HomeMy WebLinkAboutHVAC LoadsExpress ' 9 916 Cali Right Psl HVAC Load Calculations for Express Homes I RHVAA"'�'- R96109NIML HVAC LOADS Prepared By: Kristin Kelly Florida Breeze 6928 Vickie Circle Suite B West Melbourne, FI 32904 3219518767 Thursday, September 22, 2016 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. T7-P't:'- 1 "onw, Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Mand6rD.- r Rhvac Res�dentaf &Light Commercial HVAG Loads i ,Service :Palm Bay,_ ,L_ 329g9 Designed By: Project Date: Client Name: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: Kristin Kelly September 22, 2016 Express Homes Florida Breeze Kristin Kelly 6928 Vickie Circle Suite B West Melbourne, FI 32904 3219518767 - Fide Software pev=-nt VNUMICIwC UILY* Fort Pierce, Florida Building Orientation: Front door faces South Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Winter: Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference 42 Summer: 90 39.4 n/a n/a 70 78 59% 50% n/a 75 61 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,230 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,916 Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 16,861 Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: GFM Per Square ft.: 0,642 Square ft. Per Ton: 676 OR 32,102 Btuh 32.102 MBH 27,029 Btuh 79 % 6,977 Btuh 21 % 34,006 Btuh 2.83 Tons (Based On Sensible t Latent) Knvac is an ALGA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. — - - - - - - ------ - C:1... lEXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 Thursday, September 22, 2016, 10:34 AM Rhvac d niial g ommercibl HVAC toads � ' o- V AJC Service Masters, t_LC"1;xpre5s EFde Software E?evelopr!!O Inc: 1$1S Catr ig Flht Psl r e 3 Mlscellaneoos ReOrt - System 1 Outdoor outdoor pu — _ _ . r Lf nut ti}ata D Bulb a 8u Winter. r M-O 8u 42 39.4 Summer: 90 78 80% n/a 70 Na 59% Duct#Sizir� lFn uFs ' 50% 75 61.09 a Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.01000 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 550 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 600 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum.Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. ``Ut°�ts#der�a# t7aia - Summer - - - Infiltration Specified: 0.380 AC/hr 0.200 AC/hr 107 CFM 56 CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.380 AC/hr 0.200 AC/hr Above Grade Volume: X 16,861 Cu.ft. X_ 16,861 Cu.ft. 6,407 Cu.ft./hr 3,372 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 107 CFM X 0.0167 Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 56 CFM 0 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier. 41.50 = (1,10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 30.77 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61,09 Grains Difference) = 0-10 X 0.999 X 28.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0,380 AC/hr (107 CFM), Construction: Average Summer Infiltration Specified: . 0.200 AC/hr (56 CFM). Construction- Avpranc ,, f►mc �66 0.12 6 474 No --- --- - - --- - -- - :\ ...\EXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 Thursday, September 22, 2016; 10:34 AM Ri�vat: ;;Residerttral & LightGommerctal HypC t oads = "'" �� I '4j Service Masters, CLG Duct Size Previetti_- Room or�- Minimum; Source Duct Name i9 Velocity' �Maaomumi Rou h. De n i . SP I System 1 __ ._ ._`.._ - -- - - - --•- -- Velocity! Factor, M U100j Loss) VE -------,. _�_-..... ..�._._ --___ Supply Runouts Zone 1 INVhole H F Dual Htg qg Act Ce. uc g l inw ct�..., er_... D.__t ouse Built-in 450 750 0.01 0.1 Other Ducts in System 1 521.9 417 1,230 12-6 Supply Main Trunk Built-in 550 600 0.01 0.1 563J 417M. 1,230 20 FHeating Summarym�_ Flow, 417 ling Flow: 1230 C:1 ...IEXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 -_— - - Thursday, September 22, 2016, 10.-34 AM d RfivaC _5it�si eA�tiai & Ltghf Commercial HVAC Loads •, ��JC erv�ce Masers t.LC -"-'-`------ - `- < te - - ScAw eveiop"merit, -- Inb: 3 ?.Palm,$ay FL,32909.