HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0081 r \ 81 I I' ~. aM ..s18Ds, lD t.. 811.le, aluloluh, 1nd.fe.8lbll, for.nr. AnA ~. eald ~Ue' of ..u fh.._ part, for th.lleeln.. ana. their heirs, n.o'dors anA a4111D1B'rato~.,. ~01ntl7 and sewral17, ooyeunt. prealse an4 &8I'ee _0 and wUh tlle sa14 par'l of the ..oOld >>ut. hi. heir., .uout.., a4a1nh~r.tor. an4 ...igns, tha, 'he 8il14 ~r'Ue8 of the f1z1a' })8l't, a~ th. t1... ot the Malina aM del1ftrl ot theee _...m'., ..re law1UU7 eelsel 1& :t.e 1itI>>1. ot a 8004, absol\\~e aDd 1Ddef'.8ible ..'a'. of 1nherl 'aDOe of and in all _4 sIngular the abOYe-de.orlbe4 prelll1se.. eaoh aD4 ''''1'1, an4 haY, go04 right, full ))Ower &D4 lawtul au~orlt7 '0 oonvel the 881M in MDDer &ad fora afor._lel; \bat the sai4 part)> of~e seoond part, hI8 hell'S and assigns, shall au4 1Iq, at all tll11s here.ner, ~aoeabl~ aDd tu1eUl ha?e, hold, use, ooou>>l, >>os..a. aM enJol the &boye ci.- 80rlbed prem1Bes, aDIl e\'81'1 }art an4 paroel thereol. wUhout aD7 let, suit, trouble, IDOle.~~- UOJf, eYlotion or dIsturbano. of the said p8l'Ues ot the fhst part, their heir. 01' as.igna.' or of &D7 other per80n or persona law:tlllll ola1m1ng or '0 01&1.."\ ~e .....; that the sa., all and B1ngular, are fr.., olear, diBoharged awl 1U11noumbered o! aDd froll aU foraer anA other titlea, 010\14. and 1noWlbranoes ot what II.8ture and k1D4 .oeyer; that the said Jartlee of the first par~, their heir8, euoutors and ada1nlstrator., each and eY&r1, ehall uke, exeout. and aoknowledge nob :tIlrther and otJlU' dted. anel a'Buranoe. .. bl ooun.81 learned in the law ., be 00n8telerel reaaon.b17 proper '0 effeotuate ~. full intent aD4 meaning of thi8 instrument. !hi. 4..4 ls glyen II1lbJ'o~ to res'rioUona a8 set forth IJ' the IDdlan BIyer bras 00, '0 whoa i~ ., oonoen. J.Dd the _it parU.o of the f1l'at part, for tbemeel..... and th.ir heirs, the aboye de- aoribel pr.IIIi..., &D4 .nX7 part aD4 pm'oel thereof, unto the said ~7 o~ ~ seooM part, hi8 heir. &D4 a9s1gn8, against the said p8l''Ues of the fire' part, aDd ~ir haire, and against all and ....,e1'1 pU'son or persona wholllDoe'f8r lawtl1lly olalming or to olaim ~e sa. ahall and will warrant l\D4 bl these presents toreY'er defend. this alienation ls wl~ 1ih. Joint oonsent of husband and wite. wher. that relation exlats. D1 W~ liBiDO., the eald perU.. ot the first })&I't ban hereunto set their h8D4s an4 seala laoh 1n the })1"eeenot't of wo Bub80rlb1ng wl tneases. Slgned, .e&led an4 bl1v.rld 1n preeeaoe of WI: ~obt. B. tqlo1' (88&1.. (Seal) Oal vin OlUl' Ida K. Olaar Blrtha Oox (.1.00 1. ll. Stamp, oanaelel) state of 1'10r14a ) 1- OflUltl of DlAe I B.BIijIBY OBB!In, fhat on 1ihl. 16th 4&1 ot .))1'11 J.. D. 1921, be:fon .. J. Bot&l'7 Rublio >>.raonall1 appeared OalY1n Olaar an4 14a M. Olaar his wife, to lIB ..U mo. an4 mown to _. .to be the 1n4iY14ual. de.oribe4 111 aU who '~ollted the foregoing oouYl1Bnoe to J.ndrew GUohrls' and alyeraU, acknowl.dged. the ueout1on the;:aof to b. their tr.. aot &D4 dee4 for the lIMa ..n4 pur})ose. tlutr.in ..nUone4; aDd the Hid Ida M. Olur ~h. wlt. of the sa14 Oal.;1n Olaar Qn a ...par." aDd Pl'lnte ...s.n.ation taken and .-4e b, an4 before _, u4 j ! Hparatell &n4 apart fna bel' 8&14 hUbal, dld aoknowl.dge that D' -.4e her..lf & >>-"1 to j. I I the said bed ot oonftJ8DGe for the pup081 of reuouno1ng, rel1nqu1Bhlng aDd 00ll'Y8~1D8 all i -I ! I hU- rlght, title, aD4 111'-1'e.' "'\her ot dower or ot se})arate prO>>l1't7, .ta1a~or7 or .quU~1e, I ill ..... w - lam. _r.a 4.....1..4. ..... that ... .""0""'4 _4 4e.4fre.l, ..... "OlllD_~t " . ;~~; '~)~~~~:::;f;..:';~}f;<~~::~~ ~\. ~i~:.::;: <~::: ,..; .: ~ - '~,';-.'-,~ ~ :-,~'.~)~~;~~ :~);\~..::.~: