HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Info-shower pan Shower Pan LineraD
Tile Shower Drain Oatey provides several products needed Dam Corners-For outside corners and
for tile shower installations. Choose from over the curb preformed dam corners
the list below before you start your project.' are available,'which can be used for PVC
Strainer __=i--___-= or CPE pan liner applications.
PVC or CPE Pan Liner-referred to as
-�` pan liner or membrane in our instructions. Note:Oatey pan liner instructions assume
the shower framing has been constructed
Tile Shower Drain-PVC for PVC drain and the flooring is plywood. Generally the
Adjustable pipe or ABS for ABS drain pipe. Each is same principles apply to concrete flooring
Drain Barrel Collar available with stainless steel,polished where the sloped mortar bed is applied
Bolts brass or white plastic strainer beneath the pan liner.Also the instructions
`j apply to either PVC pan liner or CPE pan
X--15 or CPE(I ateyweldJ bonding liner which are installed the same with
- - adhesive-For use on dam corners or the exception of the bonding adhesive used
Reversible seaming use X-15 for PVC and Oateyweld for seaming and dam corner applications.
Clamping Ring for CPE. If you have questions regarding pan liner
installation that are not covered in these
PVC or ABS solvent cement-PVC solvent instructions, contact Oatey customer
cement and primer for PVC drainage service at 800-321-9532 and you will be
—--. systems or ABS solvent cement for ABS referred to someone who can assist you.
Drain Base drainage systems. Use the appropriate
cement(and primer for PVC) to solvent
weld tile shower drain to the drain pipe.
Shower Pan Installation
1. For typical wood subfloor cut a 4.5"diameter hole in the 2. Cover the drain base opening with duct tape to keep debris
center of the shower floor where the tile shower drain would from entering the drain. Begin by applying Portland Sand/
normally be positioned. Disassemble the the shower drain. Cement mixture mortar bed over the subfloor at 1/4"per foot
Lay the tile shower drain base in the opening so the flange of slope from the wall framing to the top of, but not over,the
the drain base rests on top of the subfloor. Solvent weld the drain base.After this step the sloped mortar bed should be
drain base to the drain pipe using the appropriate solvent flush with the top surface of the drain base.
cement. See Figure A.
Figure A
;. € It
i ;. Water Proof Drywall
) ' y t
t Upper Section I} ,
Thin Set-(Setting Bed) -of°Drain
f� Adjusts to f - f 'x
4  Tile Locking Ring ,�t
Height of Tile , ��
Concretd Mortar '(Bolts to-Hold .,•r apt, - — --
i MI
subfloor - Tile Shower Drain = . Pea in Pipe Shower-Pan Liner
(Wood or Concrete) Mounted on Top Gravel i
of Subfloor to Cover
Weep Holes
3.After the sloped mortar bed has cured,the pan liner dimensions 9.A reinforcement bed of mortar needs to be applied over the
need to be determined.Pan liner dimensions should be sufficient membrane(see step 11)but before doing so nail water impervious
to completely cover the floor,turn up all sidewalls at least 2" drywall to the wall studs to approximately 1"above the pan
above the finished curb height,and adequately cover the curb. liner surface. Note:The use of mortar vs. drywall for the
Lay the pan liner on a Figure 8 - - curb should be considered because you can avoid the use
clean floor surface, *= - of nails as you construct this part of your installation.
measure, and cut to the
10.The clamping ring has an inner thread pattern that will
appropriate dimensions .�� --��` p� 9 9
Note: Seaming may be -- ._ � accept the drain barrel and strainer assembly. Once you
required in larger showers. determine the finished height of the shower thread the drain
See Figure B. Fallow ;T`' barrel into the inside clamping ring thread so the finished floor
instructions on bonding adhesive. = will be flush with the top of the drain barrel.As mentioned in
step 7 you can increase the shower drain height by inverting
4. Before installing the pan liner remove the tape from the the clamping ring.
drain base and apply a 1/4"-3/8" bead of 100% silicone caulk
around the upper surface of the drain base approximately 1" 11.Before the final mortar Figure E
in from the outside edge.This will provide a seal between the application place some pea 1 _
underside of the pan liner and the drain base surface. Screw gravel over the weep holes
the clamping ring bolts into the drain base to 2-3 thread so the mortar doesn't
depth. Before the caulk dries lay the premeasured pan liner completely cover them. si
on the floor and over the drain body.At the top of each bolt Now lay the minimum 11/2" M� a. t
slit an "X" so the pan liner slides over the bolts and down to reinforcement mortar bed
the drain base surface. Press pan liner firmly into place to of concrete over the pan
ensure a seal between the drain base and the bottom surface liner from the wall to the
of the pan liner. drain barrel,leaving enough
room for the final thinset
5.Work the pan material from the drain body to the sidewall and tile application. See - ;I
framing and curb threshold so it lays flat on the floor surface. Figure E I
If desired an adhesive can be used to bond pan liner to the
floor and curb.Prior to use of adhesive,confirm compatability
of adhesive to the pan liner. Fold comers and nail or staple
pan liner to the sidewall framing or wall studs 1/2" below
the upper edge of the material .Nau o�staple
to hold it in place. Nail or Figure C (� `U7 ;�7'.f,Y'
staple the remainder of the ;E0,® ®®E— +,I
pan liner to the sidewall
framing or wall studs 1/2" = U
below the upper edge of the H ® .0 ® • 3 '�
material. See Figure C. —• 11 -0 u
6. For outside corners or Figure D ' -- E
curbs where it's necessary
to cut the pan liner use a
dam corner to cover the
cut area.To bond dam
corners in the cut area
use X-15 for PVC liner ® -
` I
installations or Oateyweld _ t
for CPE liner installations. _
See Figure D.
7.Locate where the drain hole is on the drain base and ' AN
tt i,
cut out the pan liner material to the dimension of the
drain hole on the drain base. Place clamping ring over L
the bolts and slide the ring counter clockwise so it's
locked in place.Tighten the bolts so they're snug. Make sure
the weep holes are clear of any residual pan liner material or
silicone. Note:The clamping ring can increase the height of the
finished shower floor by approximately 3/4".You will see the
extension if you turn the ring upside down. Simply tighten it
to the drain base the way you normally would, only inverted.
4700 W. 160th Street
8.Water test the installation by closing off the drain pipe opening Cleveland, Ohio 44135
with a pneumatic or mechanical test plug. Fill the shower floor Phone: 800-321-9532
with water just below the top of the curb and let it sit for four Fax: 800-321-9535
(4) hours. Observe for leaks and repair if necessary. Retest www.oatey.com
the installation. Repeat until the installation is leak free.
Completely drain the water before proceeding to Step 9.