HomeMy WebLinkAboutCemex InvoiceINVOICE •, 1100408 CEMEX Construction. Materials Florida, LLC Date 10/30114 r CEMEX Construction. Materials, LP Invoice No. 9429673837 0 W � o m CEMEX One Reference No. � o m CD C o Bay Crete m a c X 'Perms: 1 % 15th .prox, net 16th z - a CD Discount Amount: 47.54 (if paidwithinterm m m o PaymentDue.On 11/15/1.4 -n uo r- v Job No. 13982033 w < C) x co wo Remit To Legal. Address: 8232 SOUTH O AN DRIVE - z co O Cn CEMEX Customer Job No. w M~o PO Box 905875 Account: 3101634. fO C CD n � i Charlotte; NC 28290-5875 0 C 00 �orAll Inquiries Call: 561-741-8200 Z z 0 PO Number DOWe'ryr Address Clty ' Zip Code PAT y yyamy. .Oi t Ma..S,�J.:.t«,,,,.' . i s„..gx it-.•i„ u-._fg.aM v +i-. v i. .,.tom, : A. T, 4 'z.„ X�,,. � va a „Isp et,,,.,.:'.kq. . �,,«,...�fi. . i.T'^.. lx`ao' yl���w.,.....:. , '` a. r i.¢i ii&72 0, :.fi..xvs,.G il0itl (3NrtS, 11tUitiSi n.^ , r, NO PO 8232 SOUTH OGEAN.BLVD. 10/30114 8064148712 33425535 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 10/30/14 8064148712 33425535 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 10/30/14 8064148712 33425535 1416957 4000 PPMPIHRWR 10/30/14 .806414.8905 83425830 1202749, ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 10/30/14 8064/48905 33425830 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 10/30/14 8064148905 33425830 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 10130/14 8064149063 ,33426084 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 10/30/14 8064149063 33426084 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 10/30/14 8064149063 33426084 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 10/3.0/14 6064149231 33426371 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 0130114 8064149231 33426371 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE /36/14 6064149231 33426371 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 10/30/14 8064149305 33426711 1-202149 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 10/30/14 8064149305 33426711 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 10130/14 8064149305 33426.711 1416957 4000"PPMP/HRWR PO Subtotal: 42.00 Yards 0.00 Tons STUART 1.000, EA 18,00 "1 'PC 1.000 EA .25.50 1 PC. 10.000 YD3 1.08.00 1 YD3 1.000. EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 EA 25.50 1 PC 1.0.000 YD3 108.00 .1 YD3 1.000 EA. 18.00 1 PC 1.000 EA 25.50 1 PC 10.000 YD3 108.00 1 YD3 1.000. EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 EA, 25.50 1 PC '10.000 YD3 108.00 ;1 YD3 1.000 EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 EA 25.50 H PC 2.000 YD3 108.00 0 YD3 $4,753.50 Material $0.00 Freight $0.00 Other 34995 1.000 $18.00 $0.00 1.000 $25.50 $0.00 10.000 $1080.00 '$0.00 1.000 $18.00 $0.00 1.000 $25.50 $0.00 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 1.000 $1&.00 $0.00 1.000 $25.50 $0.00 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 1.000 $18.00 $0.00 1.000 $25.50 $0.00 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 1.000 $18.00 $0.00 1.000 $25.50 $0.00 2.000 $216.00 $0.00 $265,21 Tax $5,038.71 Total. L�a� - 6 � D I Yards 42.001 Tons 0.00 Freight Total0.00 1 Other 0.00 I Sales Tax Total 285.21 I Invoice Total 5,038.71 PAGE 9 1. The invoice incorporates herein by reference Buycr's previously executed Credit Application, if any, Seneca Standard Temu and Conditions, Seller's Quotation and Seller's Order Confinhaiion (including limitations of warranties) at fully set for the on this Invoice ( Agmemenf j. Buyer agrees that, unless othemvisanoted Jterein, all quantities and nuns were delivered as indicated and further expressly agrees to pay in accordance with Ibis Agreement. Interest shall accrue on late payments. I'd" INVOICE .... .: a� it ... a • .. r A H + ' � � 000358 CEMEX Construction Materials Florida LLC Date 10/01/14 0 � � CEMEX Construction Materials, LP Invoice No. 9429464713 °; o m CEMEX One Reference No. D o m BayCrete D �mD cX Terms: 1 % 15th prox, net 16th v -<z Discount Amount: 44.96 (if paid within terms) m o W m Payment Due On 11/15/14 -n �v 6 m JobNo. 