HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Load Barclays - 2800 N. Highway A1A, 805 Zw LL c I L- Planning& Development Services Department
} Building & Code Regulations Division
L, —' _ . 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982—(772)462-1577
Certification for Design Load Compliance
7t" Edition
Project Address: 2800 N A1A HIGHWAY, Unit 805, FORT PIERCE, FL. 34949
Permit#: Occupancy Type: Construction Type:
• This certification must be completed,signed,and sealed by the design professional of record.
• If submitting hard copy,submit(2)copies with all pertinent information.St Lucie Fire District requires a digitally
signed electronic version.
• If submitting electronically,form should be uploaded into Bluebeam.Separate submission to Fire is still required
• All digital files must be in an unlocked Portable Document Format(PDF)version
* Note: Form not required for interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and
certain minor building permits at the discretion of the plan reviewer. Contact the#above for questions.
1. DESIGN CODE: Florida Building Code 7th Edition using ASCE 7-16
2. Structure Designed as(check one): x Enclosed Partially Enclosed Open
3. Risk Category: I II x III IV Exposure Category: B C x D
4. Design Wind Velocity 170 mph ASD x LRFD End Zone Width: 10.5 ft
5. Mean Roof Height 100 ft Roof Pitch:0.25 :12 Parapet:0 ft
6. Components&Cladding Design Pressures Used:
Zone 4: Zone 5: Garage:
6a. Roofs
Maximum+/-pressures:+ psf - psf Or define individual zones on the plans
7. Design Loads: Floor: PSF Roof-Dead: PSF Roof-Live: Balcony+/- PSF
Dock: PSF Deck: PSF Stairs: PSF Fence: PSF Railings: PSF
8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? Yes x Not Applicable Please Explain:
9. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided?-Yes x Not Applicable Explain Why Not:
10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? Yes No Assumed
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to
comply with the applicab °�� G°".Zq< ortions of tl c� Daniel GoI�#a � i,din Cso�le ado ��i
p;� F•.�; This item has been igi a ly sig d y anie onzale, 4 71,on the date
' No 74271 adjacent to the seal.Printed copies of this document are not considered signed
- and sealed,and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies.Office at:
* �¢ 14331 SW 120 Street,Miami,Florida
�9•, STATE of
-o•. �: I agree to the terms defined by the placement of my signature on this document.
''�FS'•�Oa\OP:��.� Phone:7882005030/FinaiI Addrecc Aaniwl(nnamamariranr. ciilfin�nm
2022,02.08 0: 58-�y5'00'
Signature, Date,and Seal _Print iName uert ff 9 o. ertofAuthorization
Daniel Gonzalez, PE 74271,CA#31388
AM American Consulting
14331 SW 120 St#213,Miami, FL 33186
Revised 3/25/2021 Company Name&Address