HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA 2-17-17iYT1.�P!TX.1?�77co LqT CONMOL ,rCTtorr 118DS$1,V2GSlceet lioom90$ 17kJC'A1.t7CMrN�'O�ItL�QiIT,�xQXIX�h.N])T;COlYOiY1XG`liTtSOTT>:{CF�S( �it,�_. - .. Mlninl l+lorldaa317s2d7fl 130A1t'O AN)) Ci0D7; 1)iYxXNXS9'XxA X0�2 DTPTSTON '1(?86) 3 (5 2390 U (1GO) 315 2599 N0,].' 00 , .03r, AOCEPTANCEr ff Q A ]vmy mlamid�dc:Fbv/eaoriatny Aninpi` Qat'sige DDQl'5 : 25 Caxz'ia e.G'atirt `Vf7lnstaxt�Saleut, N'C 2�'�05 This 110A IsUing Issued utulor the appllcablerules aitdregulations governing the use of eortstntofti meto'On[a. The docutnexztAtloiisubniilteiltlnvbeeitxevicw4dnndaccoptedbyMlamibndoCounty }3R 'roiluctCoziteolS®coon Lobe. timed Al Miami Dado County aiid othel' areas whore allntved by the Autfiortty T3AO% hrlsdiotlon (A39J), This NOA A.611tn0be valid after the, oxpv atfozx date stated helaw. Tholvllntui Dade County lroduat Control Seotlon (hi i4JiemtDade County) dadloz the ABU (In areas othoribozi Mianil Dade Comity) reserve the right to hnvo thtspicduot or baterigl testott for quirliiy gssuranca purposes. lf'ihis praduct or mnt<uial fails fo perform itt the accepted manttcr, the manuractaror All itteut• flee expense of such tostingnnd the AWtnay imutediatOy rovoke, modify, or suspond theuse of such product or material within their ju lsdictioit. RML reserves the right to revoke this acceptonee, if it is detonnhied -by Iviiami-DwIp County Pcoduot Con(rol Seofion that this product or nintoilal tails to meat the requiremonWof the epplioublo building code, T1ds productis approved as daseribedltereln, eadhns boeu dosigned to comply tvitli t1wFlorida Buflding'Code, includingtGeHIghVelooltyAilu icanezone. • ADSCi�l"pTx03y'; ilftodeI950 J;Serif€tge & 655 Oalc,Suzuzxtit 1000, 2000 ;;teal Sectional C�at.n6re Door trp ifl 161-0 n `Wide (DR +d5,8, 401?01) "PROVALDOCUBE, W, DrawingNo, )RC-9S161692C titled "Model950 Neritage &Model 655 Oalc Sitmmit; (24• GA)1000, 2000, Shott, Long; Plush nnd•Oalc Summit Panels", sheets !through 3 of 3, dated 03/I4/2003,-with-rovls(oit C-dated-02/04/2013; proparod-by-A.mair Garage -boots, -signed -and -sealed by— - Toznas L. ;;izelmetdlue, p,E,, bearing the i411atni Dade Count Product: Cannot tevI46A stamp wltb the Nonce, ofAoeeptancommhertu).d expiration date bytlte;ibxiamiDade Coilntyl'roduct-ControlSeetlou, WSMLE, i110&(jT1tA.7.JN-(.1: Larp wia aiLtaJlMfI3stl0impAct esxstit7at LAB)' L nG., A liaimiaiietilabolwitittho manufacturer's tiamo or logo, 31100 Greertway Ciro1e, Lawretzco, Xmas., zttodel number; ffieposltive and negative iiesign prossu>u xattng, jndigate idtpaotr�ted feapplicable, . histalIatdouartstivatioudrawing reiereneertvtnboz; approvainumber OOA.),t io appiicableteststandaeds, and the staisznsiifiwading `3v. atn ]dada GountyProdticfiGontxvlAppiow - is fo belocatedon-the door's side trnplc, botforn uugl% ov innor spcfaoo of a punsl, 1� ! WAL. of lbisNOA. shall be oonstdorad after a ronowal appiloatian has boon filed and thorOuio 7beenno ohango In Me applicable building ccde uoguttyaly ai['ecthlg the parginbnce ofthls product TFR�W ofthis *N6A wk,odcut afteethe bAlllratton d0o or if there has boon a reylslon or oWngb'ln tho materiels, time, and/ormnpoft�IOAnsaufupcetdoiselelttn nortt ot'ariyli'rothidt, for salon, edvotitsinvorany othvi`purpQac's shall2(i 6 ftaticiillyfetniinnto this1�IOA, If iluio:to cbmply-kilfhauvsectlouof lhis hIOAA shall be cause for tdritrlitHtlonund zemuval of RO-A. . .i1J?�k�'1'xSE•lYCD,�11f3.`: The �IOA ntum�ber prei;edetl by the uvorcls ?yiismt»7�ade County, i+loxida, ;utd falfozved by the cxpitatioxttTaterainybeiliaplsyedisudveitisltig[itoratute. Ifanyportionof'1th40:A.3sdisplayed,thehitshallbeflout, Iit Ifa entii'e[y. . 