HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Appoval Structural Components' Flo ida Building Code Online l - M--- ---� - f2 : Page:2 0 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C Date Submitted Date. Vallilated 09MV201509/16/2615. Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved . 09%20/2015 Summa of Products Model, Number or Name Description _ . 17147.1 ZIP System (R) WallSheathing ZIP System (.R) Wall She Limits of Use ' Approved.tor use In HVHZ. o Installation Instructions .. . FL17147 RS II ZIP h atfiing Install M nu 12013 odf Approved for use outside HVHZq' Yes V.edFled By; ICC Evaluation Service,:LLC :Impact: Resistant: No C Design Pressi{re: N/A: reated by Independent Third Partyi ' Other: limitedao structural aspects of panel Evaluation Reports:' ... P P EL17147 RI A R-1474 r 1 .rp FL17147 Rl 'A 'FSRta�d tv Neat .. .. Contact ,115.;;-2611191a1r Ctene Road rai-fi___"h ± 16g Phan-' Rr0.4R7j67 . . . :Me State Of Fbdda Is an AA/E-0 empidyer. Codvrfnht 2Rp7.701a e,at f Piorfoe ;; gjlpry 56dnment ;; Acnsclhalty ed m,nt,; o and e.� Under Florida law, email addresses are pubik remrds. 7f you do not want jroura-mail address reused In response' m a � t"m elecoonk mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall Sf u have a do not spend .. Section 455.275(1),: Florida. Statutas, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter F yaes00n5, please Contact a50.487.1395.'Pursuant to they have one. The email$ PM%dded may be used for official communication with the trpensee. H w5evv ertiail dust dconases are publicvide the reco�ld. If -you dt with an o not wish colt, . supply a personaleddress, please Provide the Department with an small address which cah'be made available m the public. To determine if you are a licensee urMer chapter 455, F.S., "please cildc that, - .. Product Approval ✓tceePie: Crddt Card. - safe https:l/www:floridabuilding:org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=WGEVXQwtDgvCo3EapiIlBd.... 4%12%2017 vu anaae rvC�Z826Z s rvx y r ,!� , 704.547 9Z281 LLGIDP ria awanBSaaid`eo � ZIP:System®Roof & Wall Sheathing INSTALLATION MANUAL. Contents 02 ZIP System® Sheathing Installation: On Roofs 03 ZIP System'" Tape Installation - Roof Panel. Seams .04.. ZiP System" Tape Installation :Roof Panel Seams (continued) 05 Roof. Covering Installation :Instructions 06, ZIP System° Roof &.Wall Sheathing installation 07 ZIP System'"- Tape Installation, Panel Seams ATTENTION:' This installation guide is:intencied, to provide general Information Yor;thedesigner and and user. The following guidelines will help you safelyana properly instafl'the ZIP System- Roof &W'all wall. sheathing. We urge you, and anyone installing: this product, to read,th:ese guidelines in order to :minimize any risk of safety haiards and to prevent voiding any applicable warranties. This manual is a general installation guide and does: not: cover every lnstallatIlon condition: Proper installation shall be deemed to :mean the most restrictive requirement specifies! by Huber Engineered Woods •(HEW). local building, code, engineer of architect. of record. or oilier authority having jurisdiction..l'ou:are fully and solely responsible for all safety requiremerris a. code compliance. For:additlooel information contact Huber Engineered Woods LLC. . :ZIP System- Roof & Wall Sheathing Safety Guidelines - Follow all OSHA regulations and any other safety guidelines and safety practices during installation and construction. Use approvedsafetybeltsand/orhamessesoroth' fall protection equipment Install. ZIP System panels and tape only in dry conditions and on dry. surfaces. Do not install in rain, snow, frost orother.slippery conditions. ' Wear rubber soled or other high -traction footwear•while4ristalling ZIP System sheathing in a roof •appltdation. Do not wear:footwear with worn soles or heels.. r Ensure .the roofing surface is free trom.oil, chemicals, sawdust, dirk -tools, electric cords, air hoses, clothing arid. anything else that might: create a mpliing hazard. . . . . - Install temporary toe: beards along the ZIP System sheathing roof surface.:: What, Id ZIP System- Roof & Wall.Sheathingl ZIP.System Roof & Walf sheathing Is code -recognized as:a ,wood 'structural panel, roofing, undedayment (ICC-ES ESR=1473), -water-resistive barrier and air barrier (ICC-ES ESR-1474). ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing has a .built-in' moisture bamer• that- lets you say good-bye: to building paper or housewrap on the walls and.felt paper an the roof.