746 42625 48 249 50 23 51 522 53 21284 55 19 56 18 17 UJ 4x6 2x4 8x10 4x6 4x6 4x6 4x8 4x6 MT20HS 5x10 4x6 8x10 2x4 4x6 MT20HS 5xl0 4x6 l 4-0-10 l 6-10 4 I 10-2-9 t 13-5 2 t 16 7-11 I 20-0-0 t 23-4-5 I 26-6-14 t 29-9-7 l 33 1-12 l 35 11-6 40-0-0 l 40-10 2-9-10 3 4 5 3-2-9 3-2-9 3 4-5 3-4-5 3-2-9 3 2-9 3 4 5 4 Plate Offsets (X,1): [2:0-3-6,0-0-1], [4:0-5-0,0-2-0], [13:0-5-0,0-2-0], [15:0-3-6,0-0-1], [18:0-3-8,0-4-0], [28:0-3-8,0-4-0] STP Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) 1.22 23 >394 240 MT20HS 1871143 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.78 Vert(CT) -1.10 23 >435 180 MT20 244/190 BCLL 0.0* Rep Stress Incr . NO WB 0.37 Horz(CT) -0.20 15 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 510 lb FT = 0% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T2,T3:2x6 SP No.1 D TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-11-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.1 D BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-5-10 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=2924/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 15=2924/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=-78 (LC 9) Max Uplift 2=-2351 (LC 4), 15=-2351 (LC 5) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-8475/6691, 3-4=-8624/6849, 4-34=-10800/8588, 5-34=-10801/8587, 5-35=12646/10021, 35-36=-12646/10021, 6-36=-12646/10021, 6-37=-13756/10881, 7-37=13756/10881, 7-38=-14153/11174, 38-39=-14153/11174, 8-39=-14153/11174, 8-9=-14153/11174, 9-40=-14153/11174, 10-40=14153/11174, 10-41=-13757/10880, 11-41=-13757/10880, 1142=-12646/10020, 4243=-12646/10020, 12-43=-12646/10020, 1244=-10802/8586, 13-44=-10800/8587, 13-14=-8625/6848, 14-15=-8476/6691 BOT CHORD 2-29=-6322/8022, 28-29=-6322/8022, 2845=-6376/8128, 2745=-6376/8128, 2746=-8465/10798, 46-47=-8465/10798, 26-47=-8465/10798, 25-26=-9903/12646, 25-48=-9903/12646, 24-48=-9903/12646, 24-49=-10762/13756, 49-50=-10762/13756, 23-50=-10762/13756, 23-51 =-1 0732/13757, 51-52=-10732/13757, 22-52=-10732/13757, 22-53=-9843/12646, 21-53=-9843/12646, 20-21=-9843/12646, 20-54=-8395/10799, 54-55=-8395/10799, 19-55=-8395/10799, 19-56=-6306/8128, 18-56=-6306/8128, 17-18=-6253/8024, 15-17=-6253/8024 WEBS 4-28=-594/803, 13-18=-594/803, 3-28=-270/362, 14-18=-270/363, 5-26=-1777/2262, 4-27=-2599/3300, 6-26=-941/823, 7-23=466/504, 11-22=-1077/1370, 11-20=-941/823, 13-19=-2699/3299, 7-24=-418/414, 6-24=-1077/1370, 10-22=-418/414, 10-23=-466/504, 5-27=-1592/1343, 12-19=-1592/1343, 12-20=-1777/2261 NOTES 1) 2-ply truss to be connected togetherwith 10d (0.131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc, 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Web connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc, Except member 4-28 2x4 - 1 row at 0-8-0 oc, Except member 13-18 2x4 - 1 row at 0-8-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 2351 lb uplift at joint 2 and 2351 lb uplift at joint 15. C.Mln.d.n wsa 2 Job I Truss Truss Type 1443 HGR4407 Hip Girder Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Qty I Ply 11443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 252020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:21 Page: 2 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1 r40vaXypywH-2zcTfmsiOlgO6hWOHRFHiDLuQDkigCDmbhNv5VyKe0L 10) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 67 lb down and 108 lb up at 7-0-0, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 9-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 11-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 13-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 15-0-12, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 17-0-12, 18 lb down and 39 lb up at 19-0-12, 18 lb down and 39 lb up at 20-11-4, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 22-11-4, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 24-11-4, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 26-11-4, 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 28-114, and 18 lb down and 40 lb up at 30-11-4, and 67 lb down and 108 lb up at 33-0-0 on top chord, and 488 lb down and 415 lb up at 7-0-0, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 9-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 11-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 13-0-12,176 lb down and 141 lb up at 15-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 17-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 19-0-12, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 20-11-4, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 22-11-4, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 24-114, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 26-114, 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 28-11-4, and 176 lb down and 141 lb up at 30-114, and 488 lb down and 415 lb up at 32-11-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (lb/ft) Vert: 14=46, 4-13=-46, 13-16=46, 2-15=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 4=-17 (B), 13=17 (B), 28=488 (B), 18=488 (B), 45=-176 (B), 46=-176 (B), 47=-176 (B), 48=-176 (B), 49=-176 (B), 50=-176 (B), 51=-176 (B), 52=-176 (B), 53=-176 (B), 54=-176 (B), 55=176 (B), 56=-176 (B) Job Truss Truss Type 1443 J14 Jack -Open Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben ury I My I -I44a A Vase 20 1 Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1 r4OvaXypywH=MkD4RtzwM46L?gmPsHlneQOX1 cEBBX32?sOAOyKeOJ' 0-1 -3 -0-10-8 1-0-0 0-10-8 1-0-0 12 4 l- 3 2 1 0 15 0-3-15 d 4 � a 2x4 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.09 Vert(LL) 0.00 5 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.01 Vert(CT) 0.00 5 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC202oITP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 5 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=91/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 3=10/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 4=41 Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=51 (LC 6) Max Uplift 2=-132 (LC 6), 3=-8 (LC 10) Max Grav 2=91 (LC 1), 3=11 (LC 3), 4=11 (LC 6) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 8 lb uplift at joint 3 and 132 lb uplift at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 1443 A Base 1443 J34 Jack -Open 18 1 Jab Reference (optional) Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1r40vaXypywH_MkD4RtzwM46L7gmPsHlneQO51bZ8BX327sOAOyKeOJ • r` 0-3-15 J. -0-10-8 3-0-0 0-10-8 3-0-0 2x4 12 4I 3-0-0 Loading 0-3-15 J. -0-10-8 3-0-0 0-10-8 3-0-0 2x4 12 4I 3-0-0 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud LATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.12 Vert(LL) 0.01 4-7 >999 240 MPT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1 1:25 BC 0.12 Vert(CT) -0.01 4-7 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MP Weight: 11 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=143/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 3=56/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 4=35/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=97 (LC 6) Max Uplift 2=-150 (LC 6), 3=-73 (LC 10), 4=-6 (LC 10) Max Grav 2=143 (LC 1), 3=56 (LC 1), 4=50 (LC 3) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat.11; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) . This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) ' Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 73 lb uplift at joint 3, 150 lb uplift at joint 2 and 6 lb uplift at joint 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 J34S Jack -Open Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben (Jty Fly 14a11 N tsase 2 1 Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page: 1 ID:yn}mFtcwe7ewHVBdLJID4yLxWu_MkD4RtzwM46L?gmPsHlneQNvlaO8BX32?sOA0yKeOJ" 0-3-1� d 2x4 3-0-0 12 4 r 3-0-0 Loading (psi) I Spacing 2-0-D CS' DEFL in (loc) 'do' L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) 0.01 3-6 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.15 Vert(CT) -0.01 3-6 >999 160 BCLL 0.0` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(CT) n/a - n/a n/a I BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 9 Ib FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=97/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 2=59/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 3=38/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 1=69 (LC 6) Max Uplift 1=-62 (LC 6), 2=-76 (LC 6), 3=-10 (LC 6) Max Grav 1=97 (LC 1), 2=69 (LC 1), 3=51 (LC 3) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=l6omph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 62 lb uplift at joint 1, 76 lb uplift at joint 2 and 10 lb uplift at joint 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss 11443 IJGR74 Mamnda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Truss Type Jack -Open Girder Qty Ply 1443 A Base 10 1 Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:23 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEi0BkJ1r4OvaXypywH-SYIbHnubhgCzz9Fzzao KszTPQsltaDCHfcZ'igyKeOI -1-2-14 5-9-9 11 9-9-5 1-2-14 5-9-9 3-11-12 12 4 2.8264 f- 3x4 13 12 3 11 � 10 1 W2 N B a � 14 15 6 16 5 3x4 1.5x4 3x4 5-9-9 I, 9-6-3 L9 5-9-9 I 3-0-11 11 0-3-1 