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Truss Important Notes Prior To Installation
Important J AO JYYI Adb*IAA A1ROOF �IMTRLJHSES A FLORIDA CORPORATION Notes / Please Review Prior to Truss Installation: 1) Trusses are to be handled, installed and braced in accordance to the following standards: ANSI/TIP 1-2007; WTCA 1-1995 —"Standard Responsibilities in the Design Process Involving Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses", and "BCSI 1-03 Guide to Good Practice For Handling, Installing, & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" published by WTCA and Truss Plate Institute. Any of this material can be obtained by contacting A-1 Roof Trusses. Spanish versions are also. available. 2) All temporary and permanent bracing design, connection, material, and labor by others. 3) Truss designs are for an individual component, not for a truss system. Reactions and uplifts may vary from building designers calculated loads. The building designer is ultimately responsible for clarifying any discrepancies. 4) If provided by truss manufacturer, any engineered beams provided have been sized using information design guides or software provided by the beam manufacturer. The building designer should verify all loads uplifts, and bearing requirements. Truss manufacturer is not responsible for specifying beams, other than those provided by truss manufacturer. 5) Unless specified, roof trusses are not designed for any additional attic storage loads. 6) On flat surfaces, adequate drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. 7) It is the builder's responsibility to assure there is adequate room for A/C ducts, electrical wiring and plumbing runs to assure they do not interfere with the truss chords. (Roof and floor.) Truss chords and webs cannot be cut. Attic access opening should be located between trusses unless otherwise noted. 8) Unless specified, valley framing design, connection, material and labor to be supplied by the builder. 9) Attached drawings are standard details that cover most installation standards. Structural details provided by the building designer supersede any attached details. 10) Trusses are not designed to carry the chimney, cupola, steeple, or other structures unless specified. Structure should be framed through the trusses to be supported by the foundation. In cases where trusses are designed to carry the structure above all loads and uplifts MUST be verified by building designer. Connection of structure to trusses must be'provided by the building designer. 1 1) The specific engineered truss drawings are subject to other terms, conditions, and details on the truss placement plan and/or individual truss design drawings. 12) Trusses are designed to carry ONLY the specified loads on the engineered drawings. Point loads for materials, erection personnel, equipment, whether temporary or permanent, are not allowed unless specified on sealed engineered drawings. Any questions or comments feel free to contact A-1 Roof Trusses at 772-409-1010. 