HomeMy WebLinkAboutCemex//CC—MEX STUART GREEN & GOLD 16360 KEY LIME BLVD. LOXAHATCHEE, FLORIDA 33470 RE:APANOVITCH RESIDENCE, LOT37 DIAMOND SANDS, HUTCHINSON ISLAND Dear Sir / Madam, Date Issuei 8/20/2014 We propose to furnish the following concrete mix/ mixes forthe above referenced project: Mix Code Number Description 1407371 4000 PSI IN 28 DAYS - REGULAR WITH HRWR 1513922 4000 PSI IN 28 DAYS - SIDEWINDER WITH HRWR 1416957 4000 PSI IN 28 DAYS - PEAROCK PUMPMIX WITH HRWR 1170652 3000 PSI IN 28 DAYS -ASTM C-476 COARSE MASONRY GROUT Please Note: You must use Mb(Code Number for ordering purposes. The above mixes have been proportioned in accordance with the applicable portions of ACI 211 and your verbal request. The proposed mix designs will meet the stated strengths when test specimens are manufactured and tested in accordance with current ASTM standards and evaluated per ACI recommended standards and practices. CEMEX requests copies of all approved mix designs prior to jobsite delivery. In order to complywith ACI 318-11 Paragraph 5.3, we request that CEMEX be included on the distribution list for all Concrete Test Reports. It is suggested that a pre -pour conference be held at the jobsite prior to jobsite delivery. The purpose of the meeting would be to answer any questions regarding responsibilities in scheduling,and jobsite operation. Please forward this information and data to the proper authorities for approval. John J. Roberts, II John J. Roberts, II Mix Design Specialist Enclosures: Backup Data M.S.D.S. for Ready Mixed Concrete: Available at http://w m.rinker.comfroolbox]MSDS/msds%20-%20Concrete. Florida Region 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA, (561) 745-5240 Fax (561) 746-1727 DEC , 7 HECD D, //CC-MEX SUPPLIER CEMEX STUART 20-Aug-14 MIX CODE NO. 1407371 Mix Code Number must be used when ordering concrete DESCRIPTION 4000 PSI IN 28 DAYS - REGULAR WITH HRWR CLIENT GREEN & GOLD PROJECT APANOVITCH RESIDENCE, LOT37 DIAMOND SANDS, HUTCHINSON ISLAND CONTROL NO. 1090JR1972 RMD.400.R EG,5803.2-H MATERIAL SOURCE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIC GRAVITY WEIGHT Ibs/c CEMENT CEMEX ASTM C-150....... TYPE I CEMENT 3.15 495 FINE AGG. CEMEX ASTM C-33........ MANUFACTURED SAND 2.55 1414 COARSE AGG. CEMEX ASTM C-33........ #57 LIMESTONE 2.45 1648 WATER ASTM C-94 32.0 GALS. 1.00 267 ADMIXTURE 2 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,D..... WRDA 60 ADMIXTURE 3 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,F........ ADVA 120 TOTALS 1 3824 DESIGNED SLUMP: 6.5" +/-1.5° DESIGNED UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 Ibs./c.f. DESIGNED AIR: 2.0% Entrapped DESIGNED W/C RATIO: 0.54 NOTES: CEMEX has no knowledge or authority regarding where this mix is to be placed. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the project architect/engineer, and or contractor to insure that the above designed mix parameters of compressive strength, water cement ratio, cement content, and air content are appropriate for the anticipated environmental conditions (le, ACI 318-11 Chapter 4, and the local Building Codes). Chemical admixtures are added in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Designed mix cementitious content is stated as a minimum, and CEMEX reserves the right to increase cementitious content. CEMEX also reserves the right to adjust aggregate weights to maintain design aggregate volumes. Superplasticizer (Admixture 3) will be added to a target slump of 2-3" at the batching plant to achieve an 8" maximum slump at the jobsite. John]. 