*01 cpress� 1916 Cap Right Psl' i System . SummarLL06ds -- Cbmponerrt - - L3esc ' #cart t Sen Te I 2A-v-o: Glazing -Double pane low-e e = 0.60 o erabfe ( ), P 124.8 - Ga window, vinyl frame, u-value 0.34, SHGC 0.35 1,192 0 2,380 2,380 2A-v-d: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), sliding 40.8 glass door, vinyl frame, u-value 0,63, SHGC 0.32 720 0 660 660 11J: Door -Metal - Fiberglass Core 13AB-Ofcs: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, 36.4 612 0 568 568 filled core, siding finish 1236.1 6,334 0 3,936 ; 3,936 12C-Osw: Wall -Frame, R-13 insulation in 2 x 4 stud 313.1 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 1613-3& Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation 798 0 612 612 on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition 1916 1,395 0 2,491 2,491 Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-38 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade„ No edge insulation,'no insulation 199 6,575 below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy 0 0 0 dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: People: 17,626 0 10,647 10,647 Equipment: 5 1,000 1,150 2,150 Lighting: 0 1,020 3,563 4,583 Ductwork: 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 107, Summer CFM: 56 11,190 2,624 10,742 13,366 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 3,286 2,333 927 3,260 System 1 Load Totals: 0 032 0 ; 102 6,977 27,029 34 Supply CFM: 1,230 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft. of Room Area: 1,916 0.642 Volume UP) of Cond. Space:. 16,861 Square ft. Per Ton: 676 i oral Heating Required Including Ventilation Air 32,102 Btuh 32.102 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 27,029 Btuh 79 Total Latent Gain: 6,977 Btuh o Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 34,006 Btuh 21 /o fNaEes - 2.83 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. :\ ...\EXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 Thursday, September 22, 2016, 10:34 AM -steep qurpmen.f ©ata 5 Cooling System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Outdoor Model: 25HBC536A**30 Indoor Model: FV4CNB006 Tradename: BASE 15 PURON HP Outdoor Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Description: Air Source Heat Pump AHRI Reference No.: 3645941 Capacity: 36412 Efficiency: 15.5 SEER Heating System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Model: 25HBC536A**30 Tradename: BASE 15 PURON HP Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Description: Air Source Heat Pump Capacity: 34000 Efficiency: 9 HSPF This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manual S equipment sizing data: SODB: 90F, SOWB: 78F, WODB: 42F, Sli 75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 27,029 Btuh, Lat. gain: 6,977 Btuh, Sen, loss: 32,102 Btuh, Entering clg. coil DB: 75F, Entering clg. coil WB: 62.5F, Entering htg. coil DB: 70F, Clg. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req. clg, airflow: 1230 CFM, Req. htg. airflow; 417 CFM C:1...\EXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 Thursday, September 22, 2016, 10:34 AM "Rhvac ,Residential &;Light Commerc,al HVAC Loads —El,te gofEware D.evelo A/C,3ervi t, 1patm Bay�F M329 9 C Mess 191t; Cahn t Psl- System 9 R Om Load _._�— - -- _ -----_------ pa umma , .,. 1 Whole House Duct Latent System 1 total System 1 Main Trunk Size: Velocity: Loss per 100 ft.: Net Re Actual: 1,916 32,102 417 1,916 32,102 417 20 in. 564 ft./min 0.040 in.wg 12-6 522 27,029 4,353 1,230 2,624 27,029 6,977 1,230 1,230 1,230 Model. -111 ....�.