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Manufactured Home Installation Specs
k d 00 nufactured Home Installation Specifications (Must be completed and submitted with your application) Applicant Address Zze _? /f% l� Permit # OCT 2 0 20%, PER!'l11TTili1C S/�� / � e St. Lucie Co«nty, 1=L Manufacturers Name 1 Roof Zone Wind Zone 3 No. of Sections f Width l y Length I / Year2O Serial # 0 Installation Standard Used (check) Manufacturers Manual 6 15C-1 66 Site Preparation Debris and Organic Removal Water Drainage: Natural _ Swale Pad , Other Foundation Load bearing soil density Or assumed 1,000 psf 0 Footing type: Poured in place Portable V �`` Mainrail frame block: Size Placement o.c. Perimeter blocking: Size Number Location 5� Ridge beam support: Number Size Location Center line blocking: Number Size Location Special supports required (fireplace bay window) Yes No Mating of Units: Mating gasket Type used Fasteners: Roof Type Spacing ..c. Endwall Type Spacing O.C. Floors Type Spacing o.c. Anchors: Type 6,000 3,150 Height of Unit (top of foundation to frame): Angle of straps Yr _ O Number of frame ties Spacing O.C. Number of over -roof ties (if required) / Number of sidewall anchors Zone II Zone III ✓/ Number of centerline anchors �- Number of stabilizers Vents required for underpinning (Isf/150 sf floor area): No. Prepared by: Z_ Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Page # Date: /a —11 Ie cn Ju of 1-71 MODEL GITY &'RV SALES, LL - = 6061 Hamilton Drive F i Myers, 'FL 33905 (239) 690-1645 Far..(239) 690-0403 I?UYERStS) l°1QP ��� co-e Cam: �'4�.Y'�L� T''Fr:iem._._�__-----•--... ADP��P�SS e- to d SALESF=RSON ':LIC. r i P-S. ?HMI- IBUS. PHONE Dh7= YE kF:E —rd 0 DE L --. .. .-------- --- ---r-aR3YIz:.,T SCCt 0 4S'S PIO E SERIAL -AR 3aOSJ MODEL � NU�cw�R � ' Vc'HII..L� b� i _ _� �. _._..... _—.._—.........._. ' yA rt = q r 'COLOR 'SERIAL PROPOSED GDO1.R_I=? � �! IE l+ t� ��, U S _: D :140 BER DE . lot rR=kDING INSURANCE AGAINST LIABILI T Y FOR BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY € € T L E APPLICATiON NFOR aATlON . .. --- ._..._ .. _,_.... __.....—.... DAMAGETO OTHERS HERS IS NOT INCLUDED iN THIS } RANSAC T 0N. 1 a . , ?}NCiPALBUYEF C07SL11'ER ... ..... ..... — _ ... _....... _._...._.— OPTIDINt L EQUIPMENT, LABOR & ACCESSORIES fiJ / V_ _ DATE 0 -SIP-P-1 rJRiicR J LiC SOCIAL SEC --- BASE PRICE OF'LINI T OPTIONAL IONAL EQUIPMENT SUB - TOTAL 'L� NAG/TITLEa��e .: _...-- .�._.. DELIVERY FEE 59500 ADMINISTRATION FEE 285 00 f I T IE DOWN PERMIT _ ! SALtS I AX (1f Siaie Requimd)41r ' CASH PURCHASE PRICE TRADE-IN ALLOINFANCE i N s; ALL9&dANCE CASE! DO'v%'N PAYNI=h� CASH AS AGREE) —LESS TOTALCRED! T S SUB -TOTAL I — NON- I kX.ABLE ITEMS VARIOUS FEES & INSURANCE _.—. r1�pLalnt; SALES I AX (ff Ai includedAbove) t UmpAw SZLLANC= OF CASH SALE- Pmr-L — — — isguidatea 3a;n2geS are agreed to be ID"io of the cash price, whichever is greater. RE^EP. TO PARAGRAPH c8-ON' HE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS CONTRACT. !o IT IS trill 3 JALLy UXDERSTOOD I }-}AT TH}S AO:RE_�-UEN`I 16 SUSJEC i TO N`cCESSSARY'CORRFni ONS L AWLISTMENTS CONCERNING HANGES • '' •— IN Nc II PAYOFF ON TRAtDE-IN . 0 6E 41ADEAT THE TRAE OF S2 i I L_A --NT. Nasssi<E SE�tA rs'v —U .f_�_ r_Dlrs T D=aler& uvarCBS"?'ii)r$hattheadditional terms & conditions —.—---_-_-- printed on the back of this contract are agreed to as part of cpi I SERA-1 __f �/ !� 25 --'ill:-. NU143` i 1_I� Y4� _._m__ this 3reernenf, ihr same as If prints) abase ih=_ signature. a:. ouwTTo.imc- 7 � : --_ Buyer is purchasing the above descriibed Unk the optional _......----..__....-__-._. .....__-....._ . _ ._....�_....—....__.___ equipment and accessories; that Buyer's trade-in is fret, TFtAD INr DEBT TO 8= PAID BYDEALERS 3UN'ER iT am 'all claims whatsoever. except as noted. THIS AGRE- .1PEW CO :TARZ THE ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING BETeV.-" 4111E DEALEP AND aUYERIS} AND NO GTHEa REPREBENTARON OR hNDUCE4iF-1111, VERBAL OR? LYPM R, HASZEEN MADEMCH IS NOT C014TANED IN THIS. COMRACT. EUYER(Si.iCK6:0,1Y.=DGE R_CEIFT OF A COPYOF°i'HMORDSR AND THAT BUYER(SI HAVE P.EAD AND UNDERSTAND THE 3A-K.OF THIS AGREEMENT. ros''ti 9a P :1e County, K : _ _ _! OF PL.AT^ORIA STEPS UP TO SIX (6) IAONT-4JS F: 'EE. SIX (6) M01\ T }-}S, MUST PUPCHA} SE STEPS. BALANCE GARRIE6 TO OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT PARK MODEL CITY Y & RV SALES, LLC a_NE EP .. J:a: Vaal U4 1_`Si Sim & A=c pir3 oyaa 0h=er of 0:e Co.