* Simply'lnstall the panels,:tapa the seams, and'you have a structural wall sheathing; Waters. resistive barrier and: air barrier or a structural roof sheathing and roofing undedaymentall from one product. so sy„ster .. ..ROOF'i:WAU SIMTH/NO FASTER. TIGHTER ENERGY EFFICIENT B. ZIP System® Roof & Wall Sheathing = 'ftdow Installation Flanged Windows &:Brick Mould Windows: .09 ZIP Systems Roof •& Wall Sheathing .::Window Installation:Brick Mould Windows (continued) 10 ZIP System® Roof & Wall. Sheathing - Penetration Openings :11' ZIP System® Roof & Wall Sheathing :Installation Details 12 ZIP System® Roof & Wall Sheathing, Installation Details (continued) :ZIP: System Roof & Wall sheathing can be used wtth a range of exterior claddings and roof coverings. _Approved wall coverings' Include brick, vinyl, stone, wood fiber cement, wood and. cedar shakes, traditional hard coat stucco and spectlied drains Is EIFS• applications, however: it: is not, recommended for use with adh'esi%Wy=attached EIFS.. Approved roof coverings include asphalt -fiberglass shingles, metal:tiles and panels, day and concrete tiles, slate and slate -type shingles and wood sheRes and shingles. Fallow'all cladding and root covering manufacturer's installation instructions.. ZIP. System Roof &: Wall sheathing oari be used on buildings of Type 111. (Roof Applications ONLY) grid Type V construction and'construction permitted under the ihd: .:. . ZIP System - Roof & Wall Sheathing Includes; - ZIP System sheathing panels with bulft-tn moisture barrier .with preprinted fastening and tape guides .ZIP System tape Stora9e and Handling Set panel 7stack on three supports:(stickers) to keep off, the ground.' Outdoors, cover panels loosely:with waterproof protective material. = 'Anchor covers on top of the stack, but keep away from sides and bottom to assure good air circulation. In high moisture:environments, cut:banding on the panel stack to prevent edge damage ZIP System- Roof & Wall Sheathing Notes and Limitations:: Do not use on roofs with slopes less than 2/12. - Do not use abutted against general stone oc masonry without providing a minimum'of a 112` gap. DO not install ZIP System tape in temperatures less Than 20 F ZIP System products are not recommended for manufactured housing applications'that are built under a federal building code administered by the U:S.:Department of Housing and Urb.an.Development (HUD). - Do -not use panel edge dips (H-Clips) with ZIP System Roof & Wall sheat.hh!: Without expressed written approval from Huber Engineered. Woods." Do not use ZIP System tape to permanently seal around circular roof prolections (plumbing vents, .' tP 9 pipes, curved walls, etc.) Contents (continued) Wall Coverings.: - - ZIP System Roof & Wall: sheathing :shourd be covered with the -finished roof.covering et Blown Cell I - :.Welt . tNn u ass Insulation In addition to following manufacturer installation Instructions, or exterior cladding within 180 days of )nstaflation - finished .roof and exterior cladding products should be installed we: recommend a maximum moisture content of the cellulose of less than 25% measured at per the manufacturer's,iristallation instructions, the inside surface of the ZIP System parer before dosing the will cavity, - Per the recommertdation of the Western R' .t?edar Lumber Association SecondaryCoatings .' and 1Fte.U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, wood siding should, be:pdmed installation. ' ' :. Do not apply secondary coatings or treatments to ZIP System Roof 8 Wall .before = When original roofing or claddings are removed and'replaced on existing ZIP System sheathing.panels:with the exception of the following: r HEW approved lire resistant.:coatings. Fire sheathing; the roof or wall should be covered with an additional . rooftng,urideriayment or water resistive homer resistant coatings must be tested and approved by HEW.for use with ZIP System panels. prior to.installat.on of the new'finished roofing or cladding; - Field applied water soluble borate insecticide or fungicide: treatments applied to the non overlay side :of the panel. See technical tip, "Termite Note: In-cle'dding ayetern requiring multiple layers of water -resistive barriers, Treatments on ZIP System Roof A Wall Sheathing," on zipsystem,ebrri for like traditional hard -coat stucco, zip system :sheethirig Is intended only to more Information.. _ replace the flist-laye�. Permeable laminated radiant barrier foil or paint For a radiant barrier toil or coating to be considered permeable, it must have an applied perritearice of.. fiveperms of greater as tested by:the AST, M E 86 wet cup standard. Fora. radiant toll, the permeance evaluation would intrude any adhesive and/or backer used to laminate a: foil: For a radiant pairiUcoating, the perneance evaluation should Lie condticted.at the applied thickness of the paint/coating. ZIP System Rool and Well sheathing replaces only the drst:layer in.multl,umfedayment systems - - " Edgy support is not required by code with 112 (32/i6 span: rated)' and 6J8 (4=0 span rated) performmnce'category:sheaddng it the framing does not exceed 24` ac.. and the total road does not exceed 93 psi for 112 and 166 psi for 