4451 St. Lucie Blvd., Fort Pierce, FL 34946 772-409-1010 Office 772-409-1015 Fax www.A1truss.com 'US P STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS* A Walk* Company Haneers Allowable Load (lbs) DF-L/SP LSL LVL PSL SPF I -JOIST 160% LISP Label Stock No. Code Reports 100% 115% 125% Uplift 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Fastener Schedule T1 JUS24 1881, 655 750 820 510 - - _ (4) -10d (Header) FL821.39, (2) - 10d (Joist) 11- 0510.01, RR 25779 LUS24 670 765 825 490 - - - _ (4) - 10d (Header) (2) -10d (Joist) T2 JUS26 1881, 850 975 1060 1115 (4) - SOd (Header) FL821.42, (2) -10d (Joist) 11- 0510.01, RR 25779 LUS26 865 990 1070 1165 - - _ _ _ (4) - 10d (Header) (2) -10d (Joist)- T3 MSH422 1831, 2025 2025 2025 - (22) - lOd (Face -Face Max Nailing) FL822.36, (6) - 10d (Face - Top Max Nailing) 08- (6) -10d (Joist - Face Max Nailing) 0303.06, (6) -10d (Joist -Top Max Nailing) RR 25836 (4) - 10d (Top -Top Max Nailing) 13116-R THA422 2245 2245 2245 - - - _ _ _ (6) -16d (Carried Member -Face Mount) (6) - IOd (Carried Member - Top Flange) (22) - I6d (Face - Face Mount) (2) -16d (Face - Top Flange) (4) -16d (Top -Top Flange) THAI422 1835 1835 1835 - - _ _ _ _ (2) - 10dx 1-112 or2 - lod x I-V2 (Carried Member) (20) -10d or (2) - Sod (Face) (4) - IOd (Top) T4 THD26 1781, 2485 2855 3060 2170 (18) -16d (Face) FL13285.35, (12) -10d x 1-1/2 (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25843 HTU26 2940 3340 3600 1555 - - _ _ _ (I1) - ZOd x 1-1/1 (Carried Member) (20) -10d x 1-112 (Carried Memte�- Max 11009) (20) -16d x 1-1/2 (Carrying Member) (20) -16d x 1-I12 (Carrying Member -Max Na/ling) ^SP STRUCTURAL C0NNFCT0RS* A Walk` Company Hangers Allowable Load (lbs) DF-L/SP LSL LVL PSL SPF I -JOIST 160% LISP Label Stock No. Code Reports 100% 115% 125% Uplift 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Fastener Schedule T5 THD26-2 1781, 2540 2920 3175 2285 (18) - 16d (Face) FL13285.35, (12) - 10d (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25843 13116-R HHUS26-2 2785 3155 3405 1550 - - - . _ - _ (14) - I6d (Face) (6) - 16d (Joist) HTU26-2 2940 3340 3600 2175 - - - _ (20) -10d (Carried Member- Max Nailing) (20)- 16d(Carrying Member -Max Nailing) T6 THD28 1781, 3865 3965 3965 2330. (28) -16d (Face) FL13285.35, (16) -10d x 1-1/2 (Joist) D6- 0921.05, RR 25843 HTU28 3820 4340 4680 2140 - - - - _ (26)- 10d x 1.112(Carried Member -Max Nailing) (26) -16d (Carrying Member - Max Nailing) T7 THD28-2 1781, 3950 4540 4935 2595 (28) - 16d (Face) FL13285.35, (16) - 10d (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25843 13116-R HHUS28.2 4210 4770 5140 2000 - - - - _ (22) -16d (Face) (8) -16d (Joist) HTU28-2 3820 4340 4680 3485 - - - _ (26)- 10d (Carried Member -Max Nailing) (26) -16d (Carrying Member- Max Nailing) T8 THD46 1781, 2540 2920 3175 2285 (18) - 16d (Face) FL13285.35, (12) -10d (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25843 13116-R HHUS46 2790 3160 3410 1550 - - - (14) -16d (Face) (6) -16d (Joist) ^1411—ui STRUCTURAL MNNECTORS" A MiTak' Company Hangers Allowable Load (lbs) DF-L/SP LSL LVL PSL SPF I -JOIST LISP 160% Label Stock No. Code Reports 100% 115% 125% Uplift 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Fastener Schedule T9 THD48 1781, 3950 4540 4935 2595 - - (28) - 16d (Face) FL13285.35, (16) - 10d (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25843 13116-R HHUS48 4210 4770 5140 2000 - - _ _ _ (22) -16d (Face) (8) -16d (Joist) T10 THDH26-2 1881, 3915 4505 4795 2235 (20) -16d (Face) FL821.75, (8) - lOd (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25779 13116-R HGUS26-2 4355 4875 5230 2155 - - _ _ _ (20) -16d (Face) (8) -16d (joist) T11 THDH26-3 1881, 3915 4505 4795 2235 (20) -16d (Face) FL821.75, (8) - lOd (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25779 HGUS26-3 4355 4875 5230 2155 - - _ _ _ (20) -16d (Face) (8)-16d (Joist) T12 THDH28-2 1881, 6535 7515 8025 2665 (36) -16d (Face) FL821.77, (10) - 16d (Joist) RR 25779 13116-R HGUS28.2 7460 