HomeMy WebLinkAboutGopher Tortoise 10 or Fewer BurrowsGopher Tortoise 10 or Fewer Burrows
Division of Habitat and Species Conservation
Wildlife Diversity Conservation Section
620 South Meridian Street, Mail Station 2A
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600
(850) 921-1031
Permittee Name: Majestic Design and Construction Permlt Number:
Permittee Address: 4320 Mariners Cove Dr Effective Date:
Agent Name: Andrew Gatewood
Agent Address: 2593 NE Roberta St
March 14, 2022
March 14, 2023
Capture and relocate all gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) hatchlings less than or equal to 60 mm carapace
length (CL), and up to I gopher tortoise greater than 60 mm CL by non -harmful means, and to molest, damage or
destroy gopher tortoise burrows while conducting these activities, subject to the following conditions and provisions,
in association with development activities within the following site that contains 10 or fewer gopher tortoise burrows.
Authorized Capture Methods:
1. Capture gopher tortoises using bucket traps
2. Capture gopher tortoises using hand shovel excavation of gopher tortoise burrows
3. Transport, marking and release of gopher tortoises
4. Supervise backhoe excavation of gopher tortoise burrows to capture gopher tortoises
AUTHORIZED LOCATION(S): 0.24-acre 108 MAIN ST project site (T36S,R41E,S32; Latitude 270 18' 1.04" N Longitude
800 15' 22.47" W), in St. Lucie County, relocated to the 484.23-acre Russakis
Investments Phase I site (T33S,R35E,S8,216L22; Latitude 27° 35' 27.9'N Longitude 800
49' 45.3"W, and Latitude 270 37' 10.5"N Longitude 800 50' 54.8"W), in Okeechobee Co.,
„that is autporized to receive gopher tortoises under perrrlit GTLR-13-00005,
Permittee Signature: V I l " Date: ll
Not valid unless signed. By s ture, confirms that all information provided to Issue thi permit is accurate and complete,
and indicates acceptance and understanding of the provisions and conditions listed below, Any false statements or
misrepresentations when applying for thls permit may result In felony charges and will result In
revocation of this permit.
Authorized By: Eric Seckinger
Authorized for: Eric Sutton, Executive Director
Authorizing Signature: Date: 03/14/2022
Wildlife Diversity Conservation Section
Pogo 113
PIAmi-f NU ciTT-22-40491
1 Authorization to conduct the specified activities In association with the relocation of gopher tortoises in Florida is
subject to Rules 68A-9.002 and 68A-27 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission's (hereafter, "FWC') Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines (April 2008 - revised July
2020).[hereafter, "Permitting Guidelines"], and the following provislons/conditions.
2 Authorized activities are also predicated and conditioned on the Information and assurances provided in the
Permittee', 03/08/2022 application (as supplemented), the assurances of which are herein incorporated by
3 During colder months, tortoises shall only be captured and relocated when the low temperature at the recipient
site is forecasted by the National Weather Service ( www,nws.noaa.gov) to be above 501 F for three consecutive
days (72 hours] after release (including the day of relocation). This three day window of milder temperatures is
required to allow the relocated tortoises to settle Into the recipient site and reduce the chance of cold -related
stress or mortality. If release of tortoises cannot be accomplished within 72 hours of capture, then capture
activities must not be initiated. If capturing tortoises using bucket traps, the Permittee shall cover all traps on
days forecasted to be below 501 F. The 28 consecutive day trapping period must restart at day I when a trap is
closed for any reason.
4 Captured gopher tortoises that show signs of disease (i.e., nasal and ocular discharge, emaciation, etc.) shall not
be relocated off -site to the authorized recipient site and must be reported to the Gopher Tortoise Program (by
phone 850-921-1031 or by email to GTPermits@MyFWC.com) within 48 hours of capture. At the Permittee's
discretion, symptomatic tortoises may be: relocated on -site; transported to and quarantined at a FWC-licensed
wildlife rehabilitation center (list available upon request) or licensed veterinary facility for treatment
and subsequent relocation of recovered, non -symptomatic gopher tortoises along with others from the
population; transported and donated to a FWC-permitted disease research program; or humanely euthanized by
a licensed veterinarian when disease is advanced.
5 Gopher tortoise capture and relocation activities may be conducted only if written local government approvals
have been obtained for land clearing, grading, or construction activities and provided to the Gopher Tortoise
Program (via the FWC online permit system or via email to GTPermits@MyFWC,com) prior to commencing
relocation activities.
6 This permit can be suspended, revoked or not renewed for just cause pursuant to 68-1.010, F.A,C, and Chapter
120, Florida Statutes. It is non -transferable and must be readily available for inspection at all times while
engaging in the permitted activities.
7 The activities authorized under this Permit must be carried out by the Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent
("Authorized Agent") designated on this permit, or under the direct supervision and responsibility of that
Authorized Agent. The Permittee and Authorized Agent shall be as fully responsible for any such activities to the
same extent as if they had themselves carried out those activities under this Permit.