518 performance categaries. This is based U186 on deflection criteria for lotal load. ZIP -System° Hoof' Sheathing Installation Manual 02 . ZIP SYSteme Sheathin .Installation on RoiDfi Overview: ZIP System Roof &Wall sheathing is composed of ZIP System panels and ZIP System seam sealing tape. ZIP System® Roof iv* all Sheathing panels should be fully installed before. the seam sealing tape Is applied. In general, the ZIP System root sheathing'pariels should be In from the lowest point: an the roof to the highest, it is at the discretion of the installer whether fo apply tape from the top down or from the bottom up.; However, working fromahe:hlgfiest: sections of. the roof and working down .will minimize foot, traffic on the tape, The following installation steps are.presented as guidelines.ands general ouBine of the installation process. These are manufacturer Installation recommendation -please visit zipsystem.eom for aiibrary of flashing and installation details. You are fully and solely responsible for all safety regtitrements Good construction and safety. practices should be followed at•aA times. •[Step 1:: ... ... Ensure that the panel surface is dry -and dean of any nails, sawdust, .ar other debris orprotrusions prior to inslaifingor.walking on the panels. After ensuring :compliance with all : OSNA :and. locol code safety guidelines, Install ZIPS stem` sheathin System-, g panels with the moisture barrier surface facing outside.: The long edge (8') should be oriented perpendicular to the framing rnembers,'and'panels should be installed with the 4' edge: seams staggered a minimum of W 1/8" spacing between square edges of all adjacent panels is recommended, in accordance with industrystandards for wood sheathing; (Tongue & Groove panels are de signed to and do notrequire manual Edges anal E nal 8' P Edges ' spacing. on the 8' edges.) ... �B. Fa a/e- 4' The unique edge profile is: - Maintain U8' space: . designed to accommodate; where 4' edges:meet: -' incremental panel ' " Unique edge profile is on expansion and does not &-edges only, i.: alonlre the Bne�9aPPin9 g dges...... .. Step:... - Ensure that ZIP System panels span at least three framing members and e framing member supports the entire 4' edge of the panels. Fasten the ZIP System Roof & Wall: she panel to the framing' members Wth code -approved fasteners spaced at the appropriate edge and intermediate'spacing Ilt is the responsibility of the general contractor to verify proper fastener type and spacing prior to installation. Apply the fasteners-3/8" from the panel ;ends and comers. . - An ideal Installation would be fastener heads are flush with the panel surface. However, due to variations in matenals and limitations on equipment, this may ba'dIM6ult to achieve In some.situattons. It is not required to tape over overddvarr fasteners' Unless the fastener head crest es:a hole.through the entire panel. thickness. Please'see: thelechrilcal tip; "Overdriven:Fasteneis'in ZIF•System Roof and Well Sheathing," for more information, Step 2. Install temporarytoe boards as necessary_when applying the ZIP System sheathing partets,up the slope of the root planes.: - x -- .. 3 ZIP System"' Tape: Installation - Roof :Pantl Seams APPIY ZIP System tape after all ZIP System Roof & .Wall sheathing panels: are fully fastened to roof-framin "members OnlyZIP S ould be used to scat a seams of ZIP' System panels. -Ensure that the panel surfaces are dry and free of any nails; sawdustand other debris, or protrusions.Avold tepp rtg.. . an tape irr high temperature environments. ZIP System tape: is"a contact tape that requires pressure for an adequate'eal. Step 1. APPIy"ZIP SYstehitape.to every vertical and horiiontal panel -seam. "It is "at the "discretion of the installer whether to apply tape:irom the top down or. from the bottom up.' -However, working from FiigFiest sections of the roof and woiking"down will minimfie foot traffic on the tape. Ensure thatthe tape is centered over ttieseam within +/-1/2° to provide' . adequate coverage and to ensure "that wrinkles in the tape are minimized. >. Ensure that tape lengths are continuous across the 8' hbrizanlal edge of the panels. If splices are unavoidable, create.ae overlapping lice of at least 3' Apply moderate pressure onto the surface of the tape:to: ensure a'secure bbnd between• the panel and the tape. Use ZIP System tape gun. or tape.roller to apply pressure'to the tape and smooth out any.wrinkles: Take special"care'tb remove any voids.andlor trapped air at splice areas and Tiionts. FF ... .. . as of framing, we recommend'yo ' use 6°wide ZIP System " e is wider than panel seam tape and Is designed to give you ction in valley areas. the bottom and working your way up; apply one continuous piece oft, tape se_ that the center of the tape is over the valley seats. Use the tape gun or tape roller to apply