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Sppcicaltlj Structural EngtnL=prtnq CBUCK,Inc.Certificate o Au orizotion#8064
Evaluation Report ';.
"Ultra HT Wind & Water SealT""' �EVIEWE� FORCE
Roof Underlayment COPE COI 4p"AN CC
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MFM Building Products Corp.
525 Orange Street
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
(740) 622-2645
for f
Florida Product Approval ,
# FL 11842.3 R8
Florida Building Code 7th Editionl(2020)
Method: 1 - D
Category: Roofing
Sub - Category: Underlayment
Product: "Ultra HT'IWind & Water Seal"
Description: Self-Adhered Underlayment
Prepared by:
James L. Buckner P.E. SECB This item has been electronically signed and sealed by
James L.Buckner,P.E.,on this date using a Digital Signature.
Printed copies of this document are not considered signed
Florida Professional Engineer#31242
and sealed, and the signature must be verified on any
Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1916 electronic copies. ��II11liJl///y�
Project Manager: Diana Galloway ��` �s BUc'�b�'',
V ' �.tCENSF''•
Report No. 20-229-UHT-ER
(Revises 17-131-UHT-ER,FL11842.5 R4) _ * No 31242
Date: 08/28/20 - yt
0 •'• STATE OF
Contents: %,,�� •.FcORIDP-
Evaluation Report Pages 1-5
2020.09.17 13:23:17-04'00'
CBUCK,Inc.dba CBUCK Engineering
Business:1374 Community Dr.,Jupiter,FL 33458•Corp/Mailing:2637 E.Atlantic Blvd,#34069,Pompano Beach,FL 33062
FL#: FL 11842.3 R8
Date: 08/28/20
Engineering Report No,:20-229-UHT-ER
age 2 of 5
Specialty Structural Engineering GBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064
Manufacturer: MFM Building Products Corp.
525 Orange Street
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Product Name: "Ultra HT Wind &Water Seal''"
Product Category: Roofing
Product Sub-Category Underlayment
Compliance Method: State Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005..(1) (d)
Product Description: "Ultra HT Wind & Water Seal'""" is self-adhering membrane composed of a white,
non-slip cross-laminated polymer film, laminated to a rubberized asphalt adhesive
with a split release liner designed for use as a roof underlayment in high
temperature conditions.
Product Material/ Material Type: Styrene Butadiene Styrene(SBS)
Standards: Material shall comply with ASTM D 1970 per Florida Building Code FBC 7th Edition
(2020), Chapter 15.
Product Dimension(s) Roll Size:36 in.x 67 ft. rolls
Thickness:45 mils (nominal)
Substrate(s): "Ultra HT Wind & Water Seal'" has been evaluate' for application to the
following substrates (Design of support is outside the scope of this evaluation):
• Plywood
• Dens Deck
Installation: General Installation Instructions:
"Ultra HT Wind &Water Seal'""" shall be installed in accordance with the attached
installation method and in compliance with applicablelcode sections of the FBC
7th Edition (2020), subject to the Limitations and Conditions of Use listed in this
Evaluation Report.
Refer to installation details at the end of this report. Refer to manufacturer's
installation instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment.
FiL#: FL 11842.3 R8
Date: 08/28/20
Report No.: 20-229-UHT-ER
age 3 of 5
S(7 =CIdif'l,l StructuralEnglneerinq CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization J#8064
Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compli ante with:
ASTIVI D 1970-15a — Specification Self-adhering Polymer Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roof Un�derloyment for Ice Dam
Standards Equivalency: The ASTM D 1970-01 standard version used to test the product meets the
prescribed standards in ASTM D 1970-15a standard version adopted by the
Florida Building Code 6+th Edition (2020)for use as evaluated in this report.
Code Compliance: The product(s) described herein have demonstrated compliance with the
performance standards listed above as referenced in the current Florida Building
Evaluation Report Scope: This product has been evaluated in com Ipliance with the building envelope
requirements of the Florida Building Code, as related Ito the scope section to
Florida Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.001.
Product Limitations and • Deck shall be in compliance with applicable building code.