^awT A FLOR1bA LINE, PARK TRA.LER The undersigned manufacturer hereby certifies that the new Manufactured Home described below, the property -of said manufacturer, has`been transferred this 16TH day Of OCTOBER 2015 3, an Invoice Na- 531814 to PARK :MODEL CITY & RV SALES LLC whose address is DRIVE FT. MYEAS, FLORIDA 33905 Trade Name of MAKE_ HOME - Series:or Park Trailer iPALM BAY PREMIER ;Model Name '2Z10-B Sq. Feet 458 Model Year 2016 Unit Type ' PARK TRAILER.RV IN .'_.�40 Length 39' ft loci. hitch..;. Serial No. BA61-0342-1 No. Wheels 35' Width Shipping VIN No. BA61-.Q342-1 Weight 16,479 Date of :manufacture: OCTOBER n: 2815 MONTH YEAR '. Othetpata: This park trailer was manufactured in accordancewith the Department of !-lousing and Urban;,. Development Standark xx)(Xx_ or ANSI standard A1L.5 Said',manufacturer hereby certifies that this written instrument corsitutes the first-conveyance.of said vehicle after its manufacture and that the manufacturer's serial nurnbe'isetforth above has not been and will not be used by the manufacturer on any+other vehicle manufactured by said manufacturer, and that there are no other manufacturer's certificates issued by the man ufactuferfoFthe vehicle described above. SKYLINEMOMETCE CORPORAT-1019 P. O. BOX 2648, OCALA, FL 34478 s 8 ft excl. hitch 13'08" By. /ACT= „ DIVISION MANAGER ���' r,im- P OCT 2 0 vd� PERMAITTiNG St. Lucie County, FL is to vis/o9 STEP 2. DESIGN FRAME SUPPORTS (homes Without Pe- rimeter Blacking) DETERMINE LOCATIONS All homes require regularly spaced supports along all main frame I -beams. Select spacing between supports and sketch them on the support plan. Keep in mind that frame supports under homes with 8" deep I -beams may be no more than eight feet apart. Those under homes with 10" or 12" deep I -beams may be no more than 10 feet apart. Generally, greater distances between supports will require larger footings. Figure 10 shows typical frame support locations. nbers il Wall Piers rs Door Piers CALCULATE LOADS Use Table 6 to determine the loads on frame supports. Find the column with the ap- propriate roof load zone and section width. Find the row corresponding to the selected support spacing. The number in the intersecting cell is the load. Loads on all frame supports can be assumed to be equal if support spacing is equal. However, if different support spacings are used then each support with a different spacing should be calculated separately. Note the location and load required of each support on the sketch. TABLE 6. LOAD ON FRAME SUPPORTS FOR HOMES NOT REQUIRING PERIMETER 1 rzlzd Spacing frame supports. There must be a support located near the end of each I-beam such that there is no more than 12 inches of beam past the edge of the support. Figure 10. Typical support locations for homes not re- quiring regularly spaced pe- rimeter supports R OCT ? 0 St. Lucie C .�sn j, -L Cy1S i ERA. j PE19600312 _ j 9 ' STATE OF it Jeffrey T. Leaaufl 20Q9.01.09 1126:11 - " osW BLOCKING S, is • � �� ii3 ii`:l;�:L� •fi �7��ililT �����N7L7 I�fT�Tl-71lt1LS �p FL13� � & t L k • 00Corporation •s F�o PFS certifies this document is current as .. 0• 21 a is to STEP 3. DESIGN FRAME AND PERIMETER SUPPORTS (Homes With Perimeter Blocking) DETERMINE LOCATIONS Depending on design and location, some homes require regularly spaced perimeter supports along all of the sidewalls and marriage walls in addition to frame supports. This will be indicated on the data plate and/or documents included with the home. If required, perimeter supports are only needed on bearing walls. Bearing walls are those walls that support the ends of roof trusses or rafters (typically sidewalls and mar- riage walls but not end walls of main units or sidewalls of tag units). To minimize the number of required perimeter supports, space them evenly between point load supports as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 (but not under spans). These figures identify typical support locations for homes requiring perimeter supports. nbers rs Wall Piers 's Door Piers supports saes tor support saeo for sae. ror saes ror Span C Span B Span A+B Span A CALCULATE LOADS Use Table 7 to determine the loads on frame and perimeter supports for homes requir- ing perimeter blocking. Find the column with the appropriate roof load (Table 3) and section width. Find the group of rows corresponding to the selected support spacing. The values in the intersecting cells are the loads for the frame, perimeter, and marriage line supports respectively. 