13982033 w <..0 O0 F Remit To: Legal Address: 8232 SOUTH OCEAN D IVE 4 v z cODo CEMEX Customer Job No. wo a CO) PO Box 905875 Account: $101634 `° Charlotte, NC 28290-5875 0 x All Inquiries Call: 561-741=8200 0 Z z n P.O Number Delivery Address City: Zip Code ..,. ]] .: x';--:E i-_•,. („ i fi .e i, ELILh74 s..,..a:€u.x. ?.. '0% ,,. - '£x. 4 .,..•y_.. ....+..« :.. :.y+p t»i ;-. r ±.a s PROD1tG1 a.. .z... ,- .. _..-. _ r�.'�3:s.>xca" .,'%'t: ,. , s✓':_ i.fr� *� E.r�;-t :.. -. .. .i.:. ,s ... :, Z. 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NO PO 8232 SOUTH OCEAN.BLVD STUART 34995 10/01/14 8063768642 33376630 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 1.000 EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 $18,00 $0.00 10/01/14 8063768642 33376630 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.000 EA 26.00 1 PC 1.000 $26.00 $0.00 10/01/14 8063768642 33376630 1416957 4000 PPMPIHRWR 10.000 YD3 108.00 1 YD3 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 10101/14 8063769036 33376936 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 1.000 EA 18A0 1 PC 1.000 $18.00 $0.00 10/01114 8063769036 33376936 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.000 EA 26.00 11PC 1.000 $26.00 $0.00 10101/14 8063769086 33376936 1416957 4000 RPMP/HRWR 10.000 Y03 108.00 1 YD3 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 10/01114 8063769117 33377232 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 1.000 EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 $18:00 $0.00 10/01/14 8063769117 33377232 1247818 FUELSURCHARGE 1.000 EA 26.00 1 PC 1.00026.00 $0.00 10/01/14 8063769117 .33377232 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 10.000 Y03' 108.00 1 YD3 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 10/01/14 8063769482 33377473 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 1.000 EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 $18.00 $0.601 D1/14. 8663769482 33377473 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.000 EA 26.00 1 PC 1.000 $26.00 $0.00 .D1/14 8063769482 33377473 1416957 4000 PPMPIHRWR 10.000 YD3 108.00 1 YD3 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00. PO•Subtotal: 40.00 Yards 0.00 Tans $4,496.00 Material $0X0 Freight $6.00 Other $269.76 Tax $4,766.76 Total JAN - 6 AECD D Yards.r 40.00 i Tons 0.00 1 Freight Total 0.00 Other 0.00 1 Sales Tax Total 269.76 1 Invoice Total 4,765,76 PAGE # 1 'fire invoice incorporates herein by reference Buyer's previously executed Credit Application, drany, Sellers Standard Terms and Conditions; Scllcr's Quotation and Seller's Order.Confirmation (including limitations of warranties) as fully set for the on this invoice C'Agreehent"). Buyer agrees that, unless otherwise noted herein, all quantities mid items were delivered as indicated and further expressly a5rees to pay in accordance with this Agreement. Interest shall accrue on Iate'payments. . INVOICE CEMEX Construction Materials Florida, LLC Date 09110/14 CEMEX Construction Materials, LP j Invoice No. 9429319358 CEMEX One Reference No. Bay Crete Terms: 1 % 15thprox, net 16th Discount Amount:, 42.80 (if paid withiaterms) Payment Due On 10/15/14 Job No. 13982033 Remit To: Legal Address: 8232 SOUTH OCEAN D CEMEX Customer Job No. PO Box 905875 ''• Account: 3101634 Charlotte, NC 28290-5875 __,'r All Inquiries Call: 561-741-8200 i� Iflll IIIIII III llll . 000449 O8G) con � Dm o z '0� 0z (D m m o W - n co 1- 'A' a)) w<n OD -D,�O 0p o CCD � � o o CC0 m C (D V 0 a o CD PO Number Delivery Address i City Zip Code •� ;?•', .,�si- DELIQEt2'Y { �-ms, ,. �. _ t PR(ODUG'"P� -.. .r- Y, € , �a :E ODU � _ ., ... .. 1} ,u 3 .� 3»�' .�. _ -�i; ; . DN.Ti1YEHED ....,.af>_...�<. _ 4. _ �,.(�- . •, ;t^1r1.V1'+ si.: 6'. f... .'. .� ._ ..:.s �;'^ ,.. ._.. CQDE ['j}�•j,/.t..�.:�.pt /,�......... .' ... M ^� T..l'n)V1�111 �IV t..;..-. 't . h.,; ..... w.:.:; rr �, , _.... ::. 