HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 Day Temporary Power ReleaseRiblifiX. rv, 01), t* Serv! ts .910`1* . ...... mdn c. RECEIVED :.0 ...'egiul AWN Id Div! tc irgi ma Ave, MAY 3 0 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 172-462 Fail-772-46 , - j irary PO*Werkhsasb Date: �!\%_ PrClectAddress; Qjo\Z� Permit-ROmbeA THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOP, A PERIOD NO - TTQ EXCEED THIRTY (30) I?AYS, FOR . THE PURPOSE OF;'TEStlNG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A *01-NAL. INSPECMN- IN CONSZtRA-HON OF APPROVAL OF THE REQjjESr we HEP,,,EBY ACkNOWLEbGE AND AGE At FOLLOWS. I- This teMPOMY power rddaSe is- requested for the aboV6 swwd purpose only,, and them VM be no occupancy of any type, other than that PerMibd by.WhStircliion dU6r)g this time period. 2. As witness by oor!tign2wres, we' hereby 49r0e tb abl-de bY '811 terms And conditions of this agreernerit, includifig Building DiVision Policy{ which Is lncorp6raW hi�reln by reference. 3. All conditions and re�ujrem6nts 1s;id'in thia attached d0ciument entitled "ftquirements for 36 Day Power fbr Testing' hve"beL-n fujfljled-arid the mmise is ready for compliance inspecUon. 4 All requests .for an pension beyopd 30 days -must 6e:made in writing to t1m. BUilding',Official-staling the ilmson'fbr the request. Power 'may lie re OWTrOm the site and/or.a Stop Work Order issued.Lf the FindfInsp6c5ion has riot been approved W''ith1n30days. A fee of $100.00 Will be required bo Ifft the Stop work order- VVE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS,. ST, LUCIE COUNTY AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL UABILInES AND -CLAIMS -OF ANY TYPE. OF -NATUK WHICH MAY AMSE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF TH W E S TRANSACTION, INCLUDIN *0 ANY VA*0� HIPi"MAY B. INCPR-R,'ED. RUE TO THE DISC ONNEWON OF E-EC M-CAL POOR IN THE EVENT OF VIOLA110N OF Tms AGREEMENT, DATE ti98-� 8000/3000d 086-1 999L8L8ZLL -WOdJ LL:80 K,-08-90