HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Evidence Of Contractor TerminationJoe Cicid
From: Peter-Apanovitch <p6panovitch1@gmail:com>'
Sent: $uhday, May 04,.2014 9:06:AM
To::..::. .... :Joe Cicio :. ......
Subject:. Re:'Evidence:of contractorAermination
Yes -I plan: to -come in shortly.: Since it is a 5 hour.drive,:I am trying_ to set -up,an.interview with a shell
contractorat the ,site .for the same trip.. . .
I know.the .county has_walid co`Acerns about.owner=builders:. 'Even though I.am retire'd'now;I have a.degree iri
mechanical engineering and have designed fluid systems for nuclear power plants.'- I have'also managed people
and was responsible for a.$5 billion dollar investment portfolio.:
':OnFri, iiy. 2,.014 at:1. PMiocconstMlucieco.or > wrote:
.The.home permit has beenvoided_and.a stop.work orderwill be placed.upon the site . Are you coming into change.
documenisto owner builder: All open inspections wi(I be transferred to a new permit along with.all notes. and- open
docurnehts-still needed
From: Peter-Apanovitch [mailto:papanovitchl@gmail:com]
Sent: .Sundajr, :May .Q4, 20.14'.8.:56: AM::.. ......
To:; Joe, Cicio
Subject:.Re: Evidence of. contractor termination
I shall contact: pool:contractor-this. corning. week And:ask.him if he wants .to.build.iny pool. ,:Please keep him: on
frle.until 'I resolve.:. Shellco. has: backed,:off from working with me because of ties -to Mario.
Could. you.give. me the county's position on the work that. Shellcd. has already -done? Since Shellco was not
registered; :is there :any action I mustAdke to: insure that the w=to ork=date is satisfactory for St: Lucie?
On. Fri, 'M 2; 2014' at 2:09:PM; Joe Cic o <cicioj n tlucieco.or > :wrote:
I will void the :permit with your attached.. do'currie:ntation. Please put the original doc in�the mail�to me. at :: Attn: Mr:
;Joe Cicio; St.Lucie:County Planning arid: Development Services, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce; Florida, 3:49$2-5652 > I
will: p.ut:that in -the file as:well... .. .. ......
I, will have pool comments:for your:pool contractor next week. Will that pe:rmit.be voided as:well or is Schiller.:Pools
remaining on'fil.e as.pool contractor .
Thank:You .
Avis,11: zIu filer if : .
Sixidw-d Bgildmg Inspector
13uddingPlvis Lxarru»er
Oise w1d Two 1''nilyl�welliiigLispector
Oiie aiul Two.R% VyPlws Lxwnvler.:. .
St. Lucid Cocmty. Plalmmg alir! Developme�l[ Services
772 462--1553 .
Joe Cicio
To: Peter Apanovitch
Cc: Joe Cicio (cicioj@stlucieco.org); Carl John Peterson; Lydia Galbraith
Subject: RE: Evidence of contractor termination
I will void the permit with your attached documentation. Please put the original doc in the mail to me at :: Attn: Mr.
Joe Cicio, St Lucie County Planning and Development Services, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida, 34982-5652 > I
will put that in the file as well.
I will have pool comments for your pool contractor next week. Will that permit be voided as well or is Schiller Pools
remaining on file as pool contractor
Thank You
�ase?f. A. C14do
Plans Examiner II
Stiuldard Buildin,;-Inspector
Building Plans Ltuniner
One and 7 rTo Rwii lyDwelling-Inspector
Oue and 7 wo Family Plans I ;rarniner
St. Lucie Countj, Planning imd Development Services
From: Peter Apanovitch [mailto:papanovitchi@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 12:53 PM
To: Joe Cicio
Subject: Evidence of contractor termination
Please confirm attached is satisfactory documentation
Peter Apanovitch
Joe Cicio
Peter Apanovitch <papanovitchl@gmail.com>
Friday, May 02, 201412:53 PM
Joe Cicio
Evidence of contractor termination
County Termination Notice 001jpg
Please confirm attached is satisfactory documentation
Peter Apanovitch
Peter F. Apanovitch
24080 Overseas HWY
Summerland Key, FL 33042
May 2, Z014
Mr. J, Cido
Building and Code Regulation RE.8232 South ocean Drive
St, Lucie County Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957
2300Yir81n1aAvenuy Permit#1310-r%
Fort pierce, Florida 34982
Dear Mr. Cido:
My contract with oceanfront Builders of the Treasure Coast LLC has been
affidaiiy terrriinated per the terms of the contract. Otr3nice, Builders (Mario
Arbucci) is no longer my general contractor and will be denied access to the
construction she, Please remove OWnfrant Builders from the Permit'
Peter F. Apanovitch
SWORN ANo E t r' DEF4 cttt
+ rr m apaw TJiI D ZO
cti"Atiyt uawc
Friday, May 02, 2014 01:48 PM