HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0045 !~~ t I 45 , , ,\ I \ I I , .: ! I I ! I I I I I I I i I I I i i ! I ! ! f . ~ / t '1].' u t .i " --I oj ~1 ;1 ;1 jD4 \bat thel are fre$ from all enoumbranoes wbatsoeyer. ADd ~t he has good and lphl 1."18h' to sell an4 OOnTel the eame. .&nd that said par~ of the Ul'st part will. anA hi. heirs. exeoutor. aa4 aO.a!n1strators shall warrant and defend ~. 8&118 a.pinst t.U lawflll olai_ o.nd deMD4. Whataoe_o:. .lnd the BIlld par~ of the first par't, for his hill'S, exeout.ors and .dm1nistrators, does OOTenant and agree to and with the said partl of the seoond part, b1s hehlj ~~ .sBlgnB, that the sai4 partl of the ..00114 put shall and -1 lawM17. ..t all times hereafter, peaoe.bll aDd ,q1l1,.tly haye, ooouPl; possess and .nJol theaaid premises hereby granted. or InteD4ed so .to be. with the appurtenanoes, without the l.wtu.l hindranoe or molestation of the partz of ~e first part, his 1811'S aDd 8ssign., or o~ aD1 other per- son. or persona whatsoenr. ~ 't'J#. with his '1' their oonsent, pri'lity or prGourement. And the said Basel I. aobb1Da wite of the said J. C. Dobbin. upon tho oonsideration afore-.14,4oe. Ilereby ril...... and forenr quit-ola1lla unto 'the sai4 .P81'ty of the seoond part. his heirs and &8signa, all aboye granted premises. IB WITHES8 WlntR1'lJ', The said partl of the f1t'st part haYI hereunto Bet rsq hand and see.l.. rlghtB of dower and ho...tea4 in and to the the dq and lear first aboye wrl tten. 8ignad, s.aled and deliyered in pree.noe of Jq )(. Rrobst J. C. Dobbins (Beal) (Seal) Hazel I. Dobbins ST~ 0:1 nOJaJlG COOB~Y OJ' Batl'ODa ) J ee. On th1B fweut7-thlrd day of j'ebruary, A. D. 1921, before me perooaally appeared J. C. Dobbins and Haul I. Dobbine, to 1M known to be husband aDd ..ue and to me known to be tho persona aelorlbed in aDd who,. exeouted the foregoing 1nstruraent, and .oknowledged that thel exeouted the B&II8 ae their frfla sot and deed, inoludin8 the release and waiTer of the right of hOMSte84. ~. said wife having been bl me tully .ppraised of her rlght and of the effeot of 2ign.ing and aomowledgins the Aid instn.nt. Glnn UDder IQ' hand and Botarial seal th1a Rard da7 of J'ebruar7, A. D. 1921. (8kl) lay K. ~robet Bo'tary PIlbl1o. My CODD1s81on e1>>ire8 on the lath day of Bonmber, J. -D. 1923'"1 M f>N . ~~ o~.s' ~. N~T.~-fy . ~ . ~ "1 PlI BL I (.. ~ '.... ~ l' ... 0....4(.0"..1 .1led and reoorded thi8 31st day of lleroh, ~. D. 1921. ~~ "0 4"'(7 ~ . ~I"J';' ~~ q P. O. lD.dred. 01erk 01ro::zt. LL~ ce ~ 1>. C. / . .;. (CT. Of. SlW.' Bl I. > ~ '; }~~!):\:::~ ;:'0:~~- ~::::r(:~:'; , ',,' ..,;.:'-:.:,;i,m~;;!';!;'~:1