1r1'I;a`r cx>«i�; :A copy of this entire lIOAshall bo proytded to the usorUy titn.inauutai}taror drits dislributbrs and shall Ito available fortttspdattott st tlii job wife at theXequest of tTt��,u�I irtg Q£t%Inl. Tlils�l'OArovlsesN4.b.#i3 8503,OfJ and oonsiats �'" a � `, gip T � vicie�icepngeE•1, as'xyel� ns apprp•val Y �4 do�uineriEmentlonedebtive, ..;- �, - � ' �Ad� tie sgbsn_ ItEed dQopinenf�tlotz wag xeviewed byosb�'' a �'7 ,•a41 � i V 19'OANo7 Z050519 MtAM •DAtiECOq /jQ .; ?jv'', atlo2i Ditto; Septer»her 4, 20i8 !Ldit �rovn a e, my . , .. rpgt: x Amarr Garage Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS "Submitted under NOA # 13-0503.08" 1. Drawing No. IRC-9516-169-26, titled "Model 950 Heritage & Model 655 Oak Summit, (24 GA) 1000, 2000, Short, Long, Flush and Oak Summit Panels", sheets 1through 3 of 3; dated 03/14/2003; with revision C dated 02/04/2013, prepared by Amarr Garage Doors, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. B. TESTS `'Submitted Bander NOA # 13-0503.08" 1e Test report on Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments per ASTM D1654 & ASTM B117, prepared by Architectural Testing, Inc., Test Report No. C5463.01-106-18, dated 04103/2013, signed and sealed by Gary T. Hartman, P.E. 2. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 4) Tensile Test per ASTM E8 5) Forced Entry Resistance Test per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of 9'x 7' 24 ga steel garage door Model 950, prepared by American Test Lab, Inc., Test Report No. ATLNC 0205.01-13R, dated 04/02/2013 and 06/13/2013, signed and sealed by David W. Johnson, P.E. 3. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air, Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of 9'x 7' 24 ga Model 950D Heritage with.Durasafe, 24 ga Sectional Steel Garage Door, prepared by American Test Lab, Inc., Test Report No. ATL 0311.01-03R, dated 06/22/2006, signed and sealed by David W. Johnson, -- - P.E.-"Submitted-urjder NOA-# 08-0718.0311 - - - - = - C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted tinder NOA # 13-0503.08" 1. Anchor calculations prepared by Structural Solutions, P.A., dated 04/1112013, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. 2. Anchor calculations prepared by Structural Solutions, P.A., dated 02/09/2012, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 08-0718.03" D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. AIATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 50' edition (2014) FBC and no financial interest issued by Structural Solutions, PA., dated 04/08/2015, signed and sealed by mas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. 07 l4 Zd !S arlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No 15-0505.13 Expiration Date: September 4, 2018 Approval Date: July 16, 2015 E-1 R, 10 ➢nLL ]' 16 W wD CRP LLNARIIW DUM lOP lLIU— ROLLER V/. m SN H[% XGHRE Y1'C0 W141➢fNS ¢• A➢JIATATLE W R 1/ 2• CIPAI TADnIR ATD V/ MC % 1T 16 W wD CRP 12 W WLV. CO161FRCIAL _ _ ¢0.T S WT PLR R SGCKET _� :�0. -r 1lT AHO BDIiDM 11 TOP RD — PpAC%CT - %1• IQO IYAO SINNS ',ice max.- ! 12' IOW R-iWAi ATTMNED _v,:T+rji.• _ Y/ RU S A % a/1' PCR Imam .. In% NGD SdLVS AT ;, uw C[NMR Sint \{JI�!�'JJRII// 11 OA YW fYN➢CN TYPICAL TOP FIXTURES 1 �/Aex[o alt0.YfsliR S¢ tTAKLL x1 aN vn6L a LDR S' T/PICAI DURASAF CENTER NINSE rRFX i1NL0 3LCTlm1lIDD16UAAlUM A AOA CNusAlE R0.LER INSIOE ELEVATION CAxRIFAS AlLOO¢➢ To IRA NTS �DA.�tlWASAP�e NCAD SCISVS P[R CARRIER I�A TRACK MOUNTING DETAIL RrA 0 TYPICAL SN nTs AC H Otl PA¢ a R SPAGIND ND R1 RDVS . TIMEt N VlMs - � 1�. - LTNMS OPTIONAL VENT DETM6 LAD PlAO DPuxtr A- l0 .RSSIC D1 ON PA¢ a SRRCKLT SPAGW 9tl1•ITW15/ �.