HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation ReportIC-CoES E"luati9p Report V*Va WX Reissued-sobtvaw: 20. fS This report is sublact to mnewiN February 1, -.2015; . XW!jcd_ (562) 69 ASubsTTOf IhOntematiOnal Code. Cmmc"9 DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL - AND MOISTURE OROTECTION13 REPORT HOLD.E..R: IGYNENF, INC. e747 CAMP.QI3RLL0 ROAD MISSJSSAUQA,-Q4TARIO LGIC 47 CANADA (905)363-4040 wwwlcvnone,.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: . IGYNFjIE CLASSIC; CLASSIC MAX-, CLASSIG.ECO-AND CLASSIC PLUS 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compilance with the following codes: mi. 2612 and 2009 .1ftfernatfWat.0041179 COdsp'.(I6c) 0 2012 and -2009 .11ifematiQl7al hesfdanUal CodeP #RC) 0 2012 And 2009 international EVeW. ConservationCodd 0 QEC% .0 Other Codes. (see Secti0j, 8.*0) Properfids: evaWbW a SQ!facim.-bumirigeharacteristics 'N Physli:41,praperfies th (R�values) .emial-pgr"ace Attic and -crawl 60,206 i401311800111 W-.Flre re.8.1muce u Air permeability -p Noncombustible construction. 2i'0 -USES Icy-nene. CIaisi%..CIas$Id Max, Classic Eco And Classic Plus areused provide Main, therma... . .l insulation: in buildings. and. to 's'eafareas -suO -aS. plumbing and.. conduit penetrations against-airiniliftration. T-he.1nallulall . Insulations are for use In will ,cavities .and goor-a.ssambiles; and: In attic and: crawl space .natallations awdeszrlbe.d. in Section 4A. f Thoqlais sic; Class gic Mox.and Claszlci.ico insulations are -for use in Type, V construction under the IBC- and dwellings under the JR0, kwrepistancL-rat , ed construction When installed in accordance with; -Section 4.5., and in TY004 I through IV construction 060 installed In accordance. with Section 4A. YO The Classic plus. ipsulation are: for use in Type V=B construction under the- 01� and. nqnfire-resistance-rated construction under1he, LRC. to DESCRIPTION 3.1 General:. 3.0 Classic and Classic Mair'! 10hene"Cigtsio. and Classic Max are. Iota -density, opefiLc6ltj poiyqiathane--fbarh plastic. insulations and air barrier systems that are 100 perc6nt water -blown With i an installed :nominal ;density Of 0.5 tocf (8. 'kg./rn8), The f6sulafibris :are two, component, sprgy-applied products. The two components of theinsulation a ., polymeric_ I . 'iiO4.4nAW (A-ComptineM . - also known. as RA_.' and proprietary resin (B_ .Co pponent, Classic or Classic Max. Resin). When ( stored at temperatures betWee.n. W*­IF 1,10°C) and 1.00*F (.3WO), the -components have sh6lf lift of six. -months. 3.1.2 Classic Eco: The Icynthe Classic Eco'fbam plastic. 0.jjh ):deQ, spray - applied, insulation is-component,-compon6ht tow-density,c 'foam plastic with a nominal -density Of . - (a 10/0). The polyurethift 10M. Isproduced by combining a polymeric isobyanate-. (A -d&0&kbnQ. and proprietary resin, Classic Eco- (B.cotnponent),. Mdi stored at temperatures betapen 50IF'(10*6). and.'IOIVF C!, the components, have a sholt-life.,of elk., months; 3.1.3 Classic Plus: The Icynene ClassicP106' lOwn plastic insulation . is-tAv-.wmponent low density, open call, spray-ag)plled, foam plastic.with A nominal density Of '116-PrOduodd.by - j od (1 .1 kg ' /M). The polywathane foam combin(ing, a, polymeric :lso6yanate. (A component), and rbpribta ry. resin, Classic Plus (S cPm.or :stored at: temperatures befiveiah WF.(IO*C) and 10VP (30*.C.j, the components have a shelf life of twelve months. 3.2 Surface2unflng-ChAraC10040 1.2,11 Classic And Classic. Max*.- When tested in-a6cordAhc& With ASTM i E841UL 723, at a. thickness of 6 inches (152 nim) and a nominal -density of 0.6 .'PCf (8 kg/ml).' Icynene.Classic and "Clas,91C.MeX have a flame spread indexof28orless and awndke smoke -developed index'Of 450 or less.. Thidicnesses of up :to 7 inches . M.S. mni) for- wall cavities. and 111 1 /2 inches- (2 92 mm):fbr ceiling cavities -art recognized based . on . room . comer fire testing In aCCOrdanoe. -with NOOA: 286i when covered -.With minimum '12-inchothick (.1 - 3 'Mmjj' gypsum 'board or an equivalent thermal barrier complying; with the applicable *Corrected MW9014 1C,C-a Ewjva(jqjt Rqw1s av norfole. consvved'as repress 11W--. U----Y01W as endqff,,Menr<,lire subject o fihvlvpLvigrqreconwinewlanforitcrise mere is no (oaiiyfindhWaradiermatferLvlh:stv.mFl- or as to any proAcj.covwqdb.V life report Vage. I of 8 C PY F ,6R.j.02%.j jWjpatjwd*Accepl#drand Trusted. code. Greater thicidiesses.6finsulation are recognized as described in Section 3.2.2 Classic, kC.0 W accordance : When Wood in accords �e with. ASTM. E841UL 72-3, at at thickness... of: 6 inches (152 mm) 3, * and ;anOKinaldensttY:ofo�tpcf($k*"),lCynoneClassic .. .. - vtoo has a ffilme:spread index *-Or less Arid -a smoke- d e'.e 6-inch -index of 'or less. 'Greater than ch (152 mM).thj0kn6W,$ qf:insulation .are recognized,bas6d on the flame spread index of 25 . or loss, when: the -Insulation is: covered with minimum YgAnch-thick (13 mm) gypsum wollboar.d.'Gr.