pressure to the tape to ensure proper contact with the: panel and to eliminate any wrinkles that might have occurred -in the tape. Take special care to seat completely Into the valley: Note: -. It is. important to pay;extra attention to valley taping as water is directed toward the valleys during rain events.. SeWadhering Ice and water barriers: mey"be required by code. ZIP System tape is not considered a replacemenkforsclf-adhering 'iae_ and water barriers. Therefore; when self -adhering Ice end water barriers are required,: they; should be Installed in addltion to ZIP System tape. Step.4... = .To,provide temporary ;weather.protection to rooflavall 'intersections of dormers or other. wood -sheathed projections, apply 2" of the tape Width up:the. vertical projection from where ii;intersects with the :of, -The remaihind tape width can be adhered to the.Zip System roof sheathing panels. . Use the tape gun or tape roller to apply pressure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles: Step 5. :.. Install ZIP System tape over hips and ridges by centering the tape over : . the peak seam: Apply tape in sufficientlength to completely extend the , 'length of the hip or ridge. Starting from the lowest point of the hip and working up, press tape Into place keeping -tape centered over the. hip. Apply moderate pressure onto Ihe'sudace of.ttie tape to ensure a:secureBond between the panel and the tape. Cut ridge tape as required. for.ventilation prior to installing ridge vent. Step 6: .. Tape Overtoe board nail holes once the toe boards are removed, -working from the highest toe boards'td the lowest 05 Roof. Covering Installation Instructions ZIP System Roof 8 Wall: sheathing is a code recognized sheathing and:underiaymen Asphalt-fierglass Shingles t and is approved for use.with the following roof coverings: b Metal. Roofs (shingles and panels) .:.Clay, ile - Concrete Tile - Slate and Slate -type Shingles Wood Shingles ' Wood Shakes When:insialling roof coverings, follow applicable codes and manufacturer's suggested Instructions. Some roof coverings requite a slip -sheet In addiction to conventional: underlaymeM. Where slip -sheets are required, they should be installed over ZIP System sheathing panels. Note:. Visit zipsystem:com for.updates, and installation details. Asphalt -fiberglass Shingles . . Apply asphalt shingles directly to ZIP System sheathing; For'roofs with a.slope of.2112 of greater but less than 4/12. additional undedayment,may be required. Install asphalt -fiberglass shingles according toapplicable codes and manufacturer's installation instructions. Metal Roof Covering§ Metal root coverings may be applied to ZIP System sheathing; provided that the roof co:veiing manufacturer's Installation Instructions and applicable codes are followed... . Fasteners used to; secure the ZIP System: Roof & Wall sheathing panels to:supporting framing must be compatible with the specific metal roof covering used.. Galvanized to§toners shall be used with galvanized roof coverings; aluminum -zinc coated fasteners snail be used with aluminum=tine coated roof coverings and 300 series stainless steel fasteners shall be used with'copper roofs. Stainless steel fasteners are acceptable with all metal roof types. . In addition, metal roof flashing shall also be made of a material compatible with. the specific metal roof covering used. Apply metal shingles on roofs with Slopes of 3112 or, greater.' Clay and Concrete Tile Roof Coverings ZIP System Root &Wall sheathing is In to replace the' first layer in a two -layer or multi -layer underlayment system. When installing clay or - concrete the roof coverings, follow the installation recommeridafions of FRSALi-RI.07320. Install file roofs according'* Installation Instructions. applicable codes and mamitacturers Sleteond Slate -type Shingles Apply slate and slate -type shingles an roofs with slopes of 4/12 or greater. Install slate and slate -type shingles according. to:applicable codes and manufacturers installation instructions. Wood Shingles ZIP System. Roof & Wall sheathing is Intended to replace the first layer of 6ndeilayment required by the IBC and/or the IRC. AddiUcnai layers'ot underlayment may .be'required by code depending on the local climate. Apply wood shingles on roofs with slopes of 3/12 or greater, Instal( wood shingles acaording:to applicable codes and manufacturees:fnstallation instructions. Wood Shakes ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing is Intended io:replace the first layer ofunderia ment required by the IBC and/or the IRC. Additional layers of underlayment .may be required by code depending: on the local ciimate.:ZiP System roof sheathing is not to be construed as a replacement for interlayment. Apply wood . _:shakes on roofs with slopes of 4/12' or greater. Install wood shakes according to applicable codes and manufacturer's