HomeMy WebLinkAbouttruss DrawingHie Ccniy A=LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read given special attention by all persons installing trusses. ASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERI BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMII IF MULTIPLE PLY. Carrying Girder For Truss to Truss Connections see hanger/connectorTDEZ heas de tabs o schedule in engineeringe nails. package. Carried Truss ---------------- SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS 12 4.00 I— upset--1/4" heel=315/16" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8' END DETAIL: TYPICAL VAULT upseY-1/4" heel=315116" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8' TYPICAL END DETAIL INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF &I ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR TRUSSES FOR THE ,R FIRST MODEL SHOULD BE SHIPPED AND SUCCESSFULLY SET BEFORE ANY MORE TRUSSES ARE BUILT FOR THAT MODEL. A ANGE WIT AR H CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREAIDER BAR OF 18 - 24v IN LENGTH A Duo not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers ,o - - ----/ ,' INDIt✓AT�� SPACING N9TE ALL TRUSSE5 ARE TO BE 5ET AT 2'-0: ON CENTER EXCEPT A5 NOTED AIR HANI�I_ER NOTE UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT, THESE TRUSSES ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR ANY OTHER A/C REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. All load bearing walls, headers, beams & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses A are installed. ®I�I�I I III I�l�l l�l l�l�l�l�lMl= �//�!l/.i/:' I'rZoIzz I, Ipoo.0,01 ear. re 111 IMF i MAN '' . 010 �/"0 _ �V0SO '` In ATA 1, ATA '7ATA INVERTED -%r WEBS AT CENTER Wig B.C. PANNEL .•. 50# POINT LOADS PIER TRUSS FOR &M ATA ATA ATA 1 PIP NP40, 00 �MI I PAP —1101 /y�� Ir ' I I //� �I04�I/ ItVZO I. VZZZIA m . ..ICI " 1=1 1M1M1�1�1�1�1�1�1®I� M 5'-4" I 1-4" GARAGE LEFT DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. CONSULT BCSI pro, � �I f I I 1 1' I -4" I -4" I 15r-10, r FABRICATION AGREEMENT' y 'Tams cannon tb sTartr®tntTa.Tws ao�r�a>+�•n a rtemntteo . Met bat deam"on areas property whom OMB Von" MO be bwtdad b; The wdaslpMad.daanMedges and SWOM f.,Trotees vN be merle In Old eccordence MOM Ob bus pbarned dlagran layer4 vrHdMbOwlobWOadgrbrdsbr **V-e"mUraMledondot6uxm. ZAI dbnerwkrMa n Ois byou hews beanvaeaed by to w dwob cL .9. tJrtsis vwlOerM raga b prvslded by arOOs� awl b CtMsrlbers Trcea MINI tss NO) days' d deMtry ft Maderalprd serves Oat no bedeclMergm vMa be seowsd..n to araiM wrOtra erollcs b IYmbtesd Casabas Tags earl how Ones M , drys In MMkh - b aeon mpdm rpldrad, ab erbaat4a oOwtalum. at Owmben opliffiv OBCSI ti ,.v teals. n IsusebuYsr �w etboer b rtrb In Job do sulwblle for peu�wipb alb b rid praparsd fx daNwy or bMeyar b not prepared tar ddwy oli btwsm. puy.rb eesporMebM b Charrbses TnW bri ssYg aab rice b alb a change 0. pros A dawn ape w a y bo d bychanges we.mads 91 . rLPL 7; b PURCHASE ORDER b Clwmbae.Tnm of Ms Win speed E4 err If i'epannaK a reasonable price. Invoke, Mr be made on delivery sod perk MWn bmu d bn ddwMry. Invoke maybe nude at adwAdsd dab be detMry O buyer anal aI delivery of bbriceted ease. The udoro%PW apses to pay cwbers.Trias facmiNd , ehonM'syh a forcaBodbmnvvwdofpwprwde. dnot&n*nol412%ermam p . quips Mvab added for d sums not peldoift bars. . L MWIOea arWtlab wMywhas an Oft duet ararf sass epasmaito d fare" fe"I $k,- n aeuldeutfon of Chrnbers Thns edandi g sad for Wills material the a dsNgnsd rapgdtloruOy tpuraldess payment MMen der of srW earl d MebbdrMssa owed b Chwnbsn Taw by.any GN recehbg r"terW and Ow raMdaralplad epees /o Pay such MdebisAwsa y dioding agalwye fees, O dell" In payment for rrrtaeli be coeds by do yes 0.I � Ou samd of MY Otlpation concerning Oft puemert, du Uw NNstud bansu der or paeaeda esbresd b fwuh the. pares epm Out t o side verses for any such .akrM will a 8eW tads Coulry, Fkrlda. N. DatP.M aapwwmaOm am par"NsftW Standard And FCOSxm riled Guidelines On . Re;porMsO>dtle. PorcerldnrakrM tbtg Metal plats Connected WoodTnwaa ANSVrPOyyrCA4-201E-' '' _ .' SiGNED r•OR ..Aapfeadwbgrm;rbefe"Wpor'EMI9 r'bpwMtkW&dattapa Mutdple ply trusses must be fastened iopetlwr per engbwe ft before they are sale failure to do so can reel tin roof colbpq& Temporary and qu permanent tracing are mbed and can saw Us end property and b the nia;Tn ibli ty of the truss erector. .. .Study the contents of the bftexmstlon paedtet Included on detivery before 59111 g tn>ds8s. Tnasesmistbesdardbtacedpardgsl�ttopreyettttjt+Y&da►raga - Tnsses trust be set plumb and square Do rioEset burls or stack of plywood, 1100I materld or any 'other cdritle bated loads on trews, fhb can exuss collapse. DO' NDT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYOUT _ -USELAYOUT DELIVERED Whit TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES CHAMBERS TRUSS INC 3105 Oleander Aiienua Fort Plerd% Florida S4A82�6423 800.561-5932 FortPlerce 712.4ti6-2012 Fax 772-48C.8711 77Z�86 3s02 ' Vero Beach 12 Stuart The Architect's or Architect's representative's shop drawing approval is NOT a "double check" of the contractor. The contractor shall remain responsible for checking field measurements and other construction criteria. Architect's approval covers general roof shape, review of truss strapping, and loading on 92-0/93-2 MITD( 4.2 structure from gravity and uplift loads and DESIGN CRITERIA their respsictive locations. County SAINT LOCI) 6--7-117 Building Department ST LUCIE001i1*1fden A.I.A. P.A. -- Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 Wind Design Method Main Wind Force Resisting Roofing Material Shingle or Shake Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L, Top Chord Live 20 Top Chord Dead 7 42 Bottom Chord Live 10 Non -Concurrent Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 TOTAL Load 37 7.2 Duration Factor 125 Wind Speed 165rmph Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by bulkier. Bottom Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Highest Mean Height 1z-W Building Type ENCLOSED Building Category II:Non Restrictive Exposure Category C Barrier Island No Conforms to FBC 2014 R.D.L=ReSIraWWW Dead toad C.B.=Contirafous Brilicing Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with -the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria is the responsibility of the Building Designer and/or Enclineer of Record. Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: M11412 W Scale: 1/4 =1' 73 total busses, 18 different trusses. MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By: 1C _d.,I U) Date:11/14/16 Revised:05110117 .FOR WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. GARAGE R I G H KIP TI CON: T CARLTON 299 -74go� PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 18 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT M 11412 ,a