HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0031 ::~X::~~~.":.~~~~~.j;~9o{~::~~;/:.'~~j.:;;:~( tY 'J .' J - i I I l I I I . I --- · r . ~ ( ! i i ! .. 1. I I I i -, .'1 ! I ! i I ! I I I ! ; t .,. ,. ? II -......,."r .~-.....-..-~--.... . ~ U State of nl11\oiB OountJ of Surk .' ) I I HBBKBY OBR'-:In, ~a'\ on thi8 dq pa~sonalll appeared before me, an of:f1.oer dv..l, aa.thor1..d to B:4min18ter.-.~\h. u4 tAke aomOwledgMnt.., I.le".1' f. Aok80D and JQ:nu R. JaokSOD, hi. wUe to IDI ..U known and known to me w be the 1.D41'Yi~U1. de..oribed in aD4 . ~,." .. who exeouted the f01'egoina 4eed. and "-e;1 aoknowledgld before _ tha" they lxeouted the ( . . , same freel1 aDd Yoluntar1l1 for thl purposes therein exprl.sed. ~ I I'DllTHBR OBllTUI. that thl sald BlyeDe R. JaokBOn mo1l'J1 to me '\0 be the wife of . . . the 8&iel 1.ea'\81' T. Jaokson on A separate 8Jl!l pri'Y8te eTarBinat10D taken and Iiuu\. b, an4 befO~ lie, lepar8tell and ap&n b'01l her Mid huebanA, 41d a~mowle.d81 that she .-de herself a part1 to ..14 de.~ for the purpo81 of renounoing, relinl\uishing and ooaw11n8 all her right, title and in"ere.", whether of ~ower, hOllil8stea~ or of Hparate propertl, 8tatu.'\or7 or .quit",; able, in ADd to the ~Dd. de8orn.ed therein, and that she exeouted '\he sald deed frilly and ~ Yoluntarll1 and w1thout ~ oompul810n, oonstraint, apprehension or fear of or from heJ' Mid husband. WITlfB88 rq hand and off101al seal at ~oulon, County of St&rkt and state of nlinois. # thia 12th dal o~ Maroh. A.. ~. 1921. JIf CnlalT88IOI UPIJmS .rBBIlV.A1lY "tH, 1922. Jessie B. Yleming Notary Publio. 1'1114 and reoorcled thia 26th day of. lIaroh. A.. D. 1921. P. C. JD.4red.- Clerk Olroult Court. /;' I v:;> /7 ./ B;y ~.j r//o \Lc/">lP //D.O. ~e C'Ol"q ~{;t ~~ (O~. Cf. SBAL) / - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .PAUL B~ .um lIB fO Me B. AOXLEY. W~ IlIIBJ). . This Warrant,l)ud of 00nY8)'&noe, beouted thia 23th dq of Jiaroh, in the J8ar of our ..1.orcl one th011S8l1d nine hl1B4red and twentl-cme BY ~ BEWKKI .Paul Bern4t and Rlise Berndt hie wife, lit Vero, st. 1.11018 001lllt;y, stat. of ftorlda, of the firat 1*rt, and li. B. .toU.y.. : at Vero, St. 1.uole Count" Sta'\e of norida, 01 the eeo:lnd part, WJtllB88E!1l, That the eald parUee of the first pert, for and in ooneideraUon of the 81UR of !II ))oIJ.A1l8. lawful monel of :the United states of Amerioa, to ue in band paId 'b1 the: sald partl of th.o second part, at or before the ....&ling 8D4 dellft17 of '\heBl presents, ~e re'elpt whereof 18 herebl .omow1e4pd, 'b7 thes. preHnta to aiye, gr~t, baraain. 8811, alleD, enfeoff, realse, relea.., oonYey and oonfirG unto the said :>>&rtl of the .eoond : p&:rt and h18 heirs t~t oerta1D 'propertl 111 the County of kin" 1.~i. and State of nor1da. ; eleaorlbed as follows: Lot. Ho. fwen'\7 aDd fweD', thr.e, of Steele', ae-subdiYislou ot Blook four r,,) of Dr. Blohal'd. .K. B1l111n8"on'e 8ubd1Tls10D ~f Part of 8eo'\1011 ou:'liT:.~h~.8oi bnge . . , . 39 "'t .ooording '\0 >>~t of sa14 Re",..11bdlYi810D re0 ori.d. on >>SP ., of plat book 3, in the. .OffiGfl of '\he O~rk of t.he Oirouit Oourt of at. Lul. Oountl. nor1". " >. . -~:(J ~ - 'V~ .. ....-~ 31 ~ ;