HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 Day Temporary Power ReleaseRECEIVED P 4 md opin e 14 2018 C ty P s 2 ON; Inbi. Ave T Lucie ST. Lucie County, Permitting ferce 772462-21" FaX'772-462-6443 f P ka, se Req6ett' be 3-01 e porary dvver Dabr. Perrhk-kfirnwr.,�n�kc Projed Address. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST' RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO HEED- THIRTY (30) -DAYS, FOR THE .PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A'F'INALJNSPE M-ON. 'IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE 0QU� WE -HEREBY AC1Ci OWLEN33E AND AdZtE'AS FOLLOWS; 1. Ibis temporary power relOm is- figWested for te aboVe stated Purpose only, and there will be no occupancy of any type, Other than that permitted by corlbvcdon during this time wad. 2. As witness by our sigmtures, We heroby agree th• abide by,811 terms and condibons of this agraem&it, Includifig Building Division .policy, which 18 incorpdraied herein lay reference. 3. All conditions and requirements• fistW in the ath &,ed document entift "Requirements -for 30 Day Power fbr Test1h9ff fl Nebeerl fUffllled"airid the ;5rarn6e is ready for compliance .inspection. 4. All'requests fbr.an. extension beyond so days mLmt. be math in writing to th-e 13Uilcring official -stuUng the reason f6r thi� reu q -esL -AoWer may' bd re -m *te and - Stop cird removed from the si and/or a Work' &,iwued if the Findfinsp&t.on has not tieen -approved within 30 days. A fee of $100.00 Will berequired tD lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HA RMLESS, SM LUCIE COUNTil, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LW ' MJTIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE- OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN'Tfi E* FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION, WKCR 'MAY INCUiMED'DUE TO THE ACTION, jMqLUDING ANY DA E MAG D=NNZCa0rq OF ELE=CAL POWER IN THE EVENT OFWOLA-170N Of THIS AGREEmEm OwNtp,'SIGNATURE DATE ELE=cAL coNTRAcT.oR siGNATmE DATE 08Z_d 3000/L000d 906-1 999L8L83LL -wodi 08: 0 L 8 L 1_ti L-90