--'6-qLiivZifOI)t thermal barrier complying with -the applicable -code. 32.3 CW-61c: PIU0. When testedin. accdrdan0eAAdh ASTM. 84jUL 12i F " at -a ihl, ckness, of 4 inches (1.5 , Z MM) and- b- , n6rhil.1614entity' - of'O.7 'Pcf (11 kgbN IcYridne Classic Plus. has:a' am. smdke-developed Index 045Q br loss. Greater than 44inch (102 mm) thicknesses Of Insulation are recognized, based on the flame spread. index of 25 or legs, WheR- the insulation is covered: With minimum Winch thick .(13 i mr) gypsuft'Vallboord or. eq6..jntthqrmaI bamer-00MR[YiRg: Qh.the..applicable: Dodd. 3.3 Themiall. Resista"ce: loyner.le -Classic, :Classic M ax .R.. Classic Ec6; and Classic Wei) 'at 'a mean Plus. `have thermal resid. resistance -va th . temperaturwof-76T (WO as --shown in Table 1. 3.4 Air Permeability: lcynene spray -applied: foam plastic tic insulations are considered air-IMparn4ible. Insulation. in accordance with Z2 IRC Sections R202 :and R806,6 and -2009: [RC Sections W2 and R806,4,at tile kilothicknesses: M i3.inches .:.(.76 mio) Classic and.: Classlc-Max-. * nimum,. based ontesfingin.gopordance with ASTIR E2178. &.Classic Eco. 'Minimum, 5112: inches. (140: mm), based on tesfingin ox.ordance with ASTUE283. p C.Iar -based ;gjo plur. Minimum,2- ?Inches (61 mm) on- fejungi in acdordandeQfi ASTM12178. 3.5' intuMp§000t ngs' 3.6.1 No Burn .Plus XD....No Bum P14S P intumescent coalingAs a latox-based coatingstipplitcl in 1-gallon (4L.) and 5-gallon (.10L) pails. and 5.5-gallOn (208 Q drums. The coating material hiis..,a shelf life of 12 months when stored in fatto"o . sled containers at tdmpoiatiiies botwepri. 40°F (4.4.id 31.9. DC 315: 00 315 ffilwm6scent coating is -a wateir- based :coating. supplied -in "al'On (194 pails and 5"311on (208l.) drums. The coatng materat has a. shelf. . Rf Le. of. 24morift When silore.e.viq. 1�.Ictory-seatedcontainers at tsmporatures*between 41°F: (56Q) and WF (36-C). 4.0 'INSTALLATION Ail :General: The. manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report must.be WdUy .0ho.red to and a copy of these instructions.and this evaluation.. repor t-musdbe-aValloble.on tlie-jbbside at all1mesduring installation. 4142 Application: 4,2.1: General: Icyneno Clai$ig, Classic.Max,. Classic Eco ond'Classic Plus foam olastic-in6diations *0 I*.' -applied: . on :the jobsitO using two-c.ompondn.t. .140-1 1`890, spray -,equipment specified 'by- leyn. 0,. Inc The, loam plastic onto 7' 'that is wet or ihug :not be sprayed 6 -a substrate covered 0 w'jh: frost or ice..:Iodse scales, rust, oil o Page. 2 of 8 The foam :plastic insulation must not be -used In. 61SOCO outlet, or :junction . b0XfP or 101 contact with rain -Or -Water, and mutt :be PM*CWd from the weather during and after application: thp: i'rljpta#qq :is used as air - impermeable insulitionizudh as in unyo.nlod 40: SPaCL% : " , . . "' usf be regulated by IRC 'Section ROOS., the insulation *M - - - installed it a Minimum thicknesses -noted in Section 3.A. The insulation can installed in one pass to the ma)(Imuni'thibkness. *0 rrlftje� passes am required, the cure time bd`1000 passes is 000010, Max: Th6 jqqulaticn Mus(be 4.%-2 Classic and. Classic in used ..areas where the -maximum: service temperatureIs no . greater. . 'than - ISO . OF (82*.C) The insuI060 Inusibe :applied: Wh0fi: the -terhporaWre., b at or.above 14°F (40* Q ,and be protected from the -weather :during and 8ftr A0011C4111oft. .4.2-j. p1jisaid Ego' The. -insulation may badsadin areas where.the himithum'serv19. 0 tomperaiureis no greater than IfI00F(82T); The ingula. fid(j. must• be applied when. the . -temperature is.atbr:aboVe 14°F t409C and beproieded _from the weather during and.ppoo". affet a 4.2.4 ClassiciFlue The insulation :maybe: used: in. areas -Where theitiegimum'service temperature is no greaterihon 18W. F . (02' . '%- 'The• insulation. must be applied when liko ' ' ' " i" - -b6ve,14*F,(-10'C) and W PrOVOW. temperattireKat-91`0 I -.aftro . fthn the weather during and PP lea on, 44 Therm4l Barrier. 4.3.1 Classic and Classic Max: Application With a Prescriptive Thermal W Plistic o: fthier.:I0jnene:Classic and'Classio.Max fani insaf01Is must be. separated from the ke'do r-. .of. the insulations :building by an approved thermal barrier,. such . ii..'I�iftcli '(12.7-mro) gypsum waftbog,rdirtMall6d . Using mechanical* fasteners in accordance with the. appli6able: code, or:an- equ!V,ant thermal: the le ' I , 5-midute: enn: barrier comp Y11h :Opplic:applicabledodo. When Installation .is -w 4. attic - I -of drawl space'as described 6 Section 4.4, a:themidl barrier is not required - between"he. fogm plastic .aril thA.a#14 or crawl space, tint is.. required between 'the foam. Pwac building. TbIckniii6ses Of Insulation arid'. the .interior of the. . . . j.,5 mm) for wall cavities and up- to .7% 'inches 90. 1 . I : a recognized .11'12 inches (202- Thm) for; 601104;cavities .. re 'based: oti room comer fire testing in accordance with NF1PA �M.. .. . . . 