installation instructions. ZIP System' Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Manual 06 ZIP. System® Sheathing' Installation on.Walls Overview: ZIP System Aoof & Wall sheathing is composed of ZIP System panels and ZIP System §eam:sealing tape. ZIP System• Root &Wall Sheathing panels should be tullyinstalled before the wain sealing tape Is applied. The • process: These are manufactureriristallation recommendations :please visit i . solely responsible for all safety requirements. following installation steps are presented as a general outline of the installation zipsystem.com far a library of flashing:and installation details. You fully and - are Good construction and safety practices shouid.b� . followed at all times: Step 1. Install ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing panels, positioned'' with the water -resistive barrier facing outslde: The, panels may be installed with.' tlie: long side of the panel oriented: either horizontallyor vertically to the framing members. Walls that are designed to resist lateral shear:forces :and sheathed with wood structural panels typically require solid framing or blocking behind all panel edges. If oriented horizontally, block: horizontal joints !f wall is designed for tiracirtg dr as a shear wail.- 1/8' spacing between square edges cf•all adjacent panels is reconiihended in accordance with'industry-standards for.wood :sheathing Installation. • . 8 Pa and a' :.. 4' Pan ' Panel Edges Panet Edges el Edges - ' _ The unique edge profile is Maintain Ile designed to accommodate 8 anal �� where Maintain 1/8' space p edges meet 4' where 4' edges meet:' ' increnienlal panel. panel edges; Unique edge Unique edge profile Ik'ori ' expansion and does not ' profile does not provide 8' edges only.' require manual gapping:: the full 118' recommended along the 8' edges.' space fn'this sftuatian.• to the framing main bars: code approved r2Fae-panels . Space fasteners V o.c: along supported edges and:f2'= erriiediate'supports,'unless otherwise specified by; local e designer of redord, It Is the responsibility of the general r to verifyproper fastener type and'spacing prior to I installation.. Apply the fasteners 3/9,' from the ends and corners. l { , An:ideai installation would be where fastener heads are flush with the panel surface.. However, .due to variations -in materials and ilmitations on equipment, this may be di}ficutt tq;achieve income " ' situations:, it is not required to. tape over overdriven 'fasteners unless.the fastener head creates's hole through the entire panel thickness. Please seethe technical tip•"Overdriven Fasteners in Zip System Roof and. Wall- Sheathing," on iIpsystem.com for :.: more information.:: .. 07 ZIPS ystem' Tape Installation - Wall Panel. Seams Apply ZIP System tape •after all ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing panels are'tu!ly fastened to wall -framing rriembers. Only ZIP System tape should be used to seal the seams of:ZIP System panels. Ensure that the panel. surface is dry and tree. of sawdust aitd dirt prior, to taping. tape that requires pressure for-sh adequate seal. ZIP.Syetem tape is a contact Step 1. Tape:all seams using ZIP System tape: Ensure that the Pape As centered -over the seam within +1. 1/2" to provide adequate :coverage and that wrinkles in tape are minimal, Use the ZIP. System tape gun or roller to apply pressure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles. . Step 2. Wherever tape splices occur at a hortzpMai or vertical seam, create: . an overlapping splice of at.least 3'. At T-Joints, the tape Pieces should overlap by at least t'. Apply moderate pressure onto the surface of [fie tape to ensure a secure bond between the panel and the:tape,: Use the ZIP System tape gun or roller to apply pressure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles.: Take special care to remove any: yoids and/or trapped air at splice. areas and T-Joints. . Step: 3.. Tape inside and outside comer seams. . . Yes « i j inside comer seam .. .. :. - DulddeC m6fse9m Note:_Tape over any areas of the panel or tape that are damaged during construction. ZIP System - Window Installation bjscl.NMEA.ThefbbMngsteps represent a8eneralovomewfor the proper insta®atfon-olMnilowflashing. Pleasedefer tofcohauft the Installation instructions of your window manufacturer as well as code requirements In your )uriadtctlon for fu11 tnate0a6orr data is; . Flanged Windows 1. Fasten the ZIP System sheathing ; to the wood frame and install. ZIP System tape to ali wall panel seams, ;as. detailed in sections 02 and 03. { f i i. 2. ZIP System tape may be used as pan flashing if installed in accordance with flanged window Installation details posted .on zipsystem.com. Other adhesive -based flashing tapes (must meet i ICC-ES A'cceptancd. Criteria for Flashing Materials (AC148)) maybe used as pan flashing if Installed I per ASTM 2112=07. Apply the flashing to co0er the bottom of the opening, overhanging onto the sheathing by at. least -2''and extending a minimum of 6' up: each.jamb. 3. Apply sealant around inside face of mounting flafige. Sealant must be gapoed. at the sill to.pennit drainage Install and levelwindow per mahufacturer's -installation instructions: Verify. sealant compal bifdy with window manufacturer. When using ZIP System. tape. as pan flashing, butyl,: 100% silicone of polyurethane sealants aieacceptable. Do not use: latex or other water - based sealants. 