���� Air Source Heat Pump C:oolina System - Air Source Heat Pump. Indoor Model: 25HBC536A**30 25HBC536A-30 Brand: Description: BASE 15 PURON HP FV4CNB006 BASE 15 PURON HP Efficiency: Air Source Heat Pump 9 HSPF Air Source Heat Pump Sound: 0 15.5 SEER Capacity: Sensible Capacity: 34,000 Btuh n/a 0 36,412 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 313195 2 Btuh95, AHRI Reference No.: n/a 4,36459410Btuh This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S Manual S equipment sizing data: SODB: 90F, SOWS: 78F, WODB: 42F, SI B. 75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 27,029 Btuh, Lat. gain: 6,977 Stuh, Sen. loss: 32,102 Btuh, Entering clg. coil DB: 75F, Entering clg. coil WB: 62.5F, Entering htg. coil DB: 70F, Clg. coil TD: 20F, Htg, coil TD: 70F, Req, clg. airflow: 1230 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 417 CFM :1...1EXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 Thursday, September 22, 2016, 10:34 AM Contractor Florida Breeze Mechanical License # CAC1814113 Building Plan # %.,aunty, I own, Municipality, Jurisdiction Header Information REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS' Manual J1 Form (and supporting worksheets): or MAAE Form' (and supporting worksheets): OEM performance data (heating, cooling, blower): Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Nome Address (Street or Lot#, Block, Subdivision) Duct distribution system sketch: Winter Design Conditions Outdoor temperature 42 OF Indoor temperature 70 OF Total heat loss 32102 Btu/h Summer Design Conditions Outdoor temperature 90 OF Indoor temperature 75 OF Grains difference 61 A Gr @ 50 % Rh Sensible heat gain 27029 Btu/h Latent heat gain 6977 Btu/h Total heat gain 34006 Btu/h Heating Equipment Data Equipment type Heat pump Furnace, Heat pump, Boiler, etc. Model 25HBC536A**30 Heating output capacity 34000 Btu/h Heat pumps - capacity at winter design outdoor cor4itions Auxiliary heat output capacity Btu/h Design airflow Form RIPER 1.01 8 Mar 10 ATTACHED Yes ❑X No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes (]X No ❑ Yes ❑ No(]X Yes ❑ No RX Building Construction Information Building Orientation (Front door faces) South North, East, West, South, Northeast. Northwest, Southeast. Southwest Number of bedrooms 4 Conditioned floor area 1916 Sq Ft Number of occupants 5 Windows Eave overhang depth Roof 2.7 Ft Internal shade F— BrEaveads, drapes, et` Depth Window Number of skylights 0 Cooling Equipment Data Equipment type Heat pump Air Condilipner, Heat pump, etc Model 25HBC536A**30 Sensible cooling capacity Latent cooling capacity Total cooling capacity CFM Longest supply duct: External Static Pressure (ESP) IWC Component Pressure Losses (CPL) IWC Available Static Pressure (ASP) IWC ASP = ESP - CPL Contractor's Printed.Name Contractor's Signature Longest return duct: Total Effective Length (TEL) Friction Rate: Friction Rate = (ASP x 100) . TEL 31952 Btu/h 4460 Btu/h 36412 Btu/, Blower Data Heating CFM 1293 CFM Cooling CFM 1 293 CFM Ft Duct Materials Used (circle) Trunk Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal, Ft Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) — Ft Branch Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal, IWC Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) Date 7/10/2015 i— nn.r snau nave the mscmaon to accept Required Attachments printed from approved ACCA software vendors, see Fist on page 2 of instructions Iabridged version of Manual J is used for toad calculation, then verify residence meets requirements, see Abridged Edition Checklist on page 13 of Form generated by ACCA-approved Manual J EighthEdition Version 2 Elite Software Rhvac program Air• Conditioning Contractors of America Manual S (Residential Equipment Selection) w! rrojecr information Name: a City: State:❑ Altitude: Altitude Adjustment: i.00 — L000ung uesign information Outdoor Design Temp: 91 OF db Summer Outdoor Design Temp:-4-3 OF db IWinter Indoor Design Temp: 75 OF db 50 °%RH 63 OF wb Manual J Load Calculations Total Load Sensible Latent SHR Heat Loss 34006 27029 6977 0.795 J OEM Information culations for Airflownsible L CFM 12g3 Manufacturer: Carrier Furnace Model #: AFUE: L� Coil or Fan -Coil Model #: FV4CNB006 • l Condenser Mode #: 25HBC536A SEER: 15,5 HSPF: 9.00 (A) Manufacturers Cooling Performance Data Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F db) Lower Return Air CFM (F wb) Outdoor Temperature = Total BTUH Sensible BTUH 95 (F db) Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM @Rated RA Temperature 67 37,900 