1jr-Iric'4hIdk.(1$ MM) h: when covered with minimum - ' .00umbqard- dr-:6quival8fit thermal'baffler comPly ng with -the applicable, code. Application.1.1 without a Prescriptive Thermal ._. Barrier -j)k ' ignition. Barrier: The prescriptive "I&MI-nuI e thermal barrier of ignition baMer im.m&�. to- -omitted when installation is in 46cordafto . 0 . . with :this; section. The insulation and coatIn§ may bd. tprj"pplidd. td.-the interior facing of wells, the undersider ira6f sheathing .of roof or V! aft exposed as .. OW jtp��%. and d. rafters, and in be left: exp. an interior finish Without -a pr­escri . ' 'bdd I 5-minute- tliermi barderor-ignitionbarfler. The thickness: of the foam -plastic applied tothe underside ofthe. roof sheathing must not ex ceed -14 Inches (356 mm): The thickness of tspray rOY foam insulation applied :to vertical ,wall surfaces must not exceed 6 inches -(162 -nam), The fO4in POOP .must :be poveroo,on-all surfaces with DC315460IOV *a minimum thickness of 2 . 0 wet:mUs.11S dry mils,(0113 ffffi)], applied at .2 a rate of 1'26*gpllonp�(.43 Q per 1.00:6qU06:feet (9' The -coating. must be opplled.-over:the insulation In accordance with the: coating. manufacturer's :instructions and this re0ort.:Surfacpj jo be coated -must,be dry; clean, and free of . dirt.. loose debris and other substances: that could intarrere Adhdsfoh of-1ho ooating..Thecoatingid jPY Page S:df 4 ESR?t826.1 Most 104001k. A;c*Pred and Trusted. . applied: in' one coat 'With lOw-PTIM011re Oldest 'spray 02 Classic ECO. 4.91-1 AP011.009101 WA a prescriptive 'Thermal Barrier. lCyR600CIaWd fc6polyurethane. f0arrI plastic J insulation must be. separated from the ihtGPOr of - the -building by an SpPiO46d 010IM41 barites of "li-inch-thick. (13 mm) gypsum wallboard or an equivalent 16-minuie thermal barrier complying with, and installed Ift accordance Sedan 21 03 A: with, IBC S' or IRC Section 11316-4, as -- applicable. 4.3.3 Classic Pius: 4:3L3A APPIRIC808111 With a- Prescriptive. Thermal Barrier. jcy! Application C casti Classic pIU4 pplyidrath6no foam. Pi. C insulotion must be separated from the lnt9flQr Of. the building by an ipp(OVeO thermal:barribir of 11241rich-thieg (,1 .3 mm) gyp . SUM -wallboard or an equivalent. 15- -minute thermal . barrier . implying omplying with, and installed in-actorda 'nee 'M with; JBC SectlPyr 2606A or IKC.. :Section R316.4., as. ippli6able. 4A Attlbd and:CrAWI'SpAcds: 4M Classic9hd:Q4!!4iCMaX: 4A.1 J! A0 Prescriptive'Ignition Barrier: .plicadcamAh. a Prescriptive i SIX ifiben, I.cy�ine- Classic and: Classic M - 10at4 plastic MSUlaflons. are. installed within attics where entry is made drily for service of utilities;: an, ignition barder roust be installed irt accordance. with IBC :.Sedbn.2603.4.1.6- and 1p.0 Sections, F316;5i3 and R316 -6-4, as applicable. The ignition. barrier- must be -consistent. With the requirements rpments forth otype ,of Construction :*.ulredbylhe applicable code :must be jnttalladin...�rnanner..§6 .. nd tha t the fogm.plastle insulation is: oct:-69posed. The Classic or Classic Max insula's, 'baffed in unvented attics when the 11on .fpqrn plastic Is.appiled at. a Minimum thickness of 8 ( -mm):ip accOf09 .... b wif i h 2012. IRC Sectlon:118066 tit' 76 PQ. 2009 IRC Section g$0s.4, as applicable. 4LA.112 Ap V .plication without a Prescripa.0 ignition Barrier. Where IcYnene -Classic And. Classic Max foam. plastic Insuibtions: are: Installed..10 on. attic -or-, ;raVA space with'Put a pr"en 'ptive ignition bamer, in accordance with - Sections;,, and 4.4,11-41 the followift cbnditions.-apply: 1. Entry to the. aftic or crawl space is only for service: of u(ifilies and no -storage Is permitted. 2. There are no interconnected attic, cray.W space Or basemeritareas. 3. Air in the ot(lo-pr crawl spacels not circulated to other parts of thebuilding. 4. Cohibustiort air is provided irr.accordainPe with IMC Section Z01. 6. Attic ventilation, is -:provided 11 when, required by IBC Section 1203.1 or;I.RC Section 806,except when air-impermeableAnsulatibri Is permitted in unvented attics iri accordance with 2042:11RC,Sedpri ft$.5 or .20.69 lRC';S'ec:fiion'R806A.as. applir-aft.. 6. U(I"der400r(brawl: space).veMlatIbn is pov*ided when required Oi JRCSection. f2O3.Aor I.Rc Section M qs.appllcible, 4A.1.2.1 Attica _.Classlc and. Classic Max: In. attics, Icynene Classic and Classic Max f0afn plastic Ins6lMiOfts may be :to the underside of the roof sheathing and/or ratters, as described: in this section. The. thickness the -foam plast ic !0 appim iip the undess :the roof sheathing Most not &W . 0 . -14, inches (Us -min). ..the. thickne ss of the spray foam Ing0l0ion applied to vertical wall surfaceis must not exceed surfaces 6...6 inches all (140 frim). The insulation must bevoovered on. with one of. the w4ktiflp, described in Section a-5. The coaling lbi milst-be-appjiod over the intulAVOOn 4000 ACS W441116'bastifig mariu .. atUre rs inslrucfim-anflhls report. S.