HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0097 97 ii . . JUr~'r de.oribed ~a 'he South 1.0 fe.t of the Hor~ 1.6 fee' of Blook liYe (6) . . of ~8 B. B. Bulli.D8toD 8ubdh1B10D a8 fU,4 on re00r48 of 8'. Luo1e 00unt7, 11.01'146, And 'be 8&i4 partJ' of ~e tint part doe. here~ fUlll wanant the U Ue t!l and will defend the &alii asa1nst 'he lawtul ola1u of all ~.ons wh0ll80eYel'. to sa14 land, ; I I I ! I II "lU1I8 WH&Br..4. Tbe said par'l of 'Shl first part baa o..ed thia inatl'WlWn' '0 b. .igned bl its _01', ute.M4.)ltbt 011i7 01erk an4 i\s leal 'h be b.reto aff1D4, 'he dq and lear first aboye wrttt.... I I i I I i I I I o. B. Grq , i , I I I I I ! I I I j I i I I , . I , i i ! i ! c ,-('i c 1= ,,~ ". * .._ 0 S E A.L * OItY OJ' 'YXIlO :Bl W. J. Maher (Beal) MaJor. Pro tem,ore ... ..", '" Cl f:l.oR ,'0 --''''\ Attest; Jos. Hill (Seal) Clt7 Clerk. SIgned, slaled and 4el1yel'84 1D presenoe Ofl w. B. Dunoan (Oorporate seal) stAT. O. fia(lllDA ) J OOUBfl' OJ' 8t. LUClB 1 BBaKBY CBRTln, !rbat on this dq personalll appeared before ..., an offloer dull author~sed to administer oath. a:n4 take aoknowledgment., W. J. liIaher and Jos. Hill, to me w.ll kDollD as the jlalOr, pro tempore, a:04 City Olerk reepeotivell of tha Clty of V.ro. l1ori4&, and they aOknOwledged before me that they lxeouted the foreg01n~ >>eed under and bl author1t7 of Chapter 61 of thl Ori.1nanoe. of the gUy of Vero, nor14a, approyed .1prll 13th, f 1921. that the7 exeouted 8&14 deed a8 MaJor and Qit;?' Clerk reapeotive1.1 for and on behalf ! of the Oitl of Vero, i'lorida; and that thel exeouted 88JDI for and on behalf of said OUl tor ~e purpoaos there1D expressed. . W1T1'B8S ., hand and Hal at Vero, Countl .f Bt. LU:Jle and state of J'lorlda, this 13th ('1.00 l~ B. Stamp, canceled) ~(,ELI.( ...". i' ...; No rj1t1l. Y lU ~ l~ ~ PV6L,(. t: \\\ t" ~.... ~ v ~~"fiIDA ~ L. .1. Moeller UOta17 Publio. Aq Coan1sBlon expires .OY. 16 - 1921. dq of J.prU, 1921. Jliled aDd rlool'ded this J>>th day of AprU, .1. D. 1921. P. Q. Jadre4, Clerk 01rouit Oourt. :By rLL"u,;e ;Z'LA.-L-- D. ~. I (CT. QT. BBAL) ~~ ~o './"q to-. ~I'/;. ,~ 'Q' u ;:./:;...:./ ;:~~,:.::,~:~l';;;>i~;J;. '. :, ~ .:. '.:. '..' > ~.~::\\i:t\~!j~;'~i~~