4. Cut two pieces of ZIP System tape or another adhesive -backed flashing tape (must meet ICC- ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing Materials (AC148)) and apply to each of the window Jamb flanges,.ensuring. the Jamb flashings:ovadap the > sill flashing. Once.the tape is in place; use the tape gun or roller ' to "seal the flashing to the sheathing. 5. Cut a length. of ZIP System tape or another adhesive -backed flashing tape (must meet ICC- ES Acceptance Criteria for Fiashirig Materials (AC148)) and apply to the header, ensuring that the.flashing, gVerdaps'the Jamb flashings.l. Once the tape is in place, use the tape gun or roller to seal the flashing to the. sheathing. TO NOT tape bottom Range. 6. From the interior; apply low-oressure polyurethane; foam (for windows)'between the rough opening' and the window frame. (Caulk sealant compatible } with the.sill.flashing may be used.at the.sill.if the opening between the sill flashing and window is too narrow to•allow the use of low-pressure. 4 polyurethane foam.) When using ZIP System tape,- butyl, 100% ; 4 silicone or polyurethane: sealants are acceptable. Do not use latex sealants with ZIP System tape: ff .: using another flashing tape, follow the. flashing manufactures recommendation in selecting a sealant compatible with that flashing: Brick Mould Windows 1. Fasten the ZIP System sheathing :. to the wood frame and install ZIP System tape to all wall panel seams, -as detailed In sections 02:and 03: ' 2 If recommended by the window manufacturer, cut a strip of wood to;function as a back dam at the: sill. The wood strip should. have i alen l.. length equal to the width of the i rough opening and a height and Width of at least 1/2". Position the block. of tlie- inside edge of the - window frame. 09 ZIP System - Window Installation u1scLAfMER:ThefaOowingyyepsrepresentageneral aderyiewfor theproperinskAatlonolxintlowflashing.Pieasedeferto/consu@ the lnsteltagon'insWctlons olyour w ndow menufaou.* as wag as code requirements in your jurisdiction for full lnst.6a on details. Brick Mould: Windows (continued) 3. ZIP System tape may be used aspen flashing if installed In accordance: with brick mould window Installation details posted on zipsystem:com. Other adhesive -based flashing tapes:(must meetS. IC Acoeptarice Criteria for Flashing Materials (AC148)) may be used as pan flashing it Installed per ASTM 2112-07. Apply.the flashing to cover the bottom of the opening, overhanging onto the sheathing by at least 2" and extending a minimum. of 6' up each jamb. 4. For verticaljambs,'cut ZIP System tape oranother adhesive -backed flashing tape.(must meet ICC- ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing ,Materials . (AC148)) and apply to each of the window jamb&. Ensure that they cover the entire inside of the rough openin ! as well i f as overiap onto. the sheathing by l at: least 2". Flashing shall also :extend above the rough opening, .such That it •will project 1' beyond the exterior trim of the window. Once the tape Is in place, use the tape gun or roller to:$eal the flashing to the sheathing. b. Apply sealant to Jambs and header allowing for drainage at the. sill in accordance with window . 7. Cut a piece of rigid head flashing so that when installed, it is flush with the edges of the exterior moulding of the window. Apply a bead of sealant to the back and boI.I surface of the rigid head flashing, .Use sealant recommended. by. the flashing manufacturer. 8: Secure the rigid.'head. flashing to ZIP System wall sheathing,, 9. Cut a length of ZIP system .tape or; another adhesive -backed flashing tape (must meet ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing Materials (AC148)) and apply to the' rigid head flashing, ensuring that the adhesive -backed flashing overlaps the jamb flashings: Once the tape is in.place, use the tape gun or roller to seal the flashing td the:sheathing. manufacturer s. installation instructions. When . 