1/15/09 V&**IVZZA Spacing frame supports. There must be a support located near the end of each I-beam such that there is no more than 12 inches of beam past the edge of the support. Figure 11. Typical support locations for homes requiring perimeter supports Figure 12. Typical marriage line support locations for homes requiring perimeter supports Skyline Corporation (4-48 PG. 1) 11,12 . 2 22 PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-15-09. 1LE may have stabilizer plate requirements. Install anchors with stabilizer plates as follows: 1. Locate anchor. Select a location for the anchor under the home but within six inches of the exterior wall (Figure 74). Aviod locations that will interfere with skirting. 15 Stabilizer plate 2. Install anchor. To assure that the anchor attachment point will end up at the stabilizer plate, start the anchor insertion approximately 12 inches back from from the desired location if using a 48 inch long anchor, or approximately 16 inches if using a 60 inch long anchor. Install the anchor at about 15 degrees off vertical, with the head tilted away from the home. Install the anchor to a depth of approximately one half its length. 3. Drive stabilizer plate. Drive the stabilizer plate into the ground to its full depth at the point determined in Step 1. 4. Complete anchor installation. Screw the anchor the rest of the way into the ground. The finished anchor must be installed to its full depth. VERTICAL ANCHORS To install vertical anchors, screw the anchor into the ground directly under the strap at- tachment point on the home until the bottom of the anchor head is flush with the ground or no more than one inch above grade. STEP 5. INSTALL STRAPS Follow the insUvdions below to connect straps from the home to sidewall frame, end wall frame and vertical anchor_ Always protect straps at sharp comers including around I -beams with radius clips or other methods (Figure 75). Radius clips may be fabricated from 26ga (min) by 1 %-inch wide galvanized steel strap formed to fit around comer. Longitudal Bracket cV Pmted Top and Bottom of BeamH I -Beam Strap is Wrapped Around Beamiz i `9 2009 9:22 AM Skyline Corporation (4-48 PG. 1) CA4P;i%PNa onforms to Hun M FCSS L15/09 Figure 74. Determining an- chor and stabilizer plate lo- cation Soil depression. Do not locate anchor heads in soil depressions where water may pool. Figure 75. Radius clips 73 PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-08. to ,2 V15/09 TABLE 24. ANCHOR SYSTEM MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS ofKzmc on�steel of<notiessttian 0�0 Qz�per�sgirdf�s�ce�coa�ted � ��M �Fx§ z* �„�,�,�p^* A , , Straps must be minimum 1-114' x 0.035' zinc -coated (0.30 oz per sq ft) steel strapping conforming to ASTM D3953-97, Type 1, Grade 1, Finish B with a minimum allowable working load capacity of 3,150 Ibs and a minimum ultimate load of 4,725 lbs. Slit or cut edges of zinc -coated strapping do not need to be zinc coated. STEP 4. INSTALL ANCHORS Before beginning anchor installation, check for obstructions under the home such as piers and frame members that may interfere with the tie down strapping. Check with util- ity companies to determine the location of underground utilities, such as electrical and phone lines, and water, sewer, and gas pipes that may be buried in potential anchor lo- cations. Also check for homeowner -installed wires and pipes, such as those connecting exterior lighting or sheds to the home. These must also be avoided. FRAME ANCHORS Frame anchors can be installed in two ways, in -line and against a stabilizer plate. The two methods are discussed below: In -Line Configuration The in -line configuration (Figure 72) for homes can be used in Wind Zone I only. Typi- cally, in -line anchors are used under high homes where the anchors can be installed from under the home after the home is set. In -line anchors can also be installed before the home is set, however, precisely aligning the anchor with the home both vertically and horizontally is difficult. Using swivel connectors for the strap to beam connection can provide some horizontal flexibility. To install in -line frame anchors, drive the anchor into the ground at an angle and location such that a straight line can be drawn from the tip of the anchor through the anchor head and to the connection point on the I-beam (Figure 73). GML Stab Stabilizer Plate Configuration Stabilizer plate configurations (Figure 73) are suitable for homes in all wind zones. An- chors may be installed after the home is set. A stabilizer device, typically an ABS or metal plate, is used to prevent the top of the anchor from slicing through the soil when the load is applied. Stabilizer plates are available in a variety, of widths. Choose the wid- est plate that can be driven into the soil to maximize resistance to movement. The LAHJ ration (4-48 PG. 1) Grading area around anchors. Anchor heads should not rest in sunken spots. Grade the ground so that water does not collect around anchor heads, but runs away from the anchor and out from under the home. Do not bury anchor heads. Figure 72. In -line anchor configuration Figure 73. Stabilizer plate configuration 1/912009 9:22 AM PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. onforms to M MHCSS 3/19109 STEP 2. DETERMINE TIE -DOWN CONFIGURATION There are two primary tie -down configurations: the near beam and the far beam meth- ods. Skyline Corporation use the near beam method for all Wind Zone I applications. The near beam method is also used at Wind Zones II and Ill, except when a unit has a 5 in 12 roof pitch, and then the far beam method is used. The two methods are described below: • Near Beam Method. Connect an anchor strap from the anchor head to the beam closest to the anchor. (Figure 71). In addition for Wind Zones II and II, connect a vertical sidewall strap from the sidewall of the home to the anchor head using a double -headed anchor. Far Beam Method. Connect an anchor strap from the anchor head to the out- side beam. (Figure 71). In addition for Wind Zones II and II, connect a vertical sidewall strap from the sidewall of the home to the anchor head using a double - headed anchor. The far beam method is only required for double wide units at Wind Zone II or III with a 5/12 roof pitch. Sidewall Vertical Tie -down (Wind Zone II or III). I -Beam I�Far I -Beam Level Near Beam sidewall frame tie -down Strap Angle - 30 to 60 degrees 'Far Beam sidewall frame tie -down (5112 Roof pitch units at Wind Zone II or III). Ground Anchor STEP 3. SELECT ANCHORS Use the torque probe results from Prepare the Site, STEP 5. DETERMINE SOIL - BEARING CAPACITY AND FROST LINE (p. 15) and the anchor manufacturer instruc- tions; select the type and length of anchor to use. The installed ground anchor size (length) must be listed (i.e. approved) for the soil class. ktake sure the anchor is of sufficient length such that the top of the helix is below the frost fine. Select a shaft diameter sufficient to resist excessive torsion, "ring -off" (when the helix or anchor head separates from shaft) or shaft splitting. Consult the anchor sup- plier for guidance. Review all of STEP 3. INSTALL ANCHORS (p. 71) and STEP 4. INSTALL STRAPS (p. 72) before making final anchor selections to determine when single -headed vs. double - headed anchors should be used. Follow the specifications in Table 30 when selecting stabilizing system components. Figure 71. Lateral tie -down configurations i 3/18/2009 1:30:55 Phi Skyline Corporation (4-48 PG. 1 ) 71 PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. informs to m MRCS! 1/15/09 TABLE ZZ. WIND ZONE III 51ULWALL I-KAMt ANGHUK MA lrbgUM SrAllNU Height fro-.. ground to I. ..- strap at- �. ■. - 25:to48. ... .. . - ;N.A. .. SYtTtltt�CgG%� 48" to 67' - NA ..``NA?p396C{J3i2 - 25' to 48" - NA = _ 48 ao 67 Up to 20 - - ��aNA 4-0 b STATE OF 4 i9Oc� c� NAi •re than 48" to 67" - NA t to .Up_to 25. `_ _ , : NA r, 2009 01'0- .. _ 25" to 48" - NA r ti 11:23 46-05'00' Up to 25" 4'-0" 4'-0" - 4'-0' -4'-0' FoUp '25"to48"':' ':NA - .NA .� ... - 48" to 67" N.A. N.A. - 4'-0" ::Uplo'25"... :NA. .. -NA.