1Vo6erts, II John J. Roberts, II Mix Design Specialist Florida Region 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA, (561) 745-5240 Fax (561) 746-1727 SUPPLIER CEMEX STUART 20-Aug-14 MIX CODE NO. 1513922 Mix Code Number must be used when ordering concrete DESCRIPTION 4000 PSI IN 28 DAYS - SIDEWINDER WITH HRWR CLIENT GREEN & GOLD PROJECT APANOVITCH RESIDENCE, LOT37 DIAMOND SANDS, HUTCHINSON ISLAND CONTROL NO. 1090JR1973 RMD,400,SWP,5803,2-H MATERIAL SOURCE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIC GRAVITY WEIGHT Ibs/c CEMENT CEMEX ASTM C-150....... TYPE I CEMENT 3.15 590 FINE AGG. CEMEX ASTM C-33........ MANUFACTURED SAND 2.55 1627 COARSE AGG. CEMEX ASTM C-33........ #57 LIMESTONE 2.45 1308 WATER ASTM C-94 35.0 GALS. 1.00 292 ADMIXTURE 2 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,D..... WRDA 60 ADMIXTURE 3 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,F........ ADVA 120 TOTALS 3$17 DESIGNED SLUMP: 6.5" +/-1.5" DESIGNED UNIT WEIGHT: 141.4 Ibs./c.f. DESIGNED AIR: 2.0% Entrapped DESIGNED W/C RATIO: 0.49 NOTES: CEMEX has no knowledge or authority regarding where this mix is to be placed. Therefore it is the responsibility of the project architect/engineer, and or contractor to insure that the above designed mix parameters of compressive strength, water cement ratio, cement content, and air content are appropriate for the anticipated environmental conditions (ie, ACI 318-11 Chapter 4, and the local Building Codes). Chemical admixtures are added in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Designed mix cementitious content is stated as a minimum, and CEMEX reserves the right to increase cementitious content. CEMEX also reserves the right to adjust aggregate weights to maintain design aggregate volumes. Superplasticizer (Admixture 3) will be added to a target slump of 2-3" at the batching plant to achieve an 8" maximum slump at the jobsite. Yohn j Ro6eds, II John J. Roberts, II Mix Design Specialist Florida Region 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA, (561) 745-5240 Fax (561) 746-1'727 //CC-mcx SUPPLIER CEMEX STUART 20-Aug-14 MIX CODE NO. 1416957 Mix Code Number must be used when ordering concrete DESCRIPTION 4000 PSI IN 28 DAYS - PEAROCK PUMPMIX WITH HRWR CLIENT GREEN & GOLD PROJECT APANOVITCH RESIDENCE, LOT37 DIAMOND SANDS, HUTCHINSON ISLAND CONTROL NO. 1090JR1974 R M D ,400, PPM P,5803,2-H MATERIAL SOURCE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIC GRAVITY WEIGHT Ibs/c CEMENT CEMEX ASTM C-150....... TYPE I CEMENT 3.15 610 FINE AGG. CEMEX ASTM C-33........ MANUFACTURED SAND 2.55 1851 COARSE AGG. CEMEX FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ............ PEAROCK 2.45 925 WATER ASTM C-94 40.5 GALS. 1.00 337 ADMIXTURE 2 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,D..... WRDA 60 ADMIXTURE 3 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,F........ ADVA 120 TOTALS 1 3723 DESIGNED SLUMP: 6.5" +/-1.5° DESIGNED UNIT WEIGHT: 137.9 Ibs./c.f. DESIGNED AIR: 3.0% Entrapped DESIGNED W/C RATIO: 0.55 NOTES: CEMEX has no knowledge or authority regarding where this mix is to be placed. Therefore it is the responsibility of the project architect/engineer, and or contractor to insure that the above designed mix parameters of compressive strength, water cement ratio, cement content, and air content are appropriate for the anticipated environmental conditions (ie, ACI 318-11 Chapter 4, and the local Building Codes). Chemical admixtures are added in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Designed mix cementitious content is stated as a minimum, and CEMEX reserves the right to increase cementitious content. CEMEX also reserves the right to adjust