HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire District Approval ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Office of the Fire Marshal Plan Review f 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Telephone: 772.462.8306 Ft Pierce, FL 34950 FAX: 772.462.8466 THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2004 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. The Code is based on NFPA 1 and NFPA 101, 2003 Florida Specific edition. Jurisdiction: FP FMO Permit#: B-05-1949 Project Name: Clevelands Auto Truck Building Permit#: 0512-0693 Address: 3.14 Angle Road Contractor Crowe Manufacturing Phone# 813-221-6279 Fax-813-223-2813 Contractor's Address: 1318 Channelside Drive City: Tampa State: FL Zip Code: 33602 Architect/Engineer: Kiron Semapati Phone# 813-890-9500 Ext- 108 Occupancy Type: Business AS Permit: Construction Type: FA Permit: Square feet: FFP Permit: Required Number of stories: 1 Access Box: Occupant Load: Access Key Switch: i NOTE 1. All revisions, including the electronic copy must be received prior to permitting. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 5. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper UL design. Design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 6. Fire alarm panels shall be located indoors within a controlled environment. 7. Plans and construction are subject to corrections in the field to maintain code compliance. Required Revisions An electronic version of the construction plans on a CD is required. The file format shall be .pdf only. The CD shall contain a sheet index file. Files shall be separated by discipline. Files names shall match construction documents sheet numbers. 1. Separate permit and review is required for the ins a -n of the Fixed Fire Protection System. 2006.03. 13 10:57:38 -05'00' % i 02/10/2006 15:46 8132232813 CROWEMF PAGE ''.'..' /03 e I It t Coll Click Stop ID Tubeaxial Fang P B y Streamlined belt tunnel isolates the motor,drives, and beatings from the air stream.Designed to operate in any position and utilizes precision (� Far Re r•Paris F' trala[EGCd s m•k•Izsf�tnlrt aluminum Pau bladr.-�,u"[mot 1 le roll YaVr�&vb4h or 7 housing is iron phosphate:processed for rust �J 1.800.32343620 protection with an acrylic epoxy paint finish.Factory installed cast iron sheave assembled on fan shaft, Falls may be ordered as part of a package(Stock Nos. beginning with numeral 7).The package Includes ball bearing motor and drives that are packed separately. Permanently lubricated ball bearings y ; .ily ■Nfaxlmllm Inlet temperature Z001F ¢ ■Belt guard Included !� :,...' ■Companion flanges listed on pages MUM ■Opptional harhrdous location accessory Is on,llabie:No. 4GS Conduit Box Note;Review OSHA cedes,OSHA-complying guards are required when fan blades nre exposed and within reach of porsonnel,Use a hatardow location moter where.flammable vapors,are involved, iranr ra Dayton Electric Mf.Co.cortifics that N N1NO1/ the tubeaxlal Fans dwn a herein are o-4Cfi61 licensed to bear the AMCA Seal.The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures perfotmled in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the rerpill- raprim of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. The sound power lever ratings shown in decibels _ referred A weighted watt calculated per AMCA have been tl 301.The A weighted sound ratfn shown have been calculated per AMCA Standard 3�1.Values shown for tubeaxlal fans are for(Inlet Lwi)sound power levels B for.Instolfation'fir Rf Free inlet,Dii&ed f111t1et. Ratings do not include the effects of duct end jAIR PLOW-_'_SF ..-- - — corrections, :: ::::.. ....-------------- SLOT SIZE E -- - opp77ien BAIT Marc. Fan No,of L00111-Iafln 1712cemem Slack Blade Dimensions on,) Circle Motor Shaft Fah Flmpp�e Fen 91ad4 No. ale,On.] A B Marl. c b E Dia.an.) Nalghl(In.) Dia-On.) Blades Stock Na. Stack No. 4cr1.59 12 14% BY 1211, 12 me 131h 9 SIB 4 4C77fi 4CO92 41)ti8n 16 IOY4 1114 169m "a", 5111 17'h 9 710 0 4C717 4=2 4C551 16 21'/ 12h 1B1h 161h 5116 7D°Ar 9 710 6 4C718 4C715 3U71 7.4 27 1674 241A, 19 7116 25Y 16 1 6 36436 4CGr14 3C412 30 33:A 1941 301h 24 7/111 321/ 10 1'h1 B 3CA40 3C418 3C413 34 37Y, 21'A 241/1 29 7/76 3G11 10 1Yv 8 3C441 3C419 30414 so 301% Zc'7n 001/ 2D 7/16 3e1A 10 1N•n 6 1CA47 7gA7n 3C416 42 45Y 251hr, 4211, 37, 9116 44,1 12'1h 11/x 5 3 4 3C421 3C415 43 51•Y. Who 481h 3G 911G 501/1 12r1 11/n 5 3r•444 3CA22 3782 MULIMM. 11119=Shipp om Manufacturer ✓=Extended Warranty Available lk=New Item mrrw��