�dacet th b#. 0.0aig . dmqst. be. `dry, dean, .and _fre6 .of 410L loose debits and other 4 . that: could- interfere with Psita that: in one coat adhesion ofthe coating. I ' :with io*Proiisure. aftless spray :equipment. The. coatingp Must be ap"lledto z No survi Plat XD .at a :minimum. thickness. df..O wet mils (0..15 mm) (4 dry Ift (0-1 min) diY. Vim' thickness), applied at a rate of.04 gallon 0 A- 4). ;per 400 square fi& (92 M). js bC. 3I g:at. a minimum thickness: of 4 wet mils s (0.1 min} [; dry mils]; applied -at a rate of 0.3 -gallon OA L).:per 10.0 square feet (9.2'rr?). The coatings must be. applied vvhi§n ambient .and 1.'0 substrate temperature is at leist 6W-F ( 6 ) - ):ina n mare than: WF -(36iC).. All Other surfaces (ihduding;*.g4a9s) must be protected against damage im the coating: The insulation lation may be installed in urivetiod'attidt when the foam plastic is applied at gi minimum tbile*00W :Of 3.6 inches, -(89 min): 'as described in this section :in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5:.or 2009 IRC Sedan 11806.4i as ippplicable. Affics - Classic- Max: When Classic Max Is applied in urivoted attics conforming to -2.012'IRC section -Section RSM.4, the 1"sUJdQh:-may be A8Q6.5 or I 2b 09 i R" 0 -sheathing. and/or rafter's 4o.: -aofsheathing. *J4�0 mm) and a applied to the'underside -Mof a :minimuftt. thickness Of 5-12 indift I - of I 1 11 inches - J'38 mm) over the minumum -ftickness �rafters; and may be - iap plied to vettlu t wall surfaceo to a minimum thickness of 512-inches. (I4QAnd:M!niMUM thickness of 11/2 inches (38'01m) ovetthe .studs. ,Maximum - -thickness on the underside of r6of.sheathiing: or on vertical 'wall surfaces faces it 20- inches (M_ 8 MM),, -.r* insulation. may be left exposed to the atticattic*MW; a- pi.e�IVO Ignition . barrier or an. intumescent c*_atlng: The attic. must have attic accast.a6mplying with IRC Section: R807, hodidritally oe.d: in. the floor,, and opening putvard toward the living'spaom items penetrating: the roof deck or Walls, such it skylight wells' afid'VentsK:must: be OCIvendwith a minimum of 5 72 .Inches: f-140 0"). of the -Classic lvlaxinoulai(On. s­:1 n 4A.C2A Crawl Spaces: in .I.C'tawi p.pq@% cy trie Classic and Classic Maxi insulallons may be spray -applied to vertical walls and the untieraRle .0011001.13, a.i-descilbedlin this section. The. thickness Of the, fO-IM 01-WO applied to the underside of the #OOM must not exceed 14 inches Ida The thitftwds .of the. spray foam plastic :insulation applied to:verlical,wall.-dutfa :thutt-not oX;p9d /.2 m). The., foam plastic OoeA.nat r.e,.qdlre-. .31 in6hes (88.19 rn an ignition . barrier -or a coating. Use on Attie Fiddrs.; When used on attic-flOarso, lcyrlerl�.Classlso and. .Cl0s$lq-Max foam am plastic: lasge: . insulations di6y. bp, . installed . I . : at a. maximum Ilhickness' of .11 1 121 riches: (292 MM)Ielwein joistsin-attle Boom. The, intulatiOn. must 'be- separated from, the 'interior -of. the :budding OY On ,Vproved jinlial 6irflk The. COatings.speciff6d. in. Section 4.4,12.1 and the ignition barrier in. accordance - Oh . 10 G, .SeCtlqri.2M3.4..1.6 and iRC.'Sedion R310,5,3. May bo cmidlid. - CON .EER 1828 1 MQast:Wde1Y' ePfed and Trusted Page 4 of. 8 ....... _ :... -natal! d in 4A.2 Classic Ebo: 4A,2:1: ApplieaHon.with: a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier. When icynene- Ciassic.Eco is installed within atNos -or crawl spaces where entryis :made .only for service of utilities, an ignition barrier most- be lmtaited in accordance -With 100 Section 2603A 1.6 and I.RC .Sections R3.10.5.3 and R3166.4; as applicable: The ignition :barrier must be consistent with -the requirements for `the. type of construction .required by the. applicable .code. and must be installed in a: manner swthat•thei foaini pli .stic.lnsrtlation. is not exposed: icyriene. Classic Eco may .be installed in invented: attics when:_the foam plastic is applied. at• a minithum'thidcness of_5.5 incites (140 rnm):in arcordance. with 20. 2 IRC. Section Rt306:5 or 2009 IRC/ Sect!cn R806A,. as. applicable. Ctit Application without a Prescriptive ignition. Barrier:. Where Icyr[ene .ClasSic:Eco insulation WInstalied in accordance width Section AA.2.2.1, :and 4AZZ3, the followirio 010057ks apply'. I. Entry to the attic: or :CreW $pact s:to :service utilities, and rro storage is. permitted. 2. There are no intercontiected. attic 19F crawl space areas. 3. Air in the attic oc &ewl space is not circulated to other parts of the building,. 4. :Combustion sir 'is .provided fn accordance with IMC Section:701. 5. Attic ventilation is provided when required by IBC Section 1.... 2 or iRC .Section. R806, except when air -impermeable insulation: is permittetl in .unyented attics.'in acwoi+dance with•20121RC Section 11806:5 or 2009 :lRG Sera ori: R806.4, as applicable. 6. Under-floor:(crawl space) ventilation is provided: when required by .IBC Section 1203.3 -or IRC Section 9408.1, as -applicable. 4.4.2:2.1 Atdcs and Crawl Spaces:. In attics and crawl spaces; .Icyneme Classickco insulation may.. be �spray- applied: to the underside of the roof sheathing and/or rafters, the underside of -wood -floors.. and vertical surfaces, as- desoribed m This section: The thickness of the foam plastic, applied to the: underside of the 'top pf;:the space. must not exceed 13, li inches. (343 mm). The. thickness of the spray foam plastic: insulation applied to vertical wall siicfaces.must rot exceed 6% inches (140 thm). The foam piast c. must be xoverr*d on all :surfaces with one. of the coatings .descd.b.ed :ih Section 3.5. The coating must be applied. over the. icynene .Giassic EGO insulation in tile aceontance ikrith : coating. mapufacfurees instrueiions and this.report'Surfaces to -,lie coated must be dry, clean, and free of dirt; .loose debris- and other substances that could interfere with adhesdoh. of the ooating. The coat'urg is applied in one coat with. lo"riessure airless spray. equipment. The soating. must be applied to.a thidmess:as. follows: :m! :No Burn Plus XD ate minimum thickness of 10 wet mils: (Q,3 min) 16. dry nuts (0.2 thm)), , applied. at a late of .0.0 gallop. (2A .I;) per 100 square feet (9:2 tri ) ■ DC 315 at aminimum thiess of $-wet mils (0.2 mm) (6 d y mils (0.2::mm)), applied a2 a rate. of 0 5:.gallon 0 9 Lyper 100:squarefeet (9.2•m) The coating :must be applied... when .ambient and substrate temperature is.at least.60'F (10D.) and no more .than :967 (35"C).:All othersurlaces (including glass) must be:protected against damage frojrr the coating. Icynene Classic Eco insulation may be 1 e _ invented attics when the foam may is applied: at a minimum thickness of51/2 inches (140 mm) as"d6bCdbed In this -sedan, !n, accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5 or 2060 iRC Sid .0 WO -A, as:applicable. 4A.2.2.2 Crawl $paces: In crawl spaces, loynene: tiassia Ebb: insulation may be spray -applied to vertical walls and the underside of, floors; as described :in tile sediion. The. thickness. of the. foam plastic :applied to the .underside of the floors -must not exceed 14 inches (356 mth). The thi6mess of :the. spray foam plastic ;insulation applied to. vertical wail _rurfaoes must not.exceed :3'/2 utdhes (88:9 mm): Ttre feam piastie�does:°not require an ignition barrleer or a°coating. 4A.2:2:3 Use :bn Attic Floors; lcynene Classic: Eco insulation may be. installed -at a .maiiiioo"i thickness of 5cli inches (152 :mm)- between. joists.11h attic floors 'when covered with one..ofthe coatings: applied as described in Section 4.4.2 2.1. The insulation must: be separated from the interior of the building: by an approved thermal barrier, 4.4:3 Classic Pius: 4A.3.1. Application with a prescriptive Ignidon:Bard0r:° When Icynene Classic Pius. is- instated up to. a :maximurh thickness of 4 inches (102' mm) AAft- n attics or Crawl: ispaces' where. entry is made 0iily for service of ublities, :an :ignition -barrier: must be installed in.;acoortianee :v�ith IBC Section 2605AA-6 'and :IRC Sections R3�6A- and R316.5.4., as applicable. The ignition barrier Must be consistent wish the; requirements 'for the type of construction required by the applicable code -and must be installed IA a manner so that the .foam .plastic insulation :is .at exposed: Icynene :Classic Plus may be.:installed in unvented attics when the foam .plastic is applied at .a minimum thickness of :2 inches ,(51 min) in :aa or. ante waft 2012. IRC Section ' R8065: or 200$ IRC section AMA, as:applicable. AA.3.2 Application without a Presg4ptivo Ignition Barrier. Whereleyneiie.GiaasicPtus insulation is installed in accordance with Sections 4:4.3:2.1, And 4A.3.2.2 the:folloWng:oonditions'appiy: 1. Entry to the attic or crawl Space. is :to service _utilities; anti no.storage isperrrrifted. 2. There. are. :no interconnected attic or crawl: space areas, $. Airin the; attic cr'craw1: space is rot circulated to. other Paris of the building. Comtiusti& air �is provided in accordance with ltydC Sedon 7:01. 5. Attic ventilation is provided `when- required :by 1BC Section 1203.2. or IRE Section. R80i?; .except when aIiiampermeable insulation is. permitted in unveiitied; attics in acColdanee:with,2012 iRC. Section REIMS or 20p9 IRC Section R806.4, As .apPlfa 11W 6: Under:Boor (crawl space).ventilation is provided when. required by IB0 Section '1203.3 or IRC Sedbi n. R408.1, as applicable. 4A.3.2,1 Attics: In attics, lcyneine Classic Plus insulation may. be. spray -applied to the .underside. of 'tile roof sheathing and/or rafters, the. underside of wood .floors,. and vertical surfaces, as descrftied :in this section. The thickness. of the foam plastic applied :to the underside .of the top of the spaca.must:not exceed 14 inches (356 mm). The th1dkness::of the spray foam plastic insulation applied to vertical wall surfaces. must not: exceed 8 Inches. 4SR-11926 *1. Most Wictely AdcepWand Trusted Pages of (2O.-mm).Tho-loam 7 PI ro don astic Insulition: must be coye all expoikd a . Uffaoes with Dcm intumescent dating at 0: minimum -thickness of 4 wet ffft .(0.1 '.mm) 13 dry mils ..... '25 gallon (0.95 L) per 100.sqUaro feet (82 0). The coalingmust be'applied. ovot the.-Id"efie Classic Plus insulation in adcordamb with the coaflri­g. manoinstructions: and this report. Surfaces to be coated must bet dry, dean, and free- of dirt, Iowa detift:'and othersL!Wonoei. . s -that could Interfere with adhesion of the coating; The 000".16gppil :irion6coat wifthlow-pressure airtaiss:spraytquipment. The coaling must be applied when ambient. and substmle, teritiporatON. is at lkapt.-60917'(16"O) and no more then:95*F,(35.*Q).,AII other aurkods. (inOudfng. glass) must be protected -agalnstdamagelram the coating;: -leynerie Clank Pius insulation..may be installed in uftVdhled Ads v.hdh the loam plastic is applied at a minimum thickness of. 2 !hches..(51 mrfi) as: described 10 t Section R806:5 his. section, In. accordance with 2612. IRC 6 his Obo jkd $6.c$9n JJ806.4-i a. applicable. p I icable. 4A.362.2 Crawl, -$.pac0:. in crawl spaces, Iry.fleno Classic 'Plus insulation may be spray -applied: to vertical walls and the. underside -of floors, as 4e.k.*nbed in this section.. The thickness of the fbam:08SHO applied to the undejelde :of the 'loom must- not exceed- 14 inches (3.56 mm). The -thickness of 1he spray foam plastlid.• insulation applied to vertical. waltsurfoices -must not exceed inches (263 mm). The. insulation must be covered: with DC4116 coating in Sectloh4A.3.2.1. 4A.3.23 Use on Attie Room Icynene Classic Plus insulation may: be Ift6talled: at a maximum ft�_'ess of 13 inches (SIO mm).: between Joistsin attic flodfs. "rho insulation must be teparatdd from the interior of the buildin ' g by an approved thermat .barrier. Tho1insulation dogs not require an Ignition barrier ors coating. -ALG- Ono-bdut Fire-resisiance-rated AsseWtes: 41$.7 CIass1& and Classic.Mbx: Assembly :1.(P1WI 'Load4*ar ' Ing Wood Stud WaIQ: Minimum nominally.- [62'-bi 02 inches (98:mm by 89: MM)] Southern PRW(G = 0.65). No: 2. grade studs spaced: 16 indhes;(406. mm) on center with a base lay4i of '124nch4hidk (117 mm) wood fiber sound board installed horizontally on each face- with -vertical joints located over the studs, attached -with 6d box nails, 2 Inches f51 mm) long and spaced 24 Inches (610-mm) on center aldn'g the studs,. -and a second layer of Nis nch-thick (15.9 mrri) Type: k gypsum' wallboard installed vertically or; each: tape, attached . with 18d box -naffs,. 2'12 Inches (64 mm) long. artd spaced '! :inches - (119 mm) on center along the studs. The -cavity; contains-Ic ynene Classic or Classic Max insulation nominally 2 inchaS151 mm) thick. Axial loads applied ;to the wall -assembly must be limited to the. Wist ofth6i following: .0 -1,805 pounds 0029: U) per stud. wbesirin stress of'O.78 Fa 1111'. . Design stress of 0.78 Pe at a:fflaximurn leld of 33, Assembly X W (Um!Load-bearing Wood Stud Wall): Minimum um 'nominally . 2-by-4. (11% by -3112 inches uth AmpI1Xo.(.G=().5%No_2 grade studs spabed. 18 inches (406 ;MM) on center with IWO layers of 1/ TAM) Type X 2-Inch-W& (12,7 gypsum wallboard installed Vertically, with jointis. staggered on each face- attached with 8d box nails, Y12 inches (64 mm) long: aPd:'sp;ca4'7 inches (W81 mm).on center along; the studs for the few.. layer and 6d :cement coated box nails, 2 Inches .(§l mm) long. and -spaced 24: inches (610 on center 0 along the studs.. The stud. cavity corooins I - ' - classic or Classic Maxinsulation PoMJnAIIy'ZJnqhaS,. 1mm) thick Axial -loads appried to the -wall visteffibly must- be limited to. theaeast,of the following: * 1,8o5 pounds (8029.N) per stud. u Des!gh stress of. 0,78P.C. a Design stress of 0,78.Fcata -maximum Idd of 33. U.13 AsdeMb!y- I (F1106111C.00111p. g)-. Minimum - (mum:nominally 2-by;.10 (I'%. by 9 4. inches 430:ffirn by 1235 Mm)] P04912P fir, No.-2 gri . do wood.joists spacad*<241 in6his, (6111 mm) on center, with minimum 1-by­1 e14 by 211y, inches (19.1 by '64 min )) ;spruce bridging at mid -span. Floor decking must'.Iiei milpirrig m '11k.1ricli-thick (1*17* mm) exterior -grade led :perpendicular 4ncf fastened w plywood installed ...fth 2-inch-long &inc ties (1-52. .. (51 -min): ring .mm) on center at the: joints and 12. Inches (306 mm). on -oaffier -at: .the intermediate joists. -Plywood joints must- -06clir over joists. .1cynene Classic :cr..CA1%1Q:lV1aX iftuldoh must be .a the:plywood decicbetween'the . applied to the. underside of joists. t.6 a depth of 5 inches 1427 mm). Two 'layers. -of S minimyrri /g4nch-thick (10.9 mm), Type X gypsum i�aiboard must be attached: perp endicular: to thejolst§ an -fhe coilling side of the assembly.The: Ats(layer most be, attached a . d vWt . h 1%­Inchrlo6q (32 mm), Type -W drywaff straws, spaced 24 'Inches. (610 mm). an center. The. second :sayer must be applied- perpendicular to. the joists, .911set24 inc.hes.