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Proposal and Authorization for Professional Engineering Services ,
We thank you for this opportdnity to offer our services to you on your project. The purpose of this form is to obtain your
authorization for the services you have orally requested and confirm the terms and conditions under which these services are
,:to be provided as shown on thisl document.
Compensation for services rendered will be based on the attached schedule of fees or as included herein and are a part of this
agreement for services. Reimbursable expenses(print fees,hourly,and additional services)are listed on Exhibit A.
"Known ProjectInformation `-
Project Name: Blake Residence Number:22EO05 Project Location:7505 Coquina Ave., Fort Pierce, FL 34951
Description of Work: The project will be an addition of a pergola (approximately 144 SF under roof). The pergola will be
composed of open hand-framed rafters for the roof with(4)wood-framed posts.
We will provide all documents stated below.All required items for the building permit will be signed and sealed by a licensed
Professional Engineer.
I '
PLEASE NOTE: This fixed cost proposal excludes any additional items not specifically stated in this proposal; such as
geotechnical/ civil/site/environmental engineering, architectural design/specifications, surveying work, plot plan, landscape
design, permit coordination and construction administration among other related fees.Additionally,this fixed cost proposal
includes one progress meetinglto review the drawings and make edits.Any additional client edits after the progress meeting
will be charged at an hourly rate per Exhibit A.
' ;For Payment!of Charges Services Authorized By
Client: Matt Blake Print Name: Matt Blake
Address: Title: Owner
75.05 Coquina Ave.
City,state, Fort Pierce FL 34951 Signature:.
Z � i, (Authorized
Agents Only)
Telephone: 937.620.1115
I Date.,
E-mail: mattablake@gmail.com �� E _ 2da�
[, Scope of Services
Item Description of Scope of Services Estimated Fee
Floor Plan Elevations, Foundation Plan Roof Framing Plan, Notes, Sections, Details, and
1. Design Pressures for,Components and Cladding $ 1,200
2. Inspection $350
I i
f 4
Total (non-refundable retainer shall be$350 and shall be applied at the final invoice) 1,550'
' r
Terms and Conditions
1. Services To Be Provided. T.E.SCHUTT Engineering,LLC(T.E.SCHLnT)through and by its officers, Agreement. Upon reasonable notice to Client,T.E.SCHUTT may suspend services until paid on any
employees and subcontractors is an independent consultant and agrees to provide Client,for its sole project where payment of invoiced amounts is not received by T.E.SCHLITTwithin 60 days of Client's
benefit and exclusive use,consulting services set forth in this proposal. No third-party beneficiaries receipt of T.E.SCHLITT's invoice. Client receipt of invoice will be presumed to be not more than 5
are intended by this Agreement. ! days after mailing by T.E.SCHUTT,with adequate postage attached. Time is of the essence on this
2. Payment Terms. Client agrees to pay T.E.SCHLITT's invoices upon receipt. If payment is not received provision.
within 30 days from the Client's receipt of T.E.SCHLn7's invoice,Client agrees to pay a service charge
on the past due amount at the greater of 1.5%per month or the allowable legal rate,including Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon 30 days prior written notice. In the
reasonable attorney's fees and expenses if collected through an attorney.No deduction shall be made event-Client requests termination prior to completion of the proposed services,Client agrees to pay
from T.E.SCHUTT's invoice for retainage or liquidated;damages unless expressly included in the T.E.SCHUTT for all reasonable charges incurred to date and associated with termination of the work.
Project No:22EO05 1555 India13 River Blvd.Suite B-145,Vero Beach,FL 32960,772.360.4998 TS—T�"Client Page 1 of 4
This proposal is valid for 30 days from the dates shown. distribution,and are subject ollowing:
a. All documents generated by T.E.SCHUTT under this Agreement shall remain the sole property of
3. Standard of Care. T.E.SCHUTT will perform its services using that degree of care and skill ordinarily T.E.SCHLITT.Any unauthorized use or distribution of T.E.SCHLITT's work shall be at Client's and
exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of the Engineering profession practicing in recipient's sole risk and without liability to T.E.SCHLITT. T.E.SCHUTT may retain a confidential
the same or similar locale at the time of service under the same or similar circumstances. NO OTHER file copy of its work product and related documents.
WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE OR INTENDED BY THIS PROPOSAL, BY ORAL b. If Client desires to release,or for T.E.SCHUTT to provide,report(s)to a third party not described
STATEMENTS MADE BY T.E.SCHUTT REPRESENTATIVES,BY THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES,OR BY herein for that party's reliance, T.E. SCHLITT will agree to such release provided written
WRITTEN REPORTS. acceptance is received from such third party to be bound by acceptable terms and conditions
similar to this Agreement(e.g.Secondary Client Agreement). Reports provided for disclosure of
4. Services. T.E.SCHUTT shall provide the mutually agreed upon services outlines in the Proposal.Any information only will not require separate agreement. Client acknowledges and agrees to inform
services not specifically outlines in the Proposal are specifically excluded from the Scope of T.E.SCHUTT such third party that T.E.SCHUTT's report(s)reflects conditions only at the time of the study and
's Services.T.E.SCHUTT assumes no responsibility to perform any service(s)not specifically addressed may not reflect conditions at a later time.Client further acknowledges that such request for
in the Proposal.If Additional Services are mutually agreed to in writing by the parties in advance,T.E. release creates a potential conflict of interest for T.E.SCHUTT and by this request Client waives
SCHUTT shall provide Additional Services which shall be documented and appended hereto.Additional any such claim if T.E.SCHLITT complies with the request.
Services are not included as part of the basic scope of services and shall be paid forby the Client in addition c. Client agrees that all documents furnished to Client or Client's agents or designees,if not paid for,
to the payment for basic services.Payment for additional services shall be in accordance with the Proposal will be returned upon demand and will not be used by Client or any other entity for any purpose
and these General Conditions or as otherwise mutually agreed to,in writing,bythe parties. whatsoever.Client further agrees that documents produced by T.E.SCHUTT pursuant to this
Agreement will not be used for any project not expressly provided for in this Agreement without
5. Client Responsibilities. Client shall designate,in writing a person to act a Client Representative with T.E.SCHLITT's prior written approval.
respect to the services to be provided under the Proposal.The Client shall provide information in a d. Client shall furnish documents or information reasonably within Client's control and deemed
timely manner regarding requirements for and limitations on the Project,including a written program necessary by T.E.SCHUTT for proper performance of its services.T.E.SCHUTT may rely upon
which shall set forth the Clients objectives, schedule, constraints and criteria, including space Client-provided documents in performing the services required under this Agreement;however,
requirements and relationships, flexibility, expandability, special equipment, systems and site T.E.SCHUTT assumes no responsibility or liability for their accuracy. Client-provided documents
requirements. Within 15 days after receipt of a written request from T.E.SCHUTT,the Client shall will remain the property of the Client,but T.E.SCHUTT may retain one confidential file copy as
furnish the requested information as necessary and relevant for the Engineer to evaluate,give notice needed to support its report.
of or enforce lien rights.The Client shall coordinate the services of its own consultants with those e. Upon Client's request,T.E.SCHLITT'swork product may be provided on electronic or digital media.
services provided by T.E.SCHUTT.Upon the T.E.SCHLITT's request,the Client shall furnish copies of By such request,Client agrees that the written copy retained by T.E.SCHUTT in its files,with at
the scope of consulting services in the contracts between the Client and the Client's consultants.The least one conformed written copy provided to Client,shall be the official base document. T.E.
Client shall furnish the services of engineers and/or other design professionals other than those SCHUTT makes no warranty or representation to Client that the electronic or digital copy is
designated in the Proposal,or authorize the Engineer to furnish them as an Additional Service,when accurate or complete,but will correct in good faith any omissions or errors brought to T.E.