10. From the Interior, apply low-prossure polyurethane using Zlt?:System:tape, use a butyl, pdfyufethone foam (for windows) between the rough opening and or. 10'w silicone sealant Do not.use latex or the -window frame. (Caulk sealant compatible with other .water -based sealants with ZIP System the sill flashing mabe used at th y e sill if the o enin tape. When using another flashing tape, follow the p 9 flashing manufac-turer's recommendations :in between the sill flashing and, Window is too narrow selecting a sealant compatiblewith. that fleshing. to allow the use of )overpressure polyurethane foam.) , When using ZIR System tape butyl 100°/ in 17 6. Install'and level window per manufacturer's installation instructions: or :polyurethane sealants are acceptable. Do not (t .'. •I " .. . use latex or other water -based sealants with ZIP System tape. If using another flashing tape, follow the flashing manulaciurer's 'recommendation In selecting a sealant compatible with that fiasfiing. . . OANETµC M VAMCNONNECCWENCEOM . PANEI.EOOTSIp&M arNER+xsEH+v+oeo�T ' wam�LDANosamLmEs TA'yYyTplyTAPE MSMLIED am. WALL 4HATNW01. ... . •mCMAT TAPES WIW16. 1f/CN AT ALL LWWA DPStlieW iAPsatu�' _ WALL'ASSEMBLV .. .. .. ZIP SYSTEMO WALI SHEATHING WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS mm" GAP RECOMMENDED AT PANEL EDGES UNLESS .. . OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY . q " MACHINED PROFILED EDGES" INSTALL ZIP SYSTEMSTAPEOR ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING (MUST 'G• MEET AM) IN SEQUENCE FROM BOTTOM, SIDES, THEN TOP TO ENSURE SHINGLE LAP OF ADHESIVE ; BACKED FLA SHING ZIP SYSTEMBTAPE pNSTALI:EO OVER ALL JOINTS IN LP SYSTEMp WALLSHEATHWG). aa; OVERLAP TAPE A MINIMUM OF :IdNCHATALLT.IOINTS I ` USE FLANGED ELECTRICAL. . BOXES ORMEMBRANE FLASHING - TO PROVIDE FLANGES FOR ' SLECTRICALBOXES �w A�L�Ewnaw- WOOOtlILr.OAYD:fAL 51I®S. " /BNOI GA' AEC01 W TJ460 AT ' PANEL F;OOe9 NAEl9 ; OMEAKteOPNOApEpr - CI6®PROilED E0GE5 . mlY6RIrT1UEw—T .OVEN YLjo.m mw LYSTEwD • WALLNIEATNpp1 . CWERMTHE A1WOgN w_. I�c"ATALL T.+OIRE. WALLA9S MMY .. .. ZIP 5YSTEMS WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT. GA, METAL STUDS IIIWNCH GAP RECOMMENDEO.AT PANEL EDGES UNLESS OTHERWISEPROVMEOBY , MACH;NED PROFILED EDGES . INSTALL ZIP SYSTEM®TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACAEO FLASHINO:(MUST• p• MEET ACIAS) BI SEOUENCE FROM ' BOTTOM,-SmES; THEN TOP TO ENSURE SHINGLE LAP OF ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING' ZIP SVSTEMSITAPE)INS'TALLED ... OIiE32 ALLJOBLTS IN ZIP SY5TEM8 WA.LLSHEATHWOL OVERLAPTAPEA MINIMUMOF r MCH'' AT ALL T,MINTS USE FLANGED VENT HOODS WALL ASSEMBLY: VINYLIWOODIFIBER CEMENT SIDING (INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLADDING MANUFACTURER'S INgTALLATION,RECOMMENDATIONS) ' ZIP SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS TOP EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED 70 WALL:SHEATHING WITH ZIP SYSTEMS TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED - FLASHING. '(MUST MEET AC148) q. CODE APPROVED FLASHING FOUNDATIDN... .. ;•ii; ,/� .%i:':'"ice �:: - wALL:AssEiAaLr ' - CWSrA\OOO'RS;R DEMFM SpBjo . . (NSTA11Ep N ACCORDAMCE w11H- CIAODNOMANUFACMER5 : INSTALLATION RECOAW ENOATIONS) . . LIP SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT, 6A METAL STUDS . ' ifI-HCN OAP RECOMMENGFD A7 '� OTHER PANE(.ME9 PROVIDED .. MACHINED PROFILED EDGES \•� . ZIP SYSTEMSTAPE ryfSTALLED - . OVER ALLJITNIM DIZO MTSMS OVERLAPTAPEA MViMUMOF 14NCH ATALLiJOBTTS f6RLCHGAPRECOMMENDEOAT \ . PANEL EDGES UNLESS..' OTHIB"ME PROWED BY - MACHNEDPROFIED EDGES FASTEN aP SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHNO AS REOUIRW RY DESONERCFRECCRD OR LOG1L SUIDINa CODE - WALL ASSEMBLY' BRICK VENEER AIR SPACE (AS PRESCRIBED BY LOCAL BUILDING.CODE) 'ZIP •;, \ , SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT. G& METAL STUDS: ' TOP EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED WITH ZIP SYSTEMS TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED:FLASHING. (MUST MEET'AC148)' .CODE APPROVED BASE FLASHING WEEP HOLES (AS PRESCRIBED 1 BY LOCAL BUILDING CODE) WtwALL AssEMBir VENEER ... AIRSPACE (AS PRESCRIBED BY . :LOCALBULOM cDOE) - .7JP SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHDID . WOOD OR Lt. GA,METALSTUDS �118-DICH OAP, REDOMMENDEDAT- . PANEL EDGES UNLESSOTH- MACHINED ft�ED SEDGES . AP SYSTEM TAPE(NSTALLEO OVER ALL JOINTS UI ILP S L'YSTEMS WASHEATMN% . OVERLAP TAPE HINIMUN OF •\, .. 