4 ..:'..e. '.. 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CHARGE 1.000 EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 $18.60 $0.00 09/10/14 8063503545 33343203 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.000 EA 26.00 1 PC 1.000 $26.00 $0.00 09/1,0/,14 8063503545 33343203 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 10.000 YD3 106.00 : 1 YD3 10.000 $1080:00 $0.00 09110/14 8063503811 33343399 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 1.000 EA 18,00 1 PC 1.000 $18.00 $0.00 09/10/14 8063503811 33343399 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.000 EA 26.00 1 PC 1.000 $26.00 $0.00 09/10/14 8063503811 33343399 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 10.00D YD3 108.00 1 YD3 10.000 $1080.00 $0.00 09/10/14 8063503978 33343716 1202749 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE 1.000 EA 18.00 1 PC 1.000 $18.00 $0:00 -'1`10/14 8063503978 33343716 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE -1:000 EA 26.00 1 PC 1.000 $26.00 $0.00 i (10/14 8063603978 33343716 1416957 4000 PPMP/HRWR 8.000 YD3 108.00 1 YD3 8.000 $864.00 $0.00 ry 5ulitotai: 38.00 Yards 0.00 'Tons' $4,280.00 Material $9.00 Freight $0.00 Other $256 80 Tax $4,536.80 Total J A N - 6 flECO D I Yards 38.00 1 Tons 0A0 1 Freight Total 0.00 1 Other 0.00 1 Sales Tax Total 256.80 1 .Invoice Total 4,536.80 PAGE# 1 The invoice incorporates herein Ly reference Buyers previously c�ecuted Credit Application, if am•, Sellers.Standard Tenus and Conditions, Sellei s Quotation and Seller's Orda Court nsntion (including l imitations of warranties) as fully set for the on this Invoice C'Agreement")..Buyer agrees that, unless otherwise noted herein,all quantities and items were delivered as indicated and fwher expressly agrees An pay in accordance with this.kgreement. lmcrcs shall accrue on late payments. INVOICE IIIIII111111111II Rscat 000372 CEMEX Construction Materials Florida, LLC Date 12/03/14 InvoiceNo. 9429880112 0 2 � x W c o n a ca m. CEMEX Construction Materials, LP m CEMEX One Reference No. D 0 z CD c X Bay Crete Terms: 1%.15th roX net 16th p 0 r- z' grD rC. Discount Amount: 6.25 (ifpaid'widiinterms) m m O w Payruent Due On 01'/1'5/15 r v Job.No: 13982033 woo 00 xp Remit To: Legal Address: 8232 SOUTH OCEAN RIVE o co `-4 CEiK IX Customer Job No. NO .O j o � o CD PO Box 905875 Accoui t: 3101634 `D 0 ' -• 0 Charlotte, NC 28290-5875. 0 00 z j For All Inquiries Call: 561-741-8200 z C PO Number Delivery Address I City p Code ;UNIT 1liC� D _. }[ w a ... klylS�I;R D aF€ .. x:R.. eY. A ., r ."`* $, f .i• v'.e....c@ .. .�. u.y S. .S. .......,......, .a. x. . ,b.. ,,, s c xz. .r. .,... 'L..>.., a .t.:,.... . �C •r .• t ?tea„ :. :. , P k. (i"C?iYt a,@��t�tIT5;,a,...,.;.x. a. `,�? ».:.tail U1J11', - •:r .,.e':• ��;���:, KIN t�dttr.��,.�.,.. ,,,,_ �-�w... , 40 PO 9232 SOUTH OCEAN-BLVD STUART 34995 nnn eta nn 'Rn n 12/03/14 '8064520546 33476254 1202749 ENVIRONMENIAL,UMAKUt Luuu crr-- 24.50 1 PC 1.000 $24i50 $0.00 12/03114 8064520546 33476254 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.000 EA 4.000 YD3 108.00 1 YD3 4.000 $432.00 $-0.00 12/03114 8064520546 33476254 8064520546 33476254 1416957 4000PPMPIHRWR 1571252 SERV,PAYLOAD,CHARGE OVER13 - 8,CUBICY 1.000 PC' 150,00' 1' PC_ 1.000 $150.00 $0.00 12/03/14 P.O Subtotal'* 4.00_ Yards 0.60 Tons $,624.50 Material $0.00 Freight $0,00 i Other $37.47 Tax $661.97 Total Yards e . 4 00 Tons 0 00 I reigl►t Total -0 00 Other 0.00 Sales Tus Total 37.47 i Invoice'1'otal 661.9T " 'fhe.invoice-inch orates herein by iefetence Duycr's,previouslyexceuledCredd Appllcahon,a(any, Se11ers.StandardTerms and.Condruons,.Seller s Quotalton-nnd Seller sArder Confirmahon(mcludmy Inmtauotts ofwartannes) as fully set Cor the an duc lnvom PAGl; � 1 („• � ,�. � y � � y ' funkrerexp�cslyegreestopapinncco[daneewldtdtisAg�eementLlnlercslshatlacciucbrilatepayments. A cement' - Du era. ecs that, unlcss'otliernrntse noted4erei all. uamitics and itemswrrcdeGrered asrndieated and