T.E.SCHLITT requests such services and demonstrates that they are reasonably required by the scope SCHLITT's attention by Client.Any modifications of such electronic or digital copy by Client shall
of the Project.The Client shall require that its consultants maintain professional liability insurance as be at Client's risk and without liability to T.E.SCHUTT.Such electronic or digital copy is subject to
appropriate to the services provided.The client shall provide prompt written notice to T.E.SCHUTT if all other conditions of this Agreement.
the Client becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project, including errors, omissions, or
inconsistencies in the Engineers Deliverables.Client is responsible forsubmitting and obtaining permits 11.Construction Phase. T.E.SCHUTT shall not supervise, manage, direct,or have control over the
as necessary,unless specifically included in Scope of Services. Contractor's(s')work during any site visits oras a result of observing the Contractor's(s')work. Norshall
T.E.SCHUTT have any authority or responsibility for the means,methods,techniques,sequences,or
6. Limitation of Liability. In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of the project to both the Client procedures of construction selected by the Contractor(s)for safety precautions and programs incident
and T.E.SCHLITT,the risks have been allocated such that the Client agrees,to the fullest extent to the work of the Contractor(s)or for any failure of the Contractor(s)to comply with laws,rules,
permitted by law,to limit the liability of T.E.SCHUTT and its subconsultants to the Client and to all regulations,ordinances,codes,or orders applicable to the Contractor(s)furnishing and performing its
construction contractors and subcontractors on the project for any and all claims, losses,costs, work. T.E.SCHLITT can neither guarantee the performance of the construction contracts by the
damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes,so that the total Contractor(s)nor assume any responsibility for the Contractor's(s')failure to finish and perform its work
aggregate liability of T.E.SCHUTT and his or its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed T.E. in accordance with the contract documents.The Client agrees to provide the Engineerwith a location for
SCHLITT's total fee for services rendered on this project. Such claims and causes include,but are not the T.E.SCHLITT's temporary construction signage on the project site before and during construction
limited to negligence,professional errors or omissions,strict,liability,or breach of contract. activities.T.E.SCHUTT shall have the right to include photographic or artistic representations of the
design of the Project among the T.E.SCHLITT's promotional and professional materials.The T.E.
Client agrees to indemnify T.E.SCHLITT,its directors,officers,employees,agents and subcontractors, SCHUTT shall be given reasonable access to the completed Project to make such representations.
from any claims,suits or losses,including related reasonable attorneys fees. However, T.E. SCHLITT's materials shall not include the Client's confidential or proprietary
AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF T.E. SCHLITT information if the Client has previously advised T.E.SCHUTT in writing of the specific information
considered by the Client to be confidential or proprietary.The Client shall provide professional credit
ENGINEERING, LLC MAY NOT BE HELD INDIVIDUALLY for T.E.SCHUTT in the Client's promotional materials for the Project.
12.Claims.The parties agree to attempt to resolve any dispute without resort to litigation,including use
of mediation,prior to filing of any suit.Failure by any party to fully comply with the pre-suit mediation
shall,upon finding by a court and/or jury,constitute a waiver of this condition precedent.The fees
STATUTES SECTION 558.0035 (2018).
and/or costs of mediation shall be equally borne by the parties of the Proposal.Client and T.E.
SCHUTT agrees that venue for any claims and/or disputes arising out of,or otherwise relating to,the
7. Hazardous Material. T.E.SCHLITT's Scope of Services does not include any services related to the Proposal orthese General Conditions shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in Indian River
presence of any hazardous or toxic materials including,but not limited to,asbestos,toxic or hazardous County,Florida.In the event of any litigation arising out of the Proposal or these General Conditions,
waste,PCB's,combustible gases and materials,petroleum,or radioactive materials. In the event any or any performance or lack thereof hereof hereunder,the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
hazardous ortoxic materials are present on or about the job site or any adjacent areas that may affect the its attorneys'fees and costs including,without limitation,paralegal fees,and the fees of expert
performance of T.E. SCHLITT's services,T.E. SCHUTT may, at its option and without liability for witness and consultants from the non-prevailing party,at all levels,including but not limited to
consequential or other damages,suspend performance of its services under the Proposal until the Client appeals.
