HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 Day Temporary power ReleaseRECEIVED ev opmen 66M.. Cft i &fin-S Wn JUN - 0 5 7018 Ve, nii 16. Av-e- F04tAik6,A'94902 Permitting Department . .. I . St. Lucie Countv 1'72-�: FBX' 772-461-64143 Date: ILL \, PetiVit 'Kember: Project Address; THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPMTY, FOR A. PERIOD. NOT TQ EXCEED 7KIRTY (30) -DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OFTESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARMON FOR A EML.-INSPECRON. IN CONSiDtRAMON OF APPROVAL OF THE REQd� WE' HMV ACOIOWLEbtE ANO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. his temporary Power rel4m is rL�quesbed for the aboVe stated purpok only, and there w4l be no occupancy of any type, other than that permitted by coki$trucdon during this time period. 2. As witness by our signMres, wehereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreemerit, including Building Division Policy, which is incorporated h&6in by reference. 3. All conditions and retluftw4nts. listed istW in the attached document antffled "Requirements for 30 Day Power for Tetting" hve'been fulfliled"afid the premise is ready for complian6a inspection. 4- All'reqvesU for an exl:ension Ueyond 30 days -must be made in writing to the Building *Official -stating the*rea$orffbrth6*,uwt power may be remoVadfrdm the site and1bra Stop Work:Oideri=ed-ff the Fridl DWection has not been -approved Within 30 days. A fee of $100.00 Will be reqbired to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HRKLPS, 97. LUCIE GOUN_r?, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIWUTIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE: OF*.N'ATUR'8 WHICH MAY AKSE NOW OR IN'7HE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION, IN(;LUf >* A -NY DARAOE.WHICW-MAY BE INCUR RED DUE TO THE D1$C0NNZCWN OF'ELECFRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF �OiATtO�i OF THIS AGRUMENT. MAIM 90ti-A Low/ L000d 9 Lo-i 999L8LRLL -WML0:8L 8L,-90-90