HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Project InformationWe LiAUCS' 1N.6;NPClu-NS 6. TECti.NOCOGY NPE-2 Series Tankless Water Heaters', Premium Conde'n5ibg; Specifitation Sheet Tankless,Gas Water tie'ater • Certified design according'to,ANSI'Z21.10.3 -.CSA.4-.3 latest s,iandar.dsfbr�.4,6t]t,in,d,51gr-qrbtltd6oi-installations (with optional .Outdoor 'Vent ,Kit) Compatible with 1/2" gas pipe up. to a length of,24ft* . . . . . . . . . . ........ • Coin pati bi e,with,Z" PVC vent, up to 75. ft" a nd. 15 0 ft*,! using.3" PVC%vent viih no Libo%os Y • Desigiwil fbebs6 in Residential;aiid Commercial apphcations .,Gas Inp ut Ranges kip fainton rQE-'18bA2jS,2 - 150,004 to 1,00000 BT1U/h Ni NPE-21OA2/S2 - 18OjOOO to.12;000.'BTU/h k ,09�240'A2/S2,'199,900 to 13;300 BTU/h, 1NPE-15OS2 4-120,060 fo48;000 BTU/h Hot-Wdttr.FIOW:RateCapacity,'(,4bist!d'or Wrlemperawre rise) T017,180A2/S2 8.4, GPM :NPE-21OA2/S2 10J GPM. VPE-24M/SZ '11.2 'GPM-. Sleek Design NPE-15 - OS 1 2 •6.8 GPM: Compatible with 9 . Of-Into"k . rOM . 7h e . f Ratio) uplQ15:1 2" PVC and 712"Gas Pipe e- Dual PrhAary'and Secondary, Stainless Steel Heat with Diagnot6its Exchangers -.Buit4n -AdvancedAuld-Lines ControlTanel with setup Wizard allows adjustment ofieniperatui*6,settings and displays of Indoo 0tdoor operating status and error codes: r qqd,O 2"Intalue Cap Venfjngbpt�ons . -,ConbutFlo'.T.echpology-'"A2,lniodels come indludedwith built-in 0.5 g61166 Buffer Tatik'afi0ecirculatibia-Pithio to provide maximum comfort Outdoor -yentoor • INTELLIGENT P -el eat i i . ing z rec6gnizes-hofwater usage patterns. to:iiitelligeiitlyprovidb'iiijt%VatefWhen needed !(aptiDnairer'!;,modelsj • TeirnoefAture.,00ticits -availdbI6,teffilierature ettingsfor Residential applications range trom9,7*17 up to 14061-'with high B. temperature Cqmme mode capable of qPto,185*F b) • Ready-Lfttk CascadewCdmpatiblefbr up to 32 units foi- incieased hot water-lifociddl6n Non-Direci:Ventilrdoior) NanDirect.Vent (OuWbor), Common' Veni Compatible.- Allows f�r cascade §ystqnjs, to,use q Direct Veit Undoor) Sin e gf_ exbaustand/cw intake pipe foe iip'tolZ units with the use ofthe 'Ci)iiiliio.i.1-Vent Bg&kfld�vDamper Collar 'Kit .(ff3OOl4367A CompatibieWitli MEN Freeze Pr6tie6tioii-Imaititaiiis.iioi-nial.operation tidtingfreezing ME= ambieritt6mo6ratiifesdown fd75'F.(standard:ofi all models) • Uniform EnergyN F.a�WFRatlqgsfn.r, cand -!.Punits NP&18OA2/Z1OA2/24OA2b,95UEF NP134_0%2/210S2,/20052-0.46 . Ij E F.- NP&15OS2, 0.93:UEF Compatible witli Natural Gas (NG) and Propane (LPG) 11 Rd _t .11, 10 'Locatidn' Optional'NaviCirc:Crossover Valve,)Comt)aiible Certified.b'yCSAeNSF StAHRIAB1953 CA Low Lead, SCAQMD Wholesaler,:: .0we 11461TyPe 1 - Cbifipfiewith 14 n9l) or. .20-ppin ifflv 63WO2)' contractor,; • 15-Year'Reaf Excliangerand 5-Year &.Year Heat Ekchang6r andS-Yeai Paris Warranty (Commercial)**** (101:sc4:Nwien lArnfiedWairrantj)' Submitted to., �.Optlonalaccessories:are available (sec tielo.w) Condensatefout I ral( zer i. RerndeCdntfoller ,Plqmb F.S. waive sit (eay.