HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1203 ~\. ....' ~. >K \ ~~'.' 1 f '0. }\ , .1 i t, f ~ . ~ ,~ ~~ .\ ~ I ," j . i :; . " ~ ~ i ~ ~ "- ~ '" ! .t ;. , I , ~ ~ ;.."" , ,'. " .~ "p,; ..5 .: , $ 1 I . , ,~ ~ :i :t ~ ~ ~: ~ f f : ~.~ 'j :1 .1 "1 ~ " :t 'I ~ ..~. .' , ~ 'I I '''1 ;1 'I '," .q . ,'.j ',.: N. "'_'~~.'~.~"'nC'e.".,... ~bh) ~nbtnt~rt. Ma~k- th~ :2 'If<l, ,..~...da)' 01 f a.~?,u1! . th",~n",nine hUlldrro ami ,/"f'u/.f -.6#(,( '9~').BlnWIUiN ZI;A'{I'~ .Un d /uj ('(Jr., 1 Jll.,~ic-, 7JJtJfI't.f.1.L...., ..H.. '..J;~RJ.1ot ~ ~,'t ef,. /j' If'\ b l(,. --'J ,}ll~,J/ . 'fJc('~}Jla)(/ t'wut:1', (Tkln'-p~#<t'-/. . . ....oIthueroodptrt, \\'1l':-:HSSln'II, That S;lid 1)3;-~~ ,J of th~ first p3J1. lor and in ronsidtration ~ the 'sum or 8 It). 00 ('lu,{ ~7~~, "'n/nfl/tv ~nt-u.t6.,--,t?-t;"'It-.~/ ,', ....-~\."fi b\\iul molll"\' or the l'nittd ~t:ltl.'S{)( AUll'rie:\ to tl/!-nv in h:uul Paid b)' the said partt,1 . . or the s<<ood ~!t. at or before the msealing and' ddj\~,,' (.r ;hl'~ pr~uts, the Il~ipt \\hnoor is hlreb)' adall)\\'k-db~d. h-a-.t Rfi1nt\'(I~I~m:-d, sold. aliened, renUsM, ~lt:ued, ~\--eyed alld ('OlIti~(:... aud ")',th~ I'n..~nts "to gmnt, bat).'3in, Sl'II, ali..n, nmi<i(',.rdeast, ~\--ey a'nd confirm, unto the said part.",'-:- ...of the ~I I':\rt. amI 'hi 1ft. .heirs an.1 n.'i~1:I\S f!>re\'l'r. ,.11 11..<< t . ElA'Ca...,." /tlu_<<.", loNVf d M ~JieC- 7- .- .lalttl ..in the )'ftI' 01 our .ifni one ,dud q;,!-~.. HI, ~~,(d..-, .., .. ...01 the lint part. and l,r lying 311.1 being in the Count)' of St, I.udl', ;\ud ~tate or Florid..., -.rid d.-scriloed as follo\\'s: 1 -..,-/ /;7 /,' ) -.t. /..A ' f / J " , _ ~ .1"(1("r 7"lj:,/~4, ./32-'7- --J J'<<- .":(('(/"N((''{.,~_ !ftttL!tl-4/~. c:.".I1i.-'h~5-.~~(,/-C;H'IT::~:.- -II fl/( .f( it ~lClt?'1Ed_n jjitl.C_ -7, _(/n~~t;)A~__.JI_,'/'c.i If, -.-(./a";t.J,--.7-~1!;.....(",---- - -.l ;~1 . 1e..fA(, - .J~ftt,1:. ~ __ ~(U z.., ~~~du.'t.'~",~,_/<-~ tt.._~:/r..__.1h-q/~<<'--f-'{d.c. --J{" t{~k, 'I J.1.l.. ffi teL<-,l .-(c'U./l.l: ~ It._..a,U(. 7'~ ...U~((... (Cn~.x.~~"-_.nLL.-. ic 7. . r4.1 .. f) .~lN/1 . <<,/.!, '9/~,.. a.}~rt...,..lcl'rJr& /. aN,~u.11..-7kL.~;t<~~~_Ucd"d1l/ ~ .I,{dc.Z: {n{l:zu{t f!:" . ?4t :7Jr-~ ~,.. hfJ__Aa".-..v.._. /-- ~1fL..~..__ .-----. ," .'.-- . , ""AlIVE.: Arn...rz.::f'."" ,_.d..4 rt"-',..tf<%<~~. n~(<,l:-. .._{.~.__>!(il.~_.dI<~(,ec.~ .. . ..,-.6 , , ,/ --C:' ~ ~i;k ~- ..,~ ll!- .t;~(...~"lo1f,.~,~, . ('r.?:!:d't1~~4. ...f(IfCY_ . '~f;(("{,~7Z- u;x4~,u_t.~_.tl ./v1~-:' ", ,,_.', ..1.(.ad.Lr,,_..('n1(tT.k.. a{.!/.....d~_~-.l:~, ,_ ,~f___ t"1.t ",;l?k-/':.J..fd ~-9..Lc..K'ff'.ffr"!. ~~~~~;'!;1~!;;~~~~~1;~~~~~~:~::~~~l~~~~~?~'1 ....'~~~.:~._ ~, /.!!. .~..'~~:~KU~7(J ".~~~_1=_~:~.'~~~..._'_' . . -..-.... --.-\.. --- ....... ---_..