-, ., . :. -_ _ 4'-0- , 25' to 48" N.A. NA - 4'-0- More than / W-Ito,67_ _ NA. .'NA-, - 4'-0" Up to 25" - 4'-0" 4'-0' - 4'-0' . 25'1o48" ,N.A. ' ,N.A.Mora than 48" to 67" N.A. N.A. - 4'-0' • 25'. NA: ,•t .�:UP.to :`. .. 25" to 4B' N.A. N.A. - 4'-0" 48",to 67 N:A ^ N A - 4-0" Up to 25" 4'-0" 4'-0' - 4'-0" .26.4D48-., N:P0. ,. NA _ - 4'-0" 48" to 67' N.A. NA - 4'-0" -'.'Upto.25^... .. 4'-0" .:4'70, ._ - 4'-0' 25' to 48" N.A. NA - 4'-0' .48',to67- NA. :NA - 4'-0- • Up to 25' 4'-0' 4'-0" - 4'-0' :25%D 48' NA DNA: - 4'-0' Morelhan 48" to 67 N.A. NA - 4'-0' :Up.to 25' 4'-0' 4=-0"- - 4'-0' 6' • 9 25" to 48" N.A. N.A. - 4'-0" .. .48".to' 6 - 'N.A. .'ftA. _ 4'-0' Up to 25' 4'-0' 4'-0' - 4'-0- 25'to 48' 4'-0" 4'4" -Up 4-0' 48" to 67 N.A. NA - 4'-0" • Up to 25' 4'-0' 4'-0" - 4'-0- 25' to 48' NA NA - 4'-0' 48":to.67 NA 'NA - 4'-0' Up to 25' 4'-0" 4'-0" - 4'-0' 15 :25"-to48", NA ;N.A. - 4'-0' YDrq than' 48" to 67' NA N.A. - 4'-T 25' to 48' NA NA - 4'-0" 48`to:6r _ N.A. .. �N A .:. ; _ - 4'-T /91/2009 9:22 AM Skyline Corporation (4-48 PG. 1) 69 PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. a is to 68 1/15109 Skviine Corporation (4-48 PG. 1 ) 1/9/2009 9:22 AM PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. HUD MHl 1/15/09 TABLE 20. WIND ZONE I SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR,MAXIMUM SPACING Up to 25' 2s to48 e o ., ���Q'�YtTItL�G�,. 48' to 6' -. 8 -0'— Up PE196013312 25" to 46' _ g -0" _ STATE OF Up to 25 25'to4a -:,.' 7-0 7-0 •' . N � �O'a�''............. DIAP:��e��`� �46 -...- .-'.` 7-0... .. SIONALS�t,�`� to 67" ���++ltntittttU�` — n + f JeffireyT.'tegault 2009.01 Afl ti 1124:12 -05'00' r o• , Up to 25" 10 9 11'-3' T-6" 6'-0' Up`to-25" ;. g_3" 8 9' ,,.>, ar.-9. 25" to 48" T-6" 8'-0' 5-0' 4'-6" ;�48to67",. - 7_6•-.:. : 8_0", -.._ :: ,5:-0• q,-0^ Up to 25" 9'-0" W-o" T-0• T-0' ... 35'.to 48". ., 6'-9"_ T-3" _ 6'-0- 4•-3" 48" to 67" 6'-9" 7'-3" F-0" 4'-3- .�Up{ 25"., .: �; "=.T-6^ - �`-. .T-9." .5'r3' .q-9 25'to*48' 6'-9' 7'-3" 5'-0' 4'-3' .148.to:6T✓. ;.,; 6 9 =, 7_3 rT"-0" ..: q,_3. Up to 25" 11'-9" 13'-9" B'-3" T-3" 48" to 67" T-9" B'-3" 5'-0" 4'-3- s"-'Upto`25" 1i<6:•, ; 'r'...;. 12=5" "• .T6". g+s"- 25" to 48' T-9" B'-3" 5'-0" 4'-3" :`....48-b.67"..,, ,.. T_9..,.. 8';3" 'F-O" 4,-3" Up to 25' 9'-3' 12'-3" ..9-0" T-9' 6'-9- - `25"'to48" .8-6. S-9' 5-0. 48" to 67" T-0' T-3" 4'-9' 4'-0' :UpIo25".. '1;0'=6' -. :11"-0" T-0" 6-0' 25" to 48' 7'1" T-6" 4'-9: 4'-0' �.,. ..48"-1o"6T T 74^ :. -. .. .7,.3: d 4,-V Up to 25" 11'-9' 14'-0' 6'-3- T-0' .�25''to48" 1.1'-0" - '1TV 9-9" 5'-9- 46" to 67' 9'-0' 10'-0' 5'-6' 4'-9' Up to25- 13'-V 1d'-0' G-0• T-0" 25' to 48' 10'-0' 11'-0' 6'-0' F-3' . A" to 67" :g'-0" _ ,8'�9" 5-0' 4•-3• Up to 25" 9'-3' 13'-0" T-9" 6'-9' ' "25'.to 48'-. - 29'-3" 10,-9 , 66" ,5.-6' 48" to 67' 8'-3" 9'-0' 5'-3" 4'-0' ..:Upto25" 1:1'-9" - 13�-W _. .. T-r 25" to 48' 9 -0' 9' 9" 5-6, 6-0' ... 48" to67-_ 7-0" :,. .T-9' d'=S-:. 4'-0" 1 /912009 9:22 AM— —...--._ - Sicyiin CCorporation (4-48 PG. 1) -- ---- 67 PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. is to Marriage Line Key: Q • -Anchor Head Strap ®� Vertical Tie -down Frame Tie -down wall vertical fie -down. ---- ----------------- Q ® ---------------- Extend strap to far I -Beam `^ / for Doublewide units with 5/12 Roof pitch Endwall Tie -downs Sidewall vertical tie -down. Line SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS Use Tables 20, 21, and 22 to determine the spacing between anchors for Wind Zones I, Il, and III, respectively. Spacing requirements will vary depending on the type of home (single or multi -section), the slope of the roof, the width of the floor for each section, the sidewall height, I-beam spacing, and the height from the ground to the strap attachment point. Determine the values for the home. Using the table for the appropriate wind zone, determine the column and row that corresponds to the characteristics of the home. The value on the tables is the maximum distance between anchors. Keep in mind that side - wall frame tie -downs must be located no more than two feet from each end wall. 1/15109 Figure 69. Typical anchor' locations for a double - section home in Wind Zone I Figure 70. Typical anchor locations for a double - section home in Wind Zones Il or 111 V&AZZA Maximum spacing re- quirements. The LAHJ may have