HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT.SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division . BUILDING, PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT OR HORTON INC (Company Nanie/Individuat Name) the .PLUMBING have agreed to be (Type:ofTtade) Sub -contractor for AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING SERVICES 3109 Yellowstone CIR (Primary Contractor) . for the project located at (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change. of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project; the. Building and Code Regillation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing- of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C0N7 RAM OR SIGNA .. E:(QoaliRer) Brian W Davidson R'SIGNA. RE(Qa,uner) PRINT NAME r 411r�IY ME CRC1327068 COUN7y CERTIFICATION NUMBER L: OJ / State of Florida Couu tyof Breyard. . couNTv CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Roride, County of The foregolog instrument was slitaed:berore am this 7 day °f The foregoing -- j ne • 20,U, by ipltroineat —signed before me 161s -- .. 7 day of —june who_is penpoelty known X%(or 20.1 7.by. bus produced � .. as IdeatifieaHory Who is personally known 2LXor has produced a as Identification. 'k"furt of Notary Pubue ' S'rAMP Slgoeture of Notrary public STAMP Sahal`a Leoqe ,/ Print Name of Nobry Public �Sairol�a Leon Priot Namt of Notary Pubue ' PA Notary public State of Florida Sandra Leone Revised i f,16' 7C , �P My Commission GG •020251 o�y Pu Notary Pubic State of Florida iR Expires'08/1012020 ? pj Sandra Leone. My Commission GG 02025.1. 9jlois��` Expires 08/10/2020 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNII�TG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES e Building & Code Compliance Division BU"ING PERMIT SUB-CON7'ItACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Name/Individusi Name)' have a the Roofing greed to be (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for .. D•R•Horton 3.109 Yellowstone CIR (F'n my Conhz. r)" For the project --located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding: our participation with the a bove mentioned project;; the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a. Chat ge.of Sub -contractor. notice. CU\TRACTOR GNA (Qualifier SUB-CONTRACIO SI NA onGtier) Brain:W.- Davidson PRIm NAn� Brian Maloney PRIAT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATioV NUMBER CCC1330653 COUNTY' CERTIFICATION NU+�ER SmteorFlorida,Coagtyor BreVBrd Smte.orF7orida, Count y off` The foregoing tostruwent was Signed before me this:: 7 day or f Une 17 the foregoing.tnatmtaiotwi, aimed berore me this 7 zo___, by . _ day or who is,persocn4lmown X or h-ap)U n@ • � 20 � 7, by rodoeed n as Identif 1ea i who to person(ly known %� . or.624roduced a as ideatitication, SignatnreofNotaryPnblir . S,geatnre us notaryPabtie STAMP sGu101�t:{ �Oh6 Pr""HLa a afkYomry Publk sGi ptm l eoile Prkat Name orNotary pabiic psY N/ Notary Public State of Florida Revised I I/ LS err; Sandra Leone.. My_commi5sion GG 020261 Expireso811012020 =oar %% Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Leone 9c1� * p` My Commission GG 020251 'torn .Expires 0e 012020 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE -a & PLANNING DEVEI,OPIVIEIVT SERVICES .: . o Building &Code Compliance Divsilin BUILDING PERMIT S US -CONTRACTOR 'A'C REEM ENT (Company7Naine/individual Name) the ELECTRICAL have agreed to be • (Type .of-rade)' •Sub-contcactorFor R. For the project located at 3109 Yellowstone CIR (primary Contractor) . (Project Slrcet Address or Property Tax JD #) It is understood that, if there is'any cliange. Of statt►s regarding otir parti0pation project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County w11l be advised 11e above mentioned filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. sed pursetant to the. CO•" 1'RIC41�'OI2 RE (Qualifier) Sly sICNATt, Brian W. Davidson RE (Qualifier) rnin�r NAiStE CRC1327068 IE PRj nrE COUHTI':CERT1I7Cq'ryON Ntr•IDER 29578 STATE: ECI13007195.OUClRTICU�1StateofForida,CountpaF 8r BGfid The foregoing instrument Ivas signed berore me this 7.•sin c of Floridn, Couuly of C�•iTE d4 tune .. The foregoini InStrtimen[ tiussigned before me thCs 7 by .. any or whoispersonsllykno»n,X —iUne �,30�7.b•JFREMY or has produced a�� SEANJENktNS6N ns Wailifienfi n, nho is personnlly knona j(x or-hos produced. N/q ' ns idcutificrilion. ' —"-- Sigruttur"e o olnq• public SIA1ip �Sallita, / „the StgnnturcofNofer/yPublic sr,*-Ijp PriutvNantcofNotary�Piublic sa�[�Ijia Lew print Nome. of Notnq tliblic �OY ° Notary Public State of Florida k-mid I OjkoIG Sandra Leone y c My. Commission GG 020251 9j+of �dF Expires 08/10/202t) io Notary Pdblic.State of Florida Sandra Leone r ` My Commission GG 020251. . +OF i1qe...Explres Oe/10/2026 ISSUE DATE ANNUM G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 0iAmli annilding & Code Compliance Division IN BUILD G.PERM17 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Comps ly.NtimeJtndividualNomc) have agreed to be the HVAC/MECHANICAL (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for FLORIDA BREEZE (Primary CdntMCtOr) For the project located at.. _ 3109 Yellowstone CIR (PraJm Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is untietsttiod that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the• above:tnentione project, the Building:and Code ReSUlation Division of St. Lucie Co linty will be advised pursuant to the filing of a.Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRnCroR src (Qwaaer) -- :: SU CfOR SICNATU oaliner) Brian W Davidson . . PRINT NAME / PRINT NAME CRC 1.8Vo68 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of FloCOUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER rida, County of. i3reyard Stsee otnoridn, County or__` The foregoinhandrvmeeI was shoed Ware me thb 7 day of The rornafna ettle"meaf.was:si{oed before me this 7 lun`.io17by y f . da�o IU— _ _ 20-Uby whp s pana.;:rr} iuuwa X�iC hes:prodoeed a as tdeatljukrido who Is.persoo fly firiawo LXr hes produced ■ is idendlieafion. St$natur ofNouryPowle STAMP ' n Slmrwe of Notary Pubae STAMP UvV[l!1! Q Erode Priaf 1Yame. of Nblary Pu611e Sahol�a. LEDhe Prtaf Name ofNaUry.PuhQe Revised l l/I ti/IO =o�Y °�q NotaryPublic State of Florida p e Sandra:Leone NotPublic h o My Commission GG 020251 ig S State of orFlo�� Explrea08/10/202D . 9c a andraLeone FI°nda " �oF�P MY Commission G �PIreS. 81101202p 020251