--- --. - .. TOGh.....n..:R With all and siugulat the. ., tenements, bt:n:ditamtnts and apptlltenanm thereunto bl"loDgiug, 01 in an)'1liw appertaining. amI the revtnioo aoo rt\--etsioos, nmain~ and l\'lllaindrrs. rents, issues and profits thereof, ~:\D "'I.so, all the (~tatt. right. title, inttrest, dowu and right or dowm-, ~parate estate, property, p'~cioo, claim ~lJJ ckmand whal5Oe\'U, as well in law as in ntuity, or the said part. .~.0I tht first part. (.r, in, and to. the samr, and e\--el)' part IUjd parcel thuroI, 1litb ll~ . apPultetlanas: TO IIA VU, Al'f) TO 1101.1> the ;tbo,'e r.rr.t d. Ixlrg-.Dned and ckscribed prt~~, with the appurtcaances, unto the said part !f of the serond part. -t <AI ...ht-ilS and assigns, to 1u4 ...own Vloptr ~. Ixaefit and bdIooC fORftr, _ . .. ADd the said part,t~""...oC the fi~t part f for ,}4ui.. bei: tx<<UtoIS and ~dmil\istralo: Jo .. ronnant, pI01f1ise atld agree to aod with said Paru-p'... ...of the secood part, ,fu ~ heirs and assigns, tJ L tht said parL<<4.. ..of the first part. ' . , J ..at the time 01 the walin" aD.1 deli\'ery 01 tlt~ prewnl~ tt~ 1a\\-r'IUy seiud in fte simple 01 a good, absolute and indritasible estate oC ~~, 01 and iu. all singular. the abo\'l' gtant(-d, bargained and desnilx-d pmni~, ,nth the dwurtmatn': and -;k. ~ ~"good right. rull pawn and 'o)lIi,,! authofit)' to grant, bargain. !it'll and coon)' the same in m3llnn aoo fflllll atoresaJd, And that the said part ~ 01 the 5<<OOCI part, z{<;Z beilS and assigns, shall and may at all til1K'5 htrtafttr, Jl(2tdull)' and quietly ha\--e, bold, ~, ottIJpy, ~ enjoy the abon graut~ premi~. an.1 n"er)' part lUJd ~a:lt~ereof, ~th the appllrtl'n~nas, without any let, suit. lrOtJb~, ~tatioo, n;dioo 01' disturbaDc.oe of the laid part ,lEft. ..01 tilt fi..t part. ~ ~kc l- t. ...heirs or assagns, or 01 any other pt'fSOII or per'iOfl5 la.roUy elalnung or to daim the same. And that the saIDf are DO.llU. dNr, d.s, cbar~ and unir.cumbl.'rtd of and lrom all rormer~"ld othu Rfanti,. titles, c:harfI,U, ~tates. jud~ts,l~ Il5Iet5IIIents and incuaabraol'eI 0I.-bat D:llu~ and kind soever, " , . ~ _.~.. - -- - ~ - ----~~~----~""'-~~~.....--~,~, .-------..-..--------.---..---..- -----.-- --".-..-- '.. ..----...---.....,----------- -----..-----------..-- - .11.. -- - .\nd the said p3J1.U~ .or the 6~t part, ror .I'd; 'IC<.!"/'.( ".- allll iI{;~ "f~ ,htirs. th~' above do:-so."rihed .llId hl'rt'b\' ~l:IlIle" ;u\li :ek-awd premises. ami e\'l'1)' p.ut nI\(l p:m:d thtloor. ~ith applllttnan<<S. unto the said parte C. or the st-rond pout. .{~:t. hdrs :111.1 ;l<sh::n~, ~.1inst the: sai111>ul-V(l.. or the filst l>3rt and ~~,cA- heirs. and ag.unst a\1 ,m.1 (,Jry IJelSOn or I"ISOM wl\OO1'iOC\'er. I:",iully d..i;"inK o~ t.. daim tfko ~lIIe ~hall antI <rill warrant, allll fl,\' ttx_ p~nts rort\'er dtrtml. ,., IX wrrx..:ss \\:IIIiRI~OF, 'rht said par\..