HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1061 I. L 14H , i I I t I 1 I ~ I 1 I- I ; i ! , I I i ; } i I I I f . .... .... , '1 . . . '. ':.: ~1 . \. . ":.t . . "".. ..........,""-I.u..\I.,... ---- .--------------------.-. ----- ~biu Jnbrntun. Ma.k the- .~?I~, '..tla)' of t1IOlL<;;l/ld nine Imndl\'Cl and ,~au. ("'#,/~t , Dh"l'WlU\N, n:~. da.Lv --.0;:, I ,...In the )'ftr 01 our l.on!.... ;. al.>~C.~' . . (~euWd) 1- mt~ . ~.lvk.da., ..and Slate 01.. IJ' , ,'~ '~~'fI:' ~ .... of ttre Counh' of d3 G\. ~ . ~d, ~,!/v~ ahteL ~~ /l. '.Pv~ ;;~~ e~ or J t , .e.L< ~ ~ K d.l-Aii "D I'LC'rt-'" ~ .. -1) . ',. . ...01 the Sec:oad pu1. ,\\'IT~I~<;h'TII, loat ~id part 'I o( the first part, for and in ronside:ration o( the sum :~_0.~_.:.. &~ dt..€&(. Ih.<~ - (f ~~o.::.oJ. , -.---. --- :., '.. . ':of>.DOU.,\RS. lawful n~ney of the lTnitl11 States of ADlt'rica to. ~ in MOll ~" b~' t!Je ~id part,~ ,,,or the ~ pcut, at, or 'before t~ msraling ~ ddinry o( th~ ~nts, the I't'<<'il.t "'hereof i~ ht'reb~' admQwkdgro. 11.,~ xrant....., b:uxained,.soId. aliened. remised, 1"l'~.1Wd, ron\"'e}-e.I3D<f ronfi~l. allll h)' the;;(' pll.'Wnts ~ gr:mt, bargain, wll,. alien, remiq:, <<kase, ron\~~' alld ronfirm, unto the said J!"I't ~" 01 the 5f\."UQ.l p..-ut,am' ~, hcirs.andns.signsfore\~r,all ~ :cIc..os~ 1lvo ~ tots ~. ,(;~~ r~n_b7.dS ~eTX/ I~'ing lUU' being in the County 01 St, J.uck-, and Statt' of "'Jorid.1, and dC'SlC'ribM a~ follows: . _,01 the first pan; .... :J'~.,"Y- '. . ...... .. . 'u' ',.._. _ . : t~ ??A~.tL...~.((.)_~~a..,._J~H..(1J.~_.~/"_~c;_??_~~~. .___. ...~..(?_t1}_-1--4.- ~-~1-.f..t.-!4~ 4 _.y..~~CT!'_~Tii -~&~_L~"-d_______ J~TJI;-#~. ~ rk<-~ "ff:U~'1-_dtLj~-2:.----e..;, ~~. :::::t--- Cv?-c,wl:: vc.u.~ (J~~(q7?'V_~_ ~ H' ~ _PL. ';j'hk,.__ -.-._.__9.'/_._..... .-..' , . ".f ..' . -' e O'.---~ ~ ~ .....:~ C Iff t> c-l,4/)-}M>-yt.;3':dt.t.. p~ C ..d~_c(Jrd.s~_a{~..CI.~.____.__.~c:z..t.h... .,_._ {J~,. ZH" cnv,jJ (A.~. ..J ~....",_~. .._._ ___.. _. . ...____ __' _.___.____________._..... . . dd7~ d.,~~ v~,ii>-;ht. ... ~'iJ;;;;;.;.:,~e;;td$~-~.;;;;..~~_~;:j;~ -t-d ~1.7o, 'IlOo..c.l$ ,e~.~ d., ct ~r~ ~ ..J.,v/...___1~J. -_~_4.1U_d_ ..1!. '""n " '.. ' '1), . . . 'I;.~'" , a..e d IT ..- ~.dM~ J~ C~q/n,J'-~U~~~~" .--~L-~.~~;;;-... --P""1.)<<...." 4 0 ~I ~. CU/:.,c-rc..i-._ .;.,~.~..:-:vrv.l/ '.- -.. a.-f, u "6~-~._--.-=,T"'tr-.. --'dj- .-. .--:.- ... . -.'''' ...,.n ....-.----.--..----..... -----'-' ---.-----.-....__-J~-.-.-.~._.._-. .- -- !..7"~e.U.a.". ~~n ~I..._~_.~v ,~~a. ,"/7'(.L.d.- ~at:..(~-?r:~-~~ _.~r-v. .~.a.. a..J~ -Io..h<<j-. _Ud/.__ .'. _..~~~<~~~_~__. _h. .. ..~JLu~~}.,..O/J~ .v..~_. ~O.~~--~ff:-~~~~tL..- ... ;J.tH1,~. C-VYvtb. q..~~. ~. ;~P?(.. "I"~' d-~.~___,z.o._...u_ _ .._J/~i.<J.uv-~. 7JLvrl?t:Lye- ,~J." ~~ru,v""1.J~.;1(,. mni!-~_~..___., .__. ~ .. .--.-----.---------.--- -.----- _.. -'-~.- .~ ~--------.__._...----- .-----.- "X' - 1'~ / -I- ,'~_ n V () ~. d," ,_ J ~ Id,d-I.:' ~ 4,,--: _... -- '- - --.-- -. ---..- _.--- -._--_....._----~.._--~-------_...- -. . -. ---'., ~._._- ~ - -~'---- -----.-------..--.- _..-- _.'-~--_.- .- -- -._---_._.._~~..._--.----.- --.-~~:--- _ 1.. . TO<?ETII~R With all and 5ingular llK- ~ d.U..vp L~ " ,n.. ,'..... ". . _. '" , tl'1J(:ments, hereditaments and appurte!l:UK'eS thenunto belonging, or in anywise appn1air.ing, and the re\"'U5ion and revusioos, rnnainckr and rnn311ldns, rents. is.sues and profits thereof, AX}) ALSO. all the estate. right. title. intul"St, dower and rigbt of do1m-, separate etait-, property. posstSSion. claim and -tkmand whatsoenr. as well in law ~ in equit}", of the said par~"h'of the first part, of, in, and to the~, and e\"U)' part and parttl thm:of, .i.th 1M . appurtl:nances: TO 1l..\\'~ A~)) '1"0 1I01,}) the aoon granted. bargained and dt:saibtd prem~.lcith the ~ unto the said part~... o( the SUOIId parl,,~ ..heirs and assigns. to' r~.owrn proper use. btuefit and IIehoof fonvu. AIl~ the said part -<In. ...of the first part -/ VI'- ~ ~ ~d... .' " . .,. .." . for /"....uJ . ,heirs. ueattorsand adminislratQl"S. do.e..t. ,.CO\.tnant. promise and agree to and with said part&......of the seCODd part,7luu-!. heirs and assigns. that the said parl~ ,of thE: first part C t-Uct-<J ...._.t the time of the sealing and dt-linry of t1test p~'nl' U<.<w U/av: Iawfull~' sriud in fee simple 01 a good, absolute and indefeasible estate.of inhuit.lntt, of and in. all singular, the ablm.' xr.ulted, bargaimd and de<nilxd prcmi~ .tlb the appurtmanCt-: .. aud ~Q. u{, ,cood right, full powu and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and con\~}' the samr in mannu and (~aforesaid" And tbat the said parl,~of the Imlad part.. ~ heirs and a."5igns, 511a11 and ma)" at all times ~rtu, ~full>" and qu~tty han. tdd. ust', 0ttUP1. pclllMSS and mjoy the above ~ted pnmisr5, and l'VU}' part ~d pared thueof, with the a(>l>llrtt"nanen, without any Id, suit, iroub~. molt5ta~, e\idioca Of' dist.urtJcuJte 01 the laid part -;- . ....of tile fi~t part, r~ . ...heirs Of' assigns. or of an~' other PU50Il or ptrsoos bwfully cbiming Of' to claim t~ same. ADd that the __ an DOW free, drar, cbs- cbargm and uoincumbend of and from all former and othu grants. titles, l'harges. l'State, judgments, taxa. .......ts and incumbraaca of wbat mture and kind soevu. Anllt.11e sait! part;, ..of t~ first part, (or k;Xi:. Jf . aJl(I~' lu..:.1 ..heirs, the abovc dt'SCrilJC'd and Ilt'reby grante<i and 1'1'1,'35(11 (In-mists. an.Il'\"try part and p..ueel tl1en:or, 'lith al'purttn.ar1teS, unto the <;;lid p.ut.(.U ...of the S<<'OIld part, b~c, ,heirs ..nd ao;si).'D~. against the said part ~. ... of ~ first part :lnd ~:~ beirs. and ag-.umt all,antl e\"t"ry (lu'SOn or pt'.3OQ3 wbomSOl'nr, la",(uli)" daimiul: or to claim the same shall and will \t':lrr.mt, ami by these presents fore\'u dtft'lld. .of thc first part ~av . hereunto set n...i.'!, " han.l. amI st'al ----_.._--_.~.__.-_._~ . -.- ---.'-"-.'. .,."- -- .-. _......-_.-._~-_.._+-- ."' u_.___._.~_.._.___..-----,~_ .~ .....:._.....__H___. IN \VITNF.5S WIIRR~OI:, 'Joe said (Iarl~ ' yt'ar firsl aoo\~ written. Signed, Sealed and ~U~fl'd in .p~ of us: a. ~. //&a.-t:U4-u d f? ra.. 'Vl..lv~v' .---:---.--ct'-------;-.-.---.--..-...- ...---.- -.--.. STATR OF. ,:t.ef)'M, c:( a..- dJ. (~ ci;, . .T --- . the lhy an,l ~ , ~ ': V If r 'i I~ ~ l: I I I' L 'r , I' ,. ." I I i:- .' F I I. I I' I I I ~ i I. i I i L i r ~; ! I I I , -..;,,'1.C-,;, . . <t,..~ (SE,\J') .(SEA I.) :(SR..\ l.) ,,} r, 'n~~..o~C" I to me well known as the person "...described. in. and ...ho urcuted the foregoin~ l~ of ~on\~~'an('t. an.1 aclmowkd~ that same for the purpose therein expressed; whereupon it is pniye<ltbat the S3I'IIe Dlay be recor.lcd. Z 'h ,t, thy o( Cotn."TY OP ... On this day ptrJOnaUy appeared before me at . . In Witness Whereof. I h:ne bt'nnnto aITL"(e<1 10)' n:llne and offici..d seal. thi~ . ~ >>-A-MIi}"'1- C?NO-r llJ(f ~ ~ P(/dl-IC ~ ..~. .. --.-,..... I' ).~ .J Or rI.Op.\~ STATR OF. Cot1NTY OF . ' I, . 'do hereby c:rrtify that ':Ir. ~. vi vk (d t- ~ rG-J /L(/ '.execnte<1 the Gt.?, -~(. . . .\. n. 1911. . .dCVtcv i3. /7l~. (SR..\I.) "'/ .. 7lv-( ~ C?:!.......u:c.. d /....-4 'If.r """H, J...... , , ?ny ~,,;,.~ ~t--u.r ~ hi- /T-~. .to mo: well koo\m as L'te wife of .and as one o( the persons describe" in. an,l who t'xrcutrd the foregoing Deed. did this day to me. on a separate and pri...ate examination before me l.uen ami made, 5t"pamtt"ly and apart (rum hu.>;,1i.1 hu~klll,l. ann,')\tl. e<'~ amI declare, that she Dlade: henelf a part)- to an" cxrcut..... the sam... (or the- puq>OSe oi rdl'a..<in~. r"'iDllnishin~, n'n.luncin;.: and roun'~'in~ all h'"1" right of dower. Sl'JXUate estate and homestead. and all her rixhts in and to the land... in said d......llkscribed ami !;Tanl.'tl, :m.1 lIut she. l'xrcu leo I tht" ,-"lllle freely and \'oIuntaril)'. without any constraint. apprehension, fror: or compul~ion of or from ht"r said husband, WilDes my band and official seal at " , this ._dayof , ..\. 0, 1<)1.. . _._-------...----_._--_.~--_._--_._-_. -.- -." .(SH.\J.) , ~ STATU Oll FJ.ORIDA.' d' '. CO111m' OP Sr. l.ceIS.. b ~ IT RlfM~~M8..:Rf.D,'fhat on th~" , ~ ."llarO( ", e~ . .\..11.1"1', J " v: ([) , fIJL dA..t. d./ Clerk of tire Cimlit Court in a;or said l.'ounty, ha,.... duly rttor....'t thl' forrgom, Deed in the Public KcrordI o( said County. In \VillleSS \\"hertof I ban hermnto 5d my hand and the sraI of said Court, the day and )-..ar above writtell, ' \ R ,.. " V!(Qnu~d./ (j,{ tP.-I. ~ ec-Or(l VertJe<!y____ _. ..... .._..... ..Q./fc::f..~~-rl. .(SRAJ.l .. n. C,