HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Items To Be ReviseArchitectonic Inc
July 31, 2017
St. Lucie County
Building & Code Regulation Division
2300 Virginia Avenue,
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Re: 245 Bimini Drive
St. Lucie County FL
Permit# 1706-0382
C I ,j
AUG 0 1, 2017 ;
Please be advised that the following items are in response to plan review comments for the above referenced
project dated 7/12/2017
1. Please revise Energy Calcs form R405 as the conditioned floor area above grade does not match the plan.
-Contractor to provide
2. Please revise the Energy Calcs form R405 as the number of bedrooms does not match the plan.
— Contractor to provide
3. Please revise the Energy Calcs form R405 as the under attic states vented with R-19 while the plan states
unvented with R-20 foam insulation. — Contractor to provide .
4. Please revise the Energy Calcs form R405 as page 3 of 6 states under attic that it is vented and does not
match the plan. — Contractor to provide
5. Please revise the Energy Calcs form R405 as page 3 of 6 shows that there is a roof gable area yet no gables
are shown on the pan set elevations. — Contractor to provide
6. Please revise the Energy Caics form R405 as page 4 of 5 under doors states bedroom 4 and bath three
while they do not exist on the plan. — Contractor to provide
7. Please provide in duplicate a Manual J in addition to a duct plan duplicate showing a balanced system,
duct size, grill size, and room by room cooling CFMS per-107.2.1 of the 2014 Florida Building Code. Please
note that the information provided is for a different house with a garage. — Contractor to provide
8. All engineered plans must have an original sign/seal, as no digital or E signatures will be accepted. Please
provide signed/sealed plans in duplicate per FBC 107.2. Please note that the plan sets provided have
originals seal but the signature are copies. — See attached.
Please revise the product review affidavit to accurately depict the attachment method for the PGT
Windows NOA# 15-0519.05 or provide in duplicate the product approval and installation instructions.
— See sheet # A-1
10. Please revise the typical wall detail in plan page A-3 as it states 30# or peel and stick underlayment.
Please choose one. If using the peel and stick underlayment please revise the product review affidavit to
include the underlayment and amend the.sheathing notes on plan page A-2. —See sheet # A-3
11. Please specify the bottom chord truss bracing requirements (rat runs) per FBC R802.1.7.3. — See sheet #A-3
806 Delaware Avenue Tel: 772 460 7751 www.architectonicinc.com
Fort Pierce, Florida 34150 Fax:. 772 460 4244 FL Reg #AA26003348 1 of 2
Architectonic Inc
12. Please specify the cladding used for the 2 x 4 blocking on the column wall detail on plan page A-3. Please
include the weather barrier (x2) and type of lath to be used. - See sheet #. A-3
13. The elevations of plan page A-2 call for Hardie Plank siding while the typical wall sections on A-3 call for
stucco. Please clarify. If Cementous siding is to be used please revise the product review affidavit to
include the siding. — See sheet # A4
14.. Please revise the typical wall detail on plan page A-3 as It states 10d ring shank nails yet the elevations
state a 5/812 pitch roof where 8d ring shank nails are required per the sheathing detail on plan page A-2.
- See sheet # A-3
15: The structural notes on plan page A-1 state rebar lap splicing to be 30" while typical wall detail on plan
page A-3 lap splicing to be 25',. Please clarify. See sheet # A-3
806 Delaware Avenue Tel: 772 460 7751 WWw.architectonicinc.com,
Fort Pierce, Florida 3495G Fax: 772 460 4244 FL Reg #AA26003348 2 of 2