~~ t!.- .01 the ,first part fi" r {/ ht'n"tmtn set . i~, 4 ; 11:\1111,....' :10.1 St-:ll.) ,lhe .hy allll )'t'llI first above writttn. '",/' ./;. } . l' {"/I~ ~ ~P..-- .'l.~. f ",..A .(i~/~' //1. .~!rdr,{ (Sf:.\I.) . Sigatd, Staled an~ ,Ih--ertd in Prestitt--e ollIS: t('~/~!r&/h.- . l('~ (j, {~M~,f' ---..-.0 ---.-.----......----...'-... STATE OF ?/1~~"~.~r-- COUNTY OP . J7rt:~,rt>?..... (~E.\I,\ .' iSg.\l.) OIl thi" day personally apprortd berOrt lilt . :} C{~Ek MX, /,//,/ tf,. 'd ))/ l <<'//t""~ ..!;f;~ ..' ~/ to ~ \nill kno\\'ll a" the: ptrson,V'.dtsnibed in. and who txecuted the: rort1{oin~ rlttd of C"Il\~y;lOee, and at"kno\\'...,d~t<lthat 7I-rj' .exl".tl"1 th., same for the purpose th~rein upr~l; whereupon it is pra)'ell that tlie same may be Itrordtd, In Witness Whereor, I have belP.tmto affixed my name and offK"ial !it'al, thi~ ? "Jut: day flf . U(:1 n "r . . .\. n. 191:1 , . //.LCt1/r //({o,.- '. \' // {l' E. (L-l-/n E(. e-P~1c!~>,. ~',.;'~'rj,e//;~ ~u//h,_ ~r, /.k". , >7 ,~~ #J.-;U<< ~~ tZ'1..:'a" {'t~~. "". /'l'}-9. at ~fj..., ( \tiE.\I.) 7J1~ ,/~~O..~:. 1 /1 ruru7.:- . ']. I,. .'//f-t ~UUb'l.t.?nl'd auY,.{u-,~,Ct ....... do hertbycrrtify.tltat bnh; )/(. ~?rH<!/;" :J /l.~'1;:tI;x.- 3]" N~;: STATE OF CoUM'tY or ~ .to me well known a._ tile \\iic of .and a.. one 01 the person, d~rilJelI .in. alltl \dlO en<.'lted the foregoing~. did lhis cia)' 10 me. 011 a ~paratr-'and IKh'at.. ('J:aminalion ~:fore ~e "Iken and madt, ""P:Ir.lttly an.1 aJklrt ir..m her "=Ii.1 hU,.b.lIIlJ, :ld:I1f)~". edgt and dttlart. that shC made 1K~li a ltalty to and execut~d the sam.. r..f. the plllJ'OSt of It"k-a"in~. Ielill'lnishin~. Il:nour.:cill~ an. I ffinn-)'in;: all III r right of dower, !;tparate estate and homestead, and all her ligbts in and to tbe land5, in sai.1 ...'('(1 d.-scribed antI !,'T,mttd, antI that she eXI'O.ltl...1 tit.. ,amI: rrtel)' and \'oInntarily, "ithout an,Y ronstlaint, ap~bemiOn, ' rl'ar or ronQmlsion of or rrom her said husband, ./ ' , _ Witness my ha.td and olliciaI ~aJ at ./ I L p"r./ A r-, $~.., this .:7 '/rd ...dayor r t?~..-r.'/' .A [), I'll 'l.'. " . r ( ("'(; 1 't /' C I. rz-fif,( C~ "L',)'. (SE.\I.) /l.'-fJUI h~~"'l.-::'~/.;' ~/~,.!-~. <<~: ~,'~. 'hJ ""~" ULLC,.~.._h:_"/_'..I., .<<..~ I~, /7;~ ... I. _....;.~ ~()~ ~ ST,..Te OF Fl.OklDA, ~ /, " ~ C~lTNTlr OP Sr:~"t:c:y&'.k Re'IT RHMHMlJeRf.l>, That on this I ~~~r da)' of y~.t;; nc,h-'t-- ,:Jlt' I"l? . I, fi (f).CL.cVd'l:~ 4' C"'rk 01 the Cirmit Court in and lor said C(.tIlJt~., ha\'~' rt'{Y.nl,,1 tll.' ~ ~ fOrtgOiult Dted in the PubJKo Rtrords 01 said Count)', In WilDtss Whenol, I 11a\'t' Jxortunto set ~y IWrd:~d the seal or sai.1 Court, thf' <:11)' and year A';:"e ~n, .. . . ;~~LJ:;t; .. .I (r, 5/rf.,<:~ . " Ry(ff..[~-.hJ(;, " #. (SI~;\I') ., n,c. ..