Conditions of Use: • Minimum slope shall be 2:12 or greater.
• Evaluated for use with approved roof coverings that afire mechanically fastened
through the underlayment and is atrached to the sheathing or rafters.
Installation shall comply with FBC Section 1507.1.1.
• Not to be applied over active solvents or sealants, EPDM rubber or products
containing silicone.
• Do not expose product to direct sunlight for more than 60 days.
General Limitations and • Scope of"Limitations and Conditions of Use"for this evaluation:
Conditions of Use: This evaluation report for "Optional Statewide Approval' contains technical
documentation, specifications and installation mlethod(s) which include
"Limitations and Conditions of Use" throughout the report in accordance with
Rule 61G20-3.005. Per Rule 61G20-3.004, the Florida Building Commission is
the authority to approve products under"Optional St al tewide Approval'.
• Option for application outside Limitations and Conditions of Use
Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(e) allows engineering analysis for "project specific
approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with the
alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code". Any modification of
the product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building
Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the
responsibility of others.
• This report is a building code product evaluation per FLPE rule (FAC) 61G15-36
to comply with Florida product approval rule (FAC) 61G20-3. This evaluation
report is part of the Florida Building Commission approval for the listed code
related criteria. This report by James Buckner, P.E. and CBUCK Engineering is
F�L#: FL 11842.3 R8
Date: 08/28/20
Report No.:20-229-UHT-ER
Page 4 of 5
Speclalty Structural Enginserinq CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064
not a design certification 'of code compliance construction submittal
documentation, per FBC section 107, for,any individual structure, site specific
or permit design.
e Design of support system is outside the scope of this riport.
• Fire Classification is outside the scope of Rule 61G20-3, and is therefore not
included in this evaluation.
• This evaluation report does not evaluatel,the use of this product for use in the
High Velocity Hurricane Zone code section. (Dade &Broward Counties)
Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of roof panel products in
accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.0005 (3) for
manufacturing under a quality assurance program auditeid by an approved quality
assurance entity through Keystone Certifications, Inc. (F C Organization ID# QUA
Referenced Data: 1. ASTM D 1970-01 Test
By PRI Construction Materials Technologies, Inc.
(FBC Organization ID#TST 1556)
Report No. MFM-039-02-01, Date: 8/15/13
2. Equivalency of Test Standard Certification
By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering
(FBC Organization#ANE 1916) j
3. Quality Assurance
Keystone Certifications, Inc. (FBC Organization ID#QUA 1824)
-MFM Building Products Corp. Licensee#335
4. Certification of Independence
By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering
(FBC Organization#ANE 1916)
. I,
FL#: FL 11842.3 R8
Date: 08/28/20
Report No.:20-229-UHT-ER
Page 5 of 5
Sppctalty Structural Englnl=L=ring CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064
MFM Building Products Colrp.
Ultra HT Wind & Water Seal
Self-Adhered Roofing Underlayment
General Installation Instructions:
• Product to be applied directly to a clean dry surface.
• Prime any weathered surfaces. Dens Deck must be primed with asphalt base primer.
• Starting at the low point of the deck, peel back 12"of the release liner, align the membrane and press into
place onto roof deck.
• Adhesive is pressure-activated, so press firmly into place using uniform pressure with a 2-3" heavy steel or
rubber roller to seams and overlap.
• Overlap end laps a minimum of 6".Side laps must be a minimum of 3".
• Store product in the carton in a dry place until ready to use. Keep product out of direct sunlight.
• Apply membrane only in fair weather when the air, surface and membrane are at a minimum temperature
of: 50'F
e Not to be applied over active solvents or sealants, EPDM rubber or products containing silicone.
o Do not expose product to direct sunlight for more than 60 days.
"Ultra HT Wind & Water Seal"""' shall be installed in accordance with the attached installation method and in
compliance with applicable code sections of the FBC 7th Edition (X20), subject to the Limitations and
Conditions of Use listed in this Evaluation Report.
Refer to installation details at the end of this report. Refer to manufacturer's instLation instructions as a
supplemental guide for attachment.
Product Illustrations
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