HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 Day Temporary Power Releasee obvieop m,a tg rvices fii'Ave 46-24161-�i FOX 771-:461-6443 1 eqa es .. ry dwe A 'fbe.3'0*-'t�Y,'a.-y'.,t.,"e"".m-"Por-a 'P" r.R ease Date: Penik "Nf1rnbe'.\_n � ('0 Pr*d Address: \\- THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCPJ13ED PROPERTY, FOP, A. PERIOD NOT TQ lEXCeLD 7HIRTY (30) OAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF' ANb EQUIPMENT iN'PREPAR TESTING SYSTEMS ., m-ON FOR A FINAL. INSPEMON. 'IN CONSWERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE' HEREBY ACKWOWLWGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS - I, This ternPOMY Power release is requested for the above slzted purpose only, and 'Mere will be no 0cx42nCV Of. any We, other than that permittad by constucdon during this time peded. 2. As Witness. by our signakims, we heroby agree th abide by -all terms and -conditions of thfg agreemerit, Includifig Building Divisioh Pblicy, which is Incorporated herein by reference, 3. AH conditions and requiremtnts fisted In the attached document entided'"Requlmments -fbr 30 Day Power for TtsUng'7hay.e'beonfulfliled'acid the premise is ready for compliance inspection. 4. All nKueft for, an extension deyo . ' ryd 30 days -muSt be:made in wilting to the Bifficring'10Mciall -stating thereatorffbrthe reepM -PoWermaybe• reinovedftm the site and/bra Stop work,-Orderl=ed If thEi Final Inspecti6n has not Been -approved vftin 30 days. A fee of $100.00 will be n-Abired to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS ST. WC7E COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILMES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE� WHICH MAY APJSE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF TH1S tkANSACTI0N, IKLU. .- D10 . AN . 4 - Y VAKAGE WHICH 'MB AY E INCURAED IDUE TO THE wcomwrm OF *ELECMCAL POWER Hq THE EVENT OF VIOLA-aoN OF THIS A4RMvANT. DATE DATE FEB 113 2018 L8t-J W00/9000d 89ti-1 999L8L8ZLL -WOdJ LZ"-SL 8L,-CL-W