HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Service - Grainder System ApplicationCITY OF PG_� , ST. LUCIE UTILITY SYSTEM;;_7'1EPARTMENT WATER SERVICE AND/ OR GRINDER SYSTEM CONVERSION APPLICATION CUST# _091,0 Q LOC# gfIFILE # L��T�-� Btl&e nb'SEC STREET ADDRESS ©j% !� �l X STREET 3o0�-6en OWNER S NAME ���I C �O�s OME PHONE 72c ✓I ^ WORK PHONE CONDITIONS: Applicant understands.the following instructions and responsibility before the water service and/or. the grinder system conversion installation. Routine maintenance of the existing Water system must be continued up to the installation. All scheduled installations are subject to change due to weather and other Utility emergencies. For additional. questions and/or clarification, please call 873; 6400. 1. The Utility Systems Department will schedule all water services and/or grinder system installations. The Utility .will detbrmine the priority of any emergency installation and. schedule according to the severity of the emergency. A Utility representative will inspect the residence to establish the location of the existing water tie-in an'd/or septic tank and location for the grinder system. In order to schedule the installation from the meter to the house, please answer the following questions: a. Is your water softener located inside the house Yes No b. If you answered "no" to the above question, would you like to be present during the actual installation? (The customer's presence is not required for service to be installed.) - Yes No 2. A Utility representative will contact the homeowner to inform them of the scheduled installation and any conflicts that need to be addressed before the installation of water service and/or grinder system. All conflicts must be resolved before installation. 3. At the time of installation, or before, the Utility and/or electrician will arrange with.the resident to install the plumbing or electrical service for the water and/or grinder system. The panel for the grinder system must be installed per the Utility System Department's specifications. The panel must be as close to the sewer stub -out as possible. The height of the panel will be a minimum of 31/2 feet (42 inches) and a maximum of 41/2 feet (54 inches) from the existing. grade. The Utility will tie-in the water service and disconnect the existing well. 4. If you requested to be present at the installation from the meter to the house, a representative from the City will contact you to set up a mutually convenient appointment. 5. If you 'do not request to be present, the water service will be installed (barring any emergencies). Once the service is installed, we will leave a door hanger explaining how to restore water to the house. 6. After the installation of the water service and/or grinder has been completed, the area will be rough -graded and prepared for sod. Allow two (2) weeks for sodding. IMPORTANT: Once the so.d has been laid, the customer will be instructed to water the sod daily until it becomes established. It is the customer's responsibility to water and maintain the sod. The Utility' Systems Department will install the line frojn the meter to the house and that work will be guaranteed for' -'.One (1) year from the installation date. After that time, it will become the customer's responsibility 6`maintain that line. The Utility will continue to -maintain the water lines up to the water meter. .SPECIAL NOTE:. The water pressure is between machine hoses; kitchen and bathroom sink faucets, inside the tailk. OWNER OR DESIGNATED R;P.ZESENTATIVE UI'T'LITY SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE 50-70 psi. Items of concern include washing toilets with plastic supply tubing outside and DATE DA E REV. 8/9/2005