HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement1 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): 26164 EC13004122 Bellwether Electric Company / Charles Hoppmann (Company Name/Individual Name) Electrical (Type of Trade) have agreed to be the Sub -contractor for]�I,,�„c (Primary Contractor) For the project located at � tfU q -- `71 ?_ (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Business Name: Address: City/State/Zip: kX, �0 571 NW Mercantile Place Suite 103 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986 n 772-621-9494 SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF email: bellwether.electric@gmail.com Charles Hoppmann PRINT NAME 6/29/2015 DATE THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS 29 DAY OF J OKA , 2w� BY (�" C" WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN L OR HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. (STAMP) PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE OF NOT RY PUBLIC :i4"RY°`���: CHRISTINE CRQ►i/ ,,: EIRO SLCPDS: 08/06/2014 ;': :: MY COMMISSION # EES59431 FOAi qS� EXPIRES December 19, 2016 1407) 398-0153 FlorldallotaryServlce.cam PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: u� State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): Hypoluxo Plumbing, Inc (Company Name/Individual Name) Plumbing (Type of Trade) 21 272 rh. CFC 057974 Ronnie Burkhalter have agreed to be the Sub -contractor for _'�) C tyt- giLLc (Primary Contractor) a For the project located at 2 L16 Lf" % 1 "L d 00 Z . d 00 —(roject Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above rn `htioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Business Name: Address: Hypoluxo Plumbing,Inc 123 East Coast Ave City/State/Zip: Lantana, FL 334 62 Phone: 561-533-5444 email: hypoplum@comcast.net Ronnie Burkhalter SIGNATURE PRINT NAME C, fig 1-6 DAT STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF Palm Beach THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS �9 D F V NE , 2015 BY Ronnie , Burkhalter M WH IS PERSONALLY KNOWN X OR HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIF TION. Dolores A Price (STAMP) SIGNATURE OF. NOTARY PUB PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS: 08/06/2014 DOLORES A. PIE RICEA Commission # EE 154403 Expires February 19, 2016 Bonded Thnu Troy Fain Insurance 800-385-7079 I I PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division CID y BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: � J � 4P State of Florida Certification Number of applicable); f � 4-0 / RD 7 % A have agreed to be the (Company Name/Indididual Name) &Af Sub -contractor for (Type of Tr de) (Primary Cortrattor 3tioy' -► t2 dr702 �- ®oa For the project located at � u-4,h r�-� l� JCS �l� N611 IV/ ll`e- (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Business Name: -T-I)l SQL° 9,19 /�t' D11$A Qi1/E-S �rn T, k Address: ,b -S`f' N IAC L64 �/l� I City/StatefLip: Fi.- r �%2 2 el& I f71 f email; $ 1 , � Phone: -' PIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ot. t w % E THE FOREGOING INS Gl /�T WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS&Qq DAY OF 20 BY t 'I eS WHO Is PERSONALLY KNOWN OR HAS PRODUCED VIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS: 08/06/2014 AS IDEN11T��IFICATION. PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC �•. SANDRA HOHMANN Notary Public - Slate 01 Florida •= My Comm. EVIles Mu 14. 2016 •%:;;,�;°��, Commission s FF.031680 ®gbpl�,igtNtlioilyNopryAten. (STAMP) -s PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): W J34 3'n L i JV < Lo j G� have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) (Type of Trade) For the project located at Sub -contractor for 1"17r, e rleo s�v (Primary Contractor) Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Business Name: t{l( i?ooFii�oj $a�orRy: Inc Address: ' 97_ -SE 1,0dl n f /G City/State/Zip; r'f►?Xol_ ,� 34g4h Phone: �$d=-3'` email: elikcEc�ri6�"Gro(::t6w, IGNATUR PRINT NAME DATE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ►\J THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS JLJ DAY OF 2015 BY !J( 1�'. (,cif- WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN =; OR HAS PRODUCED SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS: 08/06/2014 AS IDENTIFICATION. �he.r es a .'Der�-k=oa PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC (STAMP) '= : IdYCpMIyION DREMD FF0A�929 EXPIRES: October 29, 2017 Bonded Thv Nntary pnbr� .,,1r undeiw a.