HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter- Response To Comments18602 Mach One Drive CGC1519229 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34987-3234 craig.helseth(a�yahoo.com Ph/Fax (772) 464-8425 Cell (772) 216-1310 www.CraigHelsethConstruction.com CRAIG HELSETH CONSTRUCTION, INC. June 26, 2017 St. Lucie County Building Dept. Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: 10618 Pine Needle Drive, Ft. Pierce 34945 Permit #1706-0390 R E JuN 2 7 zotr BY: Please be advised that the following items are in response to plan review comments for the above referenced project dated 6/20/2017. 1) Description of kitchen/porch door infill. Bottom of page A-1 2) Detail of floor cutting. Bottom of page A-1. 3) Relocating door between laundry room/garage will be deleted from scope at this time. It might be added later as a revision, as we need to get job started due to a completion dead line. 4) See #3 5) Plumbina — Lindquist Plumbing Scope: Move location of sink and dishwasher from existing peninsula cabinet to new island. Saw cut slab (as shown) and run plumbing from existing (tying in outside of footer and running to island. Cap off existing for washer and move upstairs to former office on west wall. Master shower is enlarged and drain moves to the center, mixing valves move to wall by bathroom entrance door. Lavatories are moved to center in wall since whirlpool tub was removed. HVAC — Snyder Cooling and Heating Scope: Move ducts up from tray ceiling in Family Room and soffit in Kitchen to in between floor joist system. Relocate A/C vent in pantry as it changes in shape. Electric — S&W Electric Scope: Relocate outlets for refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, microwave, washer and dryer. Install receptacles on new island, master vanity and laundry room (former office). Add recessed can light in living room by fireplace, (2) pendants on island and (1) can, (2) cans in kitchen. Move can light in shower to center it and replace lights in Family Room with recessed cans. Respectfully, Craig S. Helseth-Pres. Craig Helseth Construction, Inc. r .J��ttifiLfi �arz - Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL. 34982 Phone:(772)462.2172 Fax:(772)462-6443 PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: 10618 Pine Needle Dr City I State / Zip: Fort Pierce, FI 34945 Parcel M 2321-802-0007-000/3 REVIEW COMMENTS Owner(s): Leslie Crippen Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 1 Zoning: AG-2.5 Lot#: 5 Block: APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 1706-0390 Stories: Automatic Sprinkler System? No Permit Type: BUILDING RESIDENTIAL RENOVATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: Craig Helseth Fax Number: 772-464-8425 Business Name: Craig Helseth Construction, Inc Business Addr: 18602 Mach One Dr Email: Craig.Helseth@Yahoo. Corn City / State / Zip: Fort Pierce, FI 34987-3234 1;��0r�T ��Ltr►`IZdel�►i51�'i�7 Review Type Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released DOCUMENTS MISSING PENDING Angela Huff 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Comment: RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE Angela Huff 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 611912017 Comment: PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW PENDING William Durden Comment: COULD NOT COMPLETE MY REVIEW DUE TO THE SUBMITTED SET OF PLANS ARE NOT CLEARLY LEGIBLE, DEFINED, OR CLOUDED. PLEASE SEE CHAPTER 1 SECTION (A] 107.2.1 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING 6/20/2017 CODE. DOCUMENTS SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT CLARITY TO INDICATE THE LOCATION, NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE WORK PROPOSED AND SHOW IN DETAIL THAT IT WILL CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. 6/20/2017 Comment: PLEASE SHOW A CUT DETAIL FOR THE CUT FLOOR REPAIRS. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. Comment: PLEASE CLARIFY DETAIL FOR DOOR HEADER IN GARAGE LOCATION ON THE DRAWINGS. NO DETAIL 6/20/2017 SHOWN FOR CONCRETE HEADER, CMU, OR LINTEL. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 6/20/2017 Comment: PLEASE CLARIFY IF RELOCATING THE DOOR IN THE GARAGE. IF SO NO DETAIL FOR THE STEPS RELOCATION. 6/20/2017 Comment: PLEASE SUBMIT A DETAILED LIST OF TRADES AND COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORK BEING PERFORMED FOR EACH. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. Comment: - PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMMENTS ARE FOR THE CLARIFICATION OR CORRECTION OF THE 6/2012017 SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS. ADDITIONAL REVIEW MAY BE REQUIRED AFTER SUBMITTING CORRECTED DOCUMENTS. Planning & Development Sditfices REVIEW -COMMENT Building 8 Code Regulation.Division JUN Z 7 2017 �i 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce; FL. ,34982 Phone:(772)462-2172 Fax:(M)462.6443 ; _ Pade 1 PROPERTY INFORMATI Address: 10618 Pine Needle Dr City / State / Zip: Fort Pierce, FI 34945 Parcel #: 2321-802-0007-000/3 Zoning: AG-2.5 O Owner(s): Leslie Crippen Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY o Lot#: 5 Block: APPLICATION INFORMATION ° Permit Number: 1706-0390 Stories: Permit Type: BUILDING RESIDENTIAL RENOVATION CONTRACTOR /NFORMATION Contractor Name: Craig Helseth Business Name: Craig Helseth Construction, Inc Business Addr: 18602 Mach One Dr City / State / ZIP: Fort Pierce, FI 34987-3234 REVIEWS AND COMMENTS DOCUMENTS MISSING PENDING Angela Huff 6/19/2017 Comment: RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE Angela Huff Comment: Automatic Sprinkler System? No Fax Number: 772-464-8425 Date Started 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Email: Craig. Helseth @Yahoo.Com 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW PENDING William Durden Comment: COULD NOT COMPLETE MY REVIEW DUE TO THE SUBMITTED SET OF PLANS ARE NOT CLEARLY LEGIBLE, DEFINED, OR CLOUDED. PLEASE SEE CHAPTER 1 SECTION [A] 107.2.1 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING 6/20/2017 CODE. DOCUMENTS SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT.CLARITY TO INDICATE THE LOCATION, NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE WORK PROPOSED AND SHOW IN DETAIL THAT IT WILL CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. 6/20/2011 Comment: PLEASE SHOW A CUT DETAIL FOR THE CUT FLOOR REPAIRS. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. Comment: PLEASE CLARIFY DETAIL FOR DOOR HEADER IN GARAGE LOCATION ON THE DRAWINGS. NO DETAIL 6/20/2017 SHOWN FOR CONCRETE HEADER, CMU, OR LINTEL. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 6/20/2017 Comment: PLEASE CLARIFY IF RELOCATING THE DOOR IN THE GARAGE. IF SO NO DETAIL FOR THE STEPS RELOCATION. 6/20/2017 Comment: PLEASE SUBMIT A DETAILED LIST OF TRADES AND COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORK BEING PERFORMED FOR EACH. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. Comment: • PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMMENTS ARE FOR THE CLARIFICATION OR CORRECTION OF THE 6/20/2017 SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS. ADDITIONAL REVIEW MAY BE REQUIRED AFTER SUBMITTING CORRECTED DOCUMENTS.