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pr Product Approval
'n}duCt kwro al Keno}r;pUl�7 Or AprilCaVOn SeafLh},CppIIgYW L Ist?Applpllwm bntnl
i FL 3f FL22513-1113
Appliration Type Revlslod
Code Version 2E}20
Appllcatlon Status
"Approved by DBPR.Approval by DBPR Shall be reviewed and ratified by
the POC and/or the Commission if n,.cer.wy,
Product Manofarturer Masonite Enternational
AddreWPhonOEmala MS OB
West Chicago, IL 6GIS5
sschrei berP:mawn ite,rom
Authariaed Signature Saev¢ Scfirel4er
55Chr�i her�irnb son ISe.com
Teor)ical Representative
AddresWPhone F-maiI
Quality A5yuranC2 Recresentative
Add r2!WPharlefEmalI
Category Exterior[]oars
Subcategory Swinging Exterior []oar A33emblir9
COMPllanae Method Certification Marie or Listln-g
Certlfleatlon Agency National Arcreditption A Management lnstluAe
V,dHdated By Natloml Accreditation Ek Managem€ K IR5buft
Referenced Stw4dard and Year(of Standard) Stw*d.ard Year
TAS 20_ 1994
TAS 2112 1994
TAS 203 1994
i=quivalenre of Produa Standards
Certlfled By
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A
Date Submitted IlIG61202D
Date Validated ii092426
Da[e Pending F$C Approval
Date Approved 11/1712020
S rinnary of Praducks
R s Model,Number qr Maiin Drstrlption
22513,1 HPC Woad-edge Steel$iti--Hiriged b'-8" Glazed Ifs or OJS Single cw Double Door wl or w/o
Dogr Unit Sr6elit2s I
Limits of Use C.arkifivakivn Agency CertlificaW
Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL225'3 Rt C CAi= N1013747,71-R2,pdf
Approved for use outxbde HVHZ: Yes Quality AyMrance CunbraL4 Etpiratlob date
Impact Resistant; No 86}30/2025
Design Pressure: +501-51} ImstaHativn tnstruw#icMs
Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering tie ttte Florida FL22513 R3 II F1_021�.pcl:
E3ulld•ng Code, inckiding the Higfi Velocity Hurricane Zoner and I Verified By: National Accr$ditat;an & Management Irtslitute
I where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party;
i pressures listed. 12'-0'x V-S' max rlornInai slre.When im iu [i pact Evaaot.Reports
resistance is required, hurricane pr8tecti�re system i5 regtLired, FL22513 R3 AE 5141)0815-ndf
�Door top rails stamped'HPC', Sae DWC-MA-FL0212 for details. CreatLrd try Indep amkint Third Party: Yes
22513-2 Wood-edge SMM Side-Hinged Dear W-V Opaque 1/S or p/S Single boar Unit
Ll mlts of Use certifkatim A "Wy Certificate
Approved for use in MVHZ: Yes R a251 a R3 r r_K Nin13 i 1=
Approved for use outside MVHZ; Yes Qusllty Aatwranae Contract Expiration Bate
Impact Resistant: Yes 06130/2025
Design Pressure. �71V-70 InwtalWon Instructian¢
other: Evaluated for use in lo€atlorts adhering to the Ronda FL225i 3 R3 11 -LPL i3,pdF
Duliding Code. including the High Velocity Hurricane Zoner and Verified By: Natiorwl Acur ditatian fk Management Institute
where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by independent Thine Party;
pressures listed. 3'-b" x 8'-0" max norrllnai size. When impact Evaluation Reports
reslstanae Is requlre,3, hurricane protective system not FL22S13 R3 AE 514Q69B-ndf
'required. See DWG-MA-FLO215 for details. 1 Created by fndependprk Third Party' Yes
22513.9 wood-edge Steel Side-Hing¢,d Door 19%0'Opaque I/S Sing le or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Llmlts of Use CnritMca6an Agency Cartlfltato
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F1_22313 R3 C CAC N?013747 LQd
ApproV4ad for Ube outride iWVI#Z: Yes Quality kvztwance C ntr2wt Exptratloa Date
Irripatt Resistant: Yin W30/2025
design Pressure: +45I-510 Mmmtk +than Irmbrirctipns
Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Hcfflda FL22513 R3 II FLO215.ndf
Building Cade, inrkAing the High Vekitity Iturrirane Zone.arrd Veftk-d B'f: flatiorial AuxWitation d,Marragcmtrrt InFbti 4c
where wn5%rm requirernerits do not exceed the design Created by Tridepen<Ient Third Party;
pre55ures listed, 12'-0 x 8'-4" rnax nominal Sias.When Impact E%gftwlilon Reporft
re5i5#2nce is required, hu ricane prnteemg System not required FL22513 R3 AE 314Q137B.pdf
qn qpaqLme panels, but Is required em glared sldeli'tts.See Created by independent Third Party! Yes
DWG-MA-FLA215 for details.