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.26 TC 0.40 Vert(LL) 0.08 6-9 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.40 Vert(CT) -0.07 6-9 >999 180 BCLL 0.0` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.29 Horz(CT) -0.02 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 39 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-7-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=428/0-10-7, (min. 0-1-8), 4=83/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 5=3401 Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=184 (LC 4) Max Uplift 2=401 (LC 4), 4=-101 (LC 10), 5=-257 (LC 8) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown.' TOP CHORD 2-10=-883/674, 10-11=-882/677, 3-11=-842/683 BOT CHORD 2-14=-765/846, 14-15=-765/846, 6-15=765/846, 6-16=765/846, 5-16=-765/846 WEBS 3-5=-897/811, 3-6=-35/271 NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) WARNING: Top chord live load is below minimum required by FRC. The building design professional for the overall structure to verify adequacy of top chord live load. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6)- Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 101 lb uplift at joint 4, 401 lb uplift at joint 2 and 257 lb uplift at joint 5. 8) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 17 lb down at 1-6-1, 17 lb down at 1-6-0, 37 lb down and 42 lb up at 4-4-0, 37 lb down and 42 lb up at 4-4-0, and 62 lb down and 102 lb up at 7-1-15, and 62 lb down and 102 lb up at 7-1-15 on top chord, and 13 lb down and 0 lb up at 1-6-1, 13 lb down and 0 lb up at 1-6-0, 9 lb down and 22 lb up at 4-4-0, 9 lb down and 22 lb up at 4-4-0, and 32 lb down and 23 lb up at 7-1-15, and 32 lb down and 23 lb up at 7-1-15 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (lb/ft) Vert: 14=46, 5-7=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 11=-3 (F=-2, 13=2), 12=-69 (F=-34, B=-34), 14=1 (F=1, B=1), 15=-17 (F=9, B=-9), 16=-63 (F=-32, B=-32) Job Truss Truss Type 1443 T44 Common City ) Ply ) 1443 A Base Job Reference Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:23 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEi0BkJ1 r40vaXypywH-SYIbHnubhgCzz9Fzzao_KszLIQkDtQPCHfcZigyKe01' 0-1 a8 40-10-8 7-2-B 13-2-10 20-0-0 26-9-6 32-9-8 40-0-0 7-2-8 6-0-2 6-9-6 6-9-6 6-0-2 7-2-8 0-1 a8 0-10-8 5x6 6 4x6 30 4x6 3x8 4x6 3x4 4x6 10-4-14 20-0-0 29-7-2 40-0-0 10-4-14 9-7-2 i 9-7-2 10-4-14 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.92 Vert(LL) 0.48 14 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DO 1.25 BC 0.92 Vert(CT) -0.59 16-19 >819 180 BCLL 0.0* Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.92 Horz(CT) 0.14 10 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020(rP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 185 lb FT= 0% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-11-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 D BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-1-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 10=1360/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=213 (LC 10) Max Uplift 2=-961 (LC 6), 10=-961 (LC 7) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-23=-3440/2693, 3-23=-3414/2704, 3-4=-3139/2425, 4-5=-3058/2440, 5-24=-2165/1834, 6-24=-2113/1844, 6-25=-2113/1844, 7-25=-2165/1834, 7-8=-3058/2440, 8-9=-3139/2425, 9-26=-3414/2704, 10-26=-3440/2693 BOT CHORD 2-16=2432/3239, 16-27=-1937/2660, 15-27=-1937/2660, 14-15=-1937/2660, 13-14=-1937/2660, 13-28=1937/2660, 12-28=-1937/2660, 10-12=2431/3239 WEBS 6-14=-693/1041, 7-14=-795/780, 7-12=-232/603, 9-12=-374/517, 5-14=-795/780, 5-16=-232/603, 3-16=-374/517 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 3-1-8, Interior (1) 3-1-8 to 16-0-0, Exterior(2R) 16-0-0 to 24-0-0, Interior (1) 24-0-0 to 36-10-8, Exterior(2E) 36-10-8 to 40-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.Opsf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 961 lb uplift at joint 2 and 961 lb uplift at joint 10. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss 1443 ' I Vols I Valley ype 11 11 ty I Job Reference (optional) Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Run: 8.42 S Aug 252020 Print: 8.420 SAug 252020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:23 Page: 1 ID: edFeCO3Hx54sFpQ?8F?Anwzp815-SYIbHn u bhg Ca9Fzzao_KszZDQyStenCHfcZigyKe01 0- -9 0-0•-t 12 4.0001 r- 1-9-14 2 1 81 T(G)--9 3 1-9-14 2x4 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.03 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1,25 BC 0.01 Vert( L) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 0.0* Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horiz(fL) n/a n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 4 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=31/1-9-14, (min. 0-1-8), 2=22/1-9-14, (min. 0-1-8), 3=9/1-9-14, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 1=23 (LC 8) Max Uplift 1=-20 (LC 8). 