HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementCEVED PERMIT# cidPJll7TING . ISSUE DATE pLA1VNrNG ail&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES o Bding &Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company7�Name/fn.dividufll Name) the ELECTRICAL have agreed to be (Type ofTtade) Sub -.contractor for (Z, NO,2�o�j 8508 Cobblestone DR (NmilfY 6ontractor) For the project located at -. (Project StreetAddress or Property Tax ID #1 .. . It is understood that, if there as any change of status: regarding :project, the Building and Code Regulation our participation with the.aBo' mentioned filing of a Change of Sub Division of St. Luci e County Hill be advised Pursuant ursuant to the. -contractor notice, (Qunrificr) CO-1.1LtC1r'OR $1 .: IRESti Brian W. Davidson SIGNAIJJ RE (Q�nrre0 ritln�rNa�lE CRC1327068 PRIVY, nIE COUt\Tl':CER'I7FIGt,'I'IO\ N1nIBER 29578 STATE: EC13007195. state or [lorida, County ar 13revard COlIN71"CER7'1FIGt 170vNUAIBCR The foregoing inslrumeul pas signed before me ntrs Smfc of Froridn, County or CHARUIM 7_, day �— or _ _jlJrle _. 2017, by . 71tc faregaing instrument tuts signed before tnc lh[s 7 -�,__ dny or alto is pers6nally l:no»tlX-or figs produced a e��—:20 j 7 by JEREMY. SFAN IENKINBON as Identiriention. uho, is personnfry knonn XX or has produced a NIA ns idcntifieafion. qsi, bt,nrnr'c o otary rub►ic srnl►ir �QGL-J�_ SaNim / me S(gnntureofNofaq Public ST,L11t' PrintNamcorllotap Public Varld/ia Let71 e mintNomrofNotnryrabrle .Notary: Public State of Florida Rcvsad 101612016 ? Sandra Leone y C My Commission GG 020251'e or fi Explrea OW10/2026 =o No Publla.Siate of Florida Sandra"Leone C� 11ypires 08/10/2Commission GG 020251. I*eorcidP.' Ex020 pq �..R '#rp 2017 ISSUE DATE rs: r,t ANON - NO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division - _ _-- - — BUILDINGTERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON.INC (Company Nautdindividual Name) have agreed to be the a of TrMECHANICAL (Type of Trade) . Sub -contractor for FLORIDA BREEZE (Primary Contractor) For the project located at . 8508 Cobblestone DR (Project Sheet Address ar Property Tax ID.#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status iegarding our participation with the above; mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Change of Sub-contnictornotice. C0NTRACr0R S(C (Qwliaer) Brian W Davidson . PRINT NAME CRC1321ow COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUbIBER StateofFlorida,County of Bri eVard The foregoing instmmeat was shoed before me Ibis 7 .. day of - lune 2o17,by wbo 1 Remo.. Lva.re = r ►F+s;Prodoeed a_�_, as idendfieitio . Slgaatur OrNotary pn6lie STAMP &40(tv Leon PNot Nome ofNotary-public COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing iaslrameul wai slSued before we this % day of tune ...� 20-17by who Is.pertooatly knowa 4Xr Iws'prod uced ■ as ideodaeation. Sippryre ormolary PulAie STAMP sa of v Leohe Print Name of Notary PohUe Revised 11)1612 a°fir % Notary Pudllc State of Florida a Sandra Leone o`'a' a P MyCommiselon GG 020251 �r d NOmry' Publlc:$iate or o.f. . F Expires 08h0)2l)20 vC Sandra Leone Florida �PorFNpC s?�misslon GG 02025 1 51 JON 0 :9.2017: G Phi q- - . St. LaiciW,#FL ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES Co NTYBuilding '& Code Cotnp►ianee Division BUILDING. PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company NamdlndividuaLName) have agreed to be ' the PLUMBING Sub=contractor for AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING (Type ofTlade) NG SERVICES 8508 Cobblestone DR (Primary Contractor) For, the project located it . {Project. Street Address or Property Tax tD #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division :of SG Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change ofSub-contractor notice. CONTRA OR SIGNA El Qgaliger) Brian W DavidSOn ",44IGNA RE(Qyaailer) PRI M Apr= PR T NAME CRC1327068 n COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Flo COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER rida, County or Brevard . Stale of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was slQaed:berore am this 7 day of - I— U—,.. ne 201 Z, by The foregoing Instrument was signed before me fhls ? day of Who Is personallyknown X _. 2017, by. xor 4■s produced e • as ldentifie■noq. who is penonaay known XXor has produced a asldeatiaeaHoIL� Sigo■tnre of Notary Public STAMP. . Sigo■ture orNotgry public STAMP Sanalp-a Leme w Print Name of Hoary Pablle Swam Leon PFIot:Name orNatary Publle �9r n Notary Public State of Fiodda_ • � � Sandra Learn Revised 11.16, p` My Commission GG:020251 o01 °o¢� Notary Pubic State of Florida 'tror�� :Expires 0s110/2020 ? d Sandra Leone p My Commission GG 02025.1 or.nd► Expires 08/10/2020 ISSUE DATE _ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - - ® Building & Code Compliance Division . BUILDING PERMff SUB-!PQNTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffolh' iLC (Company NameftdividuaLName) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Tiede) Sub -contractor for . .. D.R.Horton k 8508 Cobblestone DR 'n�ry Contractor) For the project 'Iodated at (Project Street Address or Property Tax a) #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project;: the Building and Code Regulation. Division of St. Lucie:Cotinty will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change .of Sub -contractor• notice. CO\TRACTOR GNA . (Qnalitier) ' .SUB -CONTRALTO SI Np . ualifier) Braln W: Davidson BUNT Brian Maloney pR NAT NAME CRC1327068... . COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Breyard The foregoing io"rumeot was signed before me th s. % day or June 20 17by, Who is 0-11alfy known x . or bai produced a as idedufiea i sigaatnre of:a STAMP taryPnblir , sayiolYa Leone PFlat tVame of Notary Public �sY ru Notary Public State of Florida Revi sed i t/ tG Sandra Leone.. My. Commission GG 02,0251 �+ce rid Expires 08110/2020 CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTIIYCATION NU,MEER . - ' State.or Florida, County of The foregoingiastrumeat was eiPned berore me.tbts 7 day or June _ 2o17,by who is personally known %t . or b" produced a . . . as ideamcation. s STAMP sit; atoreofllotaryPatrlle . sanol�a. Leo�te Point Name of'Nolary Pnblic =pee °uo_ Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Leone MyCOmmissionGG020251 /j'OF sip! Expires 08/10/2020