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6603 Pensacola Rd NOC
NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Tax Folio No. / State of Florida County of St. Lucie The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real e rty the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. prop, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, Legal�a n ao P i (?.d street address if available): General description of improvement: REROOF SHINGLE TO METAL Owner information or lessee formation •rf, the Lessee contra � Name n Address 6f()� ho.,� _i_ ctedfortheim ovement: Interest in pro e w A'A'Sk tea .i4951 Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if different from own er listed above): Contractor's Name: MlChael Blue Contractor Addr.«- . �.. KOOfina inn Surety (if applicable a Phone Number: _ Name and copy of the payment bond is attached): )Amount of bond: $ Lender Name: Phone number: Lender's address: Phone Number. Persons within the State of Florida designated bygwner 7�(1) (a)7•, Florida Statutes:upon whom Name: notices or other documents Address: maY be served as Phone Number: provided by Se In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates ------- LienOr's Notice as provided in Section 717 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Phone number of person or entity~� aP designated by owner. to receive Z 0 T m 3 mMFa- 0 . rn �O* rm d�oCrr- Zs�anm orn� tn6N[) �DN)C:r, CD rn M N N � _w m A fn O T o°-0 a a � z c n � a coPl Expiration date of notice of commencement: (the expiration date contractor, but will be 1 yearfrom the date of recordingunless may not be before the completion of co WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY 7HE OWNER A TER different date is specified) constr uction and final payment to the IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART I, SECTION 713.13, STATUTOF ES, AN IMPROPER PATS TO YOUR PROPERTY. R NOTICE T I COMMENCEMENTTHE FLORIDARIDAEXPISTATUTES, ESTHE NOTICE OF COM INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND O OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR T BE R OR q MENCE3 SITEENT E CO MUST BE D CAN RESULT IN YOUR p CONSIDERED RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. RECORDED AND POD ON THE tOB PAYING TWICE FOR N ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENC4TEIygE�� THE FIRST Under penalty ofperjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the WORK OR my knowledge and belief. facts stated therein are true to l the best of (Sign�OfOwnernrlo±�:,or Owner's or Lessee's Authorized Officer/Director/partner/Manager (Signatory's Title/Office) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foreg 'ng I Strome t $acknowledged before me by means of �ysical presence or 0 online notarization this 2©�,by - 'i �: IL who is personally known tome or has produ ay of h-ARu ,... VERR n. COMMISSION # GG 987109 o- EXPI RES: June 7, 2p24 ' F ... • Bonded Thru NQi8ryPublic Mode ' rWn(@ni