aggregate weights to maintain design aggregate volumes. Superplasticizer (Admixture 3) will be added to a target slump of 2-3" at the batching plant to achieve an 8" maximum slump at the jobsite. This mix is not designed to be used as a Masonry Grout or for use in any type of slab or similar structure which may be subject to drying shrinkage limits. John J. 1Ro6eris, II John J. Roberts, II Mix Design Specialist Florida Region 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA, (561) 745-5240 Fax (561) 746-1727 //CC-mcx SUPPLIER CEMEX STUART 20-Aug-14 MIX CODE NO. 1170652 Mix Code Number must be used when ordering concrete DESCRIPTION 3000 PSI IN 28 DAYS -ASTM C-476 COARSE MASONRY GROUT CLIENT GREEN & GOLD PROJECT APANOVITCH RESIDENCE, LOT37 DIAMOND SANDS, HUTCHINSON ISLAND CONTROL NO. 1090JR1975 RMD.300.CMG.8103.2 MATERIAL SOURCE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIC GRAVITY WEIGHT Ibs/c CEMENT CEMEX ASTM C-150....... TYPE I CEMENT 3.15 560 FINE AGG. CEMEX ASTM C-33........ MANUFACTURED SAND 2.55 1890 COARSE AGG. CEMEX FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ............. PEAROCK 2.45 854 WATER ASTM C-94 47.0 GALS. 1.00 392 ADMIXTURE 2 W.R. GRACE ASTM C-494,D..... WRDA 60 TOTALS 3696 DESIGNED SLUMP: 9.5" +/-1.5" DESIGNED UNIT WEIGHT: 136.9 Ibs./c.f. DESIGNED AIR: 1.5% Entrapped DESIGNED W/C RATIO: 0.70 NOTES: CEMEX has no knowledge or authority regarding where this mix is to be placed. Therefore it is the responsibility of the project architect/engineer, and or contractor to insure that the above designed mix parameters of compressive strength, water cement ratio, cement content, and air content are appropriate for the anticipated environmental conditions (ie, ACI 318-11 Chapter 4, and the local Building Codes). Chemical admixtures are added in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Designed mix cementitious content is stated as a minimum, and CEMEX reserves the right to increase cementitious content. CEMEX also reserves the right to adjust aggregate weights to maintain design aggregate volumes. This is "ASTM C-476 coarse masonry grout', not concrete. Compressive strength testing for evaluation and acceptance must complywith ASTM C-1019, which specifies "grout specimen" tests. Testing grout in cylinders is contrary to ACI 530. John -7. I -bents, II John J. Roberts, II Mix Design Specialist Florida Region 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA, (561) 745-5240 Fax (561) 746-1727 zzcc7McwX WIC Ratio/Strength Relationship- #57 Regular Type IIII Cement with ADVA 120 H.R.W.R. Concrete Constituents Cement ASTM C-150 Type I/II Coarse A gce ate ASTM C-33 Crushed Limestone Fine Aggregate ASTM C-33 Limestone Screenings Admix ASTM C-494, B/D, W.R. Grace WRDA AEA ASTM C-260, W.R. Grace Darex H.R.W.R. I ASTM C-494, F, W.R. Grace ADVA 120_ Mix Data Lab. No. WRG-C13 WRG-C14 WRG-C15 Cement Ibs/cy 425 545 710 #57 Rock ssd) Ibs/cy 1575 1645 1697 Screenings (ssd) Ibs/cy 1542 1282 1094 WRDA oz/cwt 5 5 5 Darex oz/cwt 0.3 0.2 0.2 ADVA 120 oz/cwt 4 4 4 Water Ibs/cy 287 287 287 W/C Ratio 0.68 0.53 0.40 28 Day Avg (psi) 4750 6210 7770 Water to Cement Ratio Curve 8500 8000 7500 7000 c N, 6500 H 6000 U) 2 5500 E c y = 8095.2x2-19529X + 14286 T 5000 RZ = 1 0 N 4500 4000 3500 3000 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 Water to Cement Ratio zz�CEMEX WIC Ratio/Strength Relationship- #57 Sidewinder Pump, Type I/II Cement With ADVA 120 H.R.W.R Concrete Constituents Cement ASTM C-150 Type I/II Coarse Aggregate ASTM C-33 Crushed Limestone Fine Aggregate ASTM C-33 Limestone Screenings Admix ASTM C-494, B/D, W.R. Grace WRDA HRWR ASTM C-494,.F, W.R. Grace ADVA 120 Mix Data Lab. No. 915 916 917 Cement.lbs/c , 510 . 