(6.10 mm) from 'the base layer. The second -layer must: be attached .with 2�injoh-long (51 mm), Typo S.- . drywall 42. l, .inches;005 trim) 0'- - n ce -AddIGbndIfh0Wh6M must be. Installed alongtho'butt joints of the second layer,, securing the Wo. layers together.. These fisterldIrt mug be V12'4nch41dn­g;:(36 no), Type G drywall screws. -placed 2 inches. -(51 mm). b4* from :each and of the. butt joint and spaced 12 Inches. (305 mM).:on center. The wallboard'joiritt on'the exposed side Most be ireated'vwith paper tape embedded, in. joint OoMpound -and. topped with an added: coatof compound, and: the fastener hoods must: be coated with joint compound in accordance with ASTM C840 OrGA-216. 4J.1A Assembly 4 (NO1I4aa0behrJqg,:StOk1.--OtuO WSIQ: -Nominally &inch -deep (152.4 mm), No: 18 gaglOi galvanized steel studs spaced .16 -inches (406.4:mm) on cantor, are: friction -fit into No. 18.:.§age galvanized steel floor and ceiling back with a layer of (15.9. inmj T-Od X gypsum' board A0011ed to the iO*r!Qe side -with the long ed§wparalidl ;to sleit studsandiseouted using No. S; 1,!1,_lncfi_f6ng(31.7 mmy,-'seff- -drilling -drywall screws spaced 'A inches (203 mm) on cerifier. -around the Perimeiii and 12 inches (.346 mm) on center in the. laid. The gypsum board joints. must be treated with vinyl or casein dry or pr6mixed * joint compound! applied In two coats. to cover all exposed screw heads and .gypsum board butt joints, ts, and',a minimum 24nr wide k51 mm) paper, -pIAi§tI% of fiberdws tape dirribedow in the ftt layer of .compound over butt joints of the gypsum bositd. The stud cavityClassic Max Is -filled with leyneft ClaOisic Pe Cl.,.. up to .6 IndW (152;mm) fick DeneGI&V Shealhing, %, Inch (!'��*;mrn Exterior j1hick, JsAnii,aflod parallel to :steel studs with vertical joints _offset - a minimum of 16 inches (4.06 rhin) from the vertical jqlhis of the. a m himu gypsum board and tho'boozontAl.loli.i.tt.:O.ffsLit' ..I .. m of '24 Inches. (61.0 Am) from the horizontal joints Of the gypsum board. The sheathing Is attached using: No. .6, I /4-inch- . long (31.7 mm), self -drilling dry"."ll screws spa ced inches (203 mm)::on center around -the perimeter nTINTRACTOR COPY Paga%608 ESR4829 1. Most Wdely.1ccepled and Trusted AaA g3twn•2 fs; A. milmh per and. in the field, .'Hohmann & Saii3aid D.WM0 brl6k ties, 6: inches (15.2 Mm) long by 1'12-inches (34.Mm) wide, are spaced: 18.1rich4s, (406.4 mm) on center iiertiopiy on, each steel stud,.and secured., using two 151g4rich-long (41.3 mth) self,drillffig: screws;. th . rbu§h .4-Inch (182 mm) red* clay brickA'IR inches.-(88.'g -Min).:6Y I.% inches (57.1 MM) OY �314!ihohes (197 Min)]. laid in a. running bond pattern with Type 4- mortar, leaving. a ifornifiWIV 14nch (25A mm) air gap between iliebift and'-ft e0doRorsheathin% Opfibrial: it is oermbed: to add code-coMplyling, (Ep.S), extruded polystyrene. (XPS). .0nd6d polystyrene fo& dgid.pojyurethana boa'td stook. or pollarethane spray. foam on the exterior of thir Wall (between the - DahsQ140 sheathed wall and the. bride), while m#ipW1pipg the. 1 -inch C25.4 mm) air space The length of. the brick ties must bs increased. to account for the thickness of the insWWflort. 4,04 CISSSIC,]Eco.(Non.!IoaLdheodtig. Well Stud Wall): Nominally 64ndh4edo. (152 Mm) deep, No:. 18 9990, ORIVArk6d steel studs. spaced: 16 inches (406:mm)- on center.,frictiOn* into 18, gage galvanized steel floor and ceilffid ttadk with 3 14yer of, 611�10c ick (I'S.9 rriml, Type .. X gypsum ..Sumboard Ristalled to tb6iintandr . board . tide with -the 1669 edge parallel to steel studs andsteured using No. S., 1114 ikdh;16ng self4drilling Otywall screws spaced a inches (203 mm) on center around the perimeter :and 12 Inches (305-mm). on center in the field. The gypsum bdotdJoirds mustbe treated ugh'virill or casein:, -Ory or. p!0mixed. Joint compound applied in. two costs to cover all exposed screw heads qnd..gY.p44rn be butt joints, 'With. a4iftIMUM 2-Indivwide: (51.ni) paper, m p _p r, plastic, orAbdiglass IA.pa. 'embedded in the first layer Of compound over butt joints of the gypsum board. The stud cavity IsAlled with leynene Classic Eco insulation q.P to 6 . inches. (162 mm) :thickOgptsiOlaie Exterior Sheathing, 'ix inch f12.7 mm) bickl.s. installed: parallel to -Steel Stu& witti s offiletiOnihilmdal of 16 indhos (406 Min) rM joints 'of ft*,qypsum board and the I o from the vertical horizontal -joints offset a:minimum o(14 inches (610:.Mm) joints .. 'I . joints of the gyp from the horizonAd j sum board. The sheathing is attached using N 6 .11la-inch-long (31.J. mm);: self -drilling drywall screws spaced 'inches (2.03xnfti) on e6rW around the: perimeter arid: in the field. Hohmann.