HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0058 ! , 58 ., il I'...... i: ~ i I , partl to ..14 deea for ~e :PU1'>>oae of renounoing, rellntuisl1l.D8 an4 oonve11D8 all her J:l@'ht,i Utle and intere81l, ..'\her of dO.'I', 'ODiI8tea4 01' of ..parate propel't" .ta"*OI'J 01' I eqlu~&bl~. 1n ana ~o the 18D4s desoribed ther.in, and that she exeouted the sa14 4e.d fre.~ : 11 and Tol\Ultar1l1 and without aD1 oompulslon,oonBtra1nt, apprehen8ion or flar of or bO!Jl her 8& 14 husband. WITaBSS Jq hand an4 offiolal. seal at Fort Pia 1'01, Oo-.nt, of 8t. Luoie an4 State of J'la., th1B Zl day of Moh. A. J). 1921. . "OWA~ ~" \ 'NOT"'tt . CD JJ... Y . ~ .. . ..., U f( ... "/JL' .., #- ~ ..... t ~oll ,..I' J. B. Ho.rd Notary Publio. IIotary P\lbl1o, State of J'lor14a at Large. ~ Oomm1s81on Bxplr.. Jul;y 28, 1924. Filed and reoorded. this 7th day of April, .A. D. 1921. 2. U. BlAred, Clerk Cirouit Court. 'e~- (\ ~ e~ . ~e~~t CO!f. Of. BEAL) Ud~/ ~ :Z~l/ / 00. By - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - \ n.GRlDJ. .I'I8B 81 PRODUOE OOJIPUX JIlii. \iJ.LllOUI BBADPOBD. . ro WJ.1lB.UlTY Imm). !1'hls Indenture, Dade this eighth da.7 of .April .A. .D. 1921, BB'rifBBJI !he I'lorida .I'18h . . . Rrodu. 00 . oorporaUon existiDI1m4er the laws of the State of nor1da, having its prin - . olpal plaoe of bue1.ness in the County of Du.val of the State of i'lorida part, of thy fire' part, and Mrs: O&1.houn Bradford of the oounty of st. Lucie r..Qd State of fiorida part, of the seGond part, WITHBSSETH, That the said party ofthl' first part for ani in oonsideratlOD of the 8UDl of !ren dollar8 and other valuable oonsiderations Dollars, to 1 t in .hand paid, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aat.nowleclged, has grante4, bargained, 80ld, eliened, remised, r.leased, oonveyed and oonflrmed, and b;y 'the.e presents doth grant. bargain, sell, alien. remise, release, oonny and oonfirm unto the said party of the seocnd part and her helT!J and assigns forever, ell that oertain paroel of land lJ1.ng and being in the Count)' of St; Idb and S~t. of .i'l.or14a more part10ularll desoribed as follow.: !rhe north half of lot 10 Blook one of D1t~ 8ubd1Yi..ion of J'ort Pieroe lying ...~t of the etreet running north and south through sai4 lot ten. - TOGBTHBll with all the tenements, hered1t8Dl8nts and appurtenanoes, with eyel7 priT11ege, , right, title, 1nterest end estate, rever8ion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or , ' I . . : in anp1ee appertaining: !r0 ~VB .ANI> ro HaLl) the S8118 in fee simple forever. ADd the eald partl of the first JlU't doth OOYlnant with the aald party of the second part that it 18 lawfu1l1 ..isld of the said prem1ste; that they are free from all inoum- braoe., . tind that it has good rlght and lawful autnorit;y to sell the same: and the said part)' of the lil'st part do.. hereby tJl1, warrant the title to said land, and' will defend i i . i the B8II8, again8t the lawful ol&1ms of all perscns whomaoever. ! , . j I ! 1 ! 11f WUlB88 WHBB.BO., the said pUty of tho first ~~ has ~auae4 theBe presents to be signell in it. name bl1ts Prell1dent. aDd its oorporate Beal to be.'af:f1xe4, attested bl its 8eorata:'7 the day and ,.ar above wri Uen. ,... f" r.. \,. o~ I Corporate fco/H'''/tA 1l:!" .'., Beal) ! ~~,4 L : ~" .t" Bl We B. ~... ~. ~.. Pre8ident, ...."'l~,.,; .nori4a J'1sh . hodWJI Companl . At~..t:',a. .Adame, Jr. a.oretal',. ) ] J . . . .. ,.. . . . "), ".:i.t(~~~4,\t.:{: