HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20220317.pdfA 0 11 AP P LI B LE N U B E COMP LETED FO R APPLI CATI ON -tO B E ACCEPTE D Permit Number. pate; L L pf,urrning and De VOOP rent 5er v"-s o0ding and Code RE900tfOn Division .2300 Viryi n fa Aven'Je, Fort pier -cc FE 34S92 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: 2) 462.157a i PER IT APPLICATION FOR. corrirnerciai R8-sidentia} CBDG Funding 4M_kENT LPR�O�P:6�SED IM PROVE. ENTL ���� Address: Fraperty Tax 11) #: Site:plan Narne: Prefect Name: 00 ETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK-.,, d El aetri f-a l Meter New Eiectrlcal Meter_ � UCONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: cor� h � Block No. (Affid.a-vit required) Add` oral wc)rk to be performed under this permit- check all that apply- oors Pond echanical : Gas Tank Gas 1�iPing shutters— �{y�yn��+�s�D Root Rite Plumbir� Sprinklers Generator - Electric — � Sn Ft, of Flat Flog: Total Sq. Ft -of Constru ion, rkttilitis; T B Sewer Sepi j ld i n Height, Cost of Co nStr4.100 r� ; _ ONT ACTOR' Rf LESSEE: f SFr , ' f ,�. Name,.. � � ate . Ip code- Fay' ' fax: 1 Phone No. Phone. N maik— Fill in fee pimple Title Rolder on rsext page (if different State or Cot� rat La ce n s from the ow ne r 14sked above) _ of �onstr c#iorti is 250f �0 or more, a RECORDED Notice of COmmeneemen 15 rec aired' If vale If value of 4�AVC is $7,5 00 Or more, e ECORDE0 N atice of Ca m rrrerti��errt � SUPPLE MENYA CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW I DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Appl is-obie Name; Address, *: State. Zip-. Phone fEf SIMIPI E Tim 40LDEW Not Applicable IdarnisL. A,ddrew. cam; Zjg)- _ _ Phone: �10ruli.— _.. moRTGAG E CO M PANY-d, Not Appfii�able Name- Add revs: - State: F Na me Address .Cky: zio: Phone. Not Applicable OWNER/ NTR�k OR AFFJOVIT: Applioatbon is hetebw rmiche to obE& i ptrmit tv JO the wOrk end IAStaIlation 84% ind1(Atad. I F t1hat no Wairk of WWI I I i 60n has com rmanced prnor to ft i ssu dt"a~ Of a Pemil �, untyr makes no repr ewnu tson th4t Is anti a wrr � t vAl bytaws r ar4etw p*r + i oWto or i d t �f proh+bit ruc f e �� with a� �pp� able Morneaw-ner+� sac I 14n luk3. st rocture - ate con sul[ wit K vq of m ome rr�t-ri Assockvion And rcrra'w vOur "►+fir r t,r r€# � ns ma+� In ronshdI!FaWn Of the &r3n11ng of "'M r*QUe%1*d P1!WMrt, a do hereby aigret that I vs1l, in all 11s, v100M the word, in accmdarts Wi11) th* apprWfid pj&n, the Florida SuMft Cobs and St. Iu £OrntY Amendments. The f-ci+owing b u Ildtn$ perm it apMkAtigns are axeFh pt fro rn undergoing a f UII cCMCUrrerCY reVHE +: room 4UUF L4LP113. 3r.ros5 stru<i wta� S'� IMIr 1," pOWS JfnG@j, wJL1.1-S, Sj �1"�F, screen rye and accessory usej to a rlother non • rel Ldentlr&l use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Rawcord a No#icm 01 Com M&MM miant mM reWkl in PaVIn1; twicN fOf i rnprove meths to your grope rty, A Noti ce of CornMence rn a rat m st b recorded o fd �rl the public i� rei* Irk �f # Lucie County a rid s 1 ied on t he to b bite befor-e the Iki rst I nspectii n - If Yo u iinteniJ to obta I n fI na f, CI rM L r1St 11# wi lender or an attorney bqf-prig corn-menc. ing work oir rr�cor0iqugur Notice of Commencement_ nat �lft of cones - F - 0%mor flu I la -et as a DR I1"blio STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF esence or r online Iotarlia lt" Ik daw of Narne of perwn mokiAl stetemerrt Type of Ident Prod d j to r* of Notary PUkAK- SUCi` of Fl+ NWM) y ti 1r*R REVIEWS DATE RECEIVED DAI E COMPLETED nib -1-117-121 IT FRONT ZCINENG COUNTER REVIEW 1r?Q%9 Wr%LPT- FT MY MWAIS&ON if HH 061214 L E I M navembik ��r d.