HomeMy WebLinkAboutMSD Sheety Oka' „ Material Safety Data Sheet DISTRIBUTOR NO -BURN®, INC. 1392 HIGH STREET SUITE 211 WADSWORTH, OHIO 44281 PHONE NUMBERS 330-336-1500 or 800-989-8577 PRODUCT CLASS Fire Retardant Paint SHIPPING NAMES No -Burn' Plus XD PIN # Not Applicable NFPCA-HMIS RATINGS COMPONENT HEALTH: 1 FLAMMABILITY: 1 REACTIVITY: 0 CAS. NO. LD50 SPEC LC50 SPEC %WTAIVT CONTRACTOR COPY 1- 4, No -Bum® Plus XD SPECIFIC GRAVITY 12.5' BOILING,POINT 212F pm� 7;.$ PHYSICAL- STATS LIQUID. FREEZING POINT 32F COIEF. OF WATERIOIL. DISTR N/A PA VOLATILE By VOL 36% ATE. EVAODRATION: RATE. NIA VAPOR -PRESSURE VAPOR OVNSITY NIA -O0OURT.H1*ES]kOLb: N/A AppeAMNOE QPAQWr.SLIGHT FREE -FLOWING LIQUID FLASH POINT WAv AUTOIGN TEMP NEAP LEUUEL(*A) NIAP -EXTINGUISHING: Mlip[A Carbon Dioxide, Dry fhenifical, Alcohol Fo6n) -CONDITIONS -OF FLAWAABILTY Dried solid residue is slighuy combustible smirriviTy To WHANICAL IMPACT NIAP SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DISCHARGE N/Ap SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING HAZARDS WGar. P00'Ve-PrOssum PC13A- - INgyAjplLjTy :STABLE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS. CONDITIONSOFREACTIVITY NO SPECIAL REACTIVITY INCOfAPATIBILITY -STRONG OXIDIZERS: 2- 4, Noa(Je PIUS*XD EYES/SKIN: Causes irritation. Repeated exposure may cause allergic dermatitis. INHALATION: Short-term exposure may cause irritation of nose, throat and lungs. INGESTION: Possible stomach irritation and nausea. No other harmful effects anticipated. FIRST AID • INHALATION: Remove person to fresh air. If necessary, give artificial respiration or CPR. • SKIN CONTACT: Wash skin with soap and water. Launder clothing before reuse. • EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush with gentle stream of tepid water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if necessary. • INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Keep warm and at rest. Give 2-3 glasses of water or milk. Get medical attention if necessary. EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Wear goggles to avoid overspray and splashing. Eye and face protection should be in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.133. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If sprayed, wear a mask approved by NIOSH/MSH for organic vapors with dust/mist pre -filter. If used in a confined area, a full -face, positive -pressure airline respirator is recommended. CQW12V9SU5A�AUUS-M"15 co PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING HANDLING AND STORAGE Avoid breathing vapors, avoid prolonged skin contact Store in cool, dry location away from light and strong frost Storage Temperature Maximum: 90OF Minimum: 40OF ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use local exhaust ventilation if sprayed inside. Otherwise, general ventilation is adequate. WASTE DISPOSAL Plastic pails are recyclable. Rinse well before recycling or disposal. Contact local authorities for further information. PREPARED BY Keith Kastendieck, Safety Compliance Director MCAT A`1 COPY M P �6rW, ✓i l so to G s6 S MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: ICYNENE LD-C-See Also known as The Icynene Insulation System®: Gold Seale and Base Seale MSDS (F) Spray ICYNENE LD-C-56m Method Used: ASTM E84 Meltin : Does not melt Flammable Limits: LFL: -not determined UFL: - not determined Extinauishina Media: Water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical or foam. Fire & Explosion Hazards: Prevent breathing of combustion fumes (smoke) Fire Fighting Eguipment: Firefighters must wear a self-contained breathing apparatus to avoid breathing smoke generated by combustion. Stability: Stable under all normal conditions Incompatibility: Compatible with all products Disposal Method: Follow all federal, provincial, state and local regulations. No detectable emissions Detectable Emissions: Systemic & Other Effects: Not available Ingestion: The consequences of ingestion of large amounts are unknown Dust Inhalation:. May cause mechanical irritation to the respiratory system Eve Protection: Use glasses when cutting foam Skin Protection: Dust from foam cutting may cause irritation Ingestion: Medical advice should be obtained Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, consult a physician Eve Contact: Flush with water to remove particles Skin Contact: No special precautions required THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, BUT NO WARRj IMPLIED, IS MADE. CONTACT ICYNENE INC. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. Prepared by D.Thom Title: . R&D Manager Telephone: 1-800-758-7325 Date of Preparation: July 28, 2009 e 0 ICYNENE 6747 Campobello Rd., Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 2L7, Canada Tel: 905.363.4040 Toll Free: 800.758.7325 Fax: 905.363.0102 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: ICYNENE 1.13-C-50'm Also known as The Icynene Insulation System®: Gold Seal and Base Seal MSDS (F) Spray ICYNENE LD-C-507m Product Name: ICYNENE LD-C-Wm Also known as The Icynene Insulation System® ICYNENE LD-C-56rm is a trademark of Icynene Inc. The Icynene Insulation System®, Gold Seal® and Base Seale are registered trademarks of Icynene Inc. Product Use: SPRAY -ON CELLULAR PLASTIC INSULATION Product Code: Not Applicable Revision Date: July 28, 2009 Ingredients Ma w/v. unless otherwise noted) Cas No: Wt %: (BASE SEALI, Component A CAS# 009016-87-9 50 % by volume (ICYNENE LD-C-50 ), Resin Component B 50 % by volume (Also known as GOLD SEAL®) NOTE: Does not contain any ozone destroying or global warming refrigerants such as CFCs, HCFC's, or HFA's. Appearance: Cream coloured cellular foam of "angel food cake" consistency and appearance (may become yellow to light brown if exposed to sunlight for extended period of time). Solubility In Water: Insoluble. Density: 0.5 lbs./cubic foot Odour: None Emissions: Safe for occupancy after 24 hrs, no emissions detectable after 30 days. Flammability: Combustion occurs at 400OF (material will not sustain combustion on its own) Flame Spread: Less than 20 Smoke Developed: Less than 400 Page 1 ofCA TOR(RTN OCOPY