22513.4 Wood-edge Steel Side-Hinged poor 8'-O`Qpaque Of5 Single or Double boor w1 or W/o Sldel44es I
Limits of Use Cart111 zdmn Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVtIZ: Yes FLZ2313 R3 C CAC N1Q137c7,-3A-R
Approved for use out silo MVHZ: Yes Qualley AssuranceCfirfbvd€11pkwden DaW !
Impact Resistant; Yes 05)30/2025
Design Pressure: 4-50/ 45 Instatlrelon Instrucilams
Other: Evaluated for use in Ipptipns adhering to the Florida FL22513 FR3 II f0215,D.
Bs ilding Code, intruding the High VelaGity Murrirane Zone,&nd Verifled By: Natlonbl Am-edikatl0n �, Management Institute
where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party
pressures listed. 12'-0'x$'-0" max nominal size, when impact EHon Roparts
resLstance IS required, hurricane�wotective 5yst2rn not required FL22513 R3 AE 314Q2Zftjg f
on opaque panels, but is reg4ired on glared 5ide4ites- See Created cry Independent Third Parry; Yes
MG-MA-FL0215 for details.
22513-5 Wood-edge Steed Side-Hinged Door 9I -0' 3/4-Ute Gil..ed l/S or O{$Single 0r Double Door wl or
Unit w{o Sidelites
LImft of Use — Certlfitation Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F:,;; :?. R3 C CAS NIn137117,36-A1.R,[r
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance CanMM E7golratlan Date
Impact Resistant; No 05/30/2825
Design Pressure: +40/-410 Inst Matlan Instructions
Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering t4 the Florida FL22513 R3 11 F1_9217,pd
6t4 OOng Coder indWing the High Ve1pGity Hunirane Zone,and, Vttlfled By: National Accreditation & Management Institute
where pressure requirernent5 do not exceed the design Creaked by Independent Thva Party;
pressures listed. 12r-0'x$'-0" max nominal size.When impact EvaiurNon Hearts
re5istance IS requiredr hurricane QroteGt Vt system i5 rawWred, FL22513 all AE - 0r'' `
See DWG-MA-FL0217 for details- Crratsd by trruependent Third party; Yes i
22513,6 Wood-ldge Steel Side-�,, 115'-6" ppaque Ifs Q15 5lrlgle dour
Limits of Use i C+erttficatiOn Agency CeetWkwtm
Approved for use In HVHI: Yes FL22513 R3 C CAC NIp13747-I3-241 #
Approved for use outside HVHZ;Yes I QMlllitF Awurbnce Cnartract Expiration batr
Impact Resistant:Yes 46f3W2025
Design Pressure: +701-70 I+te+tzltfbtign Instructions
Mar: Evaluated for use in locations adi-K-frog to the Florida FL22513 R3 II FLD21'-.pdf ;
Building Coder induding the High Veiodty Hurrirane Zone, and Verified By: National Acrredltatlon &hfanagelnert Institute
where pressure requirements da net exceed the dedgn Created by Independent Third Party'
pressures fisted. 3r-0'x 6'-8" max nominal size. When impart EVOILiaoUan 1tepvrts
resistance o required, hurricane protective system out FL22513 R3 AE 5�40105.p!�f
required,-see DWG-MA-FL0211 for details, I LYeated ty Independent Tridrd Party: Yes
