HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 Day Temporary Power Release7-72-4 6*2;- SOW-Wees !A Ave' 63 FaX-772-4612-4,4143' R,eqjj4j'for 3-'G_'-b�y`tdr�t�:ai4a' �Power !Wtease Date: Pernfl . t -WUmber. Proled Address, �_O IllicErvrED JUN 18 7018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTpjCAL TO THE ABOVE DESCUSED USED . PROPERTY, FOR A. PERIOD MOTTO EXCEE D- THIRTY (30) - ]?A-YSI FO R THE PUWOSE Or -"TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FIKALJNSRidUON. IN CONSWERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE }QUESTft-H,BZMYACKN0WLEDCE AND AGREE -AS FdLLOWS: I. lbis t8mP=rY Power r!g" Is r`ieQueged for the above stated purpose, only, and them wllljbe no =VancY Of any typ6, 90er thah that parmitted by.botistrucdon during this time period. 2. At witness by our slonatules, We herd* agme to abide by'all terms and conditions of this agreernerk. inr)pwrig Building Division Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference, 3. All conditio m.. and requlr--emdnts 4s.tad in the attached document ent-ided'LRequimments for 36 Day Power for Testing" ?'oe"been'flUffflied-afid the Orernise is ready for complianceinspecUon. . 4- Al *torts foran' extension bWRnd 30 days -muA. be';rnadi in writing to the 1301ding'Official -stating .the reason: for the *.uest Power may bd rernoved'h , -drn the site and/or a Stop Work,'Orderlssued if the Finaflnspedton has not 4een approved WjbWn 30 days. Afee of$100.00vwllbereqigrL-dtDra the Stop Work Order. WE HMEBY RELEASE AND AGFWE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST, LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL IJASILITIES AND CWMS -OF ANY TYPE'iDF'NATUR'E WIJICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTtJM OUT OFTHIS.TRA.NSAC170N,'INCLUDN'�'AN.YDA'MAi�5E:WHICH--.-M* AYBeU.R'R.'ED DUE TOTHE Diso&h . NE=N OF ax=ck Pbwtk 0F.Tlq5 AGREEMENT. .UWVWt_-K blQiM WKI: DATE RE DAM kA\A\x ELE=CAL CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE LGt-J L000A000d Z80-1 999L8L83LL _W08j 38:60 8L,_8L_90