645 790 #57 Rock ssd) lbs/cy 1264 1342 1422. Screenings (ssd) lbs/ey 1738 1547 1346 WRDA oz/cwt 4 4 4 ADVA 120 oz/cwt 5 4 4 Water lbs/cy 347 312 312 W/C Ratio 0.68 0.48 0.40 28 Day Avg (psi) 5930 8570 10200 Water to Cement Ratio Curve 11000 10500 10000 9500 0 9000 r 8500 m 8000 7500 i 7000 y = 25625x2 - 42925x + 23270 y 0 6500 Rz = 1 c 6000 0 5500 04 5000 N 4500 4000 3500 3000 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 Water to Cement Ratio A,,c-M,c-X WIC Ratio/Strength Relationship - Pearock Pumpmix, Type IIII Cement with ADVA 120 H.R.W.R. Concrete Constituents Cement ASTM C-150 Type I/II Coarse Aggregate ASTM C-33 Crushed Limestone Fine Aggregate ASTM C-33 Limestone Screenings Admix ASTM C-494, B/D, W.R. Grace WRDA H.R.W.R. ASTM C-494, F, W.R. Grace ADVA 120 Mix Data Lab. No. WRG-E1 WRG-E2 WRG-E3 Cement lbs/cy 560 660 810 Pearock(ssd)lbs/c. 966 950 1120 Screenings ssd lbs/cy 1899 1731 1433 WRDA oz/cwt 5 5 5 ADVA 120 oz/cwt 5 5 5 Water lbs/c . 358 358 358 W/C Ratio 0.64 0.54 0.44 28 Da Av ( Si) 4420 5810 8380 Water to Cement Ratio Curve 9000 8500 8000 y = 59000xZ - 83520x + 33706 y 7500 RZ = 1 7000 c N 6500 'H 6000 2 E 5500 0 5000 m C C*04 4500 4000 3500 3000 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 Water to Cement Ratio zzcc-mc-x WIC Ratio/Strength Relationship - Coarse Masonry Grout, Type IIII Cement Concrete Constituents Cement ASTM C-150 Type I/II Coarse Aggregate ASTM C-33 Crushed Limestone Fine Aggregate ASTM C-33 Limestone Screenings Admix ASTM C-494, B/D, W.R. Grace WRDA Mix Data - All Testing Performed in Accordance with ASTM C-1019 Lab. No. 139 140 141 Cement lbs/cy 520 600 655 Pearock (ssd),Ibs/cy 819 889 933 Screenings (ssd) lbs/cy 1959 1821 1731 WRDA oz/cwt 4 4 4 Water Ibs/cy 417 417 417 W/C Ratio 0.80 0.70 0.64 28 Day Avg (si) 4240 4970 5670 Water to Cement Ratio Curve 6000 5500 y = 27292x2 - 48238x + 25363 o. RZ=1 5000 c N y 4500 co E n E 0 V 4000 R C co N 3500 3000 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 Water to Cement Ratio C.��+'� AGGREGATE TEST RESULTS TYPICAL GRADING (% FINER) PRODUCT SIZE #4 SIZE #57 SIZE #67 PEAROCK MFD. SAND NAT. SAND LIGHTWEIGHT FDOT MINE NO. 87-089 87-090 87-090 87-090 87-090 05-455 NA MATERIAL TYPE LIMESTONE LIMESTONE LIMESTONE LIMESTONE LIMESTONE SILICA STALITE SIEVE SIZE 2.0 IN. 100 1 1/2 IN. 96 100 1.0IN. 38 99 100 100 3/41N. 6 81 98 97 1/21N. 4 37 62 100 48 3/81N. 3 22 38 98 22 # 4 3 5 5 34 100 5 # 8 2 2 5 93 100 #16 2 69 92 #30 1 50 64 #50 1 33 22 #100 11 3 # 200 0.8 2.8 0.13 SSD SP. GR. 2.40 2.45.1 2.44 11 2.46,1, 2.54 1 2.63 1 1.50 % ABSORPTION 5.2 5.7 5.6 6.2 3.0 5.5 L.A. ABRASION 35 34 34 30 111 1 Miami';Plant• 1200 NW 137th Ave CGMCR' Mlarni, FI 33182 Phone 005} 220-2925 f FAX (305) 229-2944 _.. DEMENT MILL TE$T,REPORT Cement Identified as: AASHTO M85:TYPE 1111; ASTM C150 TYPE 1/11 Date; Audust 11,. 2014 , Plant: CemexAiami Cement Location: MiamisEL Production peridd:July, 2014 Silos: 21,23,25,31,32,33 35 41;42,43,44;45;52;53;54,55;56,65,66 - t AASHTO MA6 ASTM C-160 __... _. STANDARD CHEMICAC.REQUIRMENTS - - TEST RESULTS SPECIFICATIONS' TYPE TYPE if 'TYPE W(W). .IASTM:C114). " Silicon Dloxlde:(SI02) % 264 Minimum = 1 Aluminum Oxide (AI203)'% 4.9 Maximum 6.0 6.0 Ferric Oxide (1`e203) % 3.7 Maximum 6.0 6;0 CMclurr Oxide (Cdo).% 64.3 Magnesium Oxlde,(Mg0),% 1:0- Maximum 6,1f 6.0 6;0 Sulfur Trioxide (S03)% - 2,9 Maximum 3;5 3.0 3;0 Loss on Ignition (LOI) % 1.75 Maximum. .3 3 • 3- Ineoluble Residue(IR) % 0.37 Maximum Or75 0.75 0.75. Alkalies (Na20 equivalent) %: 0.6 Maximum. 