&r404 rrm "rx P� i ` SUPERVISOR PI LE VEGETAT(DN I RIEVIEW REVIEW fRf1;€W SEA TURTU MANGROVE RVAIEW I REWEW III Certificate of Product Ratings AH R I Certified Refef-eni~e N umber ; 20166703 D - 03-14-2= Model Steftus - AOI(vs Old AH RI Reference 14timber - 10 7402 AkiRl Type _ HRCU-A-CS (SpId System: Heat Phymp wk h Remote Gutdoof UnT t-Air-Source) Seer, : C-5Z14 Outdoor UniiC Brand Nampa : GOODMAN Ouldoor Unit Modiql Number (Cmdeinser or Sirwgla Package) - GSZ1404.21K` Indoor Unit "al N urnt*r (Ev:aporator anft r Air Hwdler) : ASPT49C 14A' The manufacturer of this GOODMAN product ij, respa sil)Ie far" r- tifkg -of Yhls:5ystem rornbl.nation. Rated ias Ulows In accordance with the latest editic)n of AHR1 21=40 - 2017 with Add"um i, Pertorrn;arrce RMI rig QI 1„Jr<itary Air.CoTWitiont' & Air-Sourm Heat RumP'EquiPment and WbjeCi to ratetia .lracy by AH R"ponsomd. independent, third party testing; coolkrig capac4 (+ ) - Single or fth Stage (95F), Wurl : 38000 SEER: 14-00 EFER {A2) - Single or High St -age (95F } : 12-00 Heakiing Cspa(ity (11-1112) - Single of High Stage (47F) : 3EM H SPI< ( Region IV) 'S.20 AV pr-L�d Licing AND t-AL' Model Status -are those k'hat era 'iHRI C rt od PErDaPl Slaws fC' curr 11tiB# Aa-kF l CeelirliC tian �prt em rkeTing �apartit rs no lohg rr n BUT is still mat1�.�Ged Y�uk are rtok }�e�I t'•einrg prc�duced. P� 9atii or �dr-ng for sale. I n A n _ .�� _ .- . -r..,� naniarl !tv WAS i„d�be an i I nta -race Th ns i DiSCLAIMEIR tw AHFCC dde not endoaan the i pradu Lase- Rloexpo assly soil ms ail te and f ablilty foaKes no ec1am ges y -kInd grYhng out of the u6e � popformancd, Of tkm pr�Guat(&)�Or the Che produCk�5) ti8k�d on the CertdlC#�# P; unauthoriMO 81tarakr4n of dam$ IlskiCHf -On thYi& Certiflon#e- CertlUd ratarlg5 are valid onLy fdr models and cornflguratWns 1400 In the dirdCkorw at www.jmhridkre-17t15rY.erg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Oertiftaate and ils meant-tnU she Oroprielark p�raducl� of ,gtGR1_ This Certif�cal� #hBLI ��IT be usEO fat irti0lvlcopi p d1memirl ; confideMlal rc.FCrer►c pu rpe: . The conkenks oI this CertlfSC�te mvy not, In whole -or In part, be reproduced: espied, AM Cintered W-D a rbrnpuRLLj database; Or otherwise utllIxed, lrL onyx form ¢r manner Or bw any moans. excePt foi the users I#mdlwlduol, AIR-C101NDITIUNIRG, BEATING, Fo,NrkaY eknd cGnlbdentlil reference. 4 REFRIGE1] knO W METiTUTE C ERTI FI-CA7I- V ERI FIC AT ION We make I ifi- The lar"rriatloe for tihe model Cited On this(ortlfYcate ,fin be weelMd At www.ahfldires#oryr.jarg�lick.0r` -Verify Certff!48tc in C and ep%tor the AWRI CaRlfied Reterence Nu'MDOr #Dnd the det$ _o6 which the Geri fl-cate waS IesuedF which Is listed mbowe, arW the rtlf etc No_ which is I•Is#e+j at bottorn right, CERTIFICATE NO-- @ 0 2Air-CondMtIoning. Heating, and Rettig-eration InStItute