HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0152 , ~i~2N 152' .... '\ , LOUIQ 1I'RIr.WV .um Rl18JWIl), . EMMA l<Il~oa (.1n$1.e ~OMn) LOUIBI 1IH~1I. to W.dJWIty UBD. !his >>..d, Made the :fourth 4~ of ~, A. D. 1921, b, LOUIBI 1I1nI~1I anA LOUl8 R. mnn.~ hiI' hu.ban4, an4 &MIll ~QI(8D~ WOall' of t.he Oounty of OQ,Jabop, 8tate of 0Il1!.. here1naftel' aalled ~e 8Z'antor., to LOUISB H1elUQ1f. of the Oount~ of O\178hosa.SMte of Ohio. hel'e1naftel' calll4 ~e srantee. WItlmSBEH. that the Mid grantorll. in oonsideration of other 'Valuable oOneideratlona and the 8WIl of ten Dollar., '\he reoelpt .hereof 18 hereb7 aoknowledge4, 40 gl'Ve, pant, bugain, . sell, 8J.1en. remise. release. en:teof"f. oonve, and oonfin unto the sai4 grantee, an4 hiI' hell'. and aselgn8. 1.J1 fee B1mple, thl 1an4s situate ill 8t. Luci. Oounty, state o"f nOl'i4a. 4e80rlbed a8 "follo..: .J OoDlDlnoing on thl shore of thl Indian lilver IM.ll feet Borth (':'! the lu.r..otion of ~. South line of Lot 1, Seotlon 1, foaahip 86, Range 4D ea8t. thenoe- ...10 running para.1J.el .1 th the 80uth 11M o"f 881d lot to 110. .est line. thenoe north an the WI.t Une of sail 10t 860.10 fut; th8l10e ea8t, to the shore of the Indian River; thenoe .outherl, on .c. shore to --.oe of beglnnln" inolu41na aU riparian rlght8, Being the Borth 12 aorlll of the land8 deedel by LILLA. W. RILL8, thl widow and 801. heir under the laws of the State o"f nOl14a. of CDOJlQB \I. HJ:LL8; deoeased, by deed dated 8eptemer 16. 1918. ,-- fO RAn AID to HOLD the 88.11I together with the hereditammts au4 appurtenance.. \\Ilto the sald grant.e, and ::'er hdrs and a8818118 in fee iiS1mpl.. 'J.IU) the said gr8ll1iors, for theme.lve. and their helrs and legal reprlaent&U'V... oove- nants with sa14 grantee, her hell'S. legaJ. representatlVGE-au &s8igna: that sai4 grantor. are indefeasibly seised of A14 land in fee e1mple; that 8&14 gl'&ntOI'D ha'Ve :full po.er and lawf'l1l. right to oonve, eald land. in fe. s1mplo, as aforesaid; that 110 Bball be lawful for said grantee, her hdrs, legal r~reBenta"n8 and assign.. at aU ti... JlIBoeabl~ and quiet- 1, to enter upon. hold, ooouPJ and enjoy sa14 land; that 8&14 land 1s free froll all enoumb- ruoeSI that 8814 grantor.. their hell'8 and legal. r~pree6ntatlvo., will make Buoh ~.ther aBsur&noes to ~rfeot the f.. Bimple title to sald land in 8814 grantee, h.r heirs. legal repreBent&U"'88 and ass~s, &8 JI&1 re8Bonab1, bl I'Iquiredl that so.1d grantors do herebJ' :fIil1, .arr&l1t the '\1 tie to sa14 UD4 aDl1 Will defend the same again.t the lawful olaime of all persons whoJIBoever. n!NB8S the hands and ..al. of Aid grantors, the day and 7eO' first _bon wr1 Uen. Louise Reelll&D (Boal) 81gaad, sealed and delivered in the preBenoe of Loui. H. H..IIID (Beal) BIlla Jlortlage (8eW . ! JIzoe. Balph Oain ; 0111e A, 8elv1t. i I 8tat. of n.or14&. I I I 001ll1t7 of 8t. L1I01ec I I HBBBBY OI!UIn !bat em this 4q peraonall, appeared before _, an off1011' &u1, author- ! 1.e4 to "'lrifthte~ oath. 8D4 take aokDowle.sa-nt., LOUISB R1Ill1f}W, UI4 LOOI8 R. R-U&lI hlr , ! huband aD4 BIllA JO.BJLMIB (81D81' .OIiilD) to _ .ell m08 u4 DMnl to 1M '\0 be the 1n4iv14u- I i J ala 4e80rlbtll 1n aD4 who l:uoutld the fore801De bed, and have aoJmOtdedpd before me that ) J tu, .:uout.d the .... ~.e17;;and voluntarl17 for \he purpose. therein expJ'e8se4. ',:~,>~;::;~: :::,: ,~;~~;;};1~{i ~ f -. i]..~, ' - . ~ L ] I