77513.7 i Wood-edge Steel Side-11-19rn O Door 6-S" Opaque US or GIS Singie or Do+u6ie Boar w f 4r w{p
Unit .Sid elites
Limits of Use Carthica#lan Agency Certtffcste
Approved for use in►IVHZ: Yes FL 1$I R3 C CAC NI01 U47-PQ.pdf
Approved for use auWKle HVHZ;Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 4W3W2025
Design Pressure: +551-55 Lratalibiti w XnsbvctkRIIs
Other: Evaluated fa.r use in locations adhering to the Flciida FLZ2513 R3 tI fLQZ11.�r
Building Coder rn€luding the High Veiucity+ Hurricane Zone, and 1Falifbed By: National Accref atlon &tarralaemert Institute
where pressure requirements du not exceed the design Cscated by Independent Third Party;
pressures listed, 12r-0"x 6'-8'max nominal Size-When impart Evalual6ow Repays
resistance is required, humane protective Sy5tem oat required i FL225,1,} R3 Ai= 514QQ8R.P'g
on opaque paneksr bvt is required an glazed 5idelite5- See created by Independent Third Party:Yes
1YWG-MA4L021I for detaiIs.
225118 wood-edge Steel Side-hinged Duor 6'-8' 3/4-Lite Glared VS or 015 Singie or Dgvhie Door W f ar
Unit wJo Sldelites
Umits of Use CartWaFtioo Agee v C■rtlf ata
Approved for use in MVHZ:Yes ?4 -R2,pdf
Approved for use outside I#VHZ.Yes quaNty Assurance•Contract Expiration Date
Impact Reslstanu No 46J30f2025
Design Pressure: +501-50 Installation Instmw2ft tra.
Ocher: �!valumec for use in fixations adt►ering to the Florida FL22513 R3 II FL0214.pdr
3ullding Code,Including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and VcrN4pd By; Nationbf Aecredltbtlon 8L Management Institute
wrlti-e pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Parry;
pressures listed, 12'-0" x 6-8'max norninaf size. When impart Evaluation Reports
resistance is required, hurricane protective system is required- FL2 53 W
See DWG-MA-FLb214 for details. Cresteg ty Independent Tn4rd Party, Yes
rack Nert
Contact ui :7601 Rla�5tann Read,Tallahassee FL 3�329
The5tsor ar Fiarlda Is an AAIFE4 emp"r.L2arlqht 2007 IOL3 5tpw of flonde. ::Pnrary 5tpterneci::Aooepa6iWCY Siatun"yit Rdurw�merc
Linder Roritl8 lew,eR56H addresses we pubik leomm.Cr}you 4i4 ant rant Maur r wd pddr mkl led-Yi heswme ra d pubik-records TequM do not sego ek tmnq
mail to th6 eFO*V-Lehead.dSf"d the UIRutr by 040ne or by¢adl W;w mall tf you have wm questions,please mrttsrt 854.407.1395.'Pur9uent w SeFtlgn 455.]75{1)
Ftrelm stahmm,effrmre 6amber 1,20U1 " 1 Owmed ufgk4 Cha9ter455r F.S.mum prm4de the department wft an synod address iP they have sure.The elo�lls
prmn ied may be used row oA101 cWtoYmmucafon oath the kut t m.Howey+er email adaTssas ar4 public rt[o4-Lf you gq not m*h Lo supply a penoisal dddtem,please
proms the Dwpa ut r wiM M trmW etldt*u wPm&can be fmaee axaala4le to th4 Lylhhr.T4 dekernrne d yew a a Iimuee unbar❑hWbw 4155.F S.,ukase chck Wl M.
Product Approval AccWM:
® 09�3■
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