0:60 0.60 0.60 Carbon Dioxide'I6 cement (902) % 1.23 Limestone % In cement (ASTM C150 A2) 3.11 Maximum 5 5 5 CaCO3 in limestone % (2l274 x.%CO2 LS) 9D Minimum 70, 70 -70 TrIcaldium Silicate, (C3S) °/ 58 Trlcalcium Aluminate (C3A),%. 7 Maximum Tetracaicium Aluminoferrite (C4AF) %. 11 (C3S:+ 4;75: C3A) 96 Maximum 100 C4AF+:2C3A :or. C4AF+:C2F. % _.-.. 3960 Minimum' 2600 2600 2606 ' PHYSICAL REQUIRMENTS (ASTM C204) Blalne'Flneness :cm21g (ASTMfC204) Blaine: Flneness, om2ig 3950 Maximum 4300 (ASTM C191) Time of Settlog'(Vlcat) Initial Set, minutes 120 Minimum' 45 45. 45 Final Set, minutes. 225 Maximum 375 376 375 .(ASTM'C165) Air Content oFMortar % 0 Maximum 12 12 12' (ASTM.C151) Autoclave Expansion % -043 Maximum 0.80 0.80 0.80' (ASTM C186) 7 day, Heat of Hydration calig 76 Max.:lf speclfled (ASTM :C109) Compressive_ Strength, psi (Mpa): 1 Day 2190 ( 15A, 3 Days 3760: ( 25.9 ) i Minimum 1740 (12.0). .1460 (10.0) 1466 (10.0): 7'6ays 4736 ( 32.6. ) Mlnloium 2766 (1'9.0) 2470 (17;0) WD:(17.0)' (1) Blaine limits does -riot apply if:Sum of C3S + 4;75' C3A' <= 90 The date shown above istyp(cal of the cement produced at Miami, Fl, and currently being shipped from this silos •This Cement: contains- Limestone; Cemex hereby certifies that this cement meets or exceeds the chemical and physical specifications of: x ASTM C=l50 for7ype I and Type I low alkali' x' ASTM C-150 forType II and Type Il :low alkali x AASHTO.M-854or.-Type1and 'Type, Ilow alkali x AASHTO:M-85 for Type:li and Type:I1 low alkali Comex is not responsible for the Improper. use or.workmanshipahat:may:bei associated with the use of this cement g Grace Construction Products 11/10/2013 Michael Epifano Cemex 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1 Jupiter, Florida 33458 W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn. T 617-876-1400 62 Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140-1692 www.graceconstruction.com Project Name: General Certification Product Selected: WRDAO 60 This is to certify that the WRDA 60, a Water Reducer, as manufactured and supplied by Grace Construction Products, W.R. Grace & Co. — Conn., is formulated to comply with the Specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ASTM: C494, Type A, D, AASHTO: M194, Type A, D. WRDA 60 does not contain calcium chloride or chloride containing compounds as a functional ingredient. Chloride ions may be present in trace amounts contributed from the process water used in manufacturing. The foregoing is in addition to and not in substitution for our standard Conditions of Sale attached. G. Terry Harris Technical Services Manager Grace Construction Products W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn. T 617-676-1400 62 Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140-1692 www.graceconstruction.com 11/10/2013 Michael Epifano Cemex 1557 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 1 Jupiter, Florida 33458 Project Name: General Certification Product Selected: ADVA® 120 This is to certify that the ADVA 120, a High Range Water Reducer, as manufactured and supplied by Grace Construction Products, W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn., is formulated to comply with the Specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ASTM: C494, Type F, AASHTO: M194, Type F. ADVA 120 does not contain calcium chloride or chloride containing compounds as a functional ingredient. Chloride ions may be present in trace amounts contributed from the process water used in manufacturing. The foregoing is in addition to and not in substitution for our standard Condition's of Sale attached. G. Terry Harris, Technical Services Manager