anchor spacing requirements that super - cede the values provided in this manual. Skyline Corporation (4-48 PG. 1 ) 1/9/2009 9:22 AM PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. e is to 34 Man 1•6earn Wood Shins to FI Gins Up to 1'Max Man I -Beam Wood shins to Ft Ootbrel (2) Wi or Gaps Up to 1'M. (1) 2x12 Spa Optbm[2+* 4x6x16 Cote Lap so. - 4xBx16 Conte I Typca! B%Bx16 Cap or 2x6x 16 F.T. —•+ l Concrete B¢k or Fi.,d—od C p 6 m 2 Typbal Bx6x16 t ConaGe Bbdk Typical Footing - Typical Fodrp - - n. 3. Cap piers Place a cap on hollow block piers to evenly distribute the structural load_ Use cps the same length and width as the piers they rest upon. When using split caps on double -stacked block piers, install the caps with the long dimension perpendicular to the joint in the blocks below and to the main (- beam. 4. Install shims. Use shims to level the home and fill any gaps between the base of the I-beam and the top of the pier cap. Always use shims in pairs (Figure 19). Drive them in tightly so they do not occupy more than one inch of vertical space. When the space to be shimmed is greater than one inch and less than the minimum thickness of available caps or concrete blocks, use hardwood dimensional lumber (two inches maximum thickness) or 2" or 4" thick concrete block. For split caps, install shims and dimensional lum- ber/bioci s over each individual cap. C 5. Set up IieveL Set up a water level with the fluid level at the desired height of the main piers- CareUy lower the side of the section down onto the leveled piers, adjr� the final height with shims. USING A VfAT'62 LEVEL A water L-M is a siarutasd device for leveling the home. The level consists of the components: • One cm.tathm ("sire gallon bucket or one gallon jug). 150 feet of 12 inch diameter plastic tubing. Skyline Corporation (4-48 PG. 1) 1/15/09 Figure 18. Frame pier con- struction Curing time of mortar. Where wet mortar is used to construct or level piers, al- low it to cure to at least 80% of strength capacity (usually requiring 96 hours) before setting the home. Figure 19. Correct shim placement Dimensions of masonry perimeter walls. If using a masonry perimeter enclosure, calculate pier heights so that the enclo- sure can be built using stan- dard unit dimensions (with- out cutting). i i Level the home. The home is i adequately leveled if there is 1 /9/2009 9:22 AM PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. (11 is to mor or opening less than 48- in width \ Combined span A+B Ridge Beam Span D Span C f I San B Column post or wall less than 16" in width Soan A i Footing Footings seed for spans CC c-J Footinas -. Footing '—Footing �� Footing HEM seed for & D respectively (Note if sized for "i" sized for —-""""'"-" sized for a " ' sized for Span D wall is less than 16" in Span C Span B Span A+B Span A width, use combined span C+D with a single pier) CALCULATE LOADS Use Table 5 to determine the loads on point -load supports. For each support, find the columns with the appropriate roof load zone and section width. Find the row(s) corre- sponding to the span (see Figure 9 for guidance on determining spans). The number in the columns under the "M" and "P" headings are the loads for supports along the marriage line and perimeter respectively (point loads in the center of a sec- tion, i.e. not along a marriage line or perimeter wall, require the load in the "P" column). Interpolation for openings between those shown in the table is permitted. Note the required loads next to each point load support on the sketch. TABLE 5. LOAD ON POINT -LOAD FOOTINGS South (20 Asf) I Middle (30 PSI) I 1/15/09 Figure 9. Typical point -load support locations along the marriage line `,itlllIIIfl1r1r/ T. ".'ST- PE19600312 fl STATE OF Jeffrey T. Legault ` % g ✓ _ 2009.01.09 11:26:23 -05'00' Q 1010 720 1100 770 1200 830 1250 860 1370 930 1500 1000 1490 1000 1640 1090 1800 1180 172D 1t3Q 19DD 1240 210D 150{2200 1410 :2440r 1`560 27tJ0 1700 2670 1690 2970 1870 3300 2050 ® 2430 1550 2700 1710 3000 1880 3140 1960 3500 2180 3900 2400 3850 2380 4300 2650 4800 2930 3140 = 3500 39Q0 4Q90 4570 5100 5040 , - 5640 — 6300 — t 3850 — 4300 4800 — 5040 5640 6300 6220 6970 — 7800 - - °5100,'�7D0 5980y'67+OD : 75Q0 ; 7400 , 8300 9300 .4560 —„ t _. „ M = Marriage line, P = Perimeter 1/9/2009 9:22 AM PFS certifies this document is current as of 12-16-09. MIMM ADDENDUM TO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR TIE -DOWNS ON SINGLEWIDE UNITS Bringirg.4mericuHome LOCATED IN WIND ZONE 11 OR III, EXPOSURE D. jCV*4=S7 4.35/12 max. roof pitch AN^� >4_35--___ Ce.r.rmc tiUTD Att1CS5 tt't3ros Sidewall Straps and Anchors to be spaced 4'-0" o.c. max. Wind Zone II or III, Exposure D. 7- Factory installed he down strap Site installed tie- See note 1. ```,,�tit5ut irtrtllt)I �i .