2=-34 (LC 8) Max Grav 1=31 (LC 1), 2=22 (LC 1), 3=19 (LC 3) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-10-10 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-O.oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. I I . 5) _ Bearing at joint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 20 lb uplift at joint 1 and 34 lb uplift at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 1443 V02 Valley 1 1 Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben 1443 A Base Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:23 Page: 1 ID:edFeCO3Hx54sFpQ?8F?AnwzpBISSYIbHnubhgCzz9Fzzao_KszVdQxBtenCHfcZigyKeOI 0-0 3-9-14 12 2 2x4 3-9-14 1.5x4 1.5x4 3 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.26 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.09 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horiz(rL) n/a - n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: 11 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-10-10 oc puriins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=92/3-9-14, (min. 0-1-8), 3=92/3-9-14, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 1=67 (LC 8) Max Uplift 1=-59 (LC 8), 3=-82 (LC 8) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 59 lb uplift at joint 1 and 82 lb uplift at joint 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss 1443 V03 Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Truss Type Q tY Ply 1 1443 A Base Valley 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.42 S Aug 252020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:23 Page: 1 ID: edFeCO3Hx54sFpQ?8F?Anwzp815SYIbHnubhg Czz9Fzzao_KszNOQu DtenC HfcZigyKe01 rn 2x4 5-9-14 5-9-14 1.5x4 2 4 �� 1.5x4 3 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DO 1.25 BC 0.28 Vert( L) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Hodz(TL) n/a n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/TPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: 18 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-8-6 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=158/5-9-14, (min. 0-1-8), 3=158/5-9-14, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 1=114 (LC 8) Max Uplift 1=-102 (LC 8), 3=140 (LC 8) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-163/362 NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) 0-11-5 to 4-11-5, Interior (1) 4-11-5 to 5-8-14 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) `This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 102 lb uplift at joint 1 and 140 lb uplift at joint 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 1443 A Base 1443 , J54 Jack -Open 18 1 Job Reference (optional) Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJlr4DvaXypywH- MkD4RtzwM46L?gmPsHlneQlhlWn8BX32?sOAOyKeOJ -0-10-8 5-0-0 0-1045-0-0 12 4r B1 / g 4 fi g 2x4 5-0-0 _ Plate Offsets (X, Y): [2:0-0-6,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.46 Vert(LL) 0.06 4-7 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC I 0.42 Vert(CT) -0.06 4-7 >966 180 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress incr NO WB 0.60 Horz(CT) 0.00 3 n/a n/a I BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020fTP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 17 lb FT = 20% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=207/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 3=99/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 4=60/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=144 (LC 6) Max Uplift 2=-187 (LC 6). 3=-134 (LC 10), 4=-6 (LC 10) Max Grav 2=207 (LC 1), 3=99 (LC 1), 4=87 (LC 3) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=l6omph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=15ft; Cat ll; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) " Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 134 lb uplift atjoint 3, 167 lb uplift atjoint 2 and 6 lb uplift at joint 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type 1443 J54S Jack -Open Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben 2 ty I Ply 11443 A Base Job Reference Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page: 1 ID:reKBtslmzmCQZL?1 gScdBGyLxVm-_MkD4RtzwM46L?gmPsHlneQIG1 V 1 BBX32?sOAOyKeOJ - 1 0-3-15 3x4 5-0-0 12 4 I— 5-0-0 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.49 V I LL) 0.07 3-6 >898 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.47 Vert(CT) -0.06 3-6 >988 180 BCLL 0.0` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 2 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020lrP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 15 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=163/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 2=101/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 3=62/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 1=117 (LC 6) Max Uplift 1=-105 (LC 6), 2=-136 (LC 6), 3=-8 (LC 6) Max Grav 1=163 (LC 1). 