7460 7460 3235 - - _ _ (36) -16d (Face) (12) -16d (Joist) T13 THDH28-3 1881, 6770 7785 8025 2665 (36) -16d (Face) FL821.75, (10) -16d (Joist) 06- 0921.05, RR 25779 HGUS28-3 7460 7460 7460 3235 - - _ _ _ (36) -16d (Face) (12) -16d (Joist) USP STRUCTURAL CQt` NECTORT A MiteW Company Fastener Comparison Table Connector Schedule Group Label LISP Stock No Required Fasteners Reference No Required Fasteners (4) - lod (Header) (4) -10d (Header) - T1 JUS24 LUS24 (2) -10d (Joist) (2) -10d (Joist) (4) - lod (Header) (4) - lod (Header) - T2 JUS26 LUS26 (4) -10d (Joist) (4) - lod (Joist) (22) -10d (Face - Face Max Nailing) (6) -16d (Carried Member - Face Mount) (6) - lod (Face -Top Max Nailing) (6) -16d (Carried Member- Top Flange) - T3 MS H422 (6) -10d (Joist - Face Max Nailing) THA422 (22) -16d (Face - Face Mount) (6) - lod (Joist - Top Max Nailing) (2) -16d (Face - Top Flange) (4) - lod (Top -Top Max Nailing) (4) -16d (Top -Top Flange) (11) - lod x 1-112 (Carried Member) (18) -16d (Face) (12) - lod x 1-1/2 (Joist) (20) -10d x 1-112 (Carried Member- Max Nailing) - T4 THD26 HTU26 (20) -16d (Carrying Member) (20) -16d (Carrying Member -Max Nailing) (18) -16d (Face) (14) -16d (Face) - T5 THD26-2 HHUS26-2 (12) -10d (Joist) (6) -16d (Joist) (28) -16d (Face) (26) - lod x 1-112 (Carried Member - Max Nailing) - T6 THD28 HTU28 (16) - lod x 1-1/2 (Joist) (26) -16d x 1-112 (Carrying Member - Max Nailing) (28) -16d (Face) (22) -16d (Face) - T7 THD28-2 HHUS28-2 (16) -10d (Joist) (8) -16d (Joist) (18) -16d (Face) (14) -16d (Face) - T8 THD46 HHUS46 (12) - lod (Joist) (6) -16d (Joist) (28) -16d (Face) (22) -16d (Face) - T9 THD48 HHUS48 (16) -10d (Joist) (8) -16d (Joist) (20) -16d (Face) (20) -16d (Face) - T10 THDH26-2 HGUS26-2 (8) - 16d (Joist) (8) -16d (Joist) (20) -16d (Face) (20) -16d (Face) - T11 THDH26-3 HGUS26-3 (8) -16d (Joist) (8) -16d (Joist) (36) -16d (Face) (36) -16d (Face) - T12 THDH28-2 HGUS28-2 (10) -16d (Joist) (12) -16d (Joist) (36) -16d (Face) (36) -16d (Face) - T13 THDH28-3 HGUS28-3 (10) -16d (Joist) (12) -16d (Joist) S P STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS� A MeW Company Nal NMI, JUS24 JUS26 MSH422 A MIA. tt THD26 THD26-2 THD28 Z17 IN 120 -P" W ix Z, Al j_ 101 ek, THD28-2 THD46 THDH26-2 t (R, 1-0 ul- vi- X, ,THDH26-3 THDH28-2 THDH28-3 REPAIR REQUESTS When sending in repair requests, please use engineering sheets to describe issue or damage, and email to design@altruss.com. NOTE: It is appreciated if actual pictures of the damage or problem are included with the engineering sheet, but pictures by themselves are usually not very helpful. Engineering sheets with the damage or issue noted are required. 1. If there are any special circumstances (sheeted, trades in, etc.) please make sure you note it on the drawing or email request. 2. We cannot provide sealed drawings for "field built" trusses. 2. See details below. AZTIMOVED BEARINQCON�ITION; BREAKS; tls�eatne;tb-rtst Drai{rinna (oratfonefbeanng,ur i .P�IISSING�l.DAPrtAGEDPE\TES* rsh©rt tr andbe; tha exaetlocatibn of the bleak: prgVide dimension as reede Etrcl .plat�tnat ree � C-Li as�jeetfeti:. 4x6:.1 l 3x3 FP=" 3X3I I 3x4 1 5x4. I l 1.5x4 I C µ^ ,x6 = _` 1 %2, 3 4 ;6` 7 8 10, 11 12 1 si 22: 21 20 19 ' _ _ _ ita 17 16: 16 ` '14, 112 + E-033z6 T Q NG 1.5x4 II 34 = 1:5x4 II 1.5X4_ l 12�;. = 3z6 •FP= 3X4:= 3x3 = 4x6 = iiAlSSINGPIEC •w--- rlluittpt� bfe�ics; :se�ttcii�'n x< 3 Ste?: BRIE it16i6 r' to he exact Jotton of Elie break: iti?tb" ttIG:f E3 Ct1AGEDPLATES a O'rrci2: pife:fitat:ri ees ai3issi=tl 8 1j