� � �FG,q �'ii� X ` !�..........(j m ,tSTE down strap. \ Main I -Beam _= K19600312 -_ ° (typical). _ _ STATE OF ' z Floor --- -- - - - ----- - ---------- --- -- - -- - - -- IA Jeffrev T. Legault 20>}Ft.11.13 ►� := : -- Unit Width 1 H (max.) Table 1 Strap Angle (max. 1Z 48" 21.7 degrees 14' 48" 20.0 decrees 10 48" 18.6 degrees 4 Erb Sty and Anchors at each end of unit at Wind Zone II or fit, Exposure D. I Strap angle Typical pier and footing (typical) Sidewall Tie -Down Straps Ground anchor (typical) Bracket Main Beam Pier End Wall Tie- 30 - 45 Down Strap decrees Anchor with Stabilizer Endwall Tie -Down Straps Notes: 1) For snap to I -Beam attachment refer to the Skyline Corporation Manufactured Home Installation Manual. 2) For all other requirements refer to the Skyline Corporation Manufactured Home Installation Manual. 3) Straps and anchors to be rated for 3150 lbs. of working stress (min.). 4) Main I-Bcnm spacing is 99.5" for 14' and 16' wides, 52.5" for 12' wides. Sec.: 4 5) Exposure D is intended forhomes located within 1500 feet to the coast in Wind Zone 11 or 111. III.: 51 Page 93B 1' MAX. 7R) ~ W/Opt. Sliding Glass Door r--_1 E_-� _1_ -f OPT SGD 7Y� 1 3 I I9UD� 35 -1MAX. FLORIDA ONLY PIER POINT LAYOUT (PIERS @ I —BEAM & CENTERLINE WITHOUT PERIMETER FOUNDATION) PIER POINT LAYOUT ZON. NOTE: ALL UOLITY DROP MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE. DIVISI 111 3, DESIGNED FOR 20 PSF ROOF ZONE 112 3, L@EA 1� PIER..-$Up_FORT5: SEE INSTALLATION MANUAL TABLE 6 , FIG. 10 FOR SPACING AND LOAD REQUIREMENTS. 116 3, 1263, © SIDEWALL PIER SUPPORTS: SEE INSTALLATION MANUAL TABLE 5 , FIG. 9 FOR SPACING AND LOAD REQUIREMENTS. 131 5; SEE ABOVE DIAGRAM FOR LOC. OF S11D. PATIO DOORS OR 48" OR LARGER OPENINGS. 143 5; X CQL.UMN SUPPORTS 11 SEE ABOVE DIAGRAM FOR LOCATIONS & LOAD REQUIREMENTS ® 20# ROOF LONE, 17X 6; 5; Of BY: uSB DATE: I2/02/201e SEE TABLE 10 OF INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR FOOTING SIZES. Rainbow RV 181 5; ADD WEPT. 8'-0" PORW PIERS REQ'D UNDER SIDEWALL PORCH COLUMNS. CONTACT MANUFACTURING DIVISION FOR LOCATIONS. 35'-0" 1 3514-1CK - I Grant — Eduardo x i 06/0§/20161 2610 Q DRAWN By Its zoNe1- DA,�oB/os/2ole ZONE 20, 14-03995-06Q Name Building. Address or Other Description Permit No. City V ZONE DESIGN CERTIFICATE Policy Number (Insurance Co. Use) State Zip Code SECTION l: Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Inforwation Community No. Panel No. Suffix FIRM Date FIRM Zone(s) SECTION 11; Elevation Information Used for Design [NOTE- This section documents eievations used in the design —it does not subsbUe for an Elevation Certificate.] 1. Elevation of the Bottom of Lowest Horizontal Structural Member ................................ feet (NAVD88) 2. Base Flood Elevation(BFE)......................:................................................... ..... feet (NAVD88) 3. Elevation of Lowest Adjacent Grade.................................................................... feet (NAVD88) 4. Approximate Depth of Anticipated ScourlErosion used for Foundation Design ............... feet (NAVD88) 5. Embedment Depth of Pilings or Foundation Below Lowest Adjacent Grade .................. feet (NAVD88) SECTION III: V Zone Design Certification Statement [NOTE. This section must be certh7ed by a registered engineer or arctage ] I certify that: (1) 1 have developed or reviewed the structural design, plans, and sPecific;a� for construction and (2) that the design and methods of construction to be used are in accordance with accepted standards of practice .for meeting the following provisions: • The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor (excluding piles and columns) is elevated to or above the BFE; and • The pile and column foundation and structure attached thereto is anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement due to the effects of the wind and water loads acting simultaneously on all building components. Water loading values used are those associated with the base flood. Wind loading values used are those required by the applicable State or local building code. The potential for scour and erosion at the foundation has been anticipated for conditions associated with the base flood, including wave action. SECTION IV: Breakaway Wall Design Certification Statement [NOTE. This section must also be certified by a registered engvzeer or architect when breakaway walls exceed a design safe loading resistance of 20povmis per square foot J I certify that (1) 1 have developed or reviewed the structural design, plans, and sped it ao stnx lion and (2) that the design and methods of construction to be used for the breakaway walls are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the following provisions: • Breakaway wall collapse shall result from a water load less than that which vM1lie vase flood; and • The elevated portion of the building and supporting foundation system shall nctme s.> 'm copse, displacement, or other structural damage due to the effects of wind and water loads fly on all bui;dirg components (wind and water loading values to be used are defined in Seth SECTION V: Certification and Seal This certification is to be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer or archi�t authorized by law to certify structural designs. I cerfffy the V Zone Design Certification Statement in Section 111 and tip Breakaway Wall Design Certification Statement in Section IV (if applicable). Uertitier's Name Title Company Name License Number Aooress City State ZIP Signature Date Telephone Place Seal Here FND. a/B' I.B. ND I.D. �.e F BENCHMARK SET NAIL -=RRRti ELEVATION J.e7 N.A.V,D. 196 17ee CENTERLINE 22' COMMON USE R/W BEARING BAK N.70'30'DO" E. 110.96' (P—F) ,76 LOT 1304 4.1 SURVEYOR'S NOTES L SURVEY OF DESCRIPTION AS FURNISHED BY CLIENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 8, LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS, BUILDING SETBACKS, AND/OR RIGHTS-OF-VAY If RECDRD BY ACCURIGHT LAND SURVEYING, INC. 3. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988, SEE SURVEY FOR REFERENCE BENCH MARK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THERE ARE NO ABOVE GROUND ENCROACHMENTS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, S,ADDITOINS IR DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS OR REPORTS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED VITHIMT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR %M1 LOT 1308 (P-F) 14' P— FNI / Leeole LOT 1309 LOT 1302 LEGEND A/C - AIR CONDITIONER FMD. - FOUND CONC. - CONCRETE COV'D - COVERED I. - IRON PIPE I.D. - IDENTIFICATION IS. - IRON BAR E.O.P. - ECGE OF PAVEMENT O.M.W. - OVERHEAD WIRE LB - LICENSED BUSINESS R/V - RIGHT-DF-MAY N. L V. - NAIL 1. WASHER C.M. - CONCRETE MONUMENT P.H. - PLAT BOOK PGG - PAGE N - NORTH. E - EAST V - VEST S - SOUTH HA.V.D. 88 - NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1988 N.G.V.D. 89 - NATIONAL GEO➢ETIC VERTICAL DATUM 1989 SET I.B. - SET 0/8' IRON BAR CAP 04459 (P) - DENOTES DISTANCE, ANGLE OR BEARING BY FURNISHED DESCRIPTION (F) - DENOTES MEASURED DISTANCE, ANGLE OR BEARING (C) - DENOTES CALCULATED DISTANCE, ANGLE OR BEARING 00.00 X - EXISTING ELEVATION 0 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION 8, H d� D� LOT 13D3, NETTLES ISLAND PROJECT SECTION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16, OF PAGE 1, IA TROUGH 1J, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 15 15 U Z PROPERTY LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE, AC -y BASE IlII4 6A NAN.D. 1988 COMMUNITYNITY PANEL N0j IRO898-D311-J DATED. DB/16/8018 R �y PROPERTY STREET ADDR[SS- 1303 NETTLES BLVD. JENSEN BEACH, FL., 34957 > N Ll_ Z Z Q V) J W ~ Z Y BOUNDARY SURVEY ('n ACCURIGHT LAND SURVEYING, INC. o A LICENSED BUSINESS NO. #6607 �v 0..1- V) I O EARLE R. STARKEY - PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR U REGISTRATION NO. 4459 - STATE OF FLORIDA q SURVEY NOT VAUD VATHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL Q V) RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR AND MAPPER