-Lliik rVentTeftnination. "'") I JGXXX001322-Stngle4q�t) RdOutdoorVentM ExtarnaIR4 PININ (30009323A -Lead Free)' CapsaoWaIlRanqes CoinfrVilfilcatloiCable' 43002271711) (30()25812A- for'Pipe 6ver) (GXXXO�01324- Up to 6,Units) I ­ kOoo546) (30025801A) (GXXX001319) 'jGXXk!18731ij Z (GXXXOO1325 w UOjqi16 Unit (Gk .............. . ..... .. . . . . .......... FdNavieN NPE-2 Series Tankless'Water Heoters 'Premium Condeh.sfng- Tonkless Gas VVbter Oeoter Specification ShL OvefieadVreW Taln-1 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... NPE-1 BOA21 21 0AV240A2 supplyconvi.fl.. ...__I H.1 - -- -- ----- INM %o NPE4 Adill BMW OSI/240S2 .supplic..n.tim" Item jq&14qA2 INPE 18052 MPE-.210A2 NPE 21052 NPE-2jqA2 NPE 24052 1-1.0alcappelty, NatmalGis. 1a,0109-120100011 10 000,150,0008TU11-1 111000-180,00013TUM 13.30M 99560 BtUM Pip . . ......... Uniform. Energy Octolr Propane Gas . ... .. uju;H ,10.95 10.96 ...... ------ i 0.95 10.95 ... . . .......... . . . . . . . .............. 0- . ...... Temp RKe t. i25.B Um) GPI%4132 Lid, 10.)'Gl`M(38Ujn) 1 Q CPNV42 Um) Flow P.Me (DiMi 45'Fi25-,,C Temp Rise �18-4 5.`3 GPM' (20 1.1m) 6.S GPM (2SMod 7.8 GPIM Du L/M 7 -PM, (33 VRi) 67 T (36Q 3 A G P. M 4.3 GPW. 14.4 qP�j 5.1.0m 5 T Pit Temp Me 03 Urn) j (16 Um) j(17,U - 0 9 1-11n) (20 On) (211 Urn). j22 Linn) i Dimensions 117:3 in (W)Y,27.*lfi (H) x 11iih (Di 67lbs 1,73lbs 168 lbs 1,77 lbs 73, S 771h5 r 1� (2 a ig l<q) M kg) i 135 k9q) (33 u(35 ltg), 731hs (33 kq) IristallationType 1 IMoor.or OutdoorWall-Hung . ........... . .. .... - .......... . ....... . .. . ....................... . . ..... . 'VentimiType i Forced DWI: Direct Vent I 4nititm FJ e c t r o n i c 19 n it 1 6 n Water Pressure 05-150P51, . .... Naltual,Gas Supply Pressure ...... . . . ..... 3;5!nWC-10.5n i VIC jffr06 source.) * ** - ' Propane(.-asStipplyP'loss'ufe-*--' 8 in'ac- I 3 i I) VV C (from source) Natural Gas Manifold Pressure iz0.04 in k qC -0103 in WC - -:05 5 lo VIC 1 -0 03 hAVC- -0.116 in WC -U3 in WC - 4%jo WC Wn7fnai) 4.41) f fW11 i Oiopane(ias Madifola Piessure 70.03 ink 0.02in%1VC--0.96i0VC (min -max) -OAO in WC Minimum floi, Rite ColdWaierinletPh 'as (Ot(19 0m) obI rP M ko.04option fp r XPmodels ...� to NPT Connection Slits HotWa , ter Outlet QlOnlet 1 Al"in OPT 1 . . ................. . . . . ......... ....... 'h in NP.T .. . . . ..... . Man Supply . .... ................ . . ....... . . . . . ... . ........................... ....... 120VAC60Nz Poyier Supply Maximum Pourer 206 W (max 2 A),35­0 W,'(max4 A)eiqh external pump connet led Consumption casih Cold Rolled Caffirm Steel . . ........ ................. Materials , " Heat t. ---- - ---- - — . Wi ger: Stainless Steal awWngers I SeZoadary.HeAt fxchanger: Slaird ess 5 teil ............ ; ......... . .. . Exhaust — ... . . ......... . ....... ..... ......... . ....... 2 iii or'3 in PVC• CPVC., Apprtivecl Polyp ropj4ene and stainless stpO i 2 iwof.3hi Special Gas Vent Type.01-1 (Class 11, A(0IC) WAtIng lriktAr i 2 if 6 3'in.F1VC,CPVC A - provo Mirpropkl)e and slyinless:steel , , r , . --p - ., 2 in or 3 in,$ cla,Gai YqnlType BO p,, ! s (Class , ll,,A,:B,,C) - Vent Clearances. Ointocombustibles .. . . . . . ........ . ................ - ........... . ............... . ..... . ....... ................ .......... ; .. . ....... . . ..... . ................... . . ................ Sakty Dqico Flarneliod ASjgnition Operation Detector,WaterTch�oc-yatur6Hig�l.,iiifitSivitch., Ex1hatistTEAlperatureHigh Limit Sensor, Posner surge Fuse, Burner High limit ruse%Ient Instillation DeIettoi (VID) .... . .. . ........ ....... . ...... increase w hen tN system is Gas'- red, tan kless,.con(krisinj, wall -mounted lvd&rKedter(i)shalli be, direct vent NPE-2 Series Models as in a huf4ctured, by ffavien, M6. and are certified by CSA Iriternational t the,ldtest edition' afANSI.standard. Z21J j.jICSA 4.3, lffaterheqter(;) sholl-hove a, M(5)-yeor firniftedflept rkehatiger warranty and'5(3)ryear limited Por& warranty;(8(5)yeor Heat Exchanger and S(?)-yeor Partsfor Commercial use). -per Navien Lidtited Warranty. Unit(s) sit all be des*W to bu fh -h at urallgas dad can beforuse with propane when a Field Conversion Ki tj I s installed,: (qt th rated i put of - BTV1hr. Wqtpoieater(s) sliall be oflnirdnalflowrate capacity of- GPM16PH qt-T�rise wi vented with.2"Schedule 40190 PVCICPVq,,,nppi-ovedpolVI)ropyli,ne ends toinkss steelvent pipe ata distance notto,exceed 75'(orequivalent).with each 0bow4uol to venipipe at aWktanc'e'of 156"(orequivalent) with each elbow eilyal"ft.5'aipe length. Wa , ter hea ter(i)'Is ra , tedror 150.PS.1,wqrkipg ivaiprpreksure and'300 PSI iestprqssura..GassYpp1x pressure shall be 3,5'to 10.5"WC-for noturafgas and B.O."'to 13.0"Wi7firpropone. Unlq5),sholl-have a steel com.'dual s td infe is steel beat exchangers, e co premiked burner, negative'pressar&fl.fa valve, dual 0,6ydlfbn for the NPE-1502; L0gall0nf0rthe.NPE-180AP imodclfo.,79u!Ionsfor NPE-18OS2MOdc�t),. 1.2.gallbiisf6rthe.Ni)E2ioA21AtE--24oA2nodels(q.7,onlO.9,gallozsfoi'NPE--21OS2 and NPF24052 noddis )respective wdi�hs73,lb�(NPE-186Sj'Waighs68lbs),ctdrloVPr-21OA21NPE-24OA2i)o(elswiigli7�lbs (NFfm 2102pnd! NPE-240S2 weigh 737bs) and. The IVPE-1.5652 weigh 6214s. -Unii(s) shall 'tnciiidefeattty-els.. such as aMadjosy0fo .ner installations at p1gya4an, tqpiperature1oc1c6kt,,qnd teinjoera d leonr j'iiernafcircu , by , , it board that monitorsthe inlet and,outifit teniperaturen.with installed therinisto),.-,;,,sehsiqg and controllingflow'rate to set point temperature with air-fiidl ratiotontirbis in order to maintain thermal conibustidn eftiqnqy,Uiifp(s)sho11 include scf6tyfeawm detector. Mi . ilti-,vy.stem,(c(ik6de)'applicatioiis that.require'2'to 32 unitsshall be installed by.coinieetiag,the only condeetions (ReadyUhk). The,Wat& lwater(s)-exceeds; the dh ergjiqfiftiefto req uirdnfen t�'of,?ISHRA E 0. 1 -2010 6 ad ls1isted -by.SCAQMD ride:l 14 6.2. (ryp 6 1) for L dvY NOx'th atebinplie's with 14 ; njI1,029pprn N, ox,requillinnents @ 3 . %0.Z Navienj.4ilic. 20 Goodyear, Irvine, CA 92618 Ph:f1Mj42M420 Fax: (.049)4'L0-04SU www.NaVieninc.com