& Barnard -DW-10 bride ties, 6 irtches,(152 mm) Ion in6ss:(tamm): wide and spaced ,g -by I 16 inches (406 rinm)"ch'"center vertically: 'on each stool stud, are. secured, valng:two 1&4neh-long -(41.3 mm) Wr-drilling ' ling screws, ..'through 44ft 0. mm) rode lay:brfck.13112 ihches 8-.0 'mm) by- .21/4' inches. min) by: In6fie"S' (467 -mm)] lain !in a r(ibrift .4ond pattern with Typo -S mortar. A nominally 1-inch (25A mm) akt 96�1) I$ left between thebrick-arid the wdeder sheathing. Optional: It it penryked to add code -complying EPS, xps, . fowfaqed. -rigid :polyurethane boarO-.. stock or. pblyurathiine Spm'y* fdam 'on:.the exterior of the wall (between th#, Pori ' Wass.sheathed wall and the brick), while maintaining the,f.-Inqb (26.4 mm). air bpa;6- The length of thebrickiii MUSOA increased to account for the thiftemol' the iftsulatlob, 4.6: Extedor-WaIlls; In-Ilype, 111.-11, 1111 and -IV Construction:. 4A.1 General: Whets: used dwexterior walls of Types 1, ki, 'fil -or Wcon'situction, the agimb!Y Must COMPliVith IBC Se . ction 2603.6 and -this section, and the Classic, ClassicUaxaind Classic; Eco- intulatidils must be installed at.a maximum thickness of:6 inche :(162- M4 The potential :heaf& Icynene insulations tested in accordance with NFOA 159 isas follows: 14 C14L. lC:and.W.a6SW-.W4kA, inch of thickn- . ..qSS a Classic. ECO: 168 Stulfe (1.9 Mile) per inch. of thickness-. : 4.6;2 tkieflo.r, Faw. Nominally 64011�620 (162 mm), No. 18 gage; galvanized steel StU& spaced 16 Inches (406 mM) . on . cantor, , . are . -fastened to No: 10. gage, ;sWanlied steel floor -and -ceiling track using. We A nc4rlbng* *('222 . mm), telf4apping pan head framing, screws.- GP DensGlass® EA80i0f 6h00thingl 'li inch (12.7 mm) -thick, 1s. installed over the; exterior side of steel I I studs *M,the; long end :perpendicular ti) 00 steel studs" using. No.. 0.1-13(po 81 Orlijoh (31.74nm) long*, WR*pin,g bugle. - tie . ad Screws spaced B inches- (20.3him) on center around mile ,p imeter andAn the Geld. Th e is flied with, iinens. -Classic, Classic Max or -Classic tOO insuliflolkt6..-a.noMinal.Wick.ness-lof 6 inches. (152 MMI 4 interior Face- Type - OY . p$grri . board, '61s inches - 115.9 kni . Vi) ifilcki is. installed *ift the long., dimension perpendicular to Steil studs -with No. 13, T* S, 14 Irish 10PO (31.7 mm):, self -tapping, bugle bead: screens. spaced 8:nfts,.(2'03mrd)on. center 'around. tfis.pod m.ster and in the field: The gy psum. board: joint's Must be treatedlift .vinyl creaser, di ,gypsum. Or pre.mixed J611 ' it. coM0Oyn4 applied :in lo .two coats cover all -exposed screw heads and: gypsum d minimum i4n�hWdd '(51 mm) board *kJoints, and' nilil a the. first ; paper, plastid, or fiberglass tape: embedded: I layer of compound overb6tijoliiis of the gypsum board. is-ofthe exterior. wall 4A.4 Exterior Wall Covering: DON.j. ... by the report covering must. be provided to the COO Official holder, designer' or specifier, with an engineering analysis .. ... - " demonstiatin,0 that (1) the exterior wall:e6venngbo nfb' rMS to ASTIVI 0-36-and (2). the addition of the wall, _664edrigto. thia-.assembly -des.�bed . in this section.does not-hegatiVely affect conformance Of the assembhi with. the requiremefflo .of IBC Section 2150$4. 5.0 CONDrrIONS OF USE The Icynone Classic, Classic Max Cl assic Eco.:and Classlo Plus sOrl.ay.a001110 polyurethane. foam plastic insulations descriWd in this roped Comply wiih,. or We guittiblip :alternatives to what is $PeMed4n th6se codes listed in• .Section. 1.0 of 'this report, Subject to the following -conditions.- 5.1 This evaluation report andthe manufacturer's published' instaflation' ifisttuctions's when. required by the code, Official, must be subrltted A We time Of permit applicatIon. 9.2 The insulatiori must .be installed, in acc'ordancO with the:marliufacturdes'pablishad installation IhAftd11Qho, this evaluation MPor ta . ridAfid applicable 6008, if Metb is a donflict'bemeori tifo: installation Instuclions and this rep6q, this repcid!g0votnp, 6.3 The Insulation- must be: separated from ,the interior of the building by an goof6ved 1.5. m1pyto thermal : 06rdort except -As noted in this R'pb.rL .6.4. SlInce-the; pbrform.anct of Classic Max, When IROBA04 in unvented attics Wthdut a codeprescdW lgnffit).h barrier or an 100lo6cnt coating, 'is based 00 fire performanceof an -unvented attic, the installationmust be approv . by -t . he code Official as conforming with The Wiflong of Section 4.4.1. 2 and to Conditions 1 5 provisions SeC#qn: 6.5 When. Classic Max io sulafidri is .installed- . under Section of this report, a certificate must W. placed in the. attic :stating that the foam plastic CONTUACTOR COPY TABLE.j—TjHtRwjAL RFSISTA4PE (R-VALUES) For Sl: .1 jjjch.=j25.4 mM, I-F-fe-hatu = 0.176 1 10*K!WW ?Rvalues ate calculated based an tested X values at I- and 3.6.1ndrthicknesses. zp:vajuesarejjer than 10 are rounded to ftAbaresi whole number. Co, NTF�AUOR C"UPy