�fQQ1,�� PROINQ'RSR MIAgX 51,4 LL{{IIIIIIIS/1!/ �� �: SNE(y/F,IN �N e¢1�8fo N. 3 nTe TAxIMLxOCo/A --'••ttt.�vvttr"'�Q�`"�'" Am.plsww-OSC OOg• omcN LOAD! +150 PSF -{9J PSF ;,+``�5 GEMS" 9 O�.•V\ 0/ leg el`�i 00405 Bgy I40dee1 re%.a SDI / ��=* 3 ��TiG PrtASWCDANDI �•o. �`I :a• �' ' STATE OF -topLARGE ~4T�AOR1OP i� I6WmD CAP awwo ANO LOifw TT%H66 SUP= RESISTANCE j (�~� LARGE MISSLE 0NA�EoL`�°y FL�� IMPACT RESISTANT 10 uuucr wAT vxlsimsnG. xe ¢nm vwamml MODEL ➢eD HBBQA06 (2{f CA 1000� SODD nm1 SPAGKEr �� W 1NIClt iTACIR:o NO RL 055 OAK BUIOOT d� CA) 1000. ¢00D SHORT. IGNa. TLV511. AN OAK 6UIDAT PANBIS /tx11/1• % ]//• OI 0R4 01/IryDI rim D1{TNC IV291 XQ WAO SPANS B oLDm M N1 aK m/NpI LC-2 16-169-26 9[HI V5 SPECIFICATDNE AND NOTES 1. ALL THE LOAD FROM THE DOOR IS TRANSFERRED TO THE VERTICAL TRACK, THE HORIZONTHE NTTALEJAMB ORARHEAD R RECEIVES NO IS TRANSFERRED TO THE OF. THE MM LOAD TRANSFERRED FROM THE DOOR. 7 E0ACHLVE/FTCAL JAMES RECEIVES MAXIMUM DESIGN LOADS OF; 3. DOOR AND HARDWARE WILL BE DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED AND INSTALLED VAIN STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY DASMA. 4, DOOR SECTIONS SHALL BE 24 GA. (.0216 MIN. EXTERIOR SIGN ROLLED FORMED, W/ BAKED ON POLYESTER INISH- B. DOORS UPTO 7'W HIGH CONSIST OF (4) SECTIONS AS SHOWN. USE (1) 8 1/2' R-TRUSS PER SECTION k (2) 3- 200A STRUTS AT BOTTOM SECTION S. DOORS OVER (4) SECTIONS REFER TO TABLES 1 AND 2 ON PACE 3 7. SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A REGISTREO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FOR WIND LOADS INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING IN ADDITION 10 OTHER LOADINGS. B. THIS APPROVAL REOUWES THE MANUFACTURER TO DO TESTING OF ALL COILS USED TO FABRICATE DOOR PANELS UNDER THIS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE A MINIMUM OF 2 SPECIMENS SHALL BE CUT FROM EACH COIL AN O TENSILE TOTED ACCORDING TO ASTM E-8 BY A DADE COUNTY APPROVED LAB SELECTED AND PAN BY THE MANUFACTURER .EVERY 3 MONTHS, 4 TIMO A YEAR, THE MANUFACTURER SHALL MAR TO THIS OFFICE A COPY OF THE TEST REPORTS WITH CONFIRMATION THAT THE SPECIMENS WERE SELECTED FROM COILS AT THE MANUFACTURER PRODUCTION FACU TM AND A NOTARIZED STATEMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER THAT ONLY COILS WITH YIELD STRENGTH OF 34,000 PSI OR MORE SHALL BE USED TO MAKE DOOR PANELS FOR DADE COUNTY UNDER THIS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE. AVAILABLE TRACK CONFIGURATIONS N.TS.. INTERIOR OF GARAGE —4 MAX. WIDTH 160' �-�- DESIGN LOADS® +366.4 LBS/FT SEE NOTE 2 -394.4 LOS/FT WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT TO STRUCTURE 1/E•CNBEBNENTI '-' __ .- . BINPSCN 1/4' k 3- TITER SCREVS STARTING 6- FRCN ENDS, USE PAIRS OF FASTENERS (3- APART) AT 8. W.LI 1/2' ENBEDHENT) HILT, 1/4• 1, >S­J/4• KVTKIC U• SCREVS STARTING 6' FRO CND", USE PAWS OF FASTENERS C4' APART) AT 0' OG U 1/4' OIDEDNRP 6 NRTI SLEEVE X STARTING 6• FILC CNpS THEN 14• D.G <l I/4' RBEONENO OIR, USE FASTENERS NR HIRIOV C-90 BLOCq 2, USER AST FUR •LAGS AND BU-TS CAN BC COUNTERSUNK TO PROVIDE A FLUSH HOUHTING SURFACE tPREPARATION DF VOOD JAMS BY OTHERS STRUCTURE TNLLDV BLOIn.E STRULTIWE , STRUCTUEI So_k)CONCRETE 0-301 1-1/2• NH I 9' p TIP. -PRODUCTlifiY156O PIIOWE:T'RRV13E11 �7N11°^4mPT�1 cmpiY'vywxneTlFbk, AoosneR, RRIIIN,gCeA.� ih Gg B, Pa4oi1 9T - PnWn S ESIONk LOAD .418 PSF-49Z MY ``OTS VB.L.L•SNE��/�/ K� WE : �sP • cENs .,9 � { �-rt :ti.: pl oone m a��7J� ru1; ARCS tAssLE p2 STATE OIMPACTF RESISTANCE �a Fl�L/�/�("�A�BS�)4SiONA��T�N���, dd'« ,