retains appropriate consultants or contractors to identify and abate or remove the hazardous or toxic
materials in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.The Client shall indemnify,hold 13.Opinions of Cost. If requested,T.E.SCHUTT will use its experience on similar projects to provide
harmless and defend T.E.SCHUTT and its employees and consultants from any claims,causes of action, opinions of costs for remediation or construction as appropriate based on reasonably available data,
costs or expenses,including fees,arising out of or relating to the presence of hazardous materials on T.E.SCHLITT's designs,or T.E.SCHLITT's recommendations. Such opinions are intended primarily to
the project. provide information on the order of magnitude or scale of such costs and are not intended for use in
firm budgeting or negotiation unless specifically agreed otherwise,in writing with T.E.SCHUTT.Client
8. Unforeseen Conditions or Occurrences. It is possible that unforeseen conditions or occurrences may understands actual costs of such work depend heavily on regional economics,local construction
be encountered at the site,which could substantially alter the necessary services,or the risks involved practices,material availability,site conditions,weather conditions,contractor skills,and many other
in completing T.E.SCHLITT's services. If this occurs,T.E.SCHUTT will promptly notify and consult with factors beyond T.E.SCHLITT's control.
Client,but will act based on T.E.SCHLITT's sole judgment where risk to T.E.SCHUTT personnel is
involved. Possible actions could include: 14.Testimony. Should T.E.SCHUTT or any T.E.SCHLITT employee be compelled by law to provide
a. Complete the original Scope of Services in accordance with the procedures originally intended in testimony or other evidence by any party,whether at deposition,hearing or trial,in relation to
our Proposal,if practicable in T.E.SCHLITT's judgment; services provided under this Agreement,and T.E.SCHUTT is not a party in the dispute,then T.E.
b. Agree with Client to modify the Scope of Services and the estimate of charges to include study of SCHUTT shall be compensated by Client for the associated reasonable expenses and labor for T.E.
the unforeseen conditions or occurrences with such revision agreed to in writing; SCHLITT's preparations and testimony at appropriate unit rates.To the extent the party compelling
c. Terminate the services effective on the date specified by T.E.SCHUTT in writing. the testimony ultimately provides T.E.SCHLITT such compensation,Client will receive a credit or
The Client recognizes and agrees thatfactors both within and withoutthe Engineer's control maydelaythe refund on any related double payments to T.E.SCHUTT.
work performance,permit issuance,design,and construction of the project.The Client agrees that it shall
not be entitled to any claim for damages due to hindrances or delays from any cause,whatsoever, 15.Confidentiality. T.E.SCHUTT will maintain as confidential,any documents or information provided
including, but not limited to: the production of contract documents, review of documents by an by Client and will not release,distribute or publish same to any third party without prior permission
government agency, issuance of permits from any government agency, beginning or completion of from Client,unless compelled by law or order ofa court or regulatory body of competent jurisdiction.
construction,or performance of any task of the work pursuant to the Proposal. Permitting is a regulatory
function and the Engineer does not guarantee issuance of any permit.Agency reviews and permitting are 16.Solicitation.Approval of this document constitutes mutual understanding that this Proposal and the
deemed"factors"outside the Engineer's control. referenced scope of services was not solicited by Terence Schlitt either directly or indirectly.This
Proposal was specifically requested by the Client.
9. Client Disclosure. Client agrees to advise T.E.SCHUTT upon execution of this Agreement of any
hazardous substance or any condition,known or that reasonably should be known by Client,existing 17.Governing Law.This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida.
in,on,or near the site that presents a potential danger to human health,the environment,or T.E.
SCHLITT's equipment. Client agrees to provide T.E.SCHUTT continuing related information as it 18.Priority Over Form Agreement/Purchase Orders. The Parties agree that the provisions of these
becomes available to the Client. By virtue of entering into this Agreement or providing services terms and conditions shall control over and govern as to anyform writings signed by the Parties,such
hereunder,T.E.SCHUTT does not assume control of or responsibility as an operator or otherwise for as Client Purchase Orders,Work Orders,orother agreement forms and that such forms may be issued
the site or the person(s)in charge of the site,or undertake responsibility for reporting to any federal, by Client to T.E.SCHUTT as a matter of convenience of the Parties without altering any of the terms
state or local public agencies any conditions at the site that may present a potential danger to public or provisions hereof.
health,safety or the environment. Client agrees under advice of its counsel to notify the appropriate
federal,state or local public agencies as required by law;or otherwise to disclose,in a timely manner, 19.Survival. All provisions of this Agreement for indemnity or allocation of responsibility or liability
any information that may be necessary to prevent damage to human health, safety, or the between Client and T.E.SCHUTT shall survive the completion of the services and the termination of
environment, this Agreement.
10.Documents.T.E.SCHUTT will furnish Client the agreed upon number of written reports and supporting 20.Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable under
documents and will bill the Client for appropriate Reimbursable Expenses.These instruments of service law,the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
are furnished for Client's exclusive internal use and reliance,but not for advertising or other type of
Project No:22EOOS 1555 Indian River Blvd.Suite B-145,Vero Beach,Fl 32960,772.360.4998 TS f Client Page 2 of 4
1 ,
21.Assignment.This Agreement may not be assigned byeith r I' ithout the prior permission of the
22.Consideration.The parties agree that the charges forT.E.15CHLITT's services are sufficiently adjusted
to include any specific consideration payable to Client under these terms and conditions.
23.Integration. This Agreement,the attached documents and those incorporated herein constitute the
entire Agreement between the parties and cannot be changed except by a written instrument signed
by both parties.
Terry SWitt.Owner
'I d
For T.E.SCHUTT Engineering,LLC
Date: March 1,2022
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' I
i h
Project No:22E005 1555 Indian River iBlvd.Suite 8-145,Vero Beach,FL 32960,772.360.4998 TS T�7 Client Page 3 of 4
Proposal and Authorization for Professional Engineering Services
We thank you for this opportunity to offer our services to you on your project. Compensation for services rendered will be based
on the attached schedule of fees or as included herein, and are a part of this agreement for services. Reimbursable expenses
(print fees and additional services) are listed on Exhibit A.
Reimbursable Expenses Schedule&Standard Hourly Rates
Reimbursable Expenses Schedule
Rates and charges for Reimbursable Expenses as of the date of the Agreement are:
8.5"x11" Copies $ 0.10/page
8.5"x11" Copies (Color) $ 0.40/page
11"x17" Copies $ 0.50/page
11"x17" Copies (Color) $ 2.00/page
24"x36" Copies $ 2.00/page
24"x36" Copies(Color) $5.00/page
Digital Seal $25.00 (each)
Copies of Drawings (other) $0.40/sq.ft.
Mileage (auto) $0.55/mile
Add Engineers Company Information (others) $ 25.00 (each)
Infra-Red Camera $450.00/day
Digitize Original Plans (up to 11"x17") $ 1.75/page
CD (compact disk) $5/each
Air Transportation at cost
Laboratory Testing at cost
Meals and Lodging at cost
Additional Sub-Contractor Services 130%direct cost
Credit Card Convenience Fee 4%
Standard Hourly Rates Schedule
Standard Hourly Rates are set forth in this Appendix A and include salaries and wages paid to personnel in each billing class plus the
cost of customary and statutory benefits, general and administrative overhead, non-project operating costs, and operating margin
or profit.
Hourly rates for services performed on or after the date of the Agreement are:
Principal/Owner $175/Hour
Senior Engineer $145/Hour
Senior Project Manager/Jr. Engineer $135/Hour
Junior Project Manager $115/ Hour
CADD Manager $125/Hour
CADD Technician $95/Hour
Administrative Coordinator $85/Hour
Administrative Assistant $65/Hour
Litigation Support Services are billed at 2 times the hourly rates listed above.
Project No:22E005 1555 Indian River Blvd.Suite B-145,Vero Beach,FL 32960,772.360.4998 TS T> Client. Page 4 of 4