8 A gopher tortoise burrow survey conducted by the approved survey method(s) for this project site covering
100% of the gopher tortoise habitat must be done by the Authorized Agent and a burrow location map depicting
the survey results shall be submitted to the FWC (via the FWC online permit system or via email to
GTPermits@MyFWC.com) no more than 90 days and no fewer than 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays)
{ prior to commencing any gopher tortoise capture and relocation activities. Site preparation or development
activities that disturb the vegetation or the ground which prevent the FWC from checking the accuracy of 100o%
gopher tortoise burrow surveys shall not be conducted until all gopher tortoises have been relocated from the
project site, and at least 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after the 100% burrow survey results and
burrow location map have been received by FWC. If construction does not begin within 90 days from the date of
the most recent 100% gopher tortoise survey or capture activities, a new 1000/u gopher tortoise burrow survey
must be completed to ensure that additional gopher tortoises have not moved onto the site.
9 The Permittee shall notify the Gopher Tortoise Program by uploading the notice to the FWC online permit system,
by email at GTPermits@MyFWC.com, or by phone at (850) 921-1031, no more than 120 hours, and at least 24
hours (excluding weekends and holidays) before initiating the tortoise relocation effort. If relocation activities are
delayed beyond the notification timeframe above, notification must be resubmitted with the revised
commencement date.
10 Either this original permit, or a complete copy, must be clearly posted at the affected site at all times while
engaged in the permitted tortoises relocation activities, and should remain posted until construction activities are
11 Any gopher tortoise mortality or injury that occurs while conducting activities authorized under this permit shall
be reported to the Gopher Tortoise Program (by phone at 850-921-1031 or by entail to GTPermits(iMyFWC.com)
iRM1f N0 U7-1-22-r)0491
within 48 hours of the occurrence. An injured gopher tortoise shall be promptly taken to either a licensed wildlife
rehabilitation facility or a licensed veterinarian for evaluation and treatment, Contact Information for the facility or
veterinarian shall be Included with the Information reported.
12 The Permittee, by signing this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized FWC personnel, upon presentation of
credentials as may be required by law, access to the donor and recipient sites, at reasonable times, for the
purpose of inspecting the capture relocation activities authorized under this permit.
13 The Permittee shall submit a report detailing the capture and relocation activities via the FWC online permit
system within 45 days of capture of the relocated tortolses. An after action report checklist is attached for use In
that regard. Any request for permit renewal or extension should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the
expiration date of this permit. If the permittee or agent submits an Interim after action report, or If no tortoise Is
captured, a final after action report must be submitted for that permit no later than 30 days after the permit
14 Nonnative wildlife that are members of the families Pythonidae, Boldae, Varanldae, Iguanidae and Telfdae
captured during gopher tortoise relocation activities shall be euthanized In accordance with the requirements of
the Permitting Guidelines. Authorized Agents are authorized to transport conditional species for purposes of
euthanasia in accordance with the transport requirements In the Permitting Guidelines. All other non-native
wildlife captured should be humanely euthanized or allowed to escape on -site. Sightings of Burmese python,
Argentine tegu, or other nonnative wildlife species should be reported to the FWC within 48 hours by either calling
the toll -free number 1-888-IVEGOTI (1-888-483-4681) or online at www.lveGotl.org.
15 Gopher tortoise commensals listed in 68A-27 F.A.C. as State -designated threatened species and encountered in
the gopher tortoise capture operation should either be released on -site or allowed to escape unharmed, In
accordance with Appendix 9 of the Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines and appropriate Species Conservation
Measures and Permitting Guidelines. All observed Florida pine snakes shall be documented and submitted to
ImperiledOmyfwc.com. This report should include species name, GPS coordinates of where the species was
found, if the animal was captured and relocated, final known disposition of the animal, and a photograph of the
animal If possible. Other priority commensals (gopher frogs, Florida mice) should be reported to
Imperiled@myfwc.com. This report should include species name, an estimate of the number of animals found, if
the animal was captured and relocated, final known disposition of the animal, a photograph of the animal if
possible, and for Florida mice, coordinates of the release site. Non -listed native commensals should either be
allowed to escape unharmed or released on -site. Refer to Appendix 9 of the Permitting Guidelines for additional
information on gopher tortoise commensals.
16 This permit does not authorize the take of Federally -designated Endangered and Threatened species. Only
individuals who are in possession of a valid permit or authorization issued by the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS) to capture or possess an eastern indigo snake or other Federally -designated Endangered and
Threatened species may physically handle those species. If individuals without a USFWS permit or authorization
encounter an eastern indigo snake during attempts to capture gopher tortoises or during subsequent land
alteration or development activities within the property, all movement of heavy equipment and land alteration or
development activities within the vicinity of the snake shall cease to allow the snake to vacate the area. No
movement of heavy equipment, or land alteration or development activities within the vicinity of the snake shall
resume until the snake has vacated the work area. All sightings of eastern indigo snakes should be reported to
Imperiled@MyFWC.com; please include CPS coordinates and photos when available so that species of similar
appearance can be ruled -out.
17 This permit does not authorize Permittee access to any public or private properties. Permission to access the
property must be secured from the appropriate landholders prior to undertaking any work on such properties.
A person whose substantial Interests are affected by FWC's action may petition for an administrative
proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. A person seeking a
hearing on FWC's action shall file a petition for hearing with the agency within 21 days of receipt of
written notice of the decision. The petition must contain the Information and otherwise comply with
section 120.569, Florida Statutes, and the uniform rules of the Florida Division of Administration, chapter
28-106, Florida Administrative Code. If the FWC receives a petition, FWC will notify the Permittee. The
attached Explanation of Rights statement provides additional Information as to the rights of parties whose
substantial Interests are or may be affected by this action.
III RN[I I NO 017-22-M91