HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled Land Affidavit`a•v ,, Ziv JUN - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ° Building & Code Regulations.Division t. 2300 VIRGINIA:AVRQjE: FORT PIERCE, FL 34982=5652 (772) 462-1553 FILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the _ow.ner-of the following described property; 2326-600-0112-000-7- / 8508 Cobblestone DR (Parcel Id#/Legal description/Address). for which I have applied to St. Lucie .County for a Final Develo ment P accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number .. p ermlt.. In that as owner of the above. described property; and in accordance 1:H, knowledge, St..Lucie County Land Development Code; I shall be responsible for Section adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILY, NOT be adversely affected, I further acknowledge that in granting this permit -for- the de... 1 ... ent of thisproperty, St. Lucie .County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain h an adequate drainage off m roe y m, community. Y property �y Which will not adversely affect the immediate Brian W Davidson Property caner Name (Please Print) Property Owner Signature 6/7/2017 Date STATE OF. FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORFMETHIS7-�:DAYOF' June Br ,Zo.17 WHO IS PERSONALLY KNO PRODUCED WN TO ME f XXl OR WNO.HAS AS IDENTIFICATION SIGNA EOFNOT ARYPUBLIC TYPE OR PRINT NOTARY — —`_COMMISSION NUMBER (SEAL) u�u*r n�Q Notary Public State of Florida A Sandra Leone SLCPDSD Revised 041l ln0 J J My Cominlssion GG 020251 E xpiros 08(10/2020'