1•INCHATALT4MTS" ---\\\ PANEL EDOEg UNLES9��u of ) V . . OTHERWISE PROVIDED By MACHNED PROFILED EDGES FASTEN LP SYSTEMS WALL . SHFATHNG AG REQUIRED BY 13EB{GNER-OF4tECORO OR LOCAL ' BUILDNO CODE , WALL ASSEMBLY BRICK VENEER AIR SPACE (AS PRESCRIBED BY :`•,`.; LOCAL BUILDING CODE) ZIP SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHING " \;`•.:;., WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS TOP EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED `\`• WITH ZIP SYSTEMS TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED i FLASHING; • (MUST MEETAC148) CODE APPROVED FLASHING WEEPS (AS •PRESCRIBED BY LOCAL BUILDING CODE) STEEL LINTEL " INSTALL WINDOW IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS ' 24A-240 OR 25A-25D .. WALL BEYOND .:.. WALL ASSEMBLY CODE APPROVED CLADDING (INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH :CLADDING MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS) EXTERIOR RIGID INSULATION DRAINAGE PLANt(MIN. Ye") ZIP SYSTEMS WALL SHEATHING. WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL' STUDS TOP EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED TO WALL SHEATHINGWITH ZIP SYSTEMS TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED . FLASHING. (MUST MEETAC148)'-- CODE APPROVED FLASHING FOUNDATION----1 y• :` '� � �2 `� ���� ���. t�"�' z• «�s�.;e`<y a ,�rii�*� �p"",' i �� �.aesr. � i"' ," ",q� '+;'^I!' ,^' t r ,. iy+,_ r T �1 �_; x , Y ref • c�� > i "'tr`Y ��. f+^� _ y `s" r„t ,� r='i � roo- t �. � � . o- �"y. Y � «_ � *. Sri a � � Z�'` � ii A ��. �' �•" i ',. * �1 - ^ � �4 � t u�"r t�i� 'S+ � s v -�•y�y*.r,° s + .� .vr 4• . � { T � � Fi "� ��r '�:� � � � �r� lyn �J�i� 1. 'r""S� ii' 1 "„" 6k."�" .4 - .YY a; � « * ,� u' �x E+r .•a s :^:� �"1'+� �' '1r„'S' "„'�,".w S,r'S j ", t . , "'k c _ g a ✓.' f Y7+ R .Al.S. �41 K � i r.`--. ; � Y�' A *•� � 4� i.X,," 4,� .� a• �arr"`�ir '� � +.� +, i��wti" �, vi � j, r # Y , a t` �, � ««. ♦» a R`R p"' ,fm' y' � „ 1�. ,a*,t '.}Yy ., i'� tw +,y ,�at "i'hx � "" r'•" kv f •,� � r�s � e 9 yr rya 'r.+� ;:#q�P sw�v w Vi " ✓ r x �r w « 5r wI BV . t� Aw,fa. oft • * '* m Y", �'� t •y, USX .� .al, G t'�',r x r < � , '� 5 •r of 1s.. 6 ZIP, SYSTEMOSHEATHING WITH HARD COAT STUCCO AT = BLOCK FOUNDATION WALL- OPTION A'-�:' ' H 2 TRADITIONAL HARD -COAT STUCCO. INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIME LATH . - . .MANUFACTURER'S OR THE PORTLAND ;•, ..: , , • CEM ENi ASSCPCA) ... RECOMMENIMAPNIS W(TH THE MOST :. • _• -• ' RESTRICTIVE CONTROLLLINO. ONE LAYER OF WATER -RESISTIVE • VAPOR -PERMEABLE BARRIER WITH A PERFORMANCE AT LEAS EQUIVALENT TO GRADE BUILDING PAPER. ZIP SYSTEMS SHEATHING' . TOP EDGE OF WEEP SCREED .'.:...ti..� ,... • "' 'TAPED TO WALL SHEATHING" WITH ZIP SYSTEMS TAPE OR ;;;, .. :. i• . .. AOHEsNE:BACKED FLASHING. EET (MUSTM AAMA 711 OR . ...... AC148) WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS .:.: ; •'• :.: ::: ADHESIVE BACKED ADMEMBRANE . n "BRIDGE FLASHING CENTERED OVER TRANSITION JOINT (ZIP ' SYSTEM TAPE MAY BE USED AS e. THE BRIDGE FLASHING) o .. , . CODE -APPROVED ' . tr, ..:.. :WEEP SCREED AT BASE OF WALL sue` - - VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL ' CONTROL JOINTS AS NEEDED, DESIGNER-0OF-RECORD TO SPECIFY TYPE AND LOCATION. . MASONRY BLOCK WALL. •' 'ZIP SYSTEMS SHEATHING IS APPROVED TO REPLACE.ONLYTHE '. FIRST LAYER OFATW04AYERUNDERLAYMENTSYSTEM.:• '• DRAWfNG NOT TO SCALE N � � Sales Office:10925ba'W Taylor Drive SHEATHING af< TAPE Suite 300 : Charlotte; NC 28262.{JIIBE ENGINEERED Telephone: 800.933.9220. www.zipsystem,cam ,IuuG� : WOODS i nese Construction details are prov)ded to -assist.in'the nstai a on o Z 115, .5ystem product s) an "may not apply y to every situation. Manufact(irer accepts no' or liability for the' use:of these or other eoristruction details. YSTEM®S,HEATHING WITH HARD COAT: STUCCO AT . BLOCK FOUNDATION. WALL- OPTION A WALL ASSEMBLY .. . TRADITIONAL HARD -COAT STUCCO . .METAL LATH ONE LAYER WATER-RES, BARRIER ZIP SYSTEM® SHEATHING' WOOD OR LT, GA. METAL STUDS TOP EDGE OF. WEEP SCREED TAPED TO WALL SHEATHING WITH'ZIP.SYSTEM® TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING. (MUST MEET AAMA 711 OR AC148) CODE -APPROVED WEEP SCREED AT BASE OF WALL ADHESIVE BACKEDWM MBRANE BRIDGE FLASHING CENTERED OVER \ TRANSITION JOINT (ZIP SYSTEM. / TAPE MAY BE USED AS THE BRIDGE I FLASHING) :MASONRY. BLOCK WALL ......... . LATH TOP EDGE OF WEEP SCREED TAPED TO WALL SHEATHING WITH ZIP SYSTEM® TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED \ FLASHING.:(MUST MEET AAMA 7'I1: OEZ AC148) ... TRADITIONAL HARD. -COAT -STUCCO .INSTALL D IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE \ MANUFACTURER'S OR THE PORTLAND CEMENT ASSC. (PCA) RECOMMENDATIONS WITH THE MOST RESTRICTIVE CONTROLLLING. 1 7 ONE LAYER OF WATER -RESISTIVE. VAPOR -PERMEABLE BARRIER WITH A PERFORMANCE AT LEAST EQUIVALENT TO GRADE D BUILDING PAPER. COD&APPROVED WEEP SCREED AT. BASE OF WALL ADHESIVE BACKED MEMBRANE BRIDGE FLASHING CENTERED OVER TRANSITION JOINT (ZIP SYSTEM TAPE.MAY BE USED AS THE BRIDGE FLASHING) MASONRY BLOCK WALL ' �R� 1,I 'ZIP. SYSTEMS SHEATHING IS APPROVED TO REPLACE ONLY THE FIRST LAYER OF A TWO-LAYER'•UNDERLAYMeN9`Mqr TO SCALE lunj Sales Office:1092.5 David Taylor Drive o Suite 300- Charlotte, NC.28262 Wsan IQCD ENGINEERED SHEATHING 8 TAPETelephone:800:933.9220 - www:zipsystem.comJ u`r . Woos ese construct on details are provi a to assist (n theinstal ation o IP Mystem® pot apply'to every situation. Manufacturer accepts no responsibility or liability for the use of these or other constFudon details.