27,120 10,780 o.7156 Rated CFM @ Design RA Temperature F 1-05-0-163 35,204 31,056 4,148 0.8822 Rated CFM @ Rated RA Temperature 62 34,530 32,040 2,490 0.9279 (B) Manufacturer's Cooling Performance Data Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F db) Higher CFM Return Air (F wb) Outdoor Temperature = Total BTUH Sensible BTUH 95 (F db) Latent,BTUH SHR Rated CFM @Rated RA Temperature 67 39,270 30,570 8,700 0.7785 Rated CFM @ Design RA Temperature 1350 63 36,694 35,266 i ,428 0.9611 Rated CFM Q Rated RA Temperature 62F 36,050 36,440 -390 1.0108 Manufacturer's Cooling Performance Data (interpolated) Design CFM Return Air Outdoor Temperature = 95 (F db) (F wb) Total BTUH Sensible BTUH Latent BTUH SHR 34,470 1,943 0.9467 Excess Latent Capacity Calculation --2,517 Capacity @ Design CFM / RA (F wb) 1293.3 63 36,412 31,952 4,460 0.878 Equipment Capacity as a °% of Design 107.08% 118.22% 63.92% Manufacturer's Heat Pump Data Capacity @ 47 IF db 34,800 Capacity Balance Supplemental @ 17 OF db Point Heat Required 18,820 1 -18.3 -15.87 I Manufacturer's Furnace Data Input Output Desired Calculated FEATURES Environmentally Sound Refrigerant Technology • Puronlv, chlorine -free non -ozone depleting refrigerant • Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) designed to maximize performance with Puron-' refrigerant Energy Efficient Operation • ElectronicalIy Commutating Motor (ECM) operates efficiently at all speeds • Maximizes efficiency of heating and cooling systems • Ultra low power consumption during fan only operation Indoor Weather Control • Warm, comfortable heating air temperatures • Unmatched humidity control, especially with Carrier's Thermidistat"' Control Airflow and Sound Technology • Diffuser air discharge section for high airflow efficiency and quiet, smooth operation • High duct static capability ��IOin�Ic iesafst�tic,Fresstirc} Condensate Control and Disposal Technology • Minimal standing waterless microbial growth for improved IAQ and reduced condensate line clogging and related condensate leakage • Condensate fittings relocated away from turbulent airflow patterns at the blower entrance for improved condensate control performance • Overflow feature for slope coil units allows condensate to exit the unit without damage to product under clogged primary and secondary line conditions • Tested for condensate disposal at conditions much more severe than those required by AHRI • Primary and secondary drain connections to comply with HUD • All pans constructed of an injection molded glass -filled polycarbonate engineered resin material, with brass drain connections. • High density, super thick cabinetry insulation with vapor barrier • Pre -painted galvanized sheet metal cabinet Heat Transfer Technology • Grooved copper tubing • Lanced sine wave aluminum fins • Discreet refined counter -floe• refrigerant circuitry • Bi-flow hard shut-off TXV metering device ArmorCoat- coil protection available Quality Assisting, Ease of Installation and Service Features • All units multipoise • Provision made for suspending from roof or ceiling joints • Modular cabinet on 003 thru 006 units • Sweat connections for leak free service • Multiple electrical entry for application flexibility (high and low voltage) • Low voltage terminal strip, to safely hold connections within the cabinet • Inspection plate on A -coil models for quick coil cleanliness inspection • Cabinet construction features innovations designed to prevent cabinet sweating Controls and Electrical Features • Easv Select'" Board to maximize comfort, efficiency, and safe heater airflow operation • Easy plug connection provided for quick installation of accessory heater packages • 40VA 208j230v transformer • Replaceable 5-amp blade -type auto fuse protects against transformer secondary short Filter Features • Factory supplied filter • Cleanable polyester filter media • Filter "springs" out for easy access - no tools required • Newly improved filter rack area - filter door insulation added for an improved air seal