2=101 (LC 1). 3=88 (LC 3) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 105 lb uplift atjoint 1, 136 lb uplift at joint 2 and 8 lb uplift at joint 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss Truss Type Qty I Jack -Open � 46 Ply 1443 A Base J74 Job Reference Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page! 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1r40vaxypywH- MkD4RtzwM46L?gmPsHlneQlm1VIBAk32?sOAOyKeOJ N 0-3- Plate Offsets (X, Y): [2:0-1-6,Edge] -0-10-8 4-5-1 7-0-0 0-10-8 4-5-1 2-6-15 3x4 3x4 7-0-0 6-9-15 6-9-15 0-2-1 Loading (psf) Scing 2-0-0 CS' DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud. PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Platpae Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.46 Vert(LL) 0.07 5-8 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.45 Vert(CT) -0.14 5-8 >609 180 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.12 Horz(CT) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020lrP12014 Matrix -MP Weight 27 lb FT= 20% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=273/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 4=30/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 5=196/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=192 (LC 6) Max Uplift 2=-229 (LC 6), 4=-70 (LC 6), 5=-126 (LC 6) Max Grav 2=273 (LC 1), 4=30 (LC 1), 5=198 (LC 3) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-9=-297/396, 9-10=-293/397, 3-10=-290/402 BOT CHORD 2-5=-579/363 WEBS 3-5=-409/652 BRACING TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-6-14 oc bracing. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C ` Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8, Interior (1) 2-1-8 to 2-8-5, Exterior(2R) 2-8-5 to 6-11-4 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) " This truss has been designed fora live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and • any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 70 lb uplift at joint 4, 229 lb uplift at joint 2 and 126 lb uplift at joint 5. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss Truss Type J74P Jack -Open Maronda Homes, Sanford, Michael Nuben Qty I Ply 11443 A Base I 4 1 Jab Reference (optional) Run: 8.42 S Aug 25 2020 Print: 8.420 S Aug 25 2020 MiTek Industries, Inc. Tue Nov 10 09:51:22 Page: 1 ID:CUpNtsKCbEiOBkJ1r4OvaXypywH- MkD4RtzwM46L?gmPsHlneQGY1VL88d32?sOAOyKeOJ 1 Plate Offsets (X, Y): [5:0-1-9,0-3-6] -0-10-8 4-9-1 1 7-0-0 0-10-8 4-9-1 2-2-15 4r 3x4 12 3 / 3x4 1.5x4 5x6 7-0-0 4-9-1 6-9-11 4-9-1 2-0-10 0-2-5 �r N e Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud LATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 16.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.60 Vert(LL) 0.09 6-9 >955 240 MPT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.45 Vert(CT) 0.08 6-9 >999 180 BCLL 0.0* Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.25 Horz(CT) -0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FRC2020/rP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 29lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-9-3 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=274/0-7-10, (min. 0-1-8), 4=18/ Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8), 5=208/Mechanical, (min. 0-1-8) Max Horiz 2=192 (LC 6) Max Uplift 2=-347 (LC 6), 4=-29 (LC 6), 5=-285 (LC 6) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-10=-317/1005, 10-11=-301/1005, 3-11=-296/1012 BOTCHORD 2-13=-1163/286, 13-14=-1163/286, 6-14=-1163/286, 5-6=-1163/286 WEBS 3-6=-622/170, 3-5=-352/1432 NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2E)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8, Interior (1) 2-1-8 to 2-8-5, Exterior(21R) 2-8-5 to 6-11-4 zone; porch left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 R 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 1-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 29 lb uplift at joint 4, 347 